Author Topic: LIVE: Ariane Flight VA203 - BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R/ASTRA 1N - August 6 , 2011  (Read 95769 times)

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The launch cadence continues in 2011: Another Ariane 5 begins its assembly at the Spaceport

May 12, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The Ariane 5 for Arianespace’s fourth heavy-lift mission of 2011 has begun its initial build-up at the Spaceport – joining another launch campaign being conducted in parallel, and underscoring the French Guiana facility’s flexibility in maintaining the launch pace for a broad international customer base.

Assembly of this latest Ariane 5 follows the same procedures as employed for the 58 workhorse launchers that preceded it, with activity beginning in the Launcher Integration Building.  The core cryogenic stage was raised into position over one of two mobile launch tables in service at the Spaceport, and was followed by the positioning of two solid propellant boosters for mating with the core stage.

Arianespace’s upcoming flight – designated VA203, for the 203rd mission with an Ariane family launcher – will mark another of Ariane 5’s dual-payload missions, carrying two TV broadcast and telecommunications relay satellites: BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R and ASTRA 1N.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is a co-procured spacecraft by Japan’s Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (B-SAT) and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, with its launch to be performed by Arianespace in the scope of a turnkey launch contract with American manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

ASTRA 1N will be operated by Luxemburg-based SES, which has a multi-launch agreement with Arianespace that also includes the orbiting of its SES 2 satellite in 2011.

The Ariane 5 mission with BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R and ASTRA 1N will follow Arianespace’s upcoming VA202 heavy-lift launch, which is to loft the ST-2 and GSAT-8 satellites on May 19.  This launcher currently is in the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building, where payload integration is now underway.

Previous Ariane 5 flights in 2011 were VA201, performed on April 22 with the Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn payloads; and the milestone VA200 mission, which carried Europe’s second Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) on February 16 for servicing of the International Space Station.
« Last Edit: 08/06/2011 06:15 pm by Chris Bergin »

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Initial “top-off” is performed with the fourth Ariane 5 for launch this year

May 17, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The second of two Ariane 5 mission campaigns currently underway at the Spaceport has reached a new milestone with the completion of its vehicle’s basic build-up in French Guiana.

During activity in the Spaceport’s Launcher Integration Building, this Ariane 5 was initially topped-off with the incorporation of its ESC-A cryogenic upper stage and the vehicle equipment bay – which were installed as a single unit. 

The Ariane 5 is now ready for its transfer to the adjacent Final Assembly Building, where Arianespace will take delivery of the launcher for installation of two TV broadcast and telecommunications relay satellites: BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R and ASTRA 1N. It will be used on the fourth Ariane 5 launch of 2011.

Arianespace currently has another Ariane 5 in the Final Assembly Building, which will roll out May 19 for a liftoff the following day with its own dual-passenger payload, consisting of the ST-2 and GSAT-8 satellites.

Installation of the Ariane 5’s upper composite – which consists of its ESC-A cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay – is highlighted in this series of photos. The component is readied in the Launcher Integration Building’s dock area. A close-up image details the cryogenic upper stage’s HM-7B engine nozzle as the upper composite is hoisted for transfer to the Ariane 5, which is partially visible in the background of the third photo. At last image, the component is moved into position for integration atop Ariane 5’s core cryogenic stage.
« Last Edit: 05/18/2011 12:30 pm by bolun »

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Astra 1N transported to launch site

Toulouse, 18 May 2011 - The Astra 1N satellite designed and manufactured by Astrium for the satellite operator SES Astra has left Astrium’s facility in Toulouse, where it had undergone its final integration and test campaign. Astra 1N will now be transported to Kourou, French Guiana, in preparation for its launch by an Ariane 5 vehicle early July 2011.

Astra 1N will deliver direct-to-home (DTH) services, including digital and high definition (HD) television with pan-European coverage, and is planned to mainly serve the German, French and Spanish markets. It will first provide interim capacity at 28.2°E, and will subsequently be moved to SES Astra’s prime location at 19.2°E for primary and backup services.

