Author Topic: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A  (Read 171514 times)

Online Chris Bergin

NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A
« on: 09/24/2007 02:02 am »


Most of you have heard of it, a number of you are members on it, but this is an open forum thread to give a better - more up to date - overview, review, Q&A and one stop shop for some of the L2 samples that are dotted around the site for what is a unique subscription service, which we believe is by far the best subscription service for space flight followers.

The main signup and overview/intro page: (this covers most elements, although I will add some screenshots below).

Previous thread with questions and comments:

Please feel free to post questions here, or PM me if you wish to contact me personally.

L2 is four sections (with more to come in time):
1) Mission Special (currently L2 STS-120 Special) - which is an MMT (Management Level) service which reached 1,700 megabytes worth of data during STS-118.

2) Space Flight L2: Shuttle, ISS and current vehicles, the main host area of the L2 Cloud sub menus (see below).

3) Space Flight L2: Constellation and Future: Mainly dedicated to Ares/Orion, but also other new vehicles and EELVs etc.

4) Space Flight L2: The Ultimate Video Section: Home of the superb re-entry videos, but also includes a number of unique Shuttle related videos, Constellation overview videos, ISS tours etc.

Everything on L2 is not available on ANY other site. On the rare occasions we do break news/images etc, and a few weeks later NASA decide to release them publicly, we lock or wipe it off L2.

Each section as a request form, which our sources (we have a lot of those) use to send us further L2 information as per request. You can also post further questions on the information in L2 due to the forum format. One of the major strengths of L2 is the large amount of actual space industry on L2 who are happy to answer questions/elaborate on what is contained in there, especially during missions.

Nothing on L2 is ITAR, Export Control, SBU or Proprietary.

So first, here's a screenshot of the L2 Cloud - a special menu which breaks down specific sections we have a large amount of presentations etc. contained within.

Let's show an example.

Image 1: The L2 Cloud (which you will see in the top bar menu as an L2 user).
Image 2: Member clicks on STS-125 (and goes to that menu).
Image 3: Selects the highlighted "thread" and download the full presentation by clicking what is highlighted, which incidentally also works for Orion.

L2 Promo video. Thanks to the guys at MaxQ!

« Last Edit: 01/18/2010 05:52 am by Chris Bergin »
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Online Chris Bergin

RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #1 on: 09/24/2007 02:41 am »
Samples of some L2 videos:

Atlantis Re-entry trailer:

Endeavour Re-entry trailer:

VAB/OPF/PAD All Access Tour trailer:

Several more have been added to L2, plus around 10 HUD cam re-entrees (also with audio), and STA landings at Edwards, White Sands etc.

Unique videos include the all-eventful STS-93 video, sample attached below.

EDIT: On request, a short edit of one of the CGI videos of the new Ares I rollercoaster (post redesign). Third video link in this post (see below). And added a better second video from STS-93.
« Last Edit: 07/08/2008 08:22 pm by James Lowe1 »
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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #2 on: 09/24/2007 02:55 am »
I don't know what to say about L2.  I'm just.. speechless!

I've had it for two missions now, STS-118 and STS-117.  The videos, documents, and just overall information is spectacular.

The STS-93 video is... wow!  Jeez!  

Go on and get a 20 dollar bill out of you wallet.  Now, sign up for L2 for TWO MONTHS.  You most likely won't leave.  ;)

Online Chris Bergin

RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #3 on: 09/24/2007 03:08 am »

Questions posted into this thread may get re-posted/edited into this post, to save people going through endless posts.

Some obvious ones:

Q) Why do you charge..why a subscription area? I'm American and I pay my taxes so I should get this for free.

A) Same as most sites with such costs money to keep this site up. Advertising revenue never cuts it. All L2 revenue goes into the running of the site (server, database costs etc.) The site is not owned by some faceless company, it's owned by me, and I'm anything but rich, so L2 is a vital revenue stream, which is why we call it "support". Being an L2 member means you are directly supporting the site, but in return you get more than your monies worth!

So you're not "paying to access NASA info" - you're paying to use up our bandwidth on the bulk of the server and databases (L2 is about 100 gbs).

Bottom line, no L2, no site. I wouldn't be able to afford to keep it going without it, period.

Q) If I am NASA, ULA, USA etc. Is L2 free?

A) Yes, simply mail me from your work address (ensuring you've signed up for a username on the forum). Your e-mail will only be used to confirm you are space industry...and only I will recieve it, thus will be confidential. There's no condition of becoming a source attached...the whole site is about increasing awareness and respect for the space flight industry, so it's an honor to have you on site in the first place.

