💫 “Progress MS-27”: start of testing in an anechoic chamberA new truck is being prepared for launch at Baikonur - Progress MS-27 will go to the ISS in May!An anechoic chamber is a special room for testing spacecraft. The inside is covered with radio-absorbing material - this is how space is simulated on Earth.Roscosmos specialists will test the on-board radio equipment of the Progress rendezvous and docking system.The next stage is pneumatic vacuum testing!
May 30, 12:42 Moscow Time: A Soyuz-2 rocket to launch Progress MS-27 (ISS mission 88P) from Baikonur toward the International Space Station, ISS. The cargo ship was scheduled to dock at the ISS on June 1, 2024, at 15:02 Moscow Time.
09:42 UTCQuoteMay 30, 12:42 Moscow Time: A Soyuz-2 rocket to launch Progress MS-27 (ISS mission 88P) from Baikonur toward the International Space Station, ISS. The cargo ship was scheduled to dock at the ISS on June 1, 2024, at 15:02 Moscow Time.http://www.russianspaceweb.com/2024.html
Thursday, May 305:15 a.m.—Launch coverage of the ISS Progress 88 cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch is scheduled for 5:43 a.m. (=09:43 UTC)Saturday, June 17 a.m.—Rendezvous and docking of the ISS Progress 88 cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station. Docking is scheduled for 7:53 a.m. (=11:53 UTC)
«Прогресс МС-27»: грузовик заправили топливом и сжатыми газами!Отправляемся на Международную космическую станцию уже 30 мая. Корабль доставит на орбиту 2504 кг грузов, в том числе 1290 кг аппаратуры и оборудования для систем МКС, укладок для научных экспериментов, одежду и еду для экипажа, 754 кг топлива для дозаправки станции, 420 кг питьевой воды, 40 кг азота для пополнения атмосферы МКС.Среди грузов — гиперспектрометр для съемки земной поверхности в различных спектральных диапазонах (эксперимент «Ураган»).Также на «Прогрессе МС-27» отправляются укладки для экспериментов «Биополимер», «Взаимодействие-2», «Виртуал», «Коррекция», «Нейроиммунитет» и «Пилот-Т».--- Google Translate ---"Progress MS-27": the truck was filled with fuel and compressed gases!We are leaving for the International Space Station on May 30th. The ship will deliver 2,504 kg of cargo into orbit, including 1,290 kg of apparatus and equipment for ISS systems, stowage for scientific experiments, clothing and food for the crew, 754 kg of fuel for refueling the station, 420 kg of drinking water, 40 kg of nitrogen to replenish the ISS atmosphere .Among the cargo is a hyperspectrometer for surveying the earth's surface in various spectral ranges (the Hurricane experiment).Also on the Progress MS-27 are packages for the experiments “Biopolymer”, “Interaction-2”, “Virtual”, “Correction”, “Neuroimmunity” and “Pilot-T”.
#ProgressMS27 cargo spacecraft will be launched today to the ISS on board of Soyuz 2.1a launch vehicle at 09:43 UTC from Pad 31 Baikonur cosmodrome. Technical live stream: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-WJlIbqdmPY The docking to the Poisk module is scheduled for June 1, 11:47 UTC.
Progress MS-27/88P: Docking will come during the final hours of the countdown to launch of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket carrying Boeing's Starliner crew capsule, also bound for the ISS; ULA engineers at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station plan to haul the rocket back out to pad 41 later this morning to begin final preps