Author Topic: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)  (Read 77804 times)

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The Soyuz MS-04 patch design is inspired on the iconic Apollo 12 patch. The classic sailing ship symbolises the dream of flying in space. The vessel trails a stream of stars, as used in the patch for Expedition 52, which cosmonaut Yurchikhin will command during the second part of his stay on the ISS, symbolised by the single star to the left of the ship. Behind the ship in Earth-like colours is a depiction of Konstantin Tsiolkovski's design for a space station, while the border is similar in design to spaceship commander's Yurchikhin earlier Soyuz patches. His name and that of astronaut Fischer, together with the name of the spaceship incorporating the Roscosmos logo and the space fliers national flags occupy the border of the logo. Patch designed by Luc van den Abeelen from The Netherlands. Copyright Roscosmos/
« Last Edit: 02/09/2017 08:13 am by Galactic Penguin SST »
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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #1 on: 11/26/2016 09:32 am »
Beautiful work; the sailing ship is notably reminiscent of Apollo 12.
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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #2 on: 11/27/2016 07:07 am »
With only two names on the patch, would it be correct to assume that this flight will not be carrying a tourist?
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Offline anik

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #3 on: 11/27/2016 08:31 am »
With only two names on the patch, would it be correct to assume that this flight will not be carrying a tourist?

At launch the empty seat will be occupied by cargo container, at landing - by spaceflight participant, or Russian cosmonaut (both - launching on Soyuz MS-06), or again cargo container - depends on decision in future.
« Last Edit: 11/27/2016 08:32 am by anik »

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #4 on: 11/27/2016 08:32 am »
With only two names on the patch, would it be correct to assume that this flight will not be carrying a tourist?
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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #5 on: 11/28/2016 12:09 pm »
With only two names on the patch, would it be correct to assume that this flight will not be carrying a tourist?

At launch the empty seat will be occupied by cargo container, at landing - by spaceflight participant, or Russian cosmonaut (both - launching on Soyuz MS-06), or again cargo container - depends on decision in future.

Hi Anik - so are you saying that if a Spaceflight Participant is not found for MS-06 , in August 2017, there may be a short duration mission by a Russian cosmonaut, instead?

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #6 on: 11/28/2016 12:22 pm »
Hi Anik - so are you saying that if a Spaceflight Participant is not found for MS-06, in August 2017, there may be a short duration mission by a Russian cosmonaut, instead?

Yes, or a long duration flight for cargo container.

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #7 on: 11/29/2016 11:12 pm »
Quick question: when will the crew portrait be updated? The current one still has Paolo Nespoli included.
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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #8 on: 01/13/2017 11:41 am »
"Во время испытаний на Байконуре был выявлен ряд проблем. Поэтому, скорее всего, вместо планировавшегося корабля полетит "Союз" с другим заводским номером", - сказал источник.

"Tests at Baikonur revealed a number of problems [with spacecraft], therefore, most likely, instead of the planned ship another Soyuz MS will fly, with a different serial number", - the source said.

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #9 on: 01/16/2017 01:20 pm »
Soyuz MS-04 will fly with spacecraft № 735 instead of № 734.

Offline B. Hendrickx

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #10 on: 01/16/2017 10:17 pm »
This TASS report gives the reason for the swap.

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos will replace the Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft, originally scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station on March 27, with its twin in the series having a different serial number, the space corporation’s press-service said, adding that the decision had no technical reasons behind it.

"The crew of the ISS 51/52 space expedition, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Jack Fischer, will go to the ISS by spacecraft N. 735, and not N. 734. The replacement is not related with any technical issues," the press-service said.
A source in the space rocket industry said that spacecraft No. 734 had been built on Russia’s budget money, and No. 735, under a contract with NASA.

"The replacement is related with the execution of contracts for delivering crews to the ISS," he said.
Earlier, some media said the spacecraft’s replacement was due to technical problems allegedly exposed as the Soyuz MS-04 underwent testing at Baikonur.

Offline Galactic Penguin SST

This TASS report gives the reason for the swap.

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos will replace the Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft, originally scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station on March 27, with its twin in the series having a different serial number, the space corporation’s press-service said, adding that the decision had no technical reasons behind it.

"The crew of the ISS 51/52 space expedition, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Jack Fischer, will go to the ISS by spacecraft N. 735, and not N. 734. The replacement is not related with any technical issues," the press-service said.
A source in the space rocket industry said that spacecraft No. 734 had been built on Russia’s budget money, and No. 735, under a contract with NASA.

"The replacement is related with the execution of contracts for delivering crews to the ISS," he said.
Earlier, some media said the spacecraft’s replacement was due to technical problems allegedly exposed as the Soyuz MS-04 underwent testing at Baikonur.

They would have to be in similar testing progress then, unless they would like to delay the next crew just to keep up some obscure contract terms?
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Offline russianhalo117

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #12 on: 01/17/2017 12:43 am »
This TASS report gives the reason for the swap.

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos will replace the Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft, originally scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station on March 27, with its twin in the series having a different serial number, the space corporation’s press-service said, adding that the decision had no technical reasons behind it.

"The crew of the ISS 51/52 space expedition, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Jack Fischer, will go to the ISS by spacecraft N. 735, and not N. 734. The replacement is not related with any technical issues," the press-service said.
A source in the space rocket industry said that spacecraft No. 734 had been built on Russia’s budget money, and No. 735, under a contract with NASA.

"The replacement is related with the execution of contracts for delivering crews to the ISS," he said.
Earlier, some media said the spacecraft’s replacement was due to technical problems allegedly exposed as the Soyuz MS-04 underwent testing at Baikonur.

