Author Topic: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 27, 2012)  (Read 161150 times)

Offline robertross

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #180 on: 01/28/2012 02:29 am »
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 27/01/2012.
[During changeout, Don noticed that the exercise rope was significantly frayed; it was replaced as well. Ground engineers have requested photo of the rope damage to determine whether it is the old rope design or the new rope design. The new rope design should not fray.]

SSRMS LEE A Snare Photo Review:
Ground review of the SSRMS LEE A (Space Station Remote Manipulator System | Latching End Effector A) snare photos taken on 01/21 is complete. The quality was sufficient to determine that a single strand is broken and sticking out. The snare is still considered operational. However, for the wires that did not stick out, the image quality was insufficient to assess any additional damage. Ground engineers will revisit the request to remove the Cupola Window Scratch Pane for future LEE Snare photos. The LEE A Snare photos from 01/21 do not need to be repeated.

hmmm...two items frayed in the same report!

(good thing there's a prepositioned spare LEE on station for when the time comes)

Offline anik

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #181 on: 01/28/2012 09:02 am »
14th ISS DAM is planned today at 23:50 UTC (dV = 1 m/s, dT = 64 s, dH = 1.7 km, SM engines).

Offline Space Pete

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #182 on: 01/28/2012 05:32 pm »
A few days old, but posting due to the attached image from Andre Kuipers - it appears the PMM is being used for grapple practice.

From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 25/01/2012.

Burbank, Kuipers & Pettit spent about 1h 20m plus some debrief time with ground engineers on an OBT (Onboard Training) with the SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System) in order to refresh SSRMS proficiency for all crew, practice good hand controller techniques and successful grapple approaches, and execute the Free-Flyer Capture Cue Card. This is in preparation for SpaceX Dragon capsule capture from SSRMS misaligned grapple approaches.

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #183 on: 01/28/2012 07:22 pm »
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 28/01/2012.

DAM (Debris Avoidance Maneuver) + Reboost:
A DAM/reboost burn will be performed tonight at 11:50 PM GMT using the SM Main thrusters for 1m 4s. The purpose of the reboost is to avoid a series of conjunctions with Object 30502 (Fengyun 1C Debris), and to set up phasing for the future trajectory events. This reboost will replace the previously planned reboost on 02/01.

Offline anik

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #184 on: 01/29/2012 06:10 am »
14th ISS DAM was successfully performed.

Offline Space Pete

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #185 on: 01/29/2012 08:38 pm »
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 29/01/2012.

DAM (Debris Avoidance Maneuver) + Reboost:
The DAM/reboost burn was performed nominally last night at 11:50 PM GMT using the SM Main thrusters for 1m 4s. Achieved were a Delta-V of 1.11 m/s (planned: 1.0 m/s), increasing mean altitude by 1.90 km (planned: 1.75 km). After the burn, ISS was at 391.7 km mean altitude, with 404.8 km apogee height and 378.6 perigee height. The purpose of the reboost was to avoid a series of conjunctions with Object 30502 (Fengyun 1C Debris), and to set up phasing for the future trajectory events. This reboost replaced the previously planned reboost on 02/01.

Software Upgrading:
Today the ground temporarily deactivated the Node 2 CCAA (Common Cabin Air Assembly) in support of the N2-2 R3 software load. During this time the crew was "prime" for smoke detection in Node 2. Between 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM GMT, the ground is loading software to and transitioning the N2-2 EXT & N2-1 MDM (Multiplexer/Demultiplexer) computers. Tomorrow, the same will take place at these times for the S3-1 & P3-2 MDMs, as well as to the Backup EXT MDM.

Weekly Science Update (Expedition Thirty/Thirty-One -- Week 19).

STP-H3 (Space Test Program – Houston 3): The STP-H3 team is reviewing the video from the survey using the SSRMS on 01/19. The video did reveal damage to VADER Variable Emissivity Device #3 and further study might provide insight into what caused this damage. VADER is no longer doing any testing of the VEDs due to the discovery of the damage. VADER will evaluate whether any further testing of other VEDs can be done for scientific gain or would it be best to cease operations of this part of the experiment entirely. VADER will continue to characterize the performance of the Aerogel blanket attached to the backside. MHTEX is currently repriming the system to prepare for a new series of tests. Canary took data from the Progress M-13M/45P propellant purge and undocking events. Canary plans to collect data during the docking of Progress M-14M/46P later this week. DISC has taken more imagery this week and is processing images that were taken in previous weeks.

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #186 on: 01/29/2012 08:48 pm »
PLENTY of stuff to talk about on today's Weekly Planning Conference:

Offline jacqmans

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #187 on: 01/31/2012 02:40 pm »
The Progress cargo spacecraft delivered a new supply of cheese. Hopefully it will fit in the fridge!

Credit: ESA/NASA
Jacques :-)

Offline robertross

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #188 on: 01/31/2012 11:55 pm »
The Progress cargo spacecraft delivered a new supply of cheese. Hopefully it will fit in the fridge!

Credit: ESA/NASA

I wonder if one is reserved for the Dragon descent?  ;)  :)

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #189 on: 02/01/2012 01:35 am »
View inside the PMM, the trash is piling up!

