Author Topic: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2) [Updates Only]  (Read 2184847 times)

Offline Salo

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Offline Salo

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1801 on: 08/10/2020 08:46 pm »
Completed ISS flight events
UTC time is used in table

January 3 - Space Debris Sensor demount and transfer to Cygnus (NG-12) by SSRMS
January 5 - SOLAR instrument demount and transfer to Cygnus (NG-12) by SSRMS and SPDM
January 7  06:20 /10:05 - Dragon (SpX-19) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
January 7  14:51 / 15:42 - Dragon (SpX-19) splashdown
January 15  11:35-19:04 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-62) (P6 Channel 4B battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock [Meir, Koch]
January 20  11:35-18:33 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-63) (P6 Channel 4B battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock [Meir, Koch]
January 23  14:15 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-13 engines (dT=563s / dV=0.56 m/s)
January 23  17:23 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-13 engines (dT=282s / dV=0.28 m/s)
January 25  12:04-18:20 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-64) from Quest airlock (AMS-02 TTCS repair) [Morgan, Parmitano]
January 29  04:20 - release of satellite STPSat-4 from SSIKLOPS
January 31  11:15 / 14:36 - Cygnus (NG-12) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
February 6  05:50:28 - Soyuz MS-13 (59S) undocking (from Poisk) [Exp 60/61: Skvortsov, Parmitano, Koch]
February 6  08:18:21 / 08:49:43 / 09:12:21 - Soyuz MS-13 (59S) deorbit, reentered the atmosphere and landing [Exp 60/61: Skvortsov, Parmitano, Koch]
February 15  20:21:04.9 - Cygnus (NG-13) launch
February 18  09:05 / 11:16 - Cygnus (NG-13) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by SSRMS
February 19  07:10:01 - release of satellite ELaNa 25A: RadSat-u from NRCSD#17
February 19  09:35:00 - release of satellite ELaNa 25A: Phoenix from NRCSD#17
February 19  11:20:00 - release of satellite QARMAN from NRCSD#17
February 19  12:55:01 - release of satellites ELaNa 25B: CryoCube and AztechSat-1 from NRCSD#17
February 19  14:30:00 - release of satellite ELaNa 25A: SOCRATES from NRCSD#17
February 19  16:00:00 - release of satellites ELaNa 25A: HARP and Argus-02 (MVP-Argus, MVP A, SLU 05) from NRCSD#17
February 19  17:40 - release of satellite ELaNa 25B: SORTIE from NRCSD#17
February 20 - ICS-EF reposition (EFU-7 to EFU-13) by JEMRMS
March 7  04:50:31 - Dragon (SpX-20) launch [Bartolomeo (CEPHFISS) in trunk]
March 9  10:25 / 12:18 - Dragon (SpX-20) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by SSRMS
March 12 - MISSE operations by SSRMS, SPDM and RMCT
March 17  ~23:00 - Cygnus (NG-12) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
March 19  17:14 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-13 engines (dT=534s / dV=0.6 m/s)
March 25 - crew removed the 5 returning MSCs (MISSE-13) from the JEM Airlock and packed them
March 25 - Bartolomeo platform extracted from the CRS-20 Dragon Trunk by SSRMS
March 25 - Bartolomeo platform transferred and currently parked below the Destiny module by SSRMS
April 2  12:41 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-13 engines (dT=427.5s / dV=0.48 m/s)
April 2 - Bartolomeo (CEPHFISS) installation on the Columbus module by SSRMS
April 7  10:33 / 13:06 - Dragon (SpX-20) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
April 7  17:58 / 18:50 - Dragon (SpX-20) deorbit and splashdown
