The UK Space Agency welcomes the initiative by ESA for a call for small mission proposals from within the Science Programme.We encourage the UK space science community to submit good quality proposals that play to our scientific and technical strengths. However, the Agency is not able to make any funding commitments at this stage and not before the programmatic landscape with Exomars and the L1 class missions becomes clear. If national funding does become available for the small missions, it will be limited to supporting key technology elements or payloads.
CHEOPS is a photometry mission just like PLATO (and indeed very similar to COROT), the difference is it is designed for individual target selection, not surveys. And of course far less capable. I find it hard to believe PLATO would be selected now based on this, at least there might be a slim chance for EChO.
Which LV will launch this mission?
The baseline orbit satisfying the science requirements is a sun-synchronous 800 km altitude orbit (SSO) with a mean local time of the ascending node of 6 a.m.. This choice optimizes uninterrupted observations and keeps thermal variations of the S/C and stray light on the satellite to a minimum as the orbital plane follows as close as possible the day/night terminator. A shared launch is envisioned which, given the mass of the S/C (< 200 kg), will be possible using a number of existing launchers (VEGA, Dnepr, Rockot).