Author Topic: Chinese launch schedule  (Read 2038453 times)

Online Galactic Penguin SST

Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2520 on: 03/31/2023 08:46 am »
GF-13-02 liftoff time was 08:33 UTC
PIESAT-1 liftoff time was 10:50 UTC
Astronomy & spaceflight geek penguin. In a relationship w/ Space Shuttle Discovery.

Online mikezang

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2521 on: 04/04/2023 04:39 am »
The luanch plan for CZ-2D/CZ-6/CZ-8 in 2023-2024.

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2522 on: 04/04/2023 06:36 am »

Offline Satori

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2523 on: 04/06/2023 05:30 pm »
China launches in 2023 (times in UTC)

01 - January 8 ( - CZ-7A (Y4) - WSLS, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Shijian-23 (实践二十三号)
                    SJ-23 SubSat
02 - January 9 (05:04:00.282) - GXS-1 (Y5) "Give Me Five" - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Keji-1 (科技壹号)
                    Tianqi-13 'Alashan-1' (天启星座13星 '阿拉善一号')
                    Tianmu-1 01 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 1' (天目一号01 '西永微电园1号星')
                    Tianmu-1 02 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 2' (天目一号02 '西永微电园2号星')
                    Nantong Zhongxue (南通中学号)
03 - January 12 ( - CZ-2C (Y61) - XSLC, LC3
                    APStar-6E (亚太6E)
04 - January 13 ( - CZ-2D (Y73) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Yaogan-37 (遥感三十七)
                    Shiyan-22A (试验二十二号A)
                    Shiyan-22B (试验二十二号B)
05 - January 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y71) - TSLC, LC9 (NSF article)
                    Qilu-2 (齐鲁二号)
                    Qilu-3 (齐鲁三号)
                    Jinzijing-3 (金紫荆三号)
                    Jinzijing-4 (金紫荆四号)
                    Jinzijing-6 (金紫荆六号)
                    Beiyou-1 (北邮一号)
                    Luojia-3 01 'Yantai-1' (珞珈三号01 '烟台一号')
                    Tianzhi-2D 'Rizhao-3' (天智二号D '日照三号')
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D34 (吉林一号高分03D34)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A03 (吉林一号魔方02A03)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A04 (吉林一号魔方02A04)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A07 'Huashui-1' (吉林一号魔方02A07 '华水一号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A07 'Aofuman' (吉林一号红外A07 '沃福曼号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A08 'Haihe-1' (吉林一号红外A08 '海河一号')
06 - February 23 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y93) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Zhongxing-26 'Chinasat-26' (中星26号)
07 - February 24 ( - CZ-2C (Y63) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-1 'Horus-1' (荷鲁斯一号)
08 - March 9 ( - CZ-4C (Y51) - TSLC, LC9
                    Tianhui-6A (天绘六号A)
                    Tianhui-6B (天绘六号B)
09 - March 13 ( - CZ-2C (Y64) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-2 'Horus-2' (荷鲁斯二号)
10 - March 15 ( - CZ-11 (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Shiyan-19 (试验十九号)
11 - March 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y94) or (Y90) - XSLC, LC2
                    Gaofen-13 02 (高分十三号02)
12 - March 22 ( - KZ-1A (Y19) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Tianmu-1 03 (天目一号03)
                    Tianmu-1 04 (天目一号04)
                    Tianmu-1 05 (天目一号05)
                    Tianmu-1 06 (天目一号06)
13 - March 30 ( - CZ-2D (Y90) - TSLC, LC9
                    Hongtu-1 01A 'Zhongyuan-1' (宏图一号01A '中原一号') (PIEsat-1 (1) / Nuwa-1 1)
                    Hongtu-1 01B 'Hebi-1' 宏图一号01B '鹤壁一号' (PIEsat-1 (2) / Nuwa-1 2)
                    Hongtu-1 01C 'Hebi-2' 宏图一号01C '鹤壁二号' (PIEsat-1 (3) / Nuwa-1 3)
                    Hongtu-1 01D 'Hebi-3' 宏图一号01D '鹤壁三号' (PIEsat-1 (4) / Nuwa-1 4)
14 - March 31 ( - CZ-4C (Y49) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Yaogan-34 04 (遥感三十四号04)
15 - April 2 (08:48:16.459) - TLG-2 (Y1 "Zhangjiagang" '张家港号') - JSLC
                    Aitaikong Kexue 'Jinta' (爱太空科学号 '金塔号')
16 - April 7 ( - SQX-1 (Y6 "Lianyungang" '连云港号') - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    «Verification Flight»

17 - April 16 (01:36:29(?).xxx) - CZ-4B (Y51) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3 07 'Fenyun-3G / Fengyun-3RM-1' (风云三号07)



April 9 / 10 (~04:00) - KZ-1A (?) - JSLC, LC43/95?
April/June - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
May 10 (~13:40) - CZ-7 - WSLC, LC201
May 15 (?) - LJ-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/130
                    Fucheng-1 (涪城一号)
                    Luojia-2 01 (珞珈二号01星)
May 17 - ?? - XSLC

May 25 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
June - JL-3 (Y2) - YS (?)
July/September - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
August - JL-3 (Y3) - YS (?)
August - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
September - JL-3 (Y4) - YS (?)
September - LJ-1 (Y3) - JSLC, LC43/130
October - JL-3 (Y5) - YS (?)
October/December - YL-1 (Y1) - YS (?)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen-05
                    18 Sats
October/December - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
November 5 - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3
                    Einstein Probe
November 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
December - CZ-2C - XSLC
                    SVOM (Space-based multi-band ast. Variable Objects Monitor)
Second half - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Xingkong-1 (Jianyang-1)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Zhangheng-2 (CSES-2)
?? - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-25 (北斗三号M25)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-26 (北斗三号M26)
?? - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-27 (北斗三号M27)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-28 (北斗三号M28)
?? - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-29 (北斗三号M29)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-30 (北斗三号M30)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Zhongxing-6E (中星6E号)
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (?)
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 (?) - TSLC, LC16 (?)
?? - CZ-6C - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 (Y6?) - WSLC, LC101
                    Xinyidai Zairen Feichuan Shiyan (?) (New generation manned spacecraft)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - ?? - ??
                    El Guaicaipuro (Venezuela)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Luojia-3 02
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
?? - CZ-11A - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Lixing-2 'Chuangxin-15 (创新15)'


April/June - YL-1 (Y2) - JSLC
                    18 Sats
May 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
November 11 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Zhenghe (Near-Earth Asteroid Multi-Target Detection)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Queqiao-2 (鹊桥二号)
                    Tiandu-1 (天都一号)
                    Tiandu-2 (天都二号)

?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-6 (Sample return from far side)
                    ICUBE-Q (Pakistan CubeSat)
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Xuntian China Space Station Telescope
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Sun Fixed Point Observation
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-4 MW (Microwave sounder prototype)
?? - ?? - ??
                    HTS 113BT (was Palapa-N1R)


May 7 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-2 (Main-Belt Asteroid - Ceres - Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-7 (lunar South Pole Landing & Cruise)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-3I (Fengyun-3RM-2)
?? - ?? - ??