They would have to be in similar testing progress then, unless they would like to delay the next crew just to keep up some obscure contract terms?
Mr Zak doesn't think the information is reliable when compared to sources.

Offline Stan Black

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #13 on: 01/17/2017 04:28 pm »
Trying to understand the contracts.

Soyuz №734 was originally included in contract №351-8006/12. At that time there was no Soyuz №719 or Soyuz №720.

At some point that contract was amended. Soyuz №734 was dropped from contract №351-8006/12, and replaced with Soyuz №719 or Soyuz №720. I cannot find the amendment to that contract.

Two years later, Soyuz №734, along with №735 are included in contract № 351-8008/14/368. One difference, apart from the price, is I think one was applicable to tax?

Other changes to the contracts have involved swapping Soyuz №731 with Soyuz №720.

So why no changes this time?

Offline B. Hendrickx

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #14 on: 01/17/2017 07:08 pm »

TASS now quoting an anonymous source in the space industry as saying the launch of Soyuz MS-04 may be delayed about a month. They're looking at April 22, but no final decisions made. Not confirmed by the Roskosmos press service. No word on whether the delay is related to the spacecraft swap or the replacement of the third stage engine for the Soyuz-FG rocket (or both). The story on the engine replacement is on the English version of the TASS site :

MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. Third-stage engines of the Soyuz-FG and Soyuz-U carrier rockets intended to launch a Soyuz MS-04 manned spacecraft and a Progress MS-05 space freighter will be replaced after the December accident with a Progress MS-04 cargo spaceship, Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos told TASS on Tuesday.

"The unit of the Soyuz-U carrier rocket’s third stage planned for the launch of a Progress MS-05 transport cargo spaceship has been delivered to the Progress Rocket and Space Center for a check. The carrier rocket for the Soyuz MS-04 manned spacecraft is also in the Progress Rocket and Space Center. Works are under way on both carrier rockets to replace 11D55 third-stage engines [RD-0110 produced by the Voronezh Mechanical Factory] with similar engines of a different series," the Roscosmos press office said.

According to the approved plan, the launch of a Progress MS-05 space freighter is scheduled for February 21 and the launch of a Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft for March 27.

The Progress MS-04 cargo spacecraft launched from the Baikonur spaceport on December 1 with the help of a Soyuz-U carrier rocket was lost during the 382nd second of flight at an altitude of 190 km over the Republic of Tyva in south Siberia. Most of its fragments burned up in the dense layers of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The space freighter was expected to deliver about 2.5 tonnes of various cargoes to the International Space Station (ISS), fuel for the ISS, water and the air for cosmonauts, and also New Year’s gifts for the crew. The spacecraft’s cargo compartment accommodated scientific equipment and spare parts, containers with foodstuffs, clothes, medicines and personal hygiene items.

The Roscosmos panel of inquiry arrived at the conclusion that the oxidizer tank of the third-stage engine was ripped open with an impact of fragments that emerged with the destruction of engine 11D55 as a result of combustion and further destruction of the oxidizer pump. The oxidizer pump might have caught fire for various reasons, such as the likely presence of outside particles in the pump or violation of the engine 11D55’s assembly procedures.

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #15 on: 01/17/2017 08:29 pm »
Any word on a possible delay to MS-02 landing if they delay MS-04 launch?

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #16 on: 01/17/2017 09:47 pm »
Any word on a possible delay to MS-02 landing if they delay MS-04 launch?
possibly a delay to allow more science with a full crew complement but not any official declaration of decision to delay the landing.

Offline B. Hendrickx

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #17 on: 01/18/2017 07:29 am »
The latest from the rumor mill on the NK forum :

Progress MS-05 launch (vehicle nr. 435) : February 22
Soyuz MS-02 landing (vehicle nr. 732) : April 10
Soyuz MS-04 launch (vehicle nr. 735) : April 20
Soyuz MS-03 landing (vehicle nr. 733) : June 2
Soyuz MS-05 launch (vehicle nr. 736) : July 28
Soyuz MS-04 landing (vehicle nr. 735) : September 3
Soyuz MS-06 launch (vehicle nr. 734) : September 13

Nothing official.

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #18 on: 01/18/2017 09:07 pm »
April 20: A Soyuz rocket to launch a Soyuz MS-04 manned transport spacecraft with Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin and NASA astronaut Jack Fischer from Baikonur toward the International Space Station, ISS. As of 2014, the mission was planned for March 30, 2017, but the launch was later advanced to March 27, 2017, during the adjustment of the overall ISS flight manifest.

On Jan. 16, 2017, Roskosmos announced that the vehicle with a production number 735 would be used for the Soyuz MS-04 mission, instead of previous plans to fly Vehicle No. 734. Roskosmos said that the swap was not due to "technical reasons," but in reality, it was caused by a leakage discovered in the thermal control system, SOTR, of Vehicle No. 734. As a result, the launch of the Soyuz MS-04 mission had to be postponed from March 27 until April 20, 2017, at the earliest, depending on the readiness of Vehicle No. 735. The subsequent mission of the Soyuz MS-05 spacecraft also had to be delayed from May 29 until around July 28, 2017.

Offline Stan Black

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Re: LIVE: Soyuz MS-04 launch - April 20, 2017 (07:13 UTC)
« Reply #19 on: 01/18/2017 09:20 pm »
Then again, weren’t Юрчихин and Fischer scheduled to fly the Soyuz MS-05? No change then?
« Last Edit: 01/18/2017 09:24 pm by Stan Black »


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