Quote from: chetan_chpd on 02/09/2021 04:09 ami think both ISRO and CNSA were/are using low res. cameraI hope the quality of the Medium Res Camera (MRC) of CNSA is performing better in orbit. ISRO looks better at the moment. Tianwen-1's camera looks a little bit fuzzy.Here is a nice illustration of the location of the science payloads onboard Tianwen-1 I took from an article from "Info Shymkent": https://www.shymkent.info/2021/02/08/first-spacecrafts-from-arabia-and-china-arrive-at-red-planet/You can find the MRC on the right illustration next to the High-Res Camera (HRC).
i think both ISRO and CNSA were/are using low res. camera
China航天 50分钟前天问一号探测器将于O今晚20时前后 ,实施近火制动, 进入火星轨道。截至今日17时00分, 天问一号距离火星只有约5万公里。China Aerospace50 minutes agoThe Tianwen-1 probe will implement near-fire braking around 20 o'clock tonight and enter Mars orbit. As of 17:00 today, Tianwen-1 is only about 50,000 kilometers away from Mars.
Two hours to MOI burn.https://weibo.com/5616492130/K1iC7xUFk?from=page_1005055616492130_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1612950710124QuoteChina航天 50分钟前天问一号探测器将于O今晚20时前后 ,实施近火制动, 进入火星轨道。截至今日17时00分, 天问一号距离火星只有约5万公里。China Aerospace50 minutes agoThe Tianwen-1 probe will implement near-fire braking around 20 o'clock tonight and enter Mars orbit. As of 17:00 today, Tianwen-1 is only about 50,000 kilometers away from Mars.
刚刚,中国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器实施近火捕获制动,环绕器3000N轨控发动机点火工作约15分钟,探测器顺利进入环火轨道,成为#我国第一颗人造火星卫星#,实现“绕、着,巡”第一步“绕”的目标,环绕火星获得成功!中国航天加油!(总台央视记者崔霞 王世玉 李宁 李厦 陶嘉树 黄宝池 吴天白)Just now, China’s first Mars exploration mission, the Tianwen-1 probe, implemented the near-Mars capture brake. The 3000N orbital control engine of the orbiter ignited for about 15 minutes. The probe successfully entered the circular fire orbit and became my country’s first artificial Mars satellite. "Go around, around, patrol" The first step of "around" the goal, orbiting Mars is a success! Come on, China Aerospace! (CCTV reporter Cui Xia Wang Shiyu Li Ning Li Xia Tao Jiashu Huang Baochi Wu Tianbai)
The inclination change is interesting. It'll probably be pretty cheap in term of delta-v an apogee in a eccentric orbit, but why not insert over the poles so to speak? (Reminds me of when I screw up my approch in Kerbal...)