Offline jacqmans

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #190 on: 02/01/2012 08:04 pm »


WASHINGTON -- Students participating in a U.S. Coast Guard Academy
mentoring program will speak with Expedition 30 Commander Dan Burbank
aboard the International Space Station at 11:15 EST on Thursday, Feb.

Burbank, a NASA astronaut and retired Coast Guard captain, will talk
to kindergarten through 12th-grade students about life on the space
station. The event, hosted by the academy, will be broadcast live on
NASA Television and include video of Burbank in the live
question-and-answer session.

The mentored students, accompanied by their Coast Guard cadet mentors,
will participate from five schools across the Eastern seaboard,
including Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern
Connecticut in New London, Conn.; The Friendship Academy of
Engineering and Technology in Baltimore; Coretta Scott King Young
Women's Leadership Academy High School in Atlanta; Key Biscayne K-8
Center in Miami; and Maritime and Science Academy, also in Miami.
Through the guidance of their mentors, students are learning about
space and preparing for this interactive event.

Burbank and Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Anatoly Ivanishin
arrived at the station Nov. 15. NASA's Don Pettit, cosmonaut Oleg
Kononenko and European Space Agency astronaut Andre Kuipers joined
the crew on Dec. 23.

This in-flight education downlink is one in a series with educational
organizations in the United States and abroad to improve STEM
teaching and learning. It is an integral component of NASA's Teaching
From Space education program, which promotes learning opportunities
and builds partnerships with the education community using the unique
environment of space and NASA's human spaceflight program.

The exact time of the downlink could change. For NASA TV downlink,
schedule and streaming video information, visit:

For information about NASA's education programs, visit:

For information about the International Space Station, visit:

To follow Twitter updates from Burbank, visit:
Jacques :-)

Offline Space Pete

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #191 on: 02/01/2012 10:06 pm »
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.

X2R11 Software Update:
The transitions to the new X2R11 software yesterday went very well, and the ground has completed all activities associated with the upgrade.     [Yesterday, loading the S3-2 & P3-1 MDMs (Multiplexer/Demultiplexers) with S3P3 R4 was finished. Also, PMCU-1 (Power Management Controller-1), already loaded with the new PMCU R4 software, was swapped into primary. Finally, PMCU R4 was loaded to the PMCU-2 MDM.]

Offline robertross

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #192 on: 02/02/2012 12:43 am »
From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.

X2R11 Software Update:
The transitions to the new X2R11 software yesterday went very well, and the ground has completed all activities associated with the upgrade.     [Yesterday, loading the S3-2 & P3-1 MDMs (Multiplexer/Demultiplexers) with S3P3 R4 was finished. Also, PMCU-1 (Power Management Controller-1), already loaded with the new PMCU R4 software, was swapped into primary. Finally, PMCU R4 was loaded to the PMCU-2 MDM.]

WOO HOO!!  Sending a 'job well done' to the programmers for that!

Now all we need is for that Dragon to launch...  :)

Offline arkaska

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #193 on: 02/02/2012 07:47 am »
I think this bit from the Status Report was interesting as well, especially that they will get two additional video channels. I wonder if the need for two additional audio channels exist? Does anyone know if the payload downlink capabilities will be improved as well?

From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.
Later, the CDR had ~4 hrs set aside for installing & routing a video cable (W8996) for the HRCS (High Rate Communication System) from the nearby VSU (Video Switching Unit) in the Lab Aft Stbd Endcone (Video Switching Unit 3) to the Lab PD6 Standoff.  For assisting with the actual cable routing, André Kuipers lent a hand to assist with the actual cable routing and feed the cable through the end cone. [In a future task the video cable W8996 will be connected between VSU #3 and video cable W9681 at the Lab PD6 Standoff.  HRCS will utilize the iAPS (improved Automated Payload Switch), iPEGH, and Ku-band Comm Unit to provide communications system improvements and increased Ku bandwidth.  When complete, HRCS will allow for two additional Space-to-Ground audio channels and two additional downlink video channels.]

Also a small bit about the MBSU 1.

From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.
Kuipers deployed newly arrived Emergency Procedures books, placing 6 EMER-1 books in SM, FGB, Lab, each Soyuz & Node-2, and 3 EMER-2 books in SM, FGB & Lab. [After the deployment, MCC-Houston inhibited the MBSU-1 (Main Bus Switching Unit 1) Loss of Comm warning.  The new EMER books assume that MBSU 1 is loss of comm, and EMER procedures were the primary reason why the Warning was suppressed but not inhibited for all of this time. The state of the MBSU itself is unchanged, i.e., firmware-degraded.]

(BTW I got a bit confusing by the date. Pete do you use the European system? So the report is from Feb 1? Because the actual Status Reports use the american system)
« Last Edit: 02/02/2012 07:49 am by arkaska »

Offline Space Pete

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #194 on: 02/02/2012 08:15 am »

Also a small bit about the MBSU 1.