As prime contractor for Astra 1N, Astrium has supplied both the payload and the Eurostar E3000 platform for this satellite equipped with 62 transponders in the Ku frequency band. Astra 1N will have a launch mass of 5,350 kg and a spacecraft power of 13kW at the end of its 15-year designed lifetime. Launch and Early Orbit Phase operations will be conducted from the Astrium spacecraft control centre in Toulouse.

Astra 1N will be the fourth Eurostar satellite in the Astra fleet following the successful launch of Astra 3B in May 2010. Astra 1N will also become the 23rd Eurostar E3000 in orbit, with Astrium’s Eurostar series accumulating nearly 400 years of successful in-orbit operations.

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ASTRA 1N is delivered to French Guiana for its Ariane 5 flight

May 24, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The initial passenger for Arianespace’s next Ariane 5 dual-payload launch is now in French Guiana following a trans-Atlantic delivery flight as preparations continue for this fourth heavy-lift mission of 2011, which is planned in early July from the Spaceport.

Arriving at Cayenne’s Rochambeau International Airport aboard an Antonov An-124 cargo aircraft, ASTRA 1N completed its airlift from the Toulouse, France facilities of EADS Astrium – which designed and manufactured this communications relay platform for satellite operator SES ASTRA.

ASTRA 1N will deliver direct-to-home broadcast services – including digital and high definition television – with pan-European coverage, and it is planned to primarily serve the German, French and Spanish markets.

The satellite is based on Astrium’s Eurostar E3000 platform, with a liftoff mass of 5,350 kg. and designed mission life of 15 years. Equipped with 62 Ku-band transponders, ASTRA 1N initially will provide interim capacity from an orbital position of 28.2 deg. East following its deployment by Ariane 5. It subsequently will be moved to SES ASTRA’s prime location at 19.2 deg. East for primary and backup services.

The satellite will be orbited along with its co-passenger, BSAT 3c/JCSAT 110R, on another of Ariane 5’s trademark dual-payload missions. It follows Arianespace’s latest heavy-lift success on May 20, which lofted the ST-2 and GSAT-8 spacecraft from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

Jacques :-)

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Payload processing is now underway with SES ASTRA's ASTRA 1N spacecraft for Arianespace's next launch

May 26, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The first-arrived satellite passenger for Arianespace’s fourth flight of 2011 is undergoing initial checkout in French Guiana, as preparations move forward at the Spaceport for a dual-passenger Ariane 5 mission set for July 1.

This activity with the ASTRA 1N relay platform is taking place in the Spaceport's S5 payload processing facility where it already has completed its fit-check validation, clearing the way for additional milestones such as fueling prior to the integration on Ariane 5.

ASTRA 1N is a state-of-the-art Ku-band spacecraft for satellite operator SES ASTRA, and will deliver pan-European direct-to-home broadcast services – including digital and high definition television.

Built by EADS Astrium based on the company’s E3000 platform, ASTRA 1N will have a liftoff mass of more than 5,300 kg. The spacecraft is designed for a nominal lifetime of 15 years.

Following its deployment by Ariane 5, ASTRA 1N initially will provide interim capacity for SES ASTRA from an orbital position of 28.2 deg. East, and subsequently will be moved to this operator’s prime location at 19.2 deg. East for primary and backup services.

Joining ASTRA 1N on Ariane 5’s upcoming mission in July will be the BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R telecommunications platform, which was manufactured by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems.

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Lockheed Martin delivers the BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R payload for Arianespace’s next Ariane 5 flight

June 6, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

Both payloads for Arianespace’s fourth Ariane 5 flight of 2011 are now at the Spaceport following delivery of the BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R relay satellite, which will join its ASTRA 1N co-passenger on the upcoming heavy-lift mission.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R arrived at Cayenne’s Rochambeau International Airport aboard a chartered An-124 cargo jetliner and was transferred to the Spaceport’s clean room facilities to begin its pre-launch preparations.

Built by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems on behalf of B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will serve as a hybrid broadcasting and telecommunications satellite – operating from an orbital position of 110 degrees East longitude.  The spacecraft is based on Lockheed Martin’s A2100A platform and was designed to meet a required 15-year service life.

The mission with BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R and ASTRA 1N is scheduled for liftoff on July 1, keeping up Arianespace’s mission pace with the heavy-lift Ariane 5 workhorse.  It will follow Arianespace’s three previous launches of 2011: on May 20 with the ST-2 and GSAT-8 payloads; on April 22 to orbit the Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn spacecraft; and on February 16 with the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Johannes Kepler.   

