From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 27/01/2012.[During changeout, Don noticed that the exercise rope was significantly frayed; it was replaced as well. Ground engineers have requested photo of the rope damage to determine whether it is the old rope design or the new rope design. The new rope design should not fray.]SSRMS LEE A Snare Photo Review:Ground review of the SSRMS LEE A (Space Station Remote Manipulator System | Latching End Effector A) snare photos taken on 01/21 is complete. The quality was sufficient to determine that a single strand is broken and sticking out. The snare is still considered operational. However, for the wires that did not stick out, the image quality was insufficient to assess any additional damage. Ground engineers will revisit the request to remove the Cupola Window Scratch Pane for future LEE Snare photos. The LEE A Snare photos from 01/21 do not need to be repeated.
The Progress cargo spacecraft delivered a new supply of cheese. Hopefully it will fit in the fridge! Credit: ESA/NASA
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.X2R11 Software Update:The transitions to the new X2R11 software yesterday went very well, and the ground has completed all activities associated with the upgrade. [Yesterday, loading the S3-2 & P3-1 MDMs (Multiplexer/Demultiplexers) with S3P3 R4 was finished. Also, PMCU-1 (Power Management Controller-1), already loaded with the new PMCU R4 software, was swapped into primary. Finally, PMCU R4 was loaded to the PMCU-2 MDM.]
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.Later, the CDR had ~4 hrs set aside for installing & routing a video cable (W8996) for the HRCS (High Rate Communication System) from the nearby VSU (Video Switching Unit) in the Lab Aft Stbd Endcone (Video Switching Unit 3) to the Lab PD6 Standoff. For assisting with the actual cable routing, André Kuipers lent a hand to assist with the actual cable routing and feed the cable through the end cone. [In a future task the video cable W8996 will be connected between VSU #3 and video cable W9681 at the Lab PD6 Standoff. HRCS will utilize the iAPS (improved Automated Payload Switch), iPEGH, and Ku-band Comm Unit to provide communications system improvements and increased Ku bandwidth. When complete, HRCS will allow for two additional Space-to-Ground audio channels and two additional downlink video channels.]
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.Kuipers deployed newly arrived Emergency Procedures books, placing 6 EMER-1 books in SM, FGB, Lab, each Soyuz & Node-2, and 3 EMER-2 books in SM, FGB & Lab. [After the deployment, MCC-Houston inhibited the MBSU-1 (Main Bus Switching Unit 1) Loss of Comm warning. The new EMER books assume that MBSU 1 is loss of comm, and EMER procedures were the primary reason why the Warning was suppressed but not inhibited for all of this time. The state of the MBSU itself is unchanged, i.e., firmware-degraded.]
Also a small bit about the MBSU 1. QuoteFrom ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.Kuipers deployed newly arrived Emergency Procedures books, placing 6 EMER-1 books in SM, FGB, Lab, each Soyuz & Node-2, and 3 EMER-2 books in SM, FGB & Lab. [After the deployment, MCC-Houston inhibited the MBSU-1 (Main Bus Switching Unit 1) Loss of Comm warning. The new EMER books assume that MBSU 1 is loss of comm, and EMER procedures were the primary reason why the Warning was suppressed but not inhibited for all of this time. The state of the MBSU itself is unchanged, i.e., firmware-degraded.]
(BTW I got a bit confusing by the date. Pete do you use the European system? So the report is from Feb 1? Because the actual Status Reports use the american system)