From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 01/02/2012.
Kuipers deployed newly arrived Emergency Procedures books, placing 6 EMER-1 books in SM, FGB, Lab, each Soyuz & Node-2, and 3 EMER-2 books in SM, FGB & Lab. [After the deployment, MCC-Houston inhibited the MBSU-1 (Main Bus Switching Unit 1) Loss of Comm warning.  The new EMER books assume that MBSU 1 is loss of comm, and EMER procedures were the primary reason why the Warning was suppressed but not inhibited for all of this time. The state of the MBSU itself is unchanged, i.e., firmware-degraded.]

I have information that MBSU-1 will be being R&Rd sometime in the not-too-distant future... ;)

(BTW I got a bit confusing by the date. Pete do you use the European system? So the report is from Feb 1? Because the actual Status Reports use the american system)

Yup, I use European - sorry, but I'm not doing any of that month-first nonsense. :D

So the report is from Feb 1. Oops, I mean 1 Feb. ;)

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #195 on: 02/02/2012 03:55 pm »
At the end of a PAO event today, someone asking questions said "we will see you back on earth in the middle of March" to Dan Burbank.  He did not contradict the questioner.  Since the ISS daily status is now indicating unknown dates for most of the near term events, I wonder why Dan Burbank didn't say anything?

Offline arkaska

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #196 on: 02/02/2012 03:59 pm »
I guess because he dont know. And he can't go out with something that is not official.

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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #197 on: 02/02/2012 07:11 pm »
Suffredini voice conference in progress now at

will transcribe (edits of this post) if I can keep up

ISS computer hardware (CPU and mem) and software upgrades completed
crew workload, aiming for 35 hours per week average, getting 50, 60, 65 per week right now; 3-crew period reduced science hours
ARED fixed
problematic MBSU is working but not communicating; R+R later this year likely
Soyuz 30S DM/PM pressure test failure, was mistakenly overpressurized causing a leak, will not fly this S/N, next S/N (705) being pulled up to fly in middle of May
minimize impact to crew rotation schedule
dark landing period ends late April
Soyuz 28S landing April 30th
Soyuz 30S launches May 15th
Progress 27 launches April 28th
next Soyuz in mid-July
SpaceX COTS 2/3:  NET 20 March but that's "challenging", will be within a couple weeks of that date, no biggies, lots of little things, sims, SW changes and testing, minor HW mods, engine inspections, WDR, hot fire, everything adds up; will pick a new launch date in a few weeks after some more deliveries and testing; want to get it up before Progress
Still have good margins on consumables

Now to reporter questions, will pick out anything significant:

"altercation between a ship and a bridge"
SpaceX regression testing: supposed to be completed in late Feb
crew training for Dragon berthing: prime and follow-on crews are trained; Dan and Don and Andre are prime
MLM now on schedule for summer 2013
Q: if no CRS flight by ___ then some concern?  A: no crew reduction, can supply with Progress/ATV/HTV, but would impact research (no NEW upmass); notes lost cargo with August failure of Progress; can make it to 2013 no problem; could buy upmass from Russian side; would start worrying about it if no CRS flights by end of summer
$50K-$60K per kg to purchase upmass from Russians, but they may owe him some
SpaceX: Feb 7th was aggressive, EMI problem was a known problem, Draco engine pressure transducer problem, thermal issue with prop tanks when docked, engine delamination problem, everything stacking up
future Soyuz flights:  working on INCSA (sic) waiver, batch of seat purchases would be a 2013 negotiation
Soyuz overpressure incident: caused localized deformation on peroxide thrusters compartment, cracks in spot welds
candidly, thinks SpaceX won't make March 20th, will likely by early April
Orbital late April / early May, some new challenges will likely push that out
Q by Jim Oberg: in general, getting more failure analysis data from Russians?  A: good insight, satisfied with it, program does get a lot of data that doesn't get released publicly, certainly not quickly; multiple levels of cooperation, have to deal with hurdles like ITAR, mature relationships
Dragon issue that "got his attention the most": EMI issue with ducers, thermal issue, engine inspection this weekend, tool enhancement for realtime ops; Feb 16th technical meeting to review situation, pick a launch date on Feb 17th
After some bitching about sequence, the AP's Seth Borenstein finally gets his questions in, and they're about politics and drama from the Russian press.
crew on-orbit times: will be 160 days for Dan et al
crew on-orbit times: will be 190 days for Oleg et al
SpaceX Dragon WDR planned for Feb 14th
Q: stresses on Soyuz line due to production rate?  A: 4 Soyuz + 4-6 Progress, thinks infrastructure and workforce are in place, have been able to pull up vehicles when one develops a problem
preliminary results of Soyuz investigation will come out before next vehicle gets pressure tested
reported death at Soyuz testing facility was not related to test failure, unfortunate but unrelated coincidence

There will be a full set of briefings as SpaceX gets closer to launch.

As usual, Suffredini's words are worth their weight in gold!

I have not proofread the above, need to get back to Real Work.
« Last Edit: 02/02/2012 08:18 pm by ChrisC »
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Re: Expedition 30 thread (November 22, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
« Reply #199 on: 02/02/2012 07:29 pm »
AAARGH I can not keep up with where you guys decide to post things :/
« Last Edit: 02/02/2012 07:58 pm by ChrisC »
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