Author Topic: Advice on photographing the ISS  (Read 1677 times)

Advice on photographing the ISS
« on: 12/04/2024 11:05 am »
I am an experienced astrophotographer with a keen interest in space obviously. has anyone attempted to photgraph the ISS either with a camera and lens or with a telescope? It moves so quickly how can I capture it? Any ideas?

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Re: Advice on photographing the ISS
« Reply #1 on: 12/04/2024 11:46 am »
I have a Nikon D5600 with a 600mm F/6.3 lens. When I photograph the ISS, I wait for a bright (maybe -2 or better), near-overhead pass. I have the camera on a simple tripod and I just manually point and shoot. Try something like ISO400, 1/1600 sec. I just keep pointing and shooting and usually get a few good shots.
Attached is a sequence I took of the ISS flying from horizon to horizon. Wrote some code in Matlab to process and stitch them together.


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