Author Topic: Past air-launch rocket proposals  (Read 5636 times)

Offline Blackstar

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Re: Past air-launch rocket proposals
« Reply #40 on: 10/14/2024 11:07 pm »
I’m sure I’ve exchanges messages with Blackstar and others of this before, but the HIAC camera proposed for Peace Jack was eventually replaced with the SYERS camera system for the U2. I mention this as this camera was then adapted to various experimental lightweight IMINT satellites under the TACSAT and ORS (Operationally Responsive Space) programmes.

You did, but I forget stuff, so mention again and again...

FYI, for everybody who doesn't know what Peace Jack was, it was a fascinating project to upgrade an Israeli F-4 Phantom into a real hotrod reconnaissance plane--make it go real fast and carry a powerful camera called the HIAC. Program got canceled, but there's a hazy crossover of cameras created for high altitude reconnaissance planes and those created for satellites.


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