Just in case anyone's interested in the contents of the table I did a quick translation. If anything's incorrect don't hesitate to blame me!
Instead of returning a sample to earth via small capsule what about to cislunar space. Use a Orion mission to pick it up, would allow for a larger sample.
Quote from: TrevorMonty on 11/18/2015 02:23 pmInstead of returning a sample to earth via small capsule what about to cislunar space. Use a Orion mission to pick it up, would allow for a larger sample.Actually, the sample would likely be smaller. While dispensing with the return capsule, now the spacecraft must carry much more fuel in order to slow down to enter orbit around the Moon. Direct Earth reentry is far more mass-efficient. Also the cost associated with using an SLS launch to send an Orion capsule to retrieve the sample is prohibitive.
JAXA expects CNES to share technical expertise and to render assistance in the following three research topics for MMX research and development phase; - Near-infrared Spectrometer (MacrOmega) - Flight Dynamics - Feasibility of the Small Lander to be equipped
JAXA and CNES Make and Sign Implementing Arrangement on Martian Moons Exploration (MMX)http://global.jaxa.jp/press/2017/04/20170410_cnes.htmlQuoteJAXA expects CNES to share technical expertise and to render assistance in the following three research topics for MMX research and development phase; - Near-infrared Spectrometer (MacrOmega) - Flight Dynamics - Feasibility of the Small Lander to be equipped