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Solar Polar Orbit Observer
?? - CZ-7 - WSLS
                    enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission(eXTP)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 (or CZ-9) - WSLC
                    Tianwen-3A (Mars Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-3B (Mars Sample Return)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-8 (basic model of lunar research station)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Tianwen-4 (Jupiter / Uranus flyby)


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
                    Tianwen-5 (?) (Callisto orbiter)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-5
?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-6
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - LSTSAT-1 (was Nicasat-1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM)
?? - ?? - ?? - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT)
?? - ?? - ?? - Huaizong-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2, OHS-2s, OKW-2, TY-1(04)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC, LC43/95A - Xingyun-1 (01), Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst micro satellite), Taniy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x1, Xingyun-2x2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x3, Xingyun-2x4
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x5, Xingyun-2x6
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x7, Xingyun-2x8
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x9, Xingyun-2x10
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x11, Xingyun-2x12
?? - Jielong-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC42/95B - Yizheng-2 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite), Yizheng-3 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC, LC2 - GEOSAR (Tianhui-3)
?? - CZ-3B/G? (Y75) - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing A, Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing B
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-7B - WSLC
?? - CZ-7C - WSLC
?? - CZ-7D - WSLC
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC - Asteroid deflection mission (2 probes)


Orbital launches from Chinese launch centers (2023 / Total): 17 / 524

Jiuquan - 10 / 193
Xichang - 3 / 186
Taiyuan - 3 / 118
Wenchang - 1 / 22
Yellow Sea - 0 / 3
East China Sea - 0 / 2

April 6
April 7
April 10
April 12
April 14
April 16
April 24
April 25
« Last Edit: 04/25/2023 11:31 am by Satori »

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2524 on: 04/13/2023 11:32 am »
International leader! This satellite is called "Jiefangbei No. 1"!

Today (7)
Chongqing Aerospace Information Industry Development Forum
And Remote Sensing Industry Application Summit Forum Held in Yuzhong District

on the forum
Chongqing Satellite Remote Sensing Industry Big Data Application Base Unveiled
The Chongqing Satellite Remote Sensing Industry-University-Research Alliance was established
Yuzhong District of Chongqing signed cooperation agreements with 10 enterprises
Will work together to create aerospace information technology innovation
A new highland for industrial development
In order to accelerate the expansion of the application of satellite remote sensing technology
Remote sensing satellite named "Jiefangbei No. 1"
It is also officially released on the forum site
the satellite
Yuzhong District Government will
Co-launch with Aerospace Vision

The overall technology of "Jiefangbei No. 1" has reached the international leading level. It has the capabilities of high-precision terrain surveying and mapping, high-precision deformation detection, high-resolution wide-format imaging, and three-dimensional imaging. High application value.

"The aerospace information industry led by satellite Internet is in a golden period of development, with broad prospects and great promise." Wu Wenzhong, chief planner of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said in a video speech that since 2015, China's satellite Internet construction has entered an era of acceleration. The company exerts private efficiency and promotes the transformation of domestic satellite manufacturing from the "laboratory customized research and development model" to the "industrialized mass production model", which is expected to reshape the industrial ecology.

"Chongqing municipal government's multi-directional deployment of satellite Internet drives energy levels to jump, and draws a blueprint for a 100-billion-level aerospace information industry cluster." Wu Wenzhong said that he hopes that local governments and industry associations will lead the majority of enterprises to coordinate the relationship between development and security, and adhere to the overall National security concept, resolutely guard the bottom line of spatio-temporal information and geographic information security compliance. At the same time, strengthen industry self-discipline, encourage healthy competition, create a healthy and sustainable market and industrial development environment, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the geographic information industry.
Jiefangbei-1 (解放碑一号),launch time unknowm.

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2525 on: 04/18/2023 09:17 am »


The results related to the first Mars exploration will be released on this year's China Space Day

This year, China Aerospace embarked on a new journey. The fourth phase of the lunar exploration project and the major mission of planetary exploration are advancing the development of the project; the Chinese space station has entered the stage of application and development; satellites such as Macao Science-1, high-orbit 20-meter SAR, and a new generation of ocean water color will be launched into orbit this year. Lu Bo said that the theme of China Aerospace Day in 2023 is "Looking at things to learn and asking the sky", which is intended to uphold and carry forward the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite", the spirit of manned spaceflight, the spirit of lunar exploration and the spirit of Beidou in the new era, and actively build The community of shared future for mankind in outer space advocates the general public, especially young people, to gain knowledge through action, to promote action through knowledge, and to constantly explore the mysteries of the universe.
Some of launch plan as below:
1. Aomen Kexue-1 (澳门科学一号)
2. Gaogui-SAR (高轨20米SAR)
3. Haiyang Shuise (新一代海洋水色)

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2526 on: 04/28/2023 12:21 pm »
China launches in 2023 (times in UTC)

01 - January 8 ( - CZ-7A (Y4) - WSLS, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Shijian-23 (实践二十三号)
                    SJ-23 SubSat
02 - January 9 (05:04:00.282) - GXS-1 (Y5) "Give Me Five" - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Keji-1 (科技壹号)
                    Tianqi-13 'Alashan-1' (天启星座13星 '阿拉善一号')
                    Tianmu-1 01 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 1' (天目一号01 '西永微电园1号星')
                    Tianmu-1 02 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 2' (天目一号02 '西永微电园2号星')
                    Nantong Zhongxue (南通中学号)
03 - January 12 ( - CZ-2C (Y61) - XSLC, LC3
                    APStar-6E (亚太6E)
04 - January 13 ( - CZ-2D (Y73) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Yaogan-37 (遥感三十七)
                    Shiyan-22A (试验二十二号A)
                    Shiyan-22B (试验二十二号B)
05 - January 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y71) - TSLC, LC9 (NSF article)
                    Qilu-2 (齐鲁二号)
                    Qilu-3 (齐鲁三号)
                    Jinzijing-3 (金紫荆三号)
                    Jinzijing-4 (金紫荆四号)
                    Jinzijing-6 (金紫荆六号)
                    Beiyou-1 (北邮一号)
                    Luojia-3 01 'Yantai-1' (珞珈三号01 '烟台一号')
                    Tianzhi-2D 'Rizhao-3' (天智二号D '日照三号')
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D34 (吉林一号高分03D34)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A03 (吉林一号魔方02A03)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A04 (吉林一号魔方02A04)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A07 'Huashui-1' (吉林一号魔方02A07 '华水一号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A07 'Aofuman' (吉林一号红外A07 '沃福曼号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A08 'Haihe-1' (吉林一号红外A08 '海河一号')
06 - February 23 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y93) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Zhongxing-26 'Chinasat-26' (中星26号)
07 - February 24 ( - CZ-2C (Y63) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-1 'Horus-1' (荷鲁斯一号)
08 - March 9 ( - CZ-4C (Y51) - TSLC, LC9
                    Tianhui-6A (天绘六号A)
                    Tianhui-6B (天绘六号B)
09 - March 13 ( - CZ-2C (Y64) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-2 'Horus-2' (荷鲁斯二号)
10 - March 15 ( - CZ-11 (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Shiyan-19 (试验十九号)
11 - March 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y94) or (Y90) - XSLC, LC2
                    Gaofen-13 02 (高分十三号02)
12 - March 22 ( - KZ-1A (Y19) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Tianmu-1 03 (天目一号03)
                    Tianmu-1 04 (天目一号04)
                    Tianmu-1 05 (天目一号05)
                    Tianmu-1 06 (天目一号06)
13 - March 30 ( - CZ-2D (Y90) - TSLC, LC9
                    Hongtu-1 01A 'Zhongyuan-1' (宏图一号01A '中原一号') (PIEsat-1 (1) / Nuwa-1 1)
                    Hongtu-1 01B 'Hebi-1' 宏图一号01B '鹤壁一号' (PIEsat-1 (2) / Nuwa-1 2)
                    Hongtu-1 01C 'Hebi-2' 宏图一号01C '鹤壁二号' (PIEsat-1 (3) / Nuwa-1 3)
                    Hongtu-1 01D 'Hebi-3' 宏图一号01D '鹤壁三号' (PIEsat-1 (4) / Nuwa-1 4)
14 - March 31 ( - CZ-4C (Y49) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Yaogan-34 04 (遥感三十四号04)
15 - April 2 (08:48:16.459) - TLG-2 (Y1 "Zhangjiagang" '张家港号') - JSLC
                    Aitaikong Kexue 'Jinta' (爱太空科学号 '金塔号')
16 - April 7 ( - SQX-1 (Y6 "Lianyungang" '连云港号') - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    «Verification Flight»
17 - April 16 (01:36:29(?).xxx) - CZ-4B (Y51) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3 07 'Fenyun-3G / Fengyun-3RM-1' (风云三号07)
18 - May 10 (13:22:51.405 052) - CZ-7 (Y7) - WSLC, LC201
                    Tianzhou-6 (天舟六号)
                    Dalian-1 Lianli (大连一号连理)



