Flag was painted by Lockheed-Martin when the MAS was constructed for the shuttleprogram. Each star on the flag is 6’ tall. Lockheed-Martin paid the Italian painter inadvance for the work. He took the money and flew back to Italy without performing anywork. The employees working on the shuttle program took up a collection amongthemselves and painted the flag
If I recall correctly AC-141 arrived at SLC-3E in September 1997 and flew in December 1999. Not sure if the complete vehicle was there all that time.
Quote from: Art LeBrun on 01/11/2011 03:09 pmIf I recall correctly AC-141 arrived at SLC-3E in September 1997 and flew in December 1999. Not sure if the complete vehicle was there all that time.There was some fleet issue or spacecraft issue with that one, concluding with the RL10 on Delta 269. Processing didn't take that long.
This will be the largest rocket ever launched from the West Coast of the U.S.
Quote from: Chris Bergin on 01/11/2011 02:38 pmThis will be the largest rocket ever launched from the West Coast of the U.S. Largest as in tallest, perhaps, or widest, or heaviest payload, but far from the heaviest launch vehicle. Titan 4B weighed 940-ish tonnes, well more than Delta 4 Heavy's 730-ish tonnes. Titan 4 produced a lot more thrust (1.7 times more at 1,542 tonnes thrust versus Delta's 900 tonnes thrust), made the ground shake more, and made a lot more noise than Delta 4 Heavy. - Ed Kyle
Does anybody familiar with Vandenberg AFB know of a line-of-sight viewing spot to SLC-6? I've watched numerous launches from SLC-3E, and SLC-4 (E and W), but I have yet to find a spot where I can physically see a SLC-6 liftoff. I'm really looking forward to this launch...should be a doozy. Also, anybody getting any "subliminal messages" off of that NRO mission patch aside from what's been noted above?
Due to the hills on south Vandenberg, there are no direct line-of-sight viewing points off base. In fact, you would have to go south of SLC-4 on the base to even see SLC-6 and that is in the launch danger area. So there really isn't going to be a direct view from anywhere on the ground. You may want to head to Harris Grade, so you will see it as soon as it clears the hills. It should be spectacular in any case.Doug
The 30th Space Wing suggests Skyscreen Roadhttp://maps.google.com/maps?ll=34.767634,-120.528753&spn=0.009818,0.024054&z=16