Author Topic: Self-field vs. Applied Field Q&A  (Read 9749 times)

Offline ModeHopper

Self-field vs. Applied Field Q&A
« on: 07/15/2014 01:16 pm »
Two questions:

Firstly, would somebody please be able to explain the difference between self-field and applied field, in the context of electromagnetic propulsion. I've looked everywhere and I can't find a clear-cut definition of the two.

Secondly, is a pulsed thruster exactly what it sounds like? i.e the ion stream is not continuous but is ejected as a series of pulses.

« Last Edit: 07/21/2014 09:02 am by WilfridSomogyi »
Outside the lab, the light was beginning to fade. An array of lenses and mirrors were spread out in front of me, in a desperate attempt to catch a glimpse of the elusive spectrum I’d been searching for. Raindrops in the night became the impatient drumming of a thousand tiny fingers.


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