May 17 (~02:40) - CZ-3B/? - XSLC
May 25 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May (?) 15 (?) - LJ-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/130
                    Fucheng-1 (涪城一号)
                    Luojia-2 01 (珞珈二号01星)
                    (?) Xingshidai-16 (星时代-16)
June - JL-3 (Y2) - YS (?)
June - (?) CZ-2D - (?) XSLC, LC3
                    Liangchi (梁溪号)

June (TBD) May April - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
June (TBD) May April - KZ-1A (?) - JSLC, LC43/95?
July/September - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
August - JL-3 (Y3) - YS (?)
August - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
September 8 (?) - CZ-7A - WSLC, LC201

September - JL-3 (Y4) - YS (?)
September - LJ-1 (Y3) - JSLC, LC43/130
October - JL-3 (Y5) - YS (?)
October/December - YL-1 (Y1) - YS (?)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen-05
                    17 Sats
October/December - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
November 5 - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3
                    Einstein Probe
November 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
December - CZ-2C - XSLC
                    SVOM (Space-based multi-band ast. Variable Objects Monitor)
Second half - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Xingkong-1 (Jianyang-1)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-25 (北斗三号M25)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-26 (北斗三号M26)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-27 (北斗三号M27)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-28 (北斗三号M28)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-29 (北斗三号M29)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-30 (北斗三号M30)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Zhangheng-2 (CSES-2)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Zhongxing-6E (中星6E号)
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (?)
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 (?) - TSLC, LC16 (?)
?? - CZ-6C - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 (Y6?) - WSLC, LC101
                    Xinyidai Zairen Feichuan Shiyan (?) (New generation manned spacecraft)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - ?? - ??
                    El Guaicaipuro (Venezuela)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Luojia-3 02
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
?? - CZ-11A - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Lixing-2 'Chuangxin-15 (创新15)'


April/June - YL-1 (Y2) - JSLC
                    18 Sats
May 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
November 11 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Zhenghe (Near-Earth Asteroid Multi-Target Detection)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Queqiao-2 (鹊桥二号)
                    Tiandu-1 (天都一号)
                    Tiandu-2 (天都二号)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-6 (Sample return from far side)
                    ICUBE-Q (Pakistan CubeSat)
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Xuntian China Space Station Telescope
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Sun Fixed Point Observation
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-4 MW (Microwave sounder prototype)
?? - ?? - ??
                    HTS 113BT (was Palapa-N1R)


May 7 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-2 (Main-Belt Asteroid - Ceres - Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-7 (lunar South Pole Landing & Cruise)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-3I (Fengyun-3RM-2)
?? - ?? - ??


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Solar Polar Orbit Observer
?? - CZ-7 - WSLS
                    enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission(eXTP)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 (or CZ-9) - WSLC
                    Tianwen-3A (Mars Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-3B (Mars Sample Return)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-8 (basic model of lunar research station)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Tianwen-4 (Jupiter / Uranus flyby)


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
                    Tianwen-5 (?) (Callisto orbiter)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-5
?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-6
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - LSTSAT-1 (was Nicasat-1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM)
?? - ?? - ?? - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT)
?? - ?? - ?? - Huaizong-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jiefangbei-1 (解放碑一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Aomen Kexue-1 (澳门科学一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Gaogui-SAR (高轨20米SAR)
?? - ?? - ?? - Haiyang Shuise (新一代海洋水色)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2, OHS-2s, OKW-2, TY-1(04)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC, LC43/95A - Xingyun-1 (01), Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst micro satellite), Taniy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x1, Xingyun-2x2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x3, Xingyun-2x4
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x5, Xingyun-2x6
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x7, Xingyun-2x8
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x9, Xingyun-2x10
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x11, Xingyun-2x12
?? - Jielong-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC42/95B - Yizheng-2 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite), Yizheng-3 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC, LC2 - GEOSAR (Tianhui-3)
?? - CZ-3B/G? (Y75) - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing A, Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing B
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-7B - WSLC
?? - CZ-7C - WSLC
?? - CZ-7D - WSLC
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC - Asteroid deflection mission (2 probes)


Orbital launches from Chinese launch centers (2023 / Total): 18 / 525

Jiuquan - 10 / 193
Xichang - 3 / 186
Taiyuan - 3 / 118
Wenchang - 2 / 23
Yellow Sea - 0 / 3
East China Sea - 0 / 2

April 28
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 14
« Last Edit: 05/14/2023 12:03 pm by Satori »

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2527 on: 05/09/2023 09:17 am »
Next Kuaizhou-1A delayed more than one month...

Online mikezang

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2528 on: 05/09/2023 10:23 am »
Next Kuaizhou-1A delayed more than one month...
Here is original plan, I don't thnik delayed.
"Kuaizhou" will also usher in seven launch missions in 2023. Among them, one launch will be carried out in Jiuquan in the first, second and fourth quarters, and a joint launch will be carried out in Jiuquan and Xichang in the third quarter. Play 4 launch missions.

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2529 on: 05/15/2023 06:28 pm »
China launches in 2023 (times in UTC)