April 9  08:05:06.463 / 14:13:18 - Soyuz MS-16 (62S) launch and docking (to Poisk) [Exp 62/63: Ivanishin, Vagner, Cassidy]
April 17  01:53:30 - Soyuz MS-15 (61S) undocking (from Zvezda)  [Exp 61/62: Skripochka, Meir, Morgan]
April 17  04:22:32 - Soyuz MS-15 (61S) deorbit (dT=281s / dV=128 m/s)
April 17  04:53:39 / 05:16 - Soyuz MS-15 (61S) reentered the atmosphere and landing [Exp 61/62: Skripochka, Meir, Morgan]
April 19  05:09 - ISS orbit's reboost by Zvezda engines (dT=58.5s / dV=0.97  m/s)
April 25  01:51:41.291 / 05:11:56 - Progress MS-14 (75P) launch and docking (to Zvezda)
April 28  15:20 - release of satellites Quetzal-1, G-Satellite from J-SSOD#13
May 7 - SPDM demated the HDEV experiment from Columbus and transferred the payload to Cygnus for disposal
May 11  ~13:00 / 16:09 - Cygnus (NG-13) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
May 20  17:31:00 - HTV-9 Kounotori-9 launch
May 25  12:13 / 14:46 - HTV-9 Kounotori-9 capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by SSRMS
May 29  ~20:15 - Cygnus (NG-13) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
May 30  19:22:45 - Crew Dragon “Endeavour” (SpX-DM2) launch [Hurley, Behnken]
May 31  14:16 - Crew Dragon “Endeavour” (SpX-DM2) docking (to Harmony PMA-2 / IDA 2) [Hurley, Behnken]
June 5 ・SOLISS Removal
June 10 - iSIM installing on the Kibo's EFU-Adapter
June 17  17:50:00 - release of satellites Red-Eye #2 from Kaber by SSRMS
June 23  19:10:00 - release of satellites Red-Eye #3 from Kaber by SSRMS
June 26  11:32-17:39 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-65) (S6 Channel 1B battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock [Cassidy, Behnken]
July 1  11:13-17:14 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-66) (S6 Channel 1B battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock [Cassidy, Behnken]
July 3  15:53 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-14 (75P) engines (dT=100s / dV=0.5 m/s)
July 8  18:22:30 - Progress MS-13 (74P) undocking (from Pirs)
July 8  21:31:42 - Progress MS-13 (74P) deorbit (dT=240s)
July 8  22:05 / 22:13 - Progress MS-13 (74P) reentered the atmosphere and flooding
July 10 - RPCM 32B_A robotically replacement and powered up succesfully
July 11  19:15 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-14 (75P) engines (dT=262s / 0.51 m/s)
July 13  13:40:25 - release of satellite DeMi from NRCSD#18
July 13  16:55:25 - release of satellite TechEdSat 10 from NRCSD#18
July 16  11:10-17:10 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-67) (S6 Channel 3B battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock [Behnken, Cassidy]
July 21  11:12-16:41 - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-68) from Quest airlock (RiTS Installation, NanoRacks A/L Prep) [Behnken, Cassidy]
July 23  14:26:21.374 / 17:44:52 - Progress MS-15 (76P) launch and docking (to Pirs)
July 29  13:57 - ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-14 (75P) engines (dT=336s / 0.65m/s)
August 1  23:35 - Crew Dragon “Endeavour” (SpX-DM2) undocking (from Harmony PMA-2 / IDA 2)  [Hurley, Behnken]
August 2  17:56 / 18:36 - Crew Dragon “Endeavour” (SpX-DM2) deorbit (dT=720s) and reentered the atmosphere [Hurley, Behnken]
August 2  18:44 / 18:45 / 18:47:48+1  - Crew Dragon “Endeavour” (SpX-DM2) drogue, main parachutes deployat and splashdown [Hurley, Behnken]
August 18  13:51 / 17:36 - HTV-9 Kounotori-9 unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
August 20  06:40 / 07:07 / 07:19~07:57 - HTV-9 Kounotori-9 deorbit, reentered the atmosphere and flooding