Q) If I'm media, does that mean I'm banned from L2?

A) No, in fact we have a lot of media in L2 (most of the famous names). The rules of media apply, so there's a conversation involved when joining, but that doesn't take more than one e-mail.

Q) How do you get the content for L2?

A) We have a lot of excellent sources, which is one of the most motivating elements of running this site. Every journalist has their sources, the difference with us is we put everything into L2, as it arrives. With other media in L2, that could be deemed as journalistic suicide, but the people I've got to know who cover space flight are a good bunch of people who play by the rules.

Q) Ok, I've gone blind. Quick overview of how I join L2 if you please?

A) Make sure you have yourself a username on the forum (we use that to upgrade you). Make the payment via the link on the bottom of the page. I get an e-mail when that's completed, I personally upgrade you into L2 and send you a one page overview of instructions to the e-mail address your payment notification came in.

If there was a problem for whatever reason, I'm a living person not a mailbot, so contact me, I'm here to help.
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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #4 on: 09/24/2007 03:17 am »
Well, I have to agree with all Ford says above. I joined NSF last October, almost a year and going on 5 missions with STS-120 upcoming.  I figured it was just another site trying to get money when I read that "L2 is like a back seat at Nasa" - not an exact quote, but it was something like that.  Well I found that you get what you pay for - and more.  To this day I still go back thru old posts, old stories and find things I never saw.  The documentation is extensive, and I don't have time to get to it all - but a scan of many of them gives the info needed.   The people I have "met" in the forums, and those who work on the hardware and keep us all up to date, and of course Chris and those that run NSF deserve a huge thank you for the efforts that make this site what it is, and it has made it one heck of an enjoyable year to follow the successes of NASA and the shuttle program. Sign up for your first 2 months, then save some money and sign up for a year - you'll be happy you did!!!

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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #5 on: 09/24/2007 03:42 am »
I only recently got access to L2.  My impressions are that the diversity of material is pretty good (Chris said above more sections will come in time), but the level of detail is somewhere between ridiculous and insane.  If Wayne Hale has all that stuff in his head (and you know he does, and more), I'm even more impressed than I was before.

But that STS-93 video is over-the-top.  What that team got done between launch and MECO 8 1/2 minutes later is astonishing to me.  And the amount of terror in their voices as multiple things were going wrong simultaneously on a vehicle with people they know on board - zero.  I've watched it about 25 times.  It's hugely impressive on many levels.

The other videos, images, documents and presentations (of which there are tons) are quite nice as well, but as on the main forum, Chris is there to keep it all organized and so L2 acts not as a large pile of raw data (like Googling "Constellation Program" would), but a relatively easy-to-use database of information, people and explanations.

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RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #6 on: 09/24/2007 01:48 pm »
I am very impressed with L2 and by the caliber of people on there, which is a credit to the quality of the site and sections.
Ex-Apollo, waiting for NASA to finish what we started.

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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #7 on: 09/24/2007 02:12 pm »
Just my 2 cents, I know, I might be biased cuz I love this site, but L2 is great....and thats an understatement !

So get your butt on L2, if it's not for the info wealth on there, then do it to support Chris !

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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #8 on: 09/24/2007 02:59 pm »
I initially joined L2 for 2 months because I also was skeptical about whether or not it was worth it. But it was enticing enough to find out. I got into the site and was immediately completely blown away. The wealth of information there, and the professional expertise available to discuss that data, was overwhelming. I couldn’t upgrade my membership to 12 months fast enough. When it came time to renew, there was absolutely no question in my mind – it was a no brainer and the upgrade went forward.

As a further value-added bonus, members of L2 have access to information that is not available to any open forum, even NSF. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is a responsibility of every L2 member. One of the members has the line “Sometimes I just can’t tell you how I know” as his signature. Come to L2 and see why. You won’t regret it. I know I don’t.
Chuck - DIRECT co-founder
I started my career on the Saturn-V F-1A engine

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RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #9 on: 09/24/2007 08:00 pm »
Shuttle Man - 24/9/2007  8:48 AM

I am very impressed with L2 and by the caliber of people on there, which is a credit to the quality of the site and sections.

I agree. I actually found out which way the MMT was heading with the tile repair decision on Endeavour faster on L2 than here at HQ, thanks to people actually at the different centers with their live information. It's actually a very good service for those involved!

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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #10 on: 09/25/2007 10:58 pm »
I would also like to add my comment that in the decades I've been working for NASA, this site is a breath of fresh air, and the L2 sections are superb if you like following development of Ares/Orion.