01 - January 8 ( - CZ-7A (Y4) - WSLS, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Shijian-23 (实践二十三号)
                    SJ-23 SubSat
02 - January 9 (05:04:00.282) - GXS-1 (Y5) "Give Me Five" - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Keji-1 (科技壹号)
                    Tianqi-13 'Alashan-1' (天启星座13星 '阿拉善一号')
                    Tianmu-1 01 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 1' (天目一号01 '西永微电园1号星')
                    Tianmu-1 02 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 2' (天目一号02 '西永微电园2号星')
                    Nantong Zhongxue (南通中学号)
03 - January 12 ( - CZ-2C (Y61) - XSLC, LC3
                    APStar-6E (亚太6E)
04 - January 13 ( - CZ-2D (Y73) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Yaogan-37 (遥感三十七)
                    Shiyan-22A (试验二十二号A)
                    Shiyan-22B (试验二十二号B)
05 - January 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y71) - TSLC, LC9 (NSF article)
                    Qilu-2 (齐鲁二号)
                    Qilu-3 (齐鲁三号)
                    Jinzijing-3 (金紫荆三号)
                    Jinzijing-4 (金紫荆四号)
                    Jinzijing-6 (金紫荆六号)
                    Beiyou-1 (北邮一号)
                    Luojia-3 01 'Yantai-1' (珞珈三号01 '烟台一号')
                    Tianzhi-2D 'Rizhao-3' (天智二号D '日照三号')
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D34 (吉林一号高分03D34)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A03 (吉林一号魔方02A03)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A04 (吉林一号魔方02A04)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A07 'Huashui-1' (吉林一号魔方02A07 '华水一号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A07 'Aofuman' (吉林一号红外A07 '沃福曼号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A08 'Haihe-1' (吉林一号红外A08 '海河一号')
06 - February 23 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y93) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Zhongxing-26 'Chinasat-26' (中星26号)
07 - February 24 ( - CZ-2C (Y63) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-1 'Horus-1' (荷鲁斯一号)
08 - March 9 ( - CZ-4C (Y51) - TSLC, LC9
                    Tianhui-6A (天绘六号A)
                    Tianhui-6B (天绘六号B)
09 - March 13 ( - CZ-2C (Y64) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-2 'Horus-2' (荷鲁斯二号)
10 - March 15 ( - CZ-11 (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Shiyan-19 (试验十九号)
11 - March 17 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y94) or (Y90) - XSLC, LC2
                    Gaofen-13 02 (高分十三号02)
12 - March 22 ( - KZ-1A (Y19) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Tianmu-1 03 (天目一号03)
                    Tianmu-1 04 (天目一号04)
                    Tianmu-1 05 (天目一号05)
                    Tianmu-1 06 (天目一号06)
13 - March 30 ( - CZ-2D (Y90) - TSLC, LC9
                    Hongtu-1 1A-01 'Zhongyuan-1' (宏图一号01A '中原一号') (   PIESAT 1A-01 / Nuwa-1 1)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-01 'Hebi-1' 宏图一号01B '鹤壁一号' (PIESAT 1B-01 / Nuwa-1 2)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-02 'Hebi-2' 宏图一号01C '鹤壁二号' (PIESAT 1B-02 / Nuwa-1 3)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-03 'Hebi-3' 宏图一号01D '鹤壁三号' (PIESAT 1B-03 / Nuwa-1 4)
14 - March 31 ( - CZ-4C (Y49) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Yaogan-34 04 (遥感三十四号04)
15 - April 2 (08:48:16.459) - TLG-2 (Y1 "Zhangjiagang" '张家港号') - JSLC
                    Aitaikong Kexue 'Jinta' (爱太空科学号 '金塔号')
16 - April 7 ( - SQX-1 (Y6 "Lianyungang" '连云港号') - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    «Verification Flight»
17 - April 16 (01:36:29(?).xxx) - CZ-4B (Y51) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3 07 'Fenyun-3G / Fengyun-3RM-1' (风云三号07)
18 - May 10 (13:22:51.405) - CZ-7 (Y7) - WSLC, LC201
                    Tianzhou-6 (天舟六号)
                    Dalian-1 Lianli (大连一号连理)
19 - May 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y87) - XSLC, LC2
                    Beidou-3G4 (北斗三号G4星) 'Beidou-56'

20 - May 21 ( - CZ-2C (Y60) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Aomen Kexue-1A (澳门科学一号A双星)
                    Aomen Kexue-1B (澳门科学一号B双星)
                    Luojia-2 01 (珞珈二号01星)



May 25 (or May 30 (~01:28)) - CZ-2F/G (Y16) - JSLC, LC43/91
                    Shenzhou-16 (神舟十六号)
May (?) - LJ-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/130
                    Fucheng-1 (涪城一号)
                    (?) Xingshidai-16 (星时代-16)
                    (?) Tianyi-26 (天仪26)
June 2 - ?? - XSLC

June 15 - ?? - TSLC

June 22 - ?? - XSLC

June - JL-3 (Y2) - YS (?)
June - (?) CZ-2D - (?) XSLC, LC3
                    Liangchi (梁溪号)
Second half of June - ZQ-2 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/96

June (TBD) - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
June (TBD) - KZ-1A (?) - JSLC, LC43/95?
June - ?? - ??
                    B300 (AZSpace Ziwei Technology)

July 16 - ?? - JSLC

July 20 - 31 - ?? - TSLC
                    Hongkou Fuxing (虹口复兴号)

July/September - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
August 4 - ?? - JSLC

August 23 - ?? - JSLC

August - JL-3 (Y3) - YS (?)
August - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3F (风云三号F)
September 8 (?) - CZ-7A - WSLC, LC201
September - JL-3 (Y4) - YS (?)
September - LJ-1 (Y3) - JSLC, LC43/130
October - JL-3 (Y5) - YS (?)
October/December - YL-1 (Y1) - YS (?)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen-05
                    17 Sats
October/December - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
November 5 - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3
                    Einstein Probe (爱因斯坦探针)
November 25 18 - CZ-2F/G (Y17) - JSLC, LC43/91
                    Shenzhou-17 (神舟十七号)
December - CZ-2C - XSLC
                    SVOM (Space-based multi-band ast. Variable Objects Monitor)
Second half - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Xingkong-1 (Jianyang-1)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-25 (北斗三号M25)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-26 (北斗三号M26)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-27 (北斗三号M27)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-28 (北斗三号M28)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-29 (北斗三号M29)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-30 (北斗三号M30)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Zhangheng-2 (CSES-2)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Zhongxing-6E (中星6E号)
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (?)
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 (?) - TSLC, LC16 (?)
?? - CZ-6C - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 (Y6?) - WSLC, LC101
                    Xinyidai Zairen Feichuan Shiyan (?) (New generation manned spacecraft)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - ?? - ??
                    El Guaicaipuro (Venezuela)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Luojia-3 02
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
?? - CZ-11A - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Lixing-2 'Chuangxin-15 (创新15)'


April/June - YL-1 (Y2) - JSLC
                    18 Sats
May 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
November 11 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
?? - ZSX-1 - JSLC

?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Zhenghe (Near-Earth Asteroid Multi-Target Detection)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Queqiao-2 (鹊桥二号)
                    Tiandu-1 (天都一号)
                    Tiandu-2 (天都二号)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-6 (Sample return from far side)
                    ICUBE-Q (Pakistan CubeSat)
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Xuntian China Space Station Telescope
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Sun Fixed Point Observation
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-4 MW (Microwave sounder prototype)
?? - ?? - ??
                    HTS 113BT (was Palapa-N1R)


May 7 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-2 (Main-Belt Asteroid - Ceres - Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-7 (lunar South Pole Landing & Cruise)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-3I (Fengyun-3RM-2)
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Solar Polar Orbit Observer
?? - CZ-7 - WSLS
                    enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission(eXTP)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 (or CZ-9) - WSLC
                    Tianwen-3A (Mars Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-3B (Mars Sample Return)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-8 (basic model of lunar research station)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Tianwen-4 (Jupiter / Uranus flyby)


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
                    Tianwen-5 (?) (Callisto orbiter)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-5
?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-6
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - LSTSAT-1 (was Nicasat-1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM)
?? - ?? - ?? - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT)
?? - ?? - ?? - Huaizong-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jiefangbei-1 (解放碑一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Aomen Kexue-1 (澳门科学一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Gaogui-SAR (高轨20米SAR)
?? - ?? - ?? - Haiyang Shuise (新一代海洋水色)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2, OHS-2s, OKW-2, TY-1(04)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC, LC43/95A - Xingyun-1 (01), Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst micro satellite), Taniy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x1, Xingyun-2x2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x3, Xingyun-2x4
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x5, Xingyun-2x6
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x7, Xingyun-2x8
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x9, Xingyun-2x10
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x11, Xingyun-2x12
?? - Jielong-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC42/95B - Yizheng-2 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite), Yizheng-3 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC, LC2 - GEOSAR (Tianhui-3)
?? - CZ-3B/G? (Y75) - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing A, Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing B
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-7B - WSLC
?? - CZ-7C - WSLC
?? - CZ-7D - WSLC
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC - Asteroid deflection mission (2 probes)


Orbital launches from Chinese launch centers (2023 / Total): 20 / 527

Jiuquan (JSLC) - 11 / 194
Xichang (XSLC) - 4 / 187
Taiyuan (TSLC) - 3 / 118
Wenchang (WSLS) - 2 / 23
Yellow Sea (YS) - 0 / 3
East China Sea (ECS) - 0 / 2

JSLC - Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center - Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia
XSLC - Xichang Satellite Launch Center -  Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
TSLC - Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center - Kelan County (Xinzhou), Shanxi
WSLS - Wenchang Space Launch Site - Hainan