Current schedule of ISS flight events
UTC time is used in table

NET August - RRM3
September    29   30  October 2  02:26 - Cygnus (NG-14) launch
Q3 -  ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-14 (75P) engines
Q3 -  ISS orbit's reboost by Progress MS-14 (75P) engines
Q3 - release of satellite IOD-3 AMBER (Canada) from NRCSD
October    1   3    4   10:20 / TBD  - Cygnus (NG-14) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by SSRMS
October 14 - Soyuz MS-17 (63S) launch and docking (to Rassvet) [Exp 63/64: Ryzhikov, Kud'-Sverchkov, Rubins]
October 21  - Soyuz MS-16 (62S) undocking (from Poisk) and landing [Exp 62/63: Ivanishin, Vagner, Cassidy]
September 27  October 23  09:47 - Dragon v2 Crew-1 (USCV-1) launch [Exp 64/65: Hopkins, Glover, Walker, Noguchi]
September 28  October 24 - Dragon v2 Crew-1 (USCV-1) docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) [Exp 64/65: Hopkins, Glover, Walker, Noguchi]
October - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-47) from Pirs airlock [Ryzhikov, Kud'-Sverchkov]
October 30 - Dragon v2 (SpX-21) launch [Bishop (NanoRacks Airlock Module) in trunk]
October 31 - Dragon v2 (SpX-21) docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET October - release of satellites ELaNa 31: BeaverCube, BobCat-1, NEUTRON-1, PTD-2, RamSat, SPOC from NRCSD
NET November 18 - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-OFT 2) un-crewed launch (or Early 2021)
NET November 19 - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-OFT 2) un-crewed docking (to Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) (or Early 2021)
NET November 23 - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-OFT 2) un-crewed undocking (from Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) (or Early 2021)
NET November 23 - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-OFT 2) un-crewed deorbit and landing (or Early 2021)
October  November - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA-69) from Quest airlock (COL-Ka installation, Bartolomeo activation)
October  November - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA) (S6 Channel 3B last battery R&R A-F) from Quest airlock
October  November - spacewalk (ISS U.S. EVA) from Quest airlock
NET November - release of satellites Fly Your Satellite! 2: 3Cat 4, CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D), EIRSAT-1, ISTsat-1 (ISTnanosat-1), LEDSAT, UoS3
NET November - Dragon v2 (SpX-21) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET November - Dragon v2 (SpX-21) splashdown
December 1 - Progress MS-14 (75P) undocking (from Zvezda)
December 1 - Progress MS-14 (75P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
December 4 - Progress MS-15 (76P) undocking (from Pirs)
December 4 - Progress MS-15 (76P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
December 11 - Progress MS-16 (77P) launch
December 13 - Progress MS-16 (77P) docking (to Pirs)
NET November  December 16 - Cygnus (NG-14) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
NET November  December 30 - Cygnus (NG-14) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
TBD - release of satellites MIR-SAT 1 (Mauritius), Surya Satellite-1 (SS-1) (Indonesia), love satellite, Dream Sat 01, Warp-1, Tsuru (BIRDS-4), GuaraniSat-1 (BIRDS-4), Maya-2 (BIRDS-4) (Japan), CUAVA-1 (Australia) and TUMnanoSAT (Moldova) from J-SSOD
TBD - release of satellite M-SAT (MR-SAT, MRS-SAT, Nanosat 8 ) (USA)
TBD - release of satellites Radioscaf RS-10 (Tanyusha SWSU №5), Radioscaf RS-11 (Tanyusha SWSU №6), Iskra-5, ТNS-0 №3, SamSat-QB50, SamSat-M, SamSat-1, FEFU university sat, SiriusSat-3, Parus-MGTU during ISS Russian EVA

