The force of gravity looks like two copies of the strong subnuclear interactions working in unison.
Does this double gluon thingie give any kind of green light to exotic space flight propulsion concepts?
Hmm, well in that case, maybe some of these nucleonic isomers would also provide similarly useful possibilities for testing - or is that what you were referring to? I think I put up a post on Bismuth-212 some time back: nucleonic isomers offer up altered states of the strong force, and this new theory connects the strong force to gravity, then maybe this would be a good place to start looking. I'm not sure what the electronic shell has to do with things, since that's not really strong force, right?I wonder if it might be possible to have nucleus which behaves anisotropically in a gravitational field - ie. the response of the nucleus to the gravitational field would depend on the orientation of the nucleus.