CZ - Chang Zheng (Long March)
KZ - Kuaizhou (Speedy Vessel) - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
KT - Kaituozhe - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
GSX - Gushengxing (Ceres) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
ZSX - Zhishenxing (Pallas) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
SQX - Shuangquxian (Hyperbola) - iSpace (Beijing Interstellar Glory Space Technology Ltd.)
ZQ - Zuque - LandSpace
JL - Jielong (SmartDragon) - Subsidiary of the state-owned CASC group built for the commercial market
LJ - Lijian (Kinetica, Zhongke)
OS-M (Chongqing SQX) - OneSpace
TL - Tianlong - Space Pioneer (Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.)
YL - Yinli (Gravity) - Orien Space Shandong Technology (Orienspace, oSpace)

CZ-2A/C/E/F Shenjian (Divine Arrow") - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-2D - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-3 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4C/B - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-5/B - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-6/A - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) / China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-7/A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-8 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-11 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)

May 15
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 25
May 29
« Last Edit: 05/29/2023 07:43 am by Satori »

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2530 on: 05/17/2023 04:40 am »
Information so far:
19 - May 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y87?) - XSLC, LC2
                    Beidou-3 G4 (BDS-3 GEO Spare 1)
« Last Edit: 05/19/2023 01:43 am by russianhalo117 »

Offline Alter Sachse

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2531 on: 05/17/2023 11:14 am »
"Another private space company. AZSpace, also known as Ziwei Technology (紫微科技), is based in Wuxi and develops commercial cargo spacecrafts. Its B300 commercial cargo ship is scheduled for launch in June, 2023."
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        Jeff Lynne - "21century man"

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2532 on: 05/17/2023 11:23 am »
China's next solar observatory, the Xihe-2, will be launched in 2026. Xihe-2 will be the world's first solar observatory to occupy the L5 point. The satellite will weigh 1.7 tons, 250kg of which will be scientific payload.
« Last Edit: 05/17/2023 11:26 am by Alter Sachse »
One day you're a hero  next day you're a clown  there's nothing that is in between
        Jeff Lynne - "21century man"

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2533 on: 05/18/2023 08:38 am »
According to, Wuhan University's intelligent remote-sensing radar satellite Luojia-2 01 is scheduled to be launched on May 21, 2023.

Online mikezang

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2534 on: 05/18/2023 10:50 am »
According to, Wuhan University's intelligent remote-sensing radar satellite Luojia-2 01 is scheduled to be launched on May 21, 2023.
The YMMM NOTAM should be issued if this plan is true.

Online mikezang

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2535 on: 05/19/2023 01:28 am »
Zhejiang University participated in the international joint research and development of this satellite, which will help to reveal the secret of the Big Bang

In recent years, the detection of gravitational waves has been in the ascendant in the astronomy circle, and it has become a new window and a new means for human beings to observe the universe. Countries are scrambling to move gravitational wave observatories into space and launch gravitational wave detection satellites.

From May 16th to 17th, Zhejiang University, together with Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, United Arab Emirates University and Origin Space, held a seminar at the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University and signed a cooperation agreement. Wave Observatory - 6U CubeSat satellite, equipped with detectors in the energy range of 0.1-10MeV, to detect cosmic gamma rays.

According to Professor Wang Huiquan, deputy director of the Microsatellite Research Center of Zhejiang University, compared with ground-based detection, space gravitational wave detection has a lower frequency band and has more abundant wave sources. In August 2019, my country's first space gravitational wave detection technology experimental satellite "Taiji-1" was successfully launched into orbit.

"MeV is a unit of energy, and 1MeV is 1 million electron volts. In space, gamma rays in the energy range of 0.1-10MeV carry a lot of astronomical information that has not been observed by humans before, which can help scientists better understand the source of gravitational waves and cosmic singularity, and lay the foundation for the follow-up large-scale MeV gamma-ray observatory mission to help human space exploration.” Wang Huiquan told Chao News that the satellite is expected to be launched into orbit in 2025.
The Yinlibo-1 might be launched in 2025.

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2536 on: 05/29/2023 01:14 pm »
China launches in 2023 (times in UTC)

01 - January 8 ( - CZ-7A (Y4) - WSLS, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Shijian-23 (实践二十三号)
                    SJ-23 SubSat
02 - January 9 (05:04:00.282) - GXS-1 (Y5) "Give Me Five" - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Keji-1 (科技壹号)
                    Tianqi-13 'Alashan-1' (天启星座13星 '阿拉善一号')
                    Tianmu-1 01 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 1' (天目一号01 '西永微电园1号星')
                    Tianmu-1 02 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 2' (天目一号02 '西永微电园2号星')
                    Nantong Zhongxue (南通中学号)
03 - January 12 ( - CZ-2C (Y61) - XSLC, LC3
                    APStar-6E (亚太6E)
04 - January 13 ( - CZ-2D (Y73) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Yaogan-37 (遥感三十七)
                    Shiyan-22A (试验二十二号A)
                    Shiyan-22B (试验二十二号B)
05 - January 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y71) - TSLC, LC9 (NSF article)
                    Qilu-2 (齐鲁二号)
                    Qilu-3 (齐鲁三号)
                    Jinzijing-3 (金紫荆三号)
                    Jinzijing-4 (金紫荆四号)
                    Jinzijing-6 (金紫荆六号)
                    Beiyou-1 (北邮一号)
                    Luojia-3 01 'Yantai-1' (珞珈三号01 '烟台一号')
                    Tianzhi-2D 'Rizhao-3' (天智二号D '日照三号')
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D34 (吉林一号高分03D34)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A03 (吉林一号魔方02A03)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A04 (吉林一号魔方02A04)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A07 'Huashui-1' (吉林一号魔方02A07 '华水一号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A07 'Aofuman' (吉林一号红外A07 '沃福曼号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A08 'Haihe-1' (吉林一号红外A08 '海河一号')
06 - February 23 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y93) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Zhongxing-26 'Chinasat-26' (中星26号)
07 - February 24 ( - CZ-2C (Y63) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-1 'Horus-1' (荷鲁斯一号)
08 - March 9 ( - CZ-4C (Y51) - TSLC, LC9
                    Tianhui-6A (天绘六号A)
                    Tianhui-6B (天绘六号B)
09 - March 13 ( - CZ-2C (Y64) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Helusi-2 'Horus-2' (荷鲁斯二号)
10 - March 15 ( - CZ-11 (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Shiyan-19 (试验十九号)
11 - March 17 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y94) or (Y90) - XSLC, LC2
                    Gaofen-13 02 (高分十三号02)
12 - March 22 ( - KZ-1A (Y19) - JSLC, LC43/95A (NSF article)
                    Tianmu-1 03 (天目一号03)
                    Tianmu-1 04 (天目一号04)
                    Tianmu-1 05 (天目一号05)
                    Tianmu-1 06 (天目一号06)
13 - March 30 ( - CZ-2D (Y90) - TSLC, LC9
                    Hongtu-1 1A-01 'Zhongyuan-1' (宏图一号01A '中原一号') (PIESAT 1A-01 / Nuwa-1 1)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-01 'Hebi-1' 宏图一号01B '鹤壁一号' (PIESAT 1B-01 / Nuwa-1 2)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-02 'Hebi-2' 宏图一号01C '鹤壁二号' (PIESAT 1B-02 / Nuwa-1 3)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-03 'Hebi-3' 宏图一号01D '鹤壁三号' (PIESAT 1B-03 / Nuwa-1 4)
14 - March 31 ( - CZ-4C (Y49) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Yaogan-34 04 (遥感三十四号04)
15 - April 2 (08:48:16.459) - TLG-2 (Y1 "Zhangjiagang" '张家港号') - JSLC (NSF article)
                    Aitaikong Kexue 'Jinta' (爱太空科学号 '金塔号')
16 - April 7 ( - SQX-1 (Y6 "Lianyungang" '连云港号') - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    «Verification Flight»
17 - April 16 (01:36:29(?).xxx) - CZ-4B (Y51) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3 07 'Fenyun-3G / Fengyun-3RM-1' (风云三号07)
18 - May 10 (13:22:51.405) - CZ-7 (Y7) - WSLC, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Tianzhou-6 (天舟六号)
                    Dalian-1 Lianli (大连一号连理)
19 - May 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y87) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Beidou-3G4 (北斗三号G4星) 'Beidou-56'
20 - May 21 ( - CZ-2C (Y60) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Aomen Kexue-1A (澳门科学一号A双星)
                    Aomen Kexue-1B (澳门科学一号B双星)
                    Luojia-2 01 (珞珈二号01星)
21 - May 30 (01:31:13.480) - CZ-2F/G (Y16) - JSLC, LC43/91 (NSF article)
                    Shenzhou-16 (神舟十六号)

