Изготовление и поставка трех ракет-носителей «Протон-М» для запуска космических аппаратов «Экспресс-АМУ1», «Экспресс-АМ7» и «Луч-4».
Изготовление и поставка РН «Протон-М» для запуска КА «Луч-4» (8К82КМ-0000-0ТУ-У)
Подготовка к транспортировке, транспортировка РН «Протон-М» с ГО 14С75.15 для запуска КА «Луч-5В» и возврат порожнего транспорта
(СПИАБ) системы КОСПАС-САРСАТ, ретранслируемой через геостационарные КА «Луч-5А», «Луч-5В, «Электро-Л» № 2, № 3 (ИВЯФ.464345.038 ТУ)
Запуск космического аппарата: КА «Луч-5В»Объект страхования: КА «Луч-5В»Страховая сумма (лимит ответственности) млн.руб.: 1 821,000Дата запуска: II квартал 2014 г. (летит КА «Казсат»)
Launch of satellite: satellite Luch-5VInsured items: satellite Luch-5VThe sum insured (limit of liability), million ruble: 1 821,000Launch date: 2nd quarter of 2014 (launch with satellite Kazsat)
Luch-5VInsurance to cover launch and 1st three monthsLaunch 2nd quarter 2014http://www.zakupki.gov.ru/223/purchase/public/purchase/info/common-info.html?purchaseId=699730&&purchaseMethodType=ok
Quote from: Stan Black on 12/15/2013 06:01 pmLuch-5VInsurance to cover launch and 1st three monthsLaunch 2nd quarter 2014http://www.zakupki.gov.ru/223/purchase/public/purchase/info/common-info.html?purchaseId=699730&&purchaseMethodType=okIs this an internal Russian government insurance program?
Транспортировка четырех РН «Протон-М» с ГО для запуска КА «Экспресс-АТ1, -АТ2», «Экспресс-АМ4R», «Экспресс-АМ6» и «Луч-5В»
Quote from: Prober on 12/16/2013 03:11 pmQuote from: Stan Black on 12/15/2013 06:01 pmLuch-5VInsurance to cover launch and 1st three monthsLaunch 2nd quarter 2014http://www.zakupki.gov.ru/223/purchase/public/purchase/info/common-info.html?purchaseId=699730&&purchaseMethodType=okIs this an internal Russian government insurance program?Third-party liability insurance, likely.
Quote from: SIM city on 12/16/2013 03:14 pmQuote from: Prober on 12/16/2013 03:11 pmQuote from: Stan Black on 12/15/2013 06:01 pmLuch-5VInsurance to cover launch and 1st three monthsLaunch 2nd quarter 2014http://www.zakupki.gov.ru/223/purchase/public/purchase/info/common-info.html?purchaseId=699730&&purchaseMethodType=okIs this an internal Russian government insurance program?Third-party liability insurance, likely. No. Governments self insure against third party liability.The Russian government does purchase commercial insurance for primary payloads.
Will we have less LOS when Luch-5V?
Quote from: Prober on 01/22/2014 06:53 pmWill we have less LOS when Luch-5V?Who are we?
ISS partners
It is Luch data-relay system, which consists of three Luch-5 satellites: Luch-5A launched in 2011 (167E), Luch-5B launched in 2012 (16W), Luch-5V will be launched this year (95E).They have S-, Ku-, -L and -P transponders.You can see coverage of these Luch-5 satellites below (do not see name of satellites!):