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Payload preparations continue for Arianespace’s fourth heavy-lift mission of 2011

June 9, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R satellite for Arianespace’s next Ariane 5 flight is advancing through its checkout process at the Spaceport in French Guiana, in preparation for a July 1 liftoff on another of the workhorse launcher’s dual-payload missions.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is a hybrid broadcasting and telecommunications satellite built by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems on behalf of B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.

Based on Lockheed Martin’s A2100A platform, the spacecraft is to be operated from an orbital position of 110 deg. East longitude, and was designed to meet a required 15-year service life.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will ride as the lower passenger during Arianespace’s upcoming mission, to be deployed after its companion payload, ASTRA 1N – which also is undergoing its processing at the Spaceport. 

The EADS Astrium-built ASTRA 1N is a state-of-the-art Ku-band spacecraft that will deliver pan-European direct-to-home broadcast services for satellite operator SES ASTRA.

ASTRA 1N initially will provide interim capacity from an orbital position of 28.2 deg. East following its deployment by Ariane 5. It subsequently will be moved to SES ASTRA’s prime location at 19.2 deg. East for primary and backup services.

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Arianespace receives the next Ariane 5 for launch in 2011

June 14, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building has welcomed its fourth Ariane 5 of 2011 as preparations in French Guiana advance for Arianespace’s upcoming mission with the ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R spacecraft.

This heavy-lift Ariane 5 ECA moved from the Launcher Integration Building to the Final Assembly Building today, marking its delivery to Arianespace by vehicle prime contractor EADS Astrium. With this step completed, the workhorse vehicle is now ready for integration of its dual-satellite payload.

The upcoming mission with ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is scheduled for liftoff from French Guiana on July 1, continuing Arianespace’s busy launch cadence for 2011.

It will follow Arianespace’s three previous launches of 2011: on May 20 with the ST-2 and GSAT-8 payloads; on April 22, orbiting the Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn spacecraft; and on February 16 with the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Johannes Kepler.

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Launch kit is out

but it refers to 1N being deployed to 19.2ºE when it is in fact going first to help out capacity at 28.2ºE before ending its time at 19.2ºE.
« Last Edit: 06/24/2011 04:35 pm by ETEE »
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« Last Edit: 06/25/2011 06:49 pm by ETEE »
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Launch window for Ariane Flight VA203

- Universal time (GMT) Between 9:43 PM and 11:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Paris, France Between 11:43 PM and 1:06 AM on July 1-2, 2011

- Kourou, French Guiana Between 6:43 PM and 8:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Washington, D.C. Between 5:43 PM and 7:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Tokyo, Japan Between 6:43 AM and 8:06 AM on July 2, 2011

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Parallel Ariane 5 launch campaigns keep up Arianespace’s 2011 mission pace

June 27, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203 & VA204

Preparations for the next two Ariane 5 flights are underway at the Spaceport, once again demonstrating Arianespace’s flexibility in meeting customer timing for the orbiting of their telecommunications satellites as the company maintains its mission pace with the industry’s reference heavy-lift workhorse launcher.

The Ariane 5 for next Friday’s liftoff is now complete following installation of the upper composite atop the launch vehicle.  This component includes the ASTRA 1N spacecraft and the SYLDA dispenser system on which it is installed – both of which are encapsulated in Ariane 5’s protective payload fairing.

Ariane 5 was “topped off” when the upper composite was positioned over the BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R payload, which earlier was installed on the launcher’s core stage.  This activity occurred in the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building.

The July 1 mission with BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R and ASTRA 1N will be Arianespace’s fourth of six Ariane 5 flights in 2011, with the payload lift performance for this upcoming flight set at approximately 9,095 kg. – which includes 8,240 kg. for the two satellites.

ASTRA 1N will be orbited by Arianespace for the Luxembourg-based operator SES ASTRA, while BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is to be lofted for the American manufacturer Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems as part of a turnkey contract for the Japanese operators B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.

