Author Topic: LIVE: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017  (Read 36955 times)

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LIVE: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« on: 03/18/2017 10:16 am »
March 17, 2017

NASA TV to Air Preview Briefing, Three U.S. Spacewalks

Expedition 50 astronauts will conduct three spacewalks outside the International Space Station (ISS) in late March and early April to prepare for the future arrival of U.S. commercial crew spacecraft and upgrade station hardware.

NASA Television will air a briefing to preview the spacewalks, or extravehicular activities (EVAs), at 2 p.m. EDT Wednesday, March 22, from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The briefing participants are:
•Kenneth Todd, ISS Operations Integration Manager
•Emily Nelson, NASA Flight Director
•Sarah Korona, U.S. EVA # 40 Spacewalk Officer
•John Mularski, U.S. EVA # 41 Spacewalk Officer
•Alex Kanelakos, U.S. EVA # 42 Spacewalk Officer

U.S. reporters who plan to attend the briefing at Johnson must arrange for credentials via the Johnson newsroom by 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 21. Reporters planning to ask questions by phone must call the newsroom at 281-483-5111 no later than 1:45 p.m. Wednesday, March 22.

The spacewalks currently are scheduled for March 24, April 2 and April 7. NASA TV will provide complete coverage beginning each day at 6:30 a.m., with the six-and-a-half hour spacewalks scheduled to begin about 7 a.m.

The first spacewalk will prepare the Pressurized Mating Adapter-3 (PMA-3) for installation of the second International Docking Adapter, which will accommodate commercial crew vehicle dockings. The PMA-3 provides the pressurized interface between the station modules and the docking adapter. Expedition 50 Commander Shane Kimbrough of NASA and Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet of ESA (European Space Agency) will disconnect cables and electrical connections on PMA-3 to prepare for its robotic move Thursday, March 30. PMA-3 will be moved from the port side of the Tranquility module to the space-facing side of the Harmony module, where it will become home for the docking adapter, which will be delivered on a future flight of a SpaceX Dragon cargo ship. The spacewalkers also will install on the starboard zero truss a new computer relay box equipped with advanced software for the adapter.

The two spacewalkers will lubricate the latching end effector on the Canadarm2 robotic arm, inspect a radiator valve suspected of a small ammonia leak and replace cameras on the Japanese segment of the outpost. Radiators are used to shed excess heat that builds up through normal space station operation.

This will be the 198th, spacewalk in support of space station assembly and maintenance. Kimbrough’s two spacewalks will be the fifth and sixth of his career. Whitson will be making the eighth and ninth spacewalks of her career – more than any other female astronaut. Pesquet will undertake the second and third spacewalks in his career.

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« Last Edit: 03/24/2017 10:55 am by Chris Bergin »
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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #1 on: 03/22/2017 08:32 pm »
NASA Press Briefing Previews Three U.S. Spacewalks


Published on Mar 22, 2017
On March 22, NASA previewed three upcoming spacewalks planned in late March and early April for the Expedition 50 astronauts onboard the International Space Station. The trio of spacewalks will prepare the station for the future arrival of U.S. commercial crew spacecraft and upgrade station hardware. The spacewalks currently are scheduled for March 24, April 2 and April 7. NASA TV will provide complete coverage beginning each day at 6:30 a.m., with the six-and-a-half hour spacewalks scheduled to begin about 7 a.m.

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #2 on: 03/23/2017 12:00 am »
So the new equipment to be installed - if I understand correctly -
[Updated following much-appreciated input downthread]

Enhanced EXT-1 MDM   for S0   (EVA-40)   - launched on what?  CRS-10 maybe?
Enhanced EXT-2 MDM  for S0 (EVA41)
External cameras for JEM EF  (how many?)  (EVA-40) - guessing launched on HTV-6?
Node 3 axial shields  for N3  (EVA-41)  -   launched on OA-6
PMA-3 MMOD 'Cummerbund' shields (EVA-41) launched on OA-6
PMA-3 MMOD Forward shield (EVA-42)  - to be launched on OA-7
ExPCA controller for ELC-4  (EVA-42)   - to be launched on OA-7
External wireless antenna  (for installing where?)  (EVA-42)  - launched on what?
« Last Edit: 03/23/2017 10:11 pm by jcm »

Jonathan McDowell

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #3 on: 03/23/2017 10:17 am »
Since detailed information on this EVA is sparse perhaps we can get information from previous EVA's.
Does anyone know on which shuttle or ISS EVA the following were done:

1.  Demating or mating of the PMA cables.
2.  Lubricating the SPDM LEE.
3.  R&R the MDM's.
4.  R&R lights on the Kibo pallet.

