NextSpaceflight, updated July 4:Launch NET October 2023, either LC-39A or SLC-40I think this listing's previous launch month was NET September = Q3 in NextSF jargon.
I know there's been quite a lot of confusing jumps on the schedule of certain classified missions for SpaceX. This is not just for them but also ULA and such and if you remember it's also been a problem for a while as well (see USSF-44 being delayed 2 years). Not sure what's going on but it doesn't look like military payloads have had the best of luck lately trying to be on schedule. This is in relation with the USSF-124 mission jumping back and forth on nextspaceflight from NET November to NET October 31st, etc. We'll see what happens with that mission - same with USSF-52 and friends.
Any new news? 4th quarter is days away.Quote from: Alexphysics on 09/22/2023 12:53 amI know there's been quite a lot of confusing jumps on the schedule of certain classified missions for SpaceX. This is not just for them but also ULA and such and if you remember it's also been a problem for a while as well (see USSF-44 being delayed 2 years). Not sure what's going on but it doesn't look like military payloads have had the best of luck lately trying to be on schedule. This is in relation with the USSF-124 mission jumping back and forth on nextspaceflight from NET November to NET October 31st, etc. We'll see what happens with that mission - same with USSF-52 and friends.
I wouldn't make travel plans anytime soon.
Found an L-91 beer in the fridge. Still tastes good.
NRO Mission Patch:Quote from: Newton_V on 11/18/2023 09:44 pmFound an L-91 beer in the fridge. Still tastes good.
Quote from: GewoonLukas_ on 11/18/2023 10:21 pmNRO Mission Patch:Quote from: Newton_V on 11/18/2023 09:44 pmFound an L-91 beer in the fridge. Still tastes good.does anyone who knows more than me get any more info from patch?
Hummingbirds have varied specialized characteristics to enable rapid, maneuverable flight, exceptional metabolic capacity, adaptations to high altitude, sensitive visual and communication abilities, and long-distance migration in some species.
NextSpaceflight; updated recently:Launch NET second quarter 2024; changed from NET June 2024?The until-recently NextSF jargon used "NET end-of-quarter month" for NET "that quarter."Can we expect launch in June?If so, launch will be from SLC-40.
SLC-40Jun 20 21:35 Astra 1P/SES-24 JRTIJun 23 17:03 Starlink 10-2 ASOGJun 25 09:07 Starlink 8-9 JRTIJun 28 10:55 Starlink 10-3 ASOG
Two yet-to-be-confirmed missions may take place in the next quarter as well. These are the NROL-69 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office and the first operational flight of AST SpaceMobile’s BluBird satellites.
There was an industry day help for Lane 1 in August. It includes the NRO, SDA, and USSF planned contract awards & launches.