ESA ops chief Reiter: 2 Galileo sats to launch ~ March 27 on Euro Soyuz, then 2 more on Sept Soyuz & final in Dec. No 2015 Ariane 5 Galileo.
According to the launch kit of VS12, the mission (VS13) is currently on track for a lift-off in December.
and its FM08 and FM09 for VS13
Quote from: Jester on 08/28/2015 08:29 amand its FM08 and FM09 for VS13Then where is FM07?
The next Galileo launch after this evening's will be in December on a Soyuz launcher when another two satellites will be placed into orbit.In 2016, there will be one launch but using, for the first time, the Ariane 5 launcher, to place four satellites into orbit.In 2017, there will be two launches: a Soyuz launch orbiting two satellites, and an Ariane 5 launch, orbiting four satellites.A 30-satellite constellation will be in place by 2020, following ESA's slogan "30 satellites by 2020," with 10 satellites per plane with each plane having two spare satellites. This should be feasible as two satellites are now being manufactured every three months. Twenty-four satellites is the minimum for Galileo operational capability.