Author Topic: ISS RS: Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module-Upgrade (MLM-U) General Updates and Discussion Thread  (Read 831796 times)

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July 17 at 02:30 Moscow time at the Baikonur cosmodrome, the launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket with a multipurpose laboratory module # Science began .

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The Proton-M launch vehicle consists of three boosters connected in a tandem scheme. All stages are equipped with highly efficient two-component liquid-propellant rocket engines operating in a closed circuit. Its launch is scheduled for the evening of July 21

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Journalists were shown the laboratory module "Science"

07/17/2021 18:17

New opportunities will soon open up for our scientists. The journalists were shown the Science laboratory module, which will complement the Russian segment of the International Space Station. Huge, weighing more than 20 tons, it is literally stuffed with the most modern equipment. Its appearance in orbit is expected to bring the work of researchers to a new level.

Hundreds of kilograms of scientific equipment, new water and air filtration systems, an additional crew cabin, protected from radiation, and even a new space toilet. The "Science" module expands the boundaries of both, in fact, scientific, and the boundaries of the ISS itself - it will become one of the largest modules on the station.

Absolutely everything that will happen with the "Science" module in space can be worked out on the control stand - this is a complete copy, all systems are duplicated. From here you can clearly see: in the upper part there is an “Era” manipulator - a huge robotic arm with a carrying capacity of eight tons and an accuracy of movements up to five millimeters.

The manipulator, thanks to its high accuracy, will be able to perform tasks in orbit that previously could only be done by astronauts. Thus, the number of dangerous and exhausting spacewalks can be reduced. However, in order to put the Nauka module into operation, the Russian crew will still have to go into space, and more than once.

“Certain work will be required to integrate the module into the Russian segment and to equip it. This is approximately nine spacewalks to connect it to all electrical information control interfaces, each for at least six and a half hours, ”said Alexander Kaleri, Head of the RSC Energia Flight and Space Center (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation).

Our country has not launched spacecraft of this mass for over 20 years. And the equipment that will go into space is expected to allow scientific work to be carried out at a completely new level. Accurate climatic studies of the Earth, studying the planet's neutron flux, growing unique crystals for infrared sensors - the work schedule in the new Russian laboratory will be busy.

Now almost everything is ready for the launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket along with the comic apparatus. The launch is scheduled for July 21, and the docking with the ISS will take place on the 29th.

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The journalists were shown the "Science" laboratory module.

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Second starting day at Baikonur

07/18/2021 08:15

At the Baikonur cosmodrome, preparations are continuing for the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle with the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module under the International Space Station program. The day before, a space rocket was transported to the launch complex of site No. 200. The joint crew of Roscosmos State Corporation subsidiaries carried out the work on the first launch day.

This morning, specialists from the State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev and the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Korolev (both are part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) have started work on the schedule of the second launch day. In the morning, preparations are being made for control tests of the control system and defensive operations of the control system of the launch vehicle. Then - the direct carrying out of control tests with recording on the telemetric control system with the use of measuring points, and upon completion - the processing of the received telemetric information.


Proton-M is a heavy-class launch vehicle. It is designed to launch various spacecraft under government and commercial programs. Since 2001, the upgraded Proton-M launch vehicle has been in operation with an improved control system, a higher level of operational characteristics and environmental indicators.

The developer and manufacturer of "Proton" is GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev. The Proton-M launch vehicle consists of three boosters connected in a tandem scheme. All stages are equipped with highly efficient two-component liquid-propellant rocket engines operating in a closed circuit.

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At Baikonur continues preparations for the "Proton-M" carrier rocket launch with the module # Science . This morning, our highly qualified specialists started work according to the schedule of the second launch day: https: // We remind you that the launch is scheduled for July 21

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Third starting day at Baikonur

07/19/2021 09:45

At the launch site of site No. 200 of the Baikonur cosmodrome, intensive preparations are continuing for the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle with the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module , which is scheduled for July 21 this year. Yesterday, at the launch complex of site No. 200, work was carried out according to the schedule of the second launch day, no comments were revealed.

Today, July 19, 2021, specialists of the rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation are performing work at the launch complex under the program of the third launch day. In accordance with the schedule, the launch readiness test set and tests of the control systems of the launch vehicle are carried out. Measuring points of the cosmodrome are involved in these operations.

The launch of the Proton-M heavy rocket with the Nauka module is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 17:58:21 Moscow time from the launcher No. 39 of the site No. 200 of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

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At the launch site of the site No. 200 of Baikonur, intensive preparations are underway for the launch on July 21 of the Proton-M carrier rocket with the # Science module . 
Today, experts of the rocket and space industry are carrying out work under the program of the third launch day:https://

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A European Robotic Arm to handle the Space Station

The European Robotic Arm (ERA) is set for launch on a Proton rocket to the International Space Station on 21 July at 16:58 CEST. The first robot that can ‘walk’ around the Russian part of the orbital complex will be launched with the new Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan.

The latest robot to service the Space Station has a length of over 11 m, and can anchor itself to the Russian segment in multiple locations, moving backwards and forwards with a large range of motion.

Much like a human arm, ERA has an elbow, shoulders and even wrists. At full extension it could pick up a football from the penalty spot of a soccer pitch and pass it to the goalkeeper.

Astronauts will find in the European Robotic Arm a most valuable ally – it will save them precious time to do other work in space.

The crew in space can control ERA from both inside and outside the Space Station, a feature that no other robotic arm has offered before. The robotic arm can perform many tasks automatically, and it can be controlled directly or programmed in advance to carry out tasks.

ERA will transfer payloads from inside to outside the International Space Station, but it will also help spacewalkers by transporting them at the at the end of the arm.

About a week after the launch, ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet will welcome the arrival of the European Robotic Arm to the Space Station. Thomas will be involved in setting up the arm from the Russian segment.

It will take five spacewalks to get the robotic arm fit for space operations. ESA astronauts Matthias Maurer and Samantha Cristoforetti will support the installation both from inside and outside the Station by taking part in a few spacewalks.

ERA’s first tasks in orbit are to set up the airlock and install a large radiator for the Multipurpose Laboratory Module, also called ‘Nauka’.

Why ERA?
The International Space Station already has two robotic arms: Canadarm2 and the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System. Both play a crucial role in berthing visiting vehicles and moving external payloads on the US and Japanese modules.

However, the Canadian and Japanese arms cannot reach the Russian segment of the Station, that uses different mounting systems for robotic arms and equipment.

The European Robotic Arm will provