Quote from: Mulletron on 12/06/2014 02:37 amQuote from: momerathe on 12/04/2014 04:42 pm* Woodward, having an internally consistent theory (though I wouldn't put any money on it), being an exception to this.Except Woodward's theory relies on magic Machian inertia, "gravinertial flux" and "Flux Capacitors"....And ignores recent scientific observations showing anisotropy of the CMB, yet there is no anisotropic inertia. And his theory/thrusters have never been reproduced outside his own lab. Did I mention that Mach is so old school that he didn't believe in atoms? Did I mention that Machian inertia is so generalized, that it makes no actual predictions? Sometimes you just gotta let it go already, unless you wanna sell some books.If you want to fisk someone's post, rather than putting your comments in blue, I suggest you use the '[/quote' your comment '[quote' method as that way it's clear who's talking.Can you explain in what way CMB anisotropy would imply inertial aniosotropy under Machian effects?The anisotropies of the CMB shouldn't affect inertia unless they are on the size scale of the observable universe.
Quote from: momerathe on 12/04/2014 04:42 pm* Woodward, having an internally consistent theory (though I wouldn't put any money on it), being an exception to this.Except Woodward's theory relies on magic Machian inertia, "gravinertial flux" and "Flux Capacitors"....And ignores recent scientific observations showing anisotropy of the CMB, yet there is no anisotropic inertia. And his theory/thrusters have never been reproduced outside his own lab. Did I mention that Mach is so old school that he didn't believe in atoms? Did I mention that Machian inertia is so generalized, that it makes no actual predictions? Sometimes you just gotta let it go already, unless you wanna sell some books.
* Woodward, having an internally consistent theory (though I wouldn't put any money on it), being an exception to this.
There is at least one discussion of this in Barbour and Pfister, in the piece by Hans Reissner on "Relativity of Accelerations in Mechanics", on page 144, but I don't think this is the issue you think it is. Inhomogeneity does not beget anisotropy. Keep in mind that according to Mach, it is not the closest masses that most affect local inertia it is those that are farthest away. Still, there was this debate in the early teens with Schrodinger and Reissner and you'll find it referenced in Barbour & Pfister. Schrodinger's response is immediately following.B&F is truly the indispensable source for understanding Mach's Principle in its historic context. However, also see:"Mach's relativity of inertia does not necessarily imply an anisotropy of inertial masses in an anisotropic universe and the Mach-Einstein doctrine is compatible with the isotropy of mass in each cosmos."http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?bibcode=1992AN....313...65T&db_key=AST&page_ind=0&data_type=GIF&type=SCREEN_VIEW&classic=YES
Therefore your quotation of Treder is not applicable to the CMB anisotropy issue referred to by Mullet's excellent observation.
Quote from: Rodal on 12/06/2014 08:07 pm Therefore your quotation of Treder is not applicable to the CMB anisotropy issue referred to by Mullet's excellent observation.I guess then, I must confess I don't understand the point. The gravitational field of the universe, that gives matter its mass and is the cause of inertia, is in no way connected to the thermal distribution of the CMB. The CMB loosely corresponds to the mass distribution of the universe, so I presumed this is what you were both speaking of. The present thermal distribution is however, beside the point so far as I can see.I thought you were both referring to the inhomogeneities in the gravitational field one would suppose is there when one notes the inhomogeneities in the CMB. Now you have said more than once you're more specifically talking about the thermal background, and I confess I don't see how this pertains apart from how it illustrates the mass background.I'll be away Sunday so please don't take it as a slight that you spank me good here and I disappear. I am looking forward to learning what you two are saying. Bon weekend.
Quote from: Ron Stahl on 12/06/2014 08:21 pmQuote from: Rodal on 12/06/2014 08:07 pm Therefore your quotation of Treder is not applicable to the CMB anisotropy issue referred to by Mullet's excellent observation.I guess then, I must confess I don't understand the point. The gravitational field of the universe, that gives matter its mass and is the cause of inertia, is in no way connected to the thermal distribution of the CMB. The CMB loosely corresponds to the mass distribution of the universe, so I presumed this is what you were both speaking of. The present thermal distribution is however, beside the point so far as I can see.I thought you were both referring to the inhomogeneities in the gravitational field one would suppose is there when one notes the inhomogeneities in the CMB. Now you have said more than once you're more specifically talking about the thermal background, and I confess I don't see how this pertains apart from how it illustrates the mass background.I'll be away Sunday so please don't take it as a slight that you spank me good here and I disappear. I am looking forward to learning what you two are saying. Bon weekend.1) Essentially, the Treder quotation refers to outdated astrophysical data from 1964 and 1961, (Hughes and Drever: their actual experiment probing only the quadrupolar anisotropy) to quantify his alpha and beta in his equations that lead him to disregard anisotropy. Up to date astrophysical data is needed, not these astrophysical data that is more than 50 years old.2) Also a newer reference is needed regarding an up to date ansatz for the anisotropy of the most distant bodies responsible for Machian inertia. The ansatz dealt with by Treder, including the hypothetical (multiple) ansatz proposed by Cocconi is not longer relevant.3) As you know, Machian principle determines the inertia of bodies, in a way that the heavy and distant bodies of our universe contribute the most to the inertial forces, thus anisotropy of the most distant bodies matters most. The most distant bodies that we are able to measure are also the ones that are most distant in time (closer in time to the Big Bang) since light took longer to contact us.
It is regrettable that this project remains uncompleted at this point. The framework hasbeen laid above, but there are several steps left before completion. Its has been shown thatan inertial mass that depends arbitrarily on direction is a priori possible, the dependencepresumably arising from an interaction with anisotropic matter at great distances, in thespirit of Mach's Principle. Even though the angular dependence is quite general, the pos-sible couplings to matter in experiments of the Hughes-Drever type is severely restricted,their actual experiment probing only the quadrupolar anisotropy. Based on their experi-ment a limit was set on the quadrupolar term in the inertial mass anisotropy. It remains tocompare expansion coe±cients between the inertial mass and matter anisotropy at greatdistance through the WMAP data of the CMB. From this comparison, limits can be set onhigher coe±cients to see whether these multipoles are accessible to observation. Finally,it is desirable to propose a speci¯c coupling scheme between local inertia and distant mat-ter, possibly through 1=R type interaction. In this manner it may be possible to predictabsolute values of the local multipole coe±cients, and therefore be more certain that theHughes-Drever tests have actually ruled out such anisotropy or are yet too insensitive.
I'm loosing feet with what is going on here with ME vs EM. Regarding the former, I understand Ron states it is not incompatible with GR, so not with SR, so not with Lorentz invariance. But it can predict the result of a situation that GR cannot predict, namely situation of a ME thruster thrusting. This "hole" in GR was never noticed because such prediction for such situation never needed, kind of, so possible Machian "extension" (?) to GR forgotten. How could it be that a mundane device like a ME thruster could leave classic frameworks GR + QFT voiceless ? This is not a problem of interpretation but of prediction, the two classical frameworks GR+QFT (which show no practical incompatibilities when dealing with meso-scale, low energies, low background curvatures) surely would tell the magnitude of the thrust, and that the net thrust is equal or bellow spent_power/c, or more simply 0 if nothing is expelled (no matter, no radiation). I can't see how this very specific device (ME thruster) could leave the equations of GR+QFT befuddled to the point of being unable to be solved or converge clearly on some definite answer. And this answer would be in contradiction with claimed thrust/power that ME theory seems to allow. So it could be that ME theory is more general than GR in the same sense that GR is more general than Newtonian dynamics. GR would have a limited range of validity (all that has been uncontroversially observed and measured accurately so far within mesoscale) and ME theory a bigger one (all that has been uncontroversially observed and measured accurately so far within mesoscale + ME thruster thrusting at thrust/power>1/c). Note that a ME thruster is clearly mesoscale. Not speaking here of wide or dense objects, yet to be accurately observed and characterised in their constitution (like galaxies, gravitationally collapsed bodies...). Anyhow, wouldn't say that GR is "compatible" with Newtonian dynamics. B is compatible with A if B has the same answers as A whenever A answers at all. Or would Machian effect proponents say that GR is only an approximation, valid only in a certain "range", and that can be shown as a limit in this range of a more general Machian physics (B says the same thing as A for a limited configuration space, and a different thing outside) ?Be assured this is my writing which is confused, not your reading.Back to the subject, assuming a Machian physics is compatible with SR, that would make the dipole moment of CMB irrelevant, this is (very most likely...) due to our contingent velocity in the bath. Put a rocket at velocity relative to sun (around 370km/s, easy) and the dipole vanishes. And the same experiments onboard that rocket give exact same results as those on earth labs (interactions with local bath excluded). That's what SR tells (Newtonian also), so this is what a SR compatible Machian physics would tell also. Such Machian physics couldn't be falsified by the absence of inertia anisotropy in spite of dipole moment.As for the higher order anisotropies... this looks like a nice playground, full of hills and hollows. What a GR compatible Machian physics would have to say different from what would say GR : local inertias don't care ? Anyway, it claims to predict an effect that is astounding for most people working with GR under the form of a ME thruster thrusting. Can't the theory devise one other type of experiment that is at least as astounding and that could lend itself to more convincing reproducible results ? Call it an experiment in fundamental science (à la Michelson and Morley). Better credibility to the theory if it can expose itself to experimental falsifiability on other grounds that notoriously capricious propellentless drives. Are there such other falsifiable grounds ?
the matter distribution around us exhibits clumping which is understood asGaussian quantum fluctuations that were stretched into real density perturbations bythe expansion of the universe. Such perturbations in the matter distribution lead togravitational perturbations that alter the temperature of photons through redshift andtime dilation. This is known as the Sachs-Wolfe effect and dominates the anisotropy atlarge scales. The next contribution to the anisotropy comes from Doppler shifting which does not contribute appreciably until l >30
In this work it is shown that there are some spatially homogeneousbut anisotropic models (Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi type-III), with a positivecosmological constant, for which the inhomogeneities in the distribution of matter onthe surface of the last scattering produce anisotropies (in large angular scales # »> 10±)that do not di®er from the ones produced in Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker(FLRW) models, if the density parameters are finely tuned.
Plenty of atmo here in NYC. Thought about how it pushes on me, like Mull's QV. If I wanna go thru the atmo w/o expelling propellant, I gotta use a propeller. Mull, yer gonna have to come up with a propeller. And then we can all start calling it the aether.
... Mull's QV. If I wanna go thru the atmo w/o expelling propellant, I gotta use a propeller. Mull, yer gonna have to come up with a propeller. And then we can all start calling it the aether.
Rodal: Thanx for the English summary comparison of Mull & White's take on their QV models. It is not clear to me what the phrase "medium with intrinsic momentum" means. We all know that TV is called a medium because it is neither rare nor well done. This sense of the term "medium" does not apply.However, if the QV (which sounds more and more like an aether, if ya ask me) has "intrinsic momentum" which can be selectively manipulated, then it must have a direction.If this analogy has any applicability, then along with turbulent wake, the aether QV must also feature "weather", "current", "tides", and what have you, all dependent on the anisotropic distribution of mass in the universe.
I don't know how you could directly see what was happening at such a small scale. ...
Stupid question from the peanut gallery,...again. If we are looking at QVF are we not looking at Planck scale events? I thought that the virtual particle pairs were created and destroyed at the Planck scale. If so, yes the wake might be very short lived and very small. Just a question while I buy John some more peanuts in the intermission.
I'm loosing feet with what is going on here with ME vs EM. Regarding the former, I understand Ron states it is not incompatible with GR, so not with SR, so not with Lorentz invariance. But it can predict the result of a situation that GR cannot predict, namely situation of a ME thruster thrusting. This "hole" in GR was never noticed because such prediction for such situation never needed, kind of, so possible Machian "extension" (?) to GR forgotten. How could it be that a mundane device like a ME thruster could leave classic frameworks GR + QFT voiceless ?
As for the higher order anisotropies... this looks like a nice playground, full of hills and hollows. What a GR compatible Machian physics would have to say different from what would say GR : local inertias don't care ? Anyway, it claims to predict an effect that is astounding for most people working with GR under the form of a ME thruster thrusting. Can't the theory devise one other type of experiment that is at least as astounding and that could lend itself to more convincing reproducible results ? Call it an experiment in fundamental science (à la Michelson and Morley). Better credibility to the theory if it can expose itself to experimental falsifiability on other grounds that notoriously capricious propellentless drives. Are there such other falsifiable grounds?
I expect that Machian inertia researchers should have already addressed this issue more in depth and up-to-date than what I have seen, as it is important to completely address anisotropy of inertia vis-a-vis experiments to validate their theory. Therefore I hope that the backers of Machian inertia can uncover better and up-to-date references to properly address the excellent point brought up by Mulletron.
Quote from: Rodal on 12/06/2014 09:21 pmI expect that Machian inertia researchers should have already addressed this issue more in depth and up-to-date than what I have seen, as it is important to completely address anisotropy of inertia vis-a-vis experiments to validate their theory. Therefore I hope that the backers of Machian inertia can uncover better and up-to-date references to properly address the excellent point brought up by Mulletron.I think they may have addressed the issue, and I'm not convinced the flatness of the universe isn't the issue--that anisotropy is only pertinent if you don't have flatness. There's an interesting paper here:http://www.haverford.edu/physics/dcross/research/papers/oral.pdfThat calls itself incomplete (one presumes because this is pre-WMAP), but seems to be addressing the issue, though I don't have time to read it right now. Just saying from the short glance across that I made, it starts out addressing anisotropy and concludes with arguing about flatness and WMAP. I think anisotropy may only matter so far as it concerns the gradient of the field. If the field is flat, one wonders in what sense any anisotropy could make a difference. But I haven't read the paper. I can however recommend look at Woodward's book in this regard. I haven't got time to search for the particular reference but I may later today. Mullet, if you have an e-version, I suggest look for any WMAP references in the index and you'll find the discussion I'm thinking of pretty quickly.