The link above says"Goals * Increase budget to $ 2.192 billion in the period * Ensure the Ukrainian Cyclone-4 rocket by 2012"
Proton LV will be right decision for Alcantara.
Quote from: Salo on 11/07/2011 01:44 pmProton LV will be right decision for Alcantara.Both Proton and Cyclone use nasty propellants, I think that Brazil would be better off with an ethanol-fueled LV.
Sunday, November 6, 2011The moment of Alcantara Cyclone Space - Part IIAfter going through a very turbulent period at the beginning of the year, with words and harsh measures that the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (McTier), Mercadante, and the president of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), Marco Antonio Raupp (see " The moment of Alcantara Cyclone Space, "July 2011), and the replacement of the director of the binational, Roberto Amaral, the joint Ukrainian-Brazilian venture Alcantara Cyclone Space (ACS) seems to have found one, at least for now, a moment of tranquility.In early July, a delegation led by the AEB Marco Antonio Raupp was in Ukraine for the purpose, reported the second season of "audit" the course of the project by the Ukrainian side. After the trip, no official with the findings of the Brazilian government has been released. Publicly, few understood the change of position Raupp, before criticism of the binational program, and now sympathetic to the initiative. The comments came from the Blog Space Panorama of people familiar with the matter is that, officially, the prevailing position among the leaders was that the project would already be well advanced by the Ukrainian side, would not justify its abandonment.Another factor that favored the Ukrainian Kiev was the decision to release resources for the binational (180 or 250 million dollars, depending on the source of information). In Sao Jose dos Campos (SP), a few weeks ago, the blog heard a joke that sums up this question: "Brazil has a check, and Ukrainians came with the check."During his visit to Brazil last month, Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's president, told reporters that his country "Cyclone 4 project is on schedule." "To date, we are prepared according to the schedule last year," he added. emphasizing that delays last year were due to financial issues.Some observers saw the recent appointment of Brigadier Reginaldo dos Santos of booking, summa cum laude at the Institute of Aeronautical Technology (ITA) and former rector of the institution for the general management of ACS as an attempt to approach the project with the Air Force Command something that the blog has doubts. The views of McTier and the Air Force Command in relation to the ACS never converged. The vision pravelecente of the main sectors of the Brazilian Space Program is the binational dispute resources with other projects (satellites, launchers) - and has achieved some success, but without tangible returns in terms of development and technological training.Despite the good news and the relative peace-building, the ACS still have to deal with very sensitive issues. In September, one of the workshops that the Brazilian Association Aerospace (BAE) has promoted this year on the Brazilian Space Program, the spatial agreement with Ukraine was one of the topics discussed. The list below is not exhaustive, lists some critical topics for the bi-national project presented and discussed by those present:- No provisions for technology transfer, there are issues of protection of the MTCR [Missile Technology Control Regime];- The business plan was made about 10 years ago, the forecast was to launch satellites of the Iridium system replacement;- Little participation of domestic industry, for now at least;- Cyclone 4 is 60 to 70% qualified; necessary to integrate the schedule of the vehicle with the infrastructure's;- There was mo provision for personnel to operate the base, the Ukranian part thought the Air Force Command personnel would run it, which seems to have been a misunderstanding;- The propellant for the Cyclone 4 will be acquired in the world market. The first supply offer was obtained from China;- ACS will generate more resources for Ukraine in terms of manufacturing of the rocket. This imbalance exists. Brazil wins its viability as a launch country, but dependent on only one country and not on several;- There is block to U.S. satellite launches U.S. on Brazilian soil. The Foreign Ministry began efforts to obtain that permission.
According to this Press Release from the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, the Cyclone-4 is supposed to launch on November 15 of 2013, which is a national holiday in Brazil. Whatever that means.
Quote from: baldusi on 11/25/2011 12:53 amAccording to this Press Release from the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, the Cyclone-4 is supposed to launch on November 15 of 2013, which is a national holiday in Brazil. Whatever that means.That's 2 years from now.Cyclone 4 is generally quoted as being 3 years from launch, so this may be an improvement in hypothetical schedules.
Did Brazil spend its money on Brazil infrastructure that exists today, or transfer the money to the Ukraine, to be used to develop Cyclone-4?
Actual satellite and rocket development in Brazil..