As this Ariane 5 is readied for its rollout from the Final Assembly Building to the ELA-3 launch zone, another heavy-lift vehicle is beginning to take shape in the nearby Launcher Assembly Building.  It will be used for another dual payload of telecommunications satellites.

Launch window for Ariane Flight VA203

- Universal time (GMT) Between 9:43 PM and 11:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Paris, France Between 11:43 PM and 1:06 AM on July 1-2, 2011

- Kourou, French Guiana Between 6:43 PM and 8:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Washington, D.C. Between 5:43 PM and 7:06 PM on July 1, 2011

- Tokyo, Japan Between 6:43 AM and 8:06 AM on July 2, 2011

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Another photo of Astra 1N inside the fairing being lowered on to B-Sat (and the rest of the Ariane).
« Last Edit: 06/29/2011 02:03 pm by ETEE »
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Another photo of Astra 1N inside the fairing being lowered on to B-Sat.

wow, that looks to be quite the tight fit!

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Lockheed Martin has added a news release to its Investor Relations website.

Title: Lockheed Martin-Built Communications Satellite Ready for Launch for Japanese Customers

Date(s): 29-Jun-2011 12:45 PM

NEWTOWN, Pa., June 29, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R broadcasting and telecommunications satellite, designed and built by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) for the Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (B-SAT) and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, is ready for liftoff on July 1 aboard an Ariane 5-ECA launch vehicle provided by Arianespace. The launch window opens at 5:43 p.m. ET and closes at 7:06 p.m. ET.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R's two independent Ku-band payloads incorporate 12 direct broadcast channels and 12 fixed direct communication channels with uplink and downlink coverage over Japan. The spacecraft will be located at 110 degrees East longitude after delivery in orbit. BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is required to meet a 15-year service life and was designed entirely with flight-proven components integrated into the highly reliable A2100 platform manufactured by Lockheed Martin. BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is the third consecutive satellite order B-SAT has awarded to Lockheed Martin and the fifth consecutive satellite order SKY Perfect JSAT has awarded to Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed Martin successfully delivered BSAT-3a and BSAT-3b for service in August 2007 and December 2010, respectively. Lockheed Martin is currently building JCSAT-13 and previously built JCSAT-9 through JCSAT-12 for SKY Perfect JSAT. BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will be the 38th commercial communications satellite based on the A2100 platform delivered to customers world-wide.

"We were extremely pleased to collaborate with two valued customers on this program," said Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems president Joseph Rickers. "Once BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R has been successfully launched and handed over for service, we are confident that both B-SAT and SKY Perfect JSAT will benefit tremendously from the enhanced capabilities that BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will bring to their respective fleets."

The Lockheed Martin A2100 geosynchronous spacecraft series is designed to meet a wide variety of telecommunications needs including Ka-band broadband and broadcast services, fixed satellite services in C-band and Ku-band, high-power direct broadcast services using the Ku-band frequency spectrum and mobile satellite services using UHF, L-band, and S-band payloads. The A2100's modular design features simplified construction, increased on-orbit reliability and reduced weight and cost. The A2100 design accommodates a large range of communication payloads and serves as the platform for critical government communications programs, including the Advanced Extremely High Frequency and Mobile User Objective System satellites.

The A2100 spacecraft can also be configured for missions other than communication. It has been adapted for Lockheed Martin's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Series-R earth observing mission and serves as the spacecraft platform for Lockheed Martin's GPS III program.

About B-SAT

B-SAT is a unique operator of broadcasting satellites in 12GHz BSS band in Japan. The company was established in April 1993 and is located in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, B-SAT has worked toward providing stable satellite operations and continuity of broadcast services. B-SAT currently owns and manages five satellites: BSAT-3a/3b and BSAT-2a/2c, and BSAT-1b as a backup satellite, which are collocated at 110 degrees east to meet increasing demand for BS Digital Broadcasting Services all over Japan. The number of BS Digital Broadcasting Receivers is now over 110 million in Japan.

