A2600/22 NOTAMNQ) ENOB/QRDCA/IV/BO /W /000/999/7127N03204E025A) ENOB B) 2204261930 C) 2204272030D) DAILY 1930-2030E) TEMPO DANGER AREA RUS MISSILE APR22 AREA 1 ACTIVATED AT PSN 715120N 0320500E – 710230N 0320500E – 714343N 0310800E – (715120N0320500E)IMPACT AREA FOR RUSSIAN MISSILESF) SFC G) UNLCREATED: 19 Apr 2022 09:22:00 SOURCE: EUECYIYNA2601/22 NOTAMNQ) ENOB/QRDCA/IV/BO /W /000/999/7346N02858E042A) ENOB B) 2204261930 C) 2204272030D) DAILY 1930-2030E) TEMPO DANGER AREA RUS MISSILE APR22 AREA 2 ACTIVATED AT PSN 741400N 0271518E 742532N 0284515E 731705N 0303530E 730545N 0291110E (741400N 0271518E) IMPACT AREA FOR RUSSIAN MISSILESF) SFC G) UNLCREATED: 19 Apr 2022 09:28:00 SOURCE: EUECYIYN
NAVAREA XIX 42-22BARENTS SEA1.MISSILE AND AIRCRAFT LAUNCHING DAILY 1930 TO 2030 UTC 26 TO 27 APR 22 AREAS DANGEROUS TO NAVIGATION2.AREA 1A. 71-54.10N 032-27.27EB. 70-54.52N 033-44.05EC. 70-44.22N 032-28.49ED. 71-43.43N 031-08.00EE. 71-54.10N 032-27.27E3. AREA 2.A. 74-25.32N 028-45.15EB. 73-17.05N 030-35.30EC. 73-05.45N 029-11.10ED. 74-14.00N 027-15.18EE. 74-25.32N 028-45.15E4. CANCEL THIS MSG 272130 UTC APR 22
The first impact area is roughly 1000 km from Plesetsk. This is about the same distance from the cosmodrome where the 1st stage and the payload fairing came down during the Angara-1.2PP suborbital launch in 2014. The first stage and the payload fairing separated with an interval of just 10 seconds, which is why no separate impact zones were needed for the two.Assuming then that the first impact area is for Angara's first stage and payload fairing, the question is what the second impact area is needed for. This is several hundred kilometers further north. Obviously, it can't be for Angara's second stage, which burns for almost five minutes.
251730 UTC APR 22NAVAREA XX 60/22BARENTS SEA.CHART RUS 10100.1. AIRCRAFT LAUNCHING 1930 TO2030 UTCDAILY 28 APR TO 07 MAY IN AREASDANGEROUS TO NAVIGATION BOUNDED BY:A. 71-54-10N 032-27-27E, 70-54-52N 033-44-05E,70-44-22N 032-28-49E, 71-43-43N 031-08-00E,B. 74-25-32N 028-45-15E, 73-17-05N 030-35-30E,73-05-45N 029-11-10E, 74-14-00N 027-15-18E.2. CANCEL THIS MSG 072130 UTC MAY 22.=NNNN
Regarding terminology, please note that :- this version is called Angara-1.2, not Angara-A1.2.- the AM is considered as a part of the second stage (to compensate for its reduced diameter compared to Angara-A5's URM-2), and not as an upper stage like Fregat or Briz.
In principle, according to my informations, it is not possible to launch an Angara-1.2 without the AM.
This potentially strategically important test launch is coming up in less than 90 minutes.