February 1 - Cygnus (NG-15) launch
February 3 - Cygnus (NG-15) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by SSRMS
March 12 - Dragon v2 (SpX-22) launch
March 13 - Dragon v2 (SpX-22) docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
March 19 - Progress MS-17 (78P) launch and docking (to Zvezda)
March 30 - Dragon v2 Crew-2 (USCV-2) launch  [Kimbrough, McArthur, Pesquet, Hoshide]
March 31 - Dragon v2 Crew-2 (USCV-2) docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) [Kimbrough, McArthur, Pesquet, Hoshide]
NET Late March - release of satellites ELaNa 36: Alpha, ARKSAT-1, CaNOP, CAPSat, EagleSat-2, PR_CuNaR2, LinkSat, CLICK A, Stratus from NRCSD
NET Q1 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-48) disconnection of cables between Pirs and Zvezda, transfer of VU) [Ryzhikov, Kud'-Sverchkov]
April 1 - Soyuz MS-17 (63S) undocking (from Rassvet) and docking (to Poisk) [Exp 63/64: Ryzhikov, Kud'-Sverchkov, Rubins]
Early April - Dragon v2 Crew-1 (USCV-1) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and splashdown [Exp 64/65: Hopkins, Glover, Walker, Noguchi]
April 10 - Soyuz MS-18 (64S) launch and docking (to Rassvet) [Exp 65/66: Novitsky, Dubrov, Vande Hei]
Mid-April - Dragon v2 (SpX-22) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
Mid-April - Dragon v2 (SpX-22) splashdown
April  17 - Soyuz MS-17 (63S) undocking (from Poisk) and landing [Exp 63/64: Ryzhikov, Kud'-Sverchkov, Rubins]
April 20 - MLM-U Nauka launch
April 23 - Pirs and Progress MS-16 (77P) undocking (from Zvezda nadir)
April 23 - Pirs and Progress MS-16 (77P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
April 29 - MLM-U Nauka docking (to Zvezda nadir)
April - Dragon v2 Crew-2 (USCV-2) undocking (from Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA-2 / IDA 2) [Kimbrough, McArthur, Pesquet, Hoshide]
NET April - Cygnus (NG-15) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
NET April - Cygnus (NG-15) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
May 10 - Dragon v2 (SpX-23) launch
May 11 - Dragon v2 (SpX-23)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
June - Dragon v2 (SpX-23)  undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2)
June - Dragon v2 (SpX-23) splashdown
  April   NET June - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-CFT) launch [Ferguson, Fincke, Mann]
  April   NET June - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-CFT) docking (to Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) [Ferguson, Fincke, Mann]
NET April   June - CST-100 Starliner (Boe-CFT) crewed undocking (from Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) and landing [Exp 62/63: Ferguson, Fincke, Mann]
NET July - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-49) cables connections between MLM-U Nauka and Zvezda)
NET July - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-50) (cables connections between MLM-U Nauka and Zvezda)
NET July - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-51) (MLM-U Nauka and ERA)
NET July - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-52) (MLM-U Nauka radiator)
August 12 - Dragon v2 Crew-3 (USCV-3) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
Mid-August - Dragon v2 Crew-2 (USCV-2) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and splashdown [Kimbrough, McArthur, Pesquet, Hoshide]
August - Progress MS-17 (78P) undocking (from Zvezda)
August - Progress MS-17 (78P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
August - Progress MS-18 (79P) launch and docking (to Zvezda)
NET August - Dragon v2 Crew-3 (USCV-3) undocking (from Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA-2 / IDA 2)
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-1) launch (or fall)
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System  (SNC-1) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by SSRMS (or fall)
Q3 - Progress MS-UM launch and docking (to MLM-U Nauka)
Q3 - PAO Progress MS-UM undocking from UM Prichal and deorbit
September - Soyuz MS-19 (65S) launch and docking (to  MLM-U Nauka  UM Prichal) [Shkaplerov, Babkin, TBD]
September 30 - Soyuz MS-18 (64S) undocking (from Rassvet) and landing [Exp 65/66: Novitsky, Dubrov, Vande Hei]
Q3 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-53)
Q3 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-54) (MLM-U Nauka)
Q3 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-55) (MLM-U Nauka)
Q3 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-56) (MLM-U Nauka)
Q3 - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA-57) (MLM-U Nauka)
October 2 - Dragon v2 (SpX-24) launch
October 3 - Dragon v2 (SpX-24)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
October - Cygnus (NG-16) launch
October - Cygnus (NG-16) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by SSRMS
October - Dragon v2 launch [Axiom Space crew]
October - Dragon v2 docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) [Axiom Space crew]
NET October - Dragon v2 (SpX-24) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET October - Dragon v2 (SpX-24) splashdown
NET October - Dragon v2 undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) [Axiom Space crew]
NET October - Dragon v2 splashdown [Axiom Space crew]
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-1) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS (or fall)
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-1) deorbit and landing (or fall)
November - Progress MS-19 (80P) launch and docking (to Poisk)
NET November - release of CSA's satellites from NRCSD: Ex-Alta 2, ORCA2Sat, Manitoba SAT-1, CubeSat NB, Killick-1, AuroraSat, WU-NACCP, DUCS, NEUDOSE, ESSENCE, SpudNik-1, CHIRad-Sat, UdeSat, IDRSat, YukonSat
December - Cygnus (NG-16) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
December - Cygnus (NG-16) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
December - Soyuz MS-20 launch and docking (to Rassvet) [Misurkin, two space tourists]
NET December - release of satellite Tsiolkovsky-Ryazan  during ISS Russian EVA (or 2022)
TBD - release of satellite LORIS (Canada)

January - Soyuz MS-20 undocking (from Rassvet) and landing [Misurkin, two space tourists]
February 4 - Dragon v2 Crew-4 (USCV-4) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
February 24 - CST-100 Starliner Crew-1/PCM-1 (USCV-5) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) [Cassada, Williams, Epps, TBD]
NET February - Dragon v2 Crew-4 (USCV-4) undocking (from Harmony PMA-3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA-2 / IDA 2)
NET February - Dragon v2 Crew-3 (USCV-3) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and splashdown
NET February - CST-100 Starliner Crew-1/PCM-1 (USCV-5) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) [Cassada, Williams, Epps, TBD]
February - HTV-X1 launch
February - HTV-X1 capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by SSRMS
NET February - Progress MS-18 (79P) undocking (from Zvezda)
NET February - Progress MS-18 (79P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
March - Progress MS-20 (81P) launch and docking (to Zvezda)
March - Soyuz MS-21 (67S) launch and docking (to Poisk) [Chub, TBD, TBD]
Q1 - Dragon v2 Crew-4 (USCV-5) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and splashdown
Q2 - HTV-X1 unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
Q2 - HTV-X1 deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
April 21 - CST-100 Starliner Crew-2/PCM-2 (USCV-6) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
April - CST-100 Starliner Crew-1/PCM-1 (USCV-5) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and landing [Cassada, Williams, Epps, TBD]
NET April - CST-100 Starliner Crew-2/PCM-2 (USCV-6) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2)
April - Progress MS-19 (80P) undocking (from Poisk)
April - Progress MS-19 (80P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
April - Soyuz MS-19 (65S) undocking (from UM Prichal) and landing [Exp 67/68:   Shkaplerov, Babkin, TBD]
April - Cygnus (NG-17) launch
April - Cygnus (NG-17) capture and berthing (to Unity nadir) by SSRMS
April - Dragon v2 (SpX-25) launch
April - Dragon v2 (SpX-25)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET May - Dragon v2 (SpX-25) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET May - Dragon v2 (SpX-25) splashdown
NET June - Cygnus (NG-17) unberthing (from Unity nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
NET June - Cygnus (NG-17) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
NET July - Progress MS-21 (82P) launch and docking (to UM Prichal)
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-2) launch
September - Dream Chaser Cargo System  (SNC-2) capture and berthing (to Harmony nadir) by SSRMS
September - Soyuz MS-22 (68S) launch and docking (to Rassvet) [Kononenko, Kikina, TBD]
September - Dragon v2 (SpX-26) launch
September - Dragon v2 (SpX-26)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET September - Dragon v2 (SpX-26) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET September - Dragon v2 (SpX-26) splashdown
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-2) unberthing (from Harmony nadir) and releasing by SSRMS
October - Soyuz MS-21 (67S) undocking (from Poisk) and landing [Chub, TBD, TBD]
October - Soyuz MS-23 (69S) launch and docking (to Poisk) [Prokopyev (TBD), astronaut UAE, astronaut UAE]
NET October - Dream Chaser Cargo System (SNC-2) deorbit and landing
November - Progress MS-22 (83P) launch and docking (to Zvezda)
December 14 - CST-100 Starliner Crew-3/PCM-3 (USCV-7) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
December - CST-100 Starliner Crew-2/PCM-2 (USCV-6) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and landing
NET December - CST-100 Starliner Crew-3/PCM-3 (USCV-7) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) and docking (to Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2)