About SKY Perfect JSAT

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation is a leader in the converging fields of broadcasting and communications. It is Asia's largest satellite operator with a fleet of 14 satellites, and Japan's only provider of both multi-channel pay TV broadcasting and satellite communications services. With 3.7 million subscribers, SKY Perfect JSAT delivers a broad range of entertainment through its SKY PerfecTV!, SKY PerfecTV! e2 and SKY PerfecTV! HIKARI platforms, the most extensive in Japan. In addition, through satellite communications service coverage that extends across Japan and the rest of Asia, Oceania, Hawaii and North America, the Company supports safety, security and convenience for society.
Jacques :-)

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Approval is given for Arianespace's July 1 heavy-lift mission with the ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R payloads

June 29, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

Arianespace’s fourth heavy-lift mission of 2011 – and the 59th for its workhorse Ariane 5 – has been approved for launch on Friday, July 1 from the Spaceport in French Guiana.

The go-ahead was given this afternoon following the launch readiness review, which is held prior to each Arianespace mission.

For the upcoming flight, Ariane 5 will carry a total estimated payload of 9,095 kg. – including 8,240 kg. for the ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R satellite passengers.

ASTRA 1N is located in the upper position of Ariane 5’s payload “stack” and will be released first during the mission sequence.  It is a state-of-the-art Ku-band spacecraft for the delivery of pan-European direct-to-home TV broadcast services for satellite operator SES ASTRA.

This spacecraft was built by EADS Astrium using its Eurostar E3000 spacecraft bus, and initially will provide interim capacity from an orbital position of 28.2 deg. East.  The relay platform subsequently will be moved to SES ASTRA’s prime location at 19.2 deg. East for primary and backup services.

Riding in the Ariane 5’s lower payload position is BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R – a hybrid TV broadcast and telecommunications satellite manufactured by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems on behalf of B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation. 

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is based on Lockheed Martin’s A2100A platform and will be operated from an orbital position of 110 deg. East.
« Last Edit: 06/29/2011 08:33 pm by ETEE »
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What is the purpose of BILD sticker on Ariane?
It is a bit strange.

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What is the purpose of BILD sticker on Ariane?
It is a bit strange.

This is the logo of the a German tabloid newspaper "Bild", which is the media partner for the Astra-1N satellite. Bild covers the launch of this satellite on their online edition.

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Ready for launch: Arianespace's fourth Ariane 5 of 2011 rolls out for its July 1 liftoff

June 30, 2011 – Ariane Flight VA203

The Spaceport’s ELA-3 launch zone has welcomed another heavy-lift Ariane 5 as preparations enter the final phase for Arianespace’s dual-passenger mission tomorrow with the ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R satellites.

Emerging from the Final Assembly Building in the French Guiana sunshine, the Ariane 5 was transferred atop one of two operational mobile launch tables for the workhorse Arianespace vehicle.

All is ready for the countdown leading to a liftoff on July 1 during a launch window that opens at 6:43 p.m. (21h43 Universal time) on Arianespace’s fourth mission in 2011.  The two passengers for this flight are direct-to-home (DTH) television broadcasting satellites with coverage over Europe and Japan, which are to be delivered to geostationary transfer orbit by the Ariane 5.

To be deployed first during the 38-minute mission is ASTRA 1N, which was built by EADS Astrium in Toulouse, France for the Luxembourg-based operator SES Astra.  Based on Astrium’s Eurostar E3000 platform, ASTRA 1N has an estimated liftoff mass of 5,350 kg. and is fitted with 52 active Ku-band transponders.  It initially is to deliver interim capacity from an orbital position of 28.2 deg. East, and subsequently will move to SES ASTRA’s prime location at 19.2 deg. East for primary and backup services during a designed operational lifetime of 15 years.

BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R was manufactured by Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems at its plant in Newtown, Pennsylvania as part of a turnkey contract for Japanese operators B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.  Produced using an A2100 A platform, this satellite will weigh approximately 2,910 kg. at launch, and is to be positioned at 110 deg. East longitude in geostationary orbit, and offers a design life exceeding 16 years. BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R is fitted with 24 active Ku-band transponders, and is primarily designed to provide direct TV broadcast links for all of Japan.

Tomorrow’s mission follows Arianespace’s previous Ariane 5 flights in 2011 that orbited the ST-2 and GSAT-8 telecommunications satellites on May 20; the Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn relay spacecraft on April 22; and the Johannes Kepler Automated Transfer Vehicle for servicing of the International Space Station on February 16.

Jacques :-)

Online Chris Bergin

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