22 - June 7 (04:10:02.102) - LJ-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/130
                    Shiyan-24A (试验二十四号A星)
                    Shiyan-24B (试验二十四号B星)
                    Xi'an Hangtou-8 (西安航投8号)
                    Fucheng-1 (涪城一号)
                    X Shexian Pianzheng Lifang (X射线偏振探测立方星)
                    (?) Xingshidai-16 (星时代-16)
                    (?) Tianyi-26 (天仪26)
                    "26 sats in total"

23 - June 9 ( - KZ-1A (Y20) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Longjiang-3 (龙江三号)



June 15 (~05:37) 20 (~04:00) - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (x41)
June 20 (~04:00) - ?? - TSLC

June 22 (?) - CZ-2D - XSLC, LC3
                    Liangchi (梁溪号)
Second half of June - ZQ-2 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/96
June (TBD) - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
June - ?? - ??
                    B300 (AZSpace Ziwei Technology)
End of June (?) - ?? - JSLC
                    Satellite for Oman

July 6 (~11:40) - CZ-2C - JSLC

July 16 (?) - ?? - JSLC
July 20 - 31 - ?? - TSLC
                    AS-02 Hongkou Fuxing (虹口复兴号)
                    AS-01 Kuangda Nanhu (矿大南湖号)
July/September - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
August 4 (?) - ?? - JSLC
August 23 (?) - ?? - JSLC
August - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3F (风云三号F)
September 8 (?) - CZ-7A - WSLC, LC201
September June - JL-3 (Y2) - YS (?)
                    Xinmu-1 'Taigao Zhiyuan' 星幕一号 '太高志远号'
September - LJ-1 (Y3) - JSLC, LC43/130
October August - JL-3 (Y3) - YS (?)
October/December - YL-1 (Y1) - YS (?)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen-05
                    17 Sats
October/December - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
November 5 - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3
                    Einstein Probe (爱因斯坦探针)
November 25 - CZ-2F/G (Y17) - JSLC, LC43/91
                    Shenzhou-17 (神舟十七号)
November September - JL-3 (Y4) - YS (?)
December October - JL-3 (Y5) - YS (?)
December - LJ-1 (Y4) - JSLC, LC43/130

Second half - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Xingkong-1 (Jianyang-1)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-25 (北斗三号M25)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-26 (北斗三号M26)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-27 (北斗三号M27)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-28 (北斗三号M28)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-29 (北斗三号M29)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-30 (北斗三号M30)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Zhangheng-2 (CSES-2)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Zhongxing-6E (中星6E号)
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (?)
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 (?) - TSLC, LC16 (?)
?? - CZ-6C - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 (Y6?) - WSLC, LC101
                    Xinyidai Zairen Feichuan Shiyan (?) (New generation manned spacecraft)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - ?? - ??
                    El Guaicaipuro (Venezuela)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Luojia-3 02
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
?? - CZ-11A - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Lixing-2 'Chuangxin-15 (创新15)'


April/June - YL-1 (Y2) - JSLC
                    18 Sats
Spring - CZ-2C - XSLC
                    SVOM (Space-based multi-band ast. Variable Objects Monitor)
May 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
November 11 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
?? - ZSX-1 - JSLC
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Zhenghe (Near-Earth Asteroid Multi-Target Detection)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Queqiao-2 (鹊桥二号)
                    Tiandu-1 (天都一号)
                    Tiandu-2 (天都二号)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-6 (Sample return from far side)
                    ICUBE-Q (Pakistan CubeSat)
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Xuntian China Space Station Telescope
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Sun Fixed Point Observation
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-4 MW (Microwave sounder prototype)
?? - ?? - ??
                    HTS 113BT (was Palapa-N1R)


May 7 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-2 (Main-Belt Asteroid - Ceres - Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-7 (lunar South Pole Landing & Cruise)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-3I (Fengyun-3RM-2)
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Solar Polar Orbit Observer
?? - CZ-7 - WSLS
                    enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission(eXTP)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 (or CZ-9) - WSLC
                    Tianwen-3A (Mars Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-3B (Mars Sample Return)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-8 (basic model of lunar research station)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Tianwen-4 (Jupiter / Uranus flyby)


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
                    Tianwen-5 (?) (Callisto orbiter)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-5
?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-6
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - LSTSAT-1 (was Nicasat-1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM)
?? - ?? - ?? - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT)
?? - ?? - ?? - Huaizong-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jiefangbei-1 (解放碑一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Gaogui-SAR (高轨20米SAR)
?? - ?? - ?? - Haiyang Shuise (新一代海洋水色)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2, OHS-2s, OKW-2, TY-1(04)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC, LC43/95A - Xingyun-1 (01), Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst micro satellite), Taniy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x1, Xingyun-2x2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x3, Xingyun-2x4
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x5, Xingyun-2x6
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x7, Xingyun-2x8
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x9, Xingyun-2x10
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x11, Xingyun-2x12
?? - Jielong-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC42/95B - Yizheng-2 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite), Yizheng-3 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC, LC2 - GEOSAR (Tianhui-3)
?? - CZ-3B/G? (Y75) - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing A, Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing B
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-7B - WSLC
?? - CZ-7C - WSLC
?? - CZ-7D - WSLC
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC - Asteroid deflection mission (2 probes)


Orbital launches from Chinese launch centers (2023 / Total): 23 / 530

Jiuquan (JSLC) - 14 / 197
Xichang (XSLC) - 4 / 187
Taiyuan (TSLC) - 3 / 118
Wenchang (WSLS) - 2 / 23
Yellow Sea (YS) - 0 / 3
East China Sea (ECS) - 0 / 2

JSLC - Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center - Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia
XSLC - Xichang Satellite Launch Center -  Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
TSLC - Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center - Kelan County (Xinzhou), Shanxi
WSLS - Wenchang Space Launch Site - Hainan

CZ - Chang Zheng (Long March)
KZ - Kuaizhou (Speedy Vessel) - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
KT - Kaituozhe - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
GSX - Gushengxing (Ceres) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
ZSX - Zhishenxing (Pallas) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
SQX - Shuangquxian (Hyperbola) - iSpace (Beijing Interstellar Glory Space Technology Ltd.)
ZQ - Zuque - LandSpace
JL - Jielong (SmartDragon) - Subsidiary of the state-owned CASC group built for the commercial market
LJ - Lijian (Kinetica, Zhongke)
OS-M (Chongqing SQX) - OneSpace
TL - Tianlong - Space Pioneer (Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.)
YL - Yinli (Gravity) - Orien Space Shandong Technology (Orienspace, oSpace)

CZ-2A/C/E/F Shenjian (Divine Arrow") - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-2D - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-3 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4C/B - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-5/B - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-6/A - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) / China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-7/A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-8 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-11 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)

May 30
June 1
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 13
« Last Edit: 06/13/2023 08:58 pm by Satori »

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2537 on: 06/09/2023 09:30 am »

The Kuaizhou series of rockets will perform 8 to 10 launch missions in 2023.
Includeing today, there are two launch in 2023, so rest 6-8 launches in this year.