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #4 on: 03/23/2017 01:13 pm »
Since detailed information on this EVA is sparse perhaps we can get information from previous EVA's.
Does anyone know on which shuttle or ISS EVA the following were done:

1.  Demating or mating of the PMA cables.
2.  Lubricating the SPDM LEE.
3.  R&R the MDM's.
4.  R&R lights on the Kibo pallet.

PMA cables - US EVA-10  Nov 2007
MDMs -   US EVA-26  Apr 2014
SSRMS LEE lube - US EVA-30  Feb 2015; don't know of a previous SPDM lube

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #5 on: 03/23/2017 06:48 pm »

Second spacewalk for Thomas – details   

On Friday 24 March NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet will head outside the International Space Station for their second time as a spacewalking duo. It is the first in a series of three spacewalks in the coming weeks – Shane will return outside with NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson and then in April Peggy and Thomas do a last sortie before the end of Expedition 50.

The two spacewalkers will spend almost seven hours disconnecting cables from a docking adapter, lubricating the tip of the robotic arm Canadarm2, inspecting a radiator and replacing cameras. They will also install an upgraded computer to allow future commercial crew vehicles to dock with the Space Station.

Friday’s cable work on the docking adapter (called the Pressurized Mating Adapter-3 or PMA-3) will prepare it for its relocation from the Tranquility module to the Harmony module on March 30. The relocation opens up the Tranquility port for the future installation of the new International Docking Adapter-3 set to be delivered on a future cargo mission.

Watch the whole spacewalk live here from 10:30 GMT (11:30 CET) and follow @esaspaceflight for live Tweets on the day itself.

Closer look

Thomas and Shane will start breathing pure oxygen at around 07:00 GMT to purge their bodies of nitrogen – their spacesuits operate at lower atmospheric pressure than the Space Station so much like scuba divers they need to avoid nitrogen building up in their blood and causing “the bends”.

The duo will climb into their their spacesuits with Peggy helping.

Thomas and Shane are scheduled to head outside at around 12:30 GMT. Shane will be EV1, wearing a spacesuit with red stripes while Thomas will be EV2, wearing a spacesuit without stripes.

Shane and Thomas will spend the whole spacewalk working separately on their own tasks. Shane will move to the "S0 Truss" and start installing the new computer relay box while Thomas will move to the "P1 truss" section and start inspecting a small leak in the Station’s cooling system.

Shane’s day out

Shane’s first task is to replace one of the computers that control all aspects of the International Space Station’s systems, called the EPIC MDM for Enhanced Processor & Integrated Communications (EPIC)  Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.

When Shane is finished with this task that is expected to take around 90 minutes he will move to the Pressurised Mating Adapter-3 on the Tranquility module (also called Node-3). PMA-3 is a docking adapter for visiting spacecraft and Shane will uncouple it so it can be moved by robotic arm to another location on the Space Station. This task is expected to last 75 minutes with Shane unplugging cables and releasing bolts and adding end caps to the freed cables. When he is finished Shane will return to the airlock to change equipment.

Shane's schedule will then take him to the Japanese Kibo Laboratory and retrieve two external camera units. The lights on them need replacing but this can only been done inside, so Shane will loosen two bolts on each camera and return them to the airlock.

Thomas’ tasks

Thomas will leave the airlock and head to the "P1 truss" segment to inspect a radiator that has been slowly leaking ammonia for years. This is not an issue but ground control has noticed that the leak is increasing so they want Thomas to inspect it. The Robotic External Leak Locator detected the possible location of the leak when it went outside through the Japanese airlock a few months ago. Now Thomas will try to pinpoint the exact source.

Thomas will look for the leak in junction boxes, rigid lines and flex hose jumpers. He will take photos and pat and touch the system while searching for the leak. This task is planned to take 105 minutes.Thomas’ second task will last almost four hours and will see him maintaining the end of the Stations’ robotic arm in space agency terms this is the SPDM/LEE which stands for “Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, Latching End Effector” – as Thomas himself says "or in clearer terms: the hand of the robotic arm". Thomas will lubricate the latches at the end of the arm to ensure smooth operation in the future. Thomas will perform this task at the S0 truss.

