Author Topic: LIVE: SpaceX Dragon CRS-3 (SpX-3) EOM (Unberth, Entry, Splashdown) UPDATES  (Read 102643 times)

Offline Chris Bergin

LIVE Coverage for CRS-3 Dragon's Unberthing and Splashdown.


NASA Television will provide live coverage of the departure of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft from the International Space Station beginning at 9 a.m. EDT on Sunday, May 18.


Specific Articles for F9/CRS-3
Numerous articles on this page:



CRS-3 Dragon RNDZ and Berthing Article:

CRS-3 Dragon Trunk Payload Removals:

CRS-3 Dragon EOM Article:

SpaceX News Articles from 2006 (Including numerous exclusive Elon interviews):

SpaceX News Articles (Recent):



SpaceX GENERAL Forum Section: - please use this for general questions NOT specific to this mission.

SpaceX MISSIONS Forum Section: - this section is for everything specific to SpaceX missions.

SpaceX CRS-3 General Thread:

SpaceX CRS-3 LAUNCH Thread:

SpaceX CRS-3 Party Thread:

SpaceX CRS-3 RNDZ and Berthing Thread:
You're in it! ;D


L2 Members:

L2 SpaceX Section - now a dedicated full section (very impressive now, from exclusive F9/Dragon to BFR/MTC):

L2 Level F9 v1.1/CRS-3 Launch and mission updates:

Includes hundreds of unpublished hi res images from arrival at the ISS.

« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 11:30 am by Chris Bergin »
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Offline Targeteer

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The Node 2 hatch has been closed
Best quote heard during an inspection, "I was unaware that I was the only one who was aware."

Offline Targeteer

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vestibule being de-pressed
Best quote heard during an inspection, "I was unaware that I was the only one who was aware."

Offline InfraNut2

First pressure-check failed. pressure rising slowly.

Swanny tried to partially open and re-close an MPEV (didn't get which one, I think it was node 2 related, maybe the node 2 hatch MPEV).

Now re-evacuating the vestibule, and restarting pressure checks.

Offline InfraNut2

Swanny reporting pressure readings of 1.2 at 2 min and 1.9 min at 3 min. Houston likes them.

While writing this: 3.0 at 5 min. Houston: "Fantastic, sounds like we made it"
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 08:18 am by InfraNut2 »

Offline InfraNut2

Depress complete. (I.e. the procedure, including some pressure checks)
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 09:14 am by InfraNut2 »

Offline InfraNut2

CCP function test complete.

edit: CCP = Crew Command Panel (for Dragon commanding--connected to CUCU; there is a similar separate command panel "HCP" for HTV/Cygnus connected to PROX. There is similar functionality for ATV but that system is more different I think)
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 10:17 am by InfraNut2 »

Online Galactic Penguin SST

Do we know what is the planned time of unberthing? (I'm not talking about the release-from-SSRMS time of 13:26 UTC)
Astronomy & spaceflight geek penguin. In a relationship w/ Space Shuttle Discovery.

Offline Chris Bergin

They should be unberthed already? Release one hour away.

Or not, see below! :)
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 11:27 am by Chris Bergin »
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Offline InfraNut2

Dragon grappled. Breaks on.

Screencaps taken just before and just after.

(Have had problems following the recent conversation  on the ISS feed. The comm seems noisy/distorted and Swanny's gruff and nasal voice does not carry well through the noise/distortion. Also they often refer just to procedure steps by number. I tried and failed to locate the procedures on L2 -- my search-fu is not at its best today).

Offline Chris Bergin

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Offline Chris Bergin

I tried and failed to locate the procedures on L2 -- my search-fu is not at its best today).

L2 Dragon Release Ops - Page 6:

However, the procedures - by the numbers they will be enunciating - will be another document that I'm sure someone will PM or post to you. I tend to only remember the L2 documents with the pretty pictures! ;D
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 11:35 am by Chris Bergin »
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Offline InfraNut2

I have not seen or heard any unberth time. Neither the coverage announcement or the NASA TV ISS coverage friday mentioned it -- only the release time was mentioned.

The arm was moved into position friday, but they must have stopped at the pre-grapple position, unless I misundersood the comm just now.

There was a also a CCP check friday, so the (very quick) one today must have been a quick double-check.

edit: added screencaps from the 2 mentioned preparation activities on friday.
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 11:58 am by InfraNut2 »

Offline InfraNut2

CBM unbolting in work.

Offline InfraNut2

De-mate complete.

Offline Chris Bergin

NASA TV coverage:

Calling it SpaceX Dragon-4 now......fourth ISS Dragon, but it's really CRS-3/SpX-3.
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 12:01 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline corrodedNut

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Offline corrodedNut

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Offline InfraNut2

Aiii. Already moving the Dragon to the Demate position (~1.75m back off).

Nothing noticed on the loop after the de-mate message, so I thought they had some set-up to do first, but they went right ahead and did it immediately.
« Last Edit: 05/18/2014 12:13 pm by InfraNut2 »

Offline corrodedNut

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