Offline Satori

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2538 on: 06/14/2023 06:05 pm »
China launches in 2023 (times in UTC)

01 - January 8 ( - CZ-7A (Y4) - WSLS, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Shijian-23 (实践二十三号)
                    SJ-23 SubSat
02 - January 9 (05:04:00.282) - GXS-1 (Y5) "Give Me Five" - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Keji-1 (科技壹号)
                    Tianqi-13 'Alashan-1' (天启星座13星 '阿拉善一号')
                    Tianmu-1 01 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 1' (天目一号01 '西永微电园1号星')
                    Tianmu-1 02 'Xiyong Weidian Yuan 2' (天目一号02 '西永微电园2号星')
                    Nantong Zhongxue (南通中学号)
03 - January 12 ( - CZ-2C (Y61) - XSLC, LC3
                    APStar-6E (亚太6E)
04 - January 13 ( - CZ-2D (Y73) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Yaogan-37 (遥感三十七)
                    Shiyan-22A (试验二十二号A)
                    Shiyan-22B (试验二十二号B)
05 - January 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y71) - TSLC, LC9 (NSF article)
                    Qilu-2 (齐鲁二号)
                    Qilu-3 (齐鲁三号)
                    Jinzijing-3 (金紫荆三号)
                    Jinzijing-4 (金紫荆四号)
                    Jinzijing-6 (金紫荆六号)
                    Beiyou-1 (北邮一号)
                    Luojia-3 01 'Yantai-1' (珞珈三号01 '烟台一号')
                    Tianzhi-2D 'Rizhao-3' (天智二号D '日照三号')
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D34 (吉林一号高分03D34)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A03 (吉林一号魔方02A03)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A04 (吉林一号魔方02A04)
                    Jilin-1 Mofang 02A07 'Huashui-1' (吉林一号魔方02A07 '华水一号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A07 'Aofuman' (吉林一号红外A07 '沃福曼号')
                    Jilin-1 Hongwai A08 'Haihe-1' (吉林一号红外A08 '海河一号')
06 - February 23 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y93) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Zhongxing-26 'Chinasat-26' (中星26号)
07 - February 24 ( - CZ-2C (Y63) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Helusi-1 'Horus-1' (荷鲁斯一号)
08 - March 9 ( - CZ-4C (Y51) - TSLC, LC9
                    Tianhui-6A (天绘六号A)
                    Tianhui-6B (天绘六号B)
09 - March 13 ( - CZ-2C (Y64) - JSLC, LC43/94 (NSF article)
                    Helusi-2 'Horus-2' (荷鲁斯二号)
10 - March 15 ( - CZ-11 (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Shiyan-19 (试验十九号)
11 - March 17 ( - CZ-3B/G2 (Y94) or (Y90) - XSLC, LC2
                    Gaofen-13 02 (高分十三号02)
12 - March 22 ( - KZ-1A (Y19) - JSLC, LC43/95A (NSF article)
                    Tianmu-1 03 (天目一号03)
                    Tianmu-1 04 (天目一号04)
                    Tianmu-1 05 (天目一号05)
                    Tianmu-1 06 (天目一号06)
13 - March 30 ( - CZ-2D (Y90) - TSLC, LC9
                    Hongtu-1 1A-01 'Zhongyuan-1' (宏图一号01A '中原一号') (PIESAT 1A-01 / Nuwa-1 1)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-01 'Hebi-1' 宏图一号01B '鹤壁一号' (PIESAT 1B-01 / Nuwa-1 2)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-02 'Hebi-2' 宏图一号01C '鹤壁二号' (PIESAT 1B-02 / Nuwa-1 3)
                    Hongtu-1 1B-03 'Hebi-3' 宏图一号01D '鹤壁三号' (PIESAT 1B-03 / Nuwa-1 4)
14 - March 31 ( - CZ-4C (Y49) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Yaogan-34 04 (遥感三十四号04)
15 - April 2 (08:48:16.459) - TLG-2 (Y1 "Zhangjiagang" '张家港号') - JSLC (NSF article)
                    Aitaikong Kexue 'Jinta' (爱太空科学号 '金塔号')
16 - April 7 ( - SQX-1 (Y6 "Lianyungang" '连云港号') - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    «Verification Flight»
17 - April 16 (01:36:29(?).xxx) - CZ-4B (Y51) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3 07 'Fenyun-3G / Fengyun-3RM-1' (风云三号07)
18 - May 10 (13:22:51.405) - CZ-7 (Y7) - WSLC, LC201 (NSF article)
                    Tianzhou-6 (天舟六号)
                    Dalian-1 Lianli (大连一号连理)
19 - May 17 ( - CZ-3B/G3 (Y87) - XSLC, LC2 (NSF article)
                    Beidou-3G4 (北斗三号G4星) 'Beidou-56'
20 - May 21 ( - CZ-2C (Y60) - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Aomen Kexue-1A (澳门科学一号A双星)
                    Aomen Kexue-1B (澳门科学一号B双星)
                    Luojia-2 01 (珞珈二号01星)
21 - May 30 (01:31:13.480) - CZ-2F/G (Y16) - JSLC, LC43/91 (NSF article)
                    Shenzhou-16 (神舟十六号)
22 - June 7 (04:10:02.102) - LJ-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/130
                    Shiyan-24A (试验二十四号A星)
                    Shiyan-24B (试验二十四号B星)
                    Xi'an Hangtou-8 (西安航投8号)
                    Fucheng-1 (涪城一号)
                    X Shexian Pianzheng Lifang (X射线偏振探测立方星)
                    "26 sats in total"[/color]
23 - June 9 ( - KZ-1A (Y20) - JSLC, LC43/95A
                    Longjiang-3 (龙江三号)
24 - June 15 ( - CZ-2D (Y88) - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D19 (吉林一号高分03D19)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 03D26 (吉林一号高分03D26)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A01 (吉林一号高分06A01)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A16 (吉林一号高分06A16)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A17 (吉林一号高分06A17) 'Jinzijing-37 (金紫荆37)'
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A18 (吉林一号高分06A18) 'Jinzijing-38 (金紫荆38)'
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A19 (吉林一号高分06A19)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A29 (吉林一号高分06A29)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen 06A30 (吉林一号高分06A30) 'Hace Nongyao-1 (哈测农遥一号)'
                    Huoerguosi-1 (霍尔果斯一号)
                    Jilin-1 Pingtai 02A01 (吉林一号平台02A01)
                    Jilin-1 Pingtai 02A02 (吉林一号平台02A02)

25 - June 20 ( - CZ-6 (Y12) - TSLC, LC16
                    Shiyan-25 (试验二十五号)



July 6 (~11:40) - CZ-2C - JSLC
Early July - ZQ-2 (Y2) - JSLC, LC43/96
July 16 (?) - ?? - JSLC
July 23 20 - 31 - ?? - TSLC
                    AS-01 Kuangda Nanhu (矿大南湖号)
                    AS-02 Hongkou Fuxing (虹口复兴号)
                    AS-03 Zhongdian Nongchuang (中电农创号)
End June / Early July - GSX-1 (Y6) - JSLC, LC43/95A
July (?) June 22 (?) - CZ-2D - XSLC, LC3
                    Liangchi (梁溪号)
July (?) End June (?) - ?? - JSLC
                    Satellite for Oman
July (?) 3 (~03:20) June (TBD)[/s] - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95(?)
July/September - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
July/September - KZ-1A - XSLC, LC4
August 4 (?) - ?? - JSLC
August 11 (~18:20) - CZ-3B/? - XSLC