Get ahead

As spacewalks are complicated and time-consuming there are always extra tasks planned in case the astronauts have more time on their hand.

If time allows, extra tasks include installing handrails, replacing a light and a lens cover amongst other things.

Working apart together

As Thomas and Shane will spend the whole day working on their own areas they will not be able to do the tried and tested buddy-check system where they check each other’s suits and progress and can help in case of emergency.

For this spacewalk extra attention has been paid to any emergencies and how Thomas and Shane can quickly come to each other's aid if need be.

Back inside

All these operations will take around six hours and 20 minutes to complete, when the spacewalkers will return to the airlock. During this time there will be no food and no toilet break. Water is supplied in a pouch with a drinking straw. The work is tiring as the astronauts fight against the pressurised suit that becomes stiff in the vacuum of space. A spacewalk is a test of patience and alertness.

Throughout the spacewalk they will check their suit and especially their gloves for wear and tear. Every 90 minutes the Space Station orbits Earth so Shane and Thomas will be continuously working 45 minutes in daylight and 45 minutes in complete darkness. The spacesuits have lights for the dark moments, but as the Sun rises it can be blinding for moments.

After a 25 minute clean-up and further checks the airlock repressurises in around five minutes. Inside, Peggy and Sergei Ryzhikov will be waiting to welcome them and help them out of their suits.

The spacewalk is scheduled to end at around 18:00 GMT.
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #6 on: 03/23/2017 07:00 pm »
Node 3 axial shields  for N3  (EVA-41)  -   launched on OA-6
PMA-3 MMOD(?) shields (EVA-41 and 42) -  maybe also launched on OA-6?

The PMA-3 Cummerbund MMOD shields launched on OA-6, yes, however the PMA-3 Forward Shield (aka the Bowtie) is on OA-7, so it will not be there in time for the shield EVA. Just FYI

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #7 on: 03/23/2017 07:05 pm »
ExPCA controller for an ELC (which ELC?)  (EVA-42)   - to be launched on OA-7

And this is for ELC4

Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #8 on: 03/23/2017 07:30 pm »
Expedition 50 astronauts will conduct up to three spacewalks outside the International Space Station (ISS) in late March and early April to prepare for the future arrival of U.S. commercial crew spacecraft and upgrade station hardware. The first spacewalk remains on schedule for Friday, March 24. A second spacewalk has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 30, and a third spacewalk now is scheduled for Thursday, April 6.

NASA TV will provide complete coverage beginning each day at 6:30 a.m. EDT, with the six-and-a-half hour spacewalks scheduled to begin about 8 a.m.
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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #9 on: 03/23/2017 10:08 pm »
ExPCA controller for an ELC (which ELC?)  (EVA-42)   - to be launched on OA-7

And this is for ELC4

Thanks for those details!

Jonathan McDowell

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #10 on: 03/24/2017 06:34 am »
Better version of US-EVA#40 preview vis-a-vis the one in the preview briefing

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #11 on: 03/24/2017 07:47 am »
Purge began at 8:40 GMT.

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #12 on: 03/24/2017 09:13 am »
William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 2m ago

EVA40: The official start time is 8am EDT, but the crew is running about a half hour ahead of schedule

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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #13 on: 03/24/2017 09:18 am »
William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 4m4 minutes ago

EVA40: For ID, Kimbrough, call sign EV-1, is wearing a suit with red stripes and will use helmet camera 18

William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 3m3 minutes ago

EVA40: Pesquet, call sign EV-2, is wearing an unmarked suit and will use helmet camera 20; Peggy Whitson will operate the robot arm

Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #14 on: 03/24/2017 09:27 am »
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Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #15 on: 03/24/2017 09:30 am »
How do they lube the Canadarm2? I presume pressurised bottle of WD-40 is out of the question.

No maple syrup references, please.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #16 on: 03/24/2017 09:32 am »
Whoa, NASA TV's new EVA coverage intro video is rather epic.

Double team PAO today.
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Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #17 on: 03/24/2017 09:41 am »
End Effector Lubing.
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Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #18 on: 03/24/2017 09:46 am »
About to close the hatch.
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Online Chris Bergin

Re: US EVA 40 - March 24, 2017
« Reply #19 on: 03/24/2017 09:51 am »
Hatch closed.
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