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RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #11 on: 09/26/2007 03:48 pm »
Chris Bergin - 24/9/2007  5:08 AM

Bottom line, no L2, no site. I wouldn't be able to afford to keep it going without it, period.

L2 is great, worth every cent, period. :)

One question Chris: Are you doing this site for a living or do you have a "normal daytime" job. I can't imagine you have unless your days are longer than mine. Maybe like lunar days, but lunar nights are longer too. :) Are you or have you studied/worked as a (print or TV) journalist before?

Simply ignore or delete if this is to private. Thanks!


PS: This thread reminds me of my L2 fee being almost due again. How fast a year goes.

Online Chris Bergin

RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #12 on: 09/26/2007 10:23 pm »
Analyst - 26/9/2007  4:48 PM

Chris Bergin - 24/9/2007  5:08 AM

Bottom line, no L2, no site. I wouldn't be able to afford to keep it going without it, period.

L2 is great, worth every cent, period. :)

One question Chris: Are you doing this site for a living or do you have a "normal daytime" job. I can't imagine you have unless your days are longer than mine. Maybe like lunar days, but lunar nights are longer too. :) Are you or have you studied/worked as a (print or TV) journalist before?

Simply ignore or delete if this is to private. Thanks!


PS: This thread reminds me of my L2 fee being almost due again. How fast a year goes.

British Army TA solider (line infantry) which is a reservist type deal for people with full time professions, but still want to serve Queen and country. I spend full time hours (and then some) on the site. Probably should have thought it out better at the start, as going into this without money backing it up, is not clever, especially when it turned into a heavily read site a lot faster than predicted!

Still, you only live once, and this was too big an opportunity to refuse (given the support I was promised by way of news and content by the NASA and USA guys I knew beforehand who suggested I started this kind of news media site).

So yeah, living on bread and water at the moment as we take the site forward - via increasing revenue or a future investor (I keep meaning to ask Elon :laugh: ) - but nothing is more motivating than covering this subject field, which is a total privilege and it's worth every hour spent working on providing this site's very supportive readership with the best space flight content.

Background in media: Trained as a broadcaster/journalist, and was a professional sports reporter in my informative years. Was very lucky to have a old school style editor, who taught me the value of source information and protection for breaking news - and open, honest, cards on the table reporting..."readership trust is everything".
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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #13 on: 09/27/2007 07:47 pm »
Attachments L2STS-93.wmv (7857KB - 17 downloads)
Attachments L2STS-93Yikes.wmv (919KB - 17 downloads)"

They are great. Do they create these for most launches? I think with nearly 600 views on this thread, people are missing them in the second post as there's only a handful of people that have downloaded the trailers.
Veteran space reporter.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #14 on: 09/28/2007 03:48 am »
Stowbridge - 27/9/2007  8:47 PM

They are great. Do they create these for most launches? I think with nearly 600 views on this thread, people are missing them in the second post as there's only a handful of people that have downloaded the trailers.

The MCC guys say it was for training purposes, so likely a one off, given it was so eventful.

Just adding two randow cloud screenshots of ISS/Russian L2 content lists (not all, but a sample) for somewhere else, but here's obviously a good place to collate:
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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #15 on: 09/30/2007 04:41 pm »
Joined L2 this morning, and someone said on the old thread that L2 is a lot better than advertised. Wow, you're damn right. I've only been through the first pages of two sections, about one percent in and I'm in awe. I had no idea how amazing this is. Did you intend for it to be this good Chris?

Best money I've ever spent on the internet!

Online Chris Bergin

RE: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #16 on: 09/30/2007 05:41 pm »
Thanks (and to all). No, I didn't think it would be of this level. We're very pleased by how it's working out and continuing to improve.
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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #17 on: 10/01/2007 06:02 am »
Out of curiosity, About how many members are there on L2? I dont have the will or the patience to count manualy. :/
Alex B.

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Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #18 on: 10/01/2007 09:16 am »
> About how many members are there on L2? I dont have the will or the patience to count manualy

Who does? That's what computers are for :)

Cut'n'paste into "wc" tells me 805


Online Chris Bergin

Re: NASASpaceflight L2 - Overview and Q&A (Updated)
« Reply #19 on: 10/01/2007 02:56 pm »
mikes - 1/10/2007  10:16 AM

> About how many members are there on L2? I dont have the will or the patience to count manualy

Who does? That's what computers are for :)

Cut'n'paste into "wc" tells me 805


Heh, didn't know the list was visible! Not that it's a problem :)
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