August 23 (?) - ?? - JSLC
August - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Fengyun-3F (风云三号F)
September 8 (?) - CZ-7A - WSLC, LC201
September - JL-3 (Y2) - YS (?)
                    Xinmu-1 'Taigao Zhiyuan' (星幕一号 '太高志远号')
September - LJ-1 (Y3) - JSLC, LC43/130
October - JL-3 (Y3) - YS (?)
October - CZ-2D (?)  - JSLC, LC43/94 (?)
                    MisrSat-2 (EgyptSat-2)

October/December - YL-1 (Y1) - YS (?)
                    Jilin-1 Gaofen-05
                    17 Sats
October/December - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
November 5 - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3
                    Einstein Probe (爱因斯坦探针)
November 25 - CZ-2F/G (Y17) - JSLC, LC43/91
                    Shenzhou-17 (神舟十七号)
November - JL-3 (Y4) - YS (?)
December - JL-3 (Y5) - YS (?)
December - LJ-1 (Y4) - JSLC, LC43/130
Second half - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Xingkong-1 (Jianyang-1)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-25 (北斗三号M25)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-26 (北斗三号M26)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-27 (北斗三号M27)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-28 (北斗三号M28)
4th quarter (or 2024) - CZ-3B/YZ-1 - XSLC
                    Beidou-3 MEO-29 (北斗三号M29)
                    Beidou-3 MEO-30 (北斗三号M30)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC, LC43/94
                    Zhangheng-2 (CSES-2)
?? - ?? - JSLC
                    Qiankun-1 (乾坤一号)

?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
                    Zhongxing-6E (中星6E号)
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9
                    Jilin-1 (?)
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-6 (?) - TSLC, LC16 (?)
?? - CZ-6C - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 (Y6?) - WSLC, LC101
                    Xinyidai Zairen Feichuan Shiyan (?) (New generation manned spacecraft)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - YS (?)
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - GSX-1 - JSLC, LC43/95A
?? - ?? - ??
                    El Guaicaipuro (Venezuela)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Luojia-3 02
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC, LC43/95B
?? - CZ-11A - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ??
                    Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Lixing-2 'Chuangxin-15 (创新15)'


April/June - YL-1 (Y2) - JSLC
                    18 Sats
Spring - CZ-2C - XSLC
                    SVOM (Space-based multi-band ast. Variable Objects Monitor)
May 18 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - TL-3 - JSLC

November 11 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94
?? - ZSX-1 - JSLC
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Zhenghe (Near-Earth Asteroid Multi-Target Detection)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Queqiao-2 (鹊桥二号)
                    Tiandu-1 (天都一号)
                    Tiandu-2 (天都二号)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-6 (Sample return from far side)
                    ICUBE-Q (Pakistan CubeSat)
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Xuntian China Space Station Telescope
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Sun Fixed Point Observation
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-4 MW (Microwave sounder prototype)
?? - ?? - ??
                    HTS 113BT (was Palapa-N1R)


May 7 - CZ-2F/G - JSLC, LC43/91
May - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-2 (Main-Belt Asteroid - Ceres - Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-4B - TSLC, LC9
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer (VOICE)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-7 (lunar South Pole Landing & Cruise)
?? - ?? - ??
                    Fengyun-3I (Fengyun-3RM-2)
?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Solar Polar Orbit Observer
?? - CZ-7 - WSLS
                    enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission(eXTP)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 (or CZ-9) - WSLC
                    Tianwen-3A (Mars Sample Return)
?? - CZ-3B - XSLC
                    Tianwen-3B (Mars Sample Return)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Chang'e-8 (basic model of lunar research station)
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC, LC101
                    Tianwen-4 (Jupiter / Uranus flyby)


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - ??
                    Tianwen-5 (?) (Callisto orbiter)


?? - ?? - ??
?? - ?? - ??


?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-5
?? - ?? - TSLC - CBERS-6
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - LSTSAT-1 (was Nicasat-1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM)
?? - ?? - ?? - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Exploration (MIT)
?? - ?? - ?? - Huaizong-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jiefangbei-1 (解放碑一号)
?? - ?? - ?? - Gaogui-SAR (高轨20米SAR)
?? - ?? - ?? - Haiyang Shuise (新一代海洋水色)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2, OHS-2s, OKW-2, TY-1(04)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC, LC43/95A - Xingyun-1 (01), Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst micro satellite), Taniy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x1, Xingyun-2x2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x3, Xingyun-2x4
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x5, Xingyun-2x6
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x7, Xingyun-2x8
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x9, Xingyun-2x10
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2x11, Xingyun-2x12
?? - Jielong-1 (Y2) - JSLC, LC42/95B - Yizheng-2 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite), Yizheng-3 (0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellite)
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC, LC2 - GEOSAR (Tianhui-3)
?? - CZ-3B/G? (Y75) - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing A, Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing B
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-7B - WSLC
?? - CZ-7C - WSLC
?? - CZ-7D - WSLC
?? - CZ-5 - WSLC - Asteroid deflection mission (2 probes)


Orbital launches from Chinese launch centers (2023 / Total): 25 / 532

Jiuquan (JSLC) - 14 / 197
Xichang (XSLC) - 4 / 187
Taiyuan (TSLC) - 5 / 120
Wenchang (WSLS) - 2 / 23
Yellow Sea (YS) - 0 / 3
East China Sea (ECS) - 0 / 2

June 14
June 15
June 20
June 21
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 30

JSLC - Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center - Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia
XSLC - Xichang Satellite Launch Center -  Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
TSLC - Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center - Kelan County (Xinzhou), Shanxi
WSLS - Wenchang Space Launch Site - Hainan

CZ - Chang Zheng (Long March)
KZ - Kuaizhou (Speedy Vessel) - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
KT - Kaituozhe - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC)
GSX - Gushengxing (Ceres) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
ZSX - Zhishenxing (Pallas) - Galactic Energy (Beijing Xinghe Dongli Space Technology Co. Ltd.)
SQX - Shuangquxian (Hyperbola) - iSpace (Beijing Interstellar Glory Space Technology Ltd.)
ZQ - Zuque - LandSpace
JL - Jielong (SmartDragon) - Subsidiary of the state-owned CASC group built for the commercial market
LJ - Lijian (Kinetica, Zhongke)
OS-M (Chongqing SQX) - OneSpace
TL - Tianlong - Space Pioneer (Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.)
YL - Yinli (Gravity) - Orien Space Shandong Technology (Orienspace, oSpace)

CZ-2A/C/E/F Shenjian (Divine Arrow") - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-2D - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-3 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-4C/B - Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
CZ-5/B - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-6/A - China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) / China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-7/A - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-8 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
CZ-11 - China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
« Last Edit: 06/30/2023 11:03 am by Satori »

Online mikezang

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Re: Chinese launch schedule
« Reply #2539 on: 06/19/2023 10:57 am »
Launch "student-made" satellites next year! The first phase of the Shenzhen Campus of CUHK was completed, and the highlights are these

Next year, a satellite "Sun Yat-Sen University Student CubeSat" independently developed by CUHK students will take a selfie stick "up to the sky" and take a photo of themselves and the earth on the occasion of CUHK's centennial.

This "small" satellite, which uses wooden environmentally friendly materials as its shell and is as long as an adult's forearm, is not technically difficult at all. "We plan to complete space missions such as the on-orbit verification of the wooden environmental protection material shell space, the on-orbit application exploration of the lightweight lattice metamaterial structure, and the on-orbit verification of the retractable selfie stick." Wang Hui, a doctoral student at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics who led the project, is full of ambition .
The Zhongshan Daxue XueSheng Lifang (中山大学学生立方星) might be launched in 2024.


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