NET January - Progress MS-21 (82P) undocking (from UM Prichal)
NET January - Progress MS-21 (82P) deorbit and reentered the atmosphere
March  - Soyuz MS-24 (70S) launch and docking (to ISS)
April - Soyuz MS-23 (69S) undocking (from Poisk) and landing [Prokopyev (TBD), astronaut UAE, astronaut UAE]
April - Soyuz MS-22 (68S) undocking (from Rassvet) and landing  [Kononenko, Kikina, TBD]
April - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) launch
April - Dragon v2 (SpX-27)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET May - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET May - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) splashdown
June - Soyuz MS-25 (71S) launch and docking (to ISS) [cosmonaut RF, two space tourists]
NET June - CST-100 Starliner Crew-3/PCM-3 (USCV-7) undocking (from Harmony PMA 2 / IDA 2) and landing
NET June - spacewalk (ISS Russian EVA) [cosmonaut RF, space tourist]
NET June - Soyuz MS-25 undocking (from ISS) and landing [cosmonaut RF, two space tourists]
September - Soyuz MS-26 (72S) launch and docking (to ISS)
September - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) launch
September - Dragon v2 (SpX-27)  docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET September - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) undocking (from Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
NET September - Dragon v2 (SpX-27) splashdown
October - Soyuz MS-24 (70S) undocking (from Poisk) and landing

MLM-U - Multipurpose Laboratory Module - Upgrade
NEM - Science and Power Module
PCM - Post-Certification Mission (Boeing)
UM - Node Module
USCV - US Crew Vehicle

Changes on August 10th
Changes on August 11th
Changes on August 15th
Changes on August 18th
Changes on August 20th
Changes on August 26th
« Last Edit: 11/22/2020 08:13 pm by Salo »

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1802 on: 08/11/2020 04:00 am »

H-II Transfer Vehicle “KOUNOTORI9” (HTV9) departure from the ISS and re-entry to the atmosphere
August 11, 2020 (JST)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Schedules of departure from the International Space Station (ISS) and re-entry to the atmosphere of the H-II Transfer Vehicle “KOUNOTORI9” (HTV9) are determined as follows.

Departure from the ISS       : August 19, 2020 / 2:35 a.m. (Japanese Standard Time, JST)*1
Re-entry to the atmosphere : August 20, 2020 / 4:07 p.m. (JST)*1

*1 The time may vary according to the actual operation.

Reference link: For more details, please refer to the following website:
UTC = JST - 9:00

August 18 1735 UTC
August 20 0707 UTC
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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1803 on: 08/11/2020 08:33 pm »

Sept. 29/30 Antares • NG-14
Launch time: 0226 GMT on 30th (10:26 p.m. EDT on 29th)
Launch site: Pad 0A, Wallops Island, Virginia
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1804 on: 08/14/2020 09:31 pm »

On Oct. 14, three Expedition 64 crew members will launch aboard the Soyuz MS-17 crew ship toward the orbital lab. NASA astronaut Kate Rubins and cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov will take a six-hour ride that day and dock to the Rassvet module beginning a six-month station mission.
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1805 on: 08/14/2020 09:34 pm »

No Earlier Than: October 23, 2020
Mission: SpaceX Crew-1 Mission to the International Space Station
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1806 on: 08/15/2020 06:21 am »
The next Crew Dragon launch, Crew-1, is scheduled for launch from pad 39A on October 23 at 5:47am EDT. The launch window is instantaneous (sunrise is not until 7:28am). The launch time gets 22-26 minutes earlier each day.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1807 on: 08/15/2020 08:09 pm »
A Northrop Grumman Cygnus commercial supply ship is set for liftoff Sept. 29 from Wallops Island, Virginia, on top of an Antares rocket. The Cygnus cargo freighter will arrive at the station Oct. 3 with several tons of experiments, crew provisions and other hardware.
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1808 on: 08/16/2020 03:08 pm »
NASA: next year's first manned Soyuz will fly to the ISS on April 10, 2021
Google translation
The launch of the next year's first manned spacecraft Soyuz with a crew to the International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled for April 10, RIA Novosti reports with reference to NASA materials.

The Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft is launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome using the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle. The composition of the crew has not yet been announced. It is assumed that it will include Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Peter Dubrov. The third place can be taken by a Russian or an American.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1809 on: 08/18/2020 06:24 pm »
Eleven years after the launch of the first H-II Transfer cargo vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA’s) HTV-9 departed the orbital laboratory today at 1:36 p.m. EDT.

Earlier today, flight controllers operating from NASA’s Mission Control Center at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston used the space station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm to detach the cargo spacecraft from the station’s Harmony module, then moved the spacecraft into its release position.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1810 on: 08/18/2020 06:57 pm »

KOUNOTORI9 was unberthed from the nadir port of Harmony (Node 2) by the SSRMS

KOUNOTORI9 was unberthed from the nadir port of Harmony (Node 2) by the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) at 10:51 p.m., August 18.

KOUNOTORI9 will be moved to the releasing point below the station.

*All times are Japan Standard Time (JST. UTC + 9 hours)

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1811 on: 08/18/2020 11:34 pm »
The last set of disused nickel-hydrogen batteries will be jettisoned from the space station by its robotic arm later this year to naturally fall out of orbit due to aerodynamic drag.

Source: ☆

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1812 on: 08/20/2020 07:27 am »
Assuming an on-time launch at 10:26 p.m. EDT on 29 September, Cygnus is expected to spend three days in transit to the ISS, before it is grappled and berthed at the Earth-facing (or “nadir”) port of the Unity node at 6:20 a.m. EDT on 3 October. Northrop Grumman noted that these times will be confirmed about a month prior to launch. Current plans are for Cygnus to be detached from the space station on 16 December, after which it will spend about two weeks in autonomous free flight and the SAFFIRE-V runs will be performed.
The spacecraft will end its life with a destructive re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere on 30 December, wrapping up a mission of 92 days.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1814 on: 08/24/2020 05:06 pm »
Lueders: expecting Boeing to fly its second uncrewed CST-100 Starliner test flight by the end of the year or early January. Crewed flight test hopefully in early summer 2021.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1815 on: 08/26/2020 02:52 pm »
Aug. 25, 2020
RELEASE 20-082

NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Joins First Operational Boeing Crew Mission to Space Station

NASA has assigned astronaut Jeanette Epps to NASA’s Boeing Starliner-1 mission, the first operational crewed flight of Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on a mission to the International Space Station.

Epps will join NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Josh Cassada for a six-month expedition planned for a launch in 2021 to the orbiting space laboratory. The flight will follow NASA certification after a successful uncrewed Orbital Flight Test-2 and Crew Flight Test with astronauts.

The spaceflight will be the first for Epps, who earned a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1992 from LeMoyne College in her hometown of Syracuse, New York. She completed a master’s degree in science in 1994 and a doctorate in aerospace engineering in 2000, both from the University of Maryland, College Park.

While earning her doctorate, Epps was a NASA Graduate Student Researchers Project fellow, authoring several journal and conference articles on her research. After completing graduate school, she worked in a research laboratory for more than two years, co-authoring several patents, before the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruited her. She spent seven years as a CIA technical intelligence officer before her selection as a member of the 2009 astronaut class.

NASA assigned Williams and Cassada to the Starliner-1 mission in August 2018. The spaceflight will be the first for Cassada and third for Williams, who spent long-duration stays aboard the space station on Expeditions 14/15 and 32/33.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1816 on: 08/26/2020 03:33 pm »
January - Soyuz MS-20 undocking (from Rassvet) and landing [Misurkin, two space tourists]
February 4 - Dragon v2 Crew-4 (USCV-4) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3)
February 24 - CST-100 Starliner Crew-1/PCM-1 (USCV-5) launch and docking (to Harmony PMA 3 / IDA 3) [Cassada, Williams, Epps, TBD]"

Are you sure that Crew-4 (Dragon) and Starliner-1 will launch within 20 days?

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1817 on: 08/26/2020 03:43 pm »
Probably they will launch PCM-1 in February 2022 and Dragon Crew 4 in summer/autumn 2022.

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Re: Schedule of ISS flight events (part 2)
« Reply #1818 on: 08/27/2020 06:19 am »
In press release  20-082 named the mission "Starliner-1" - not PCM-1 and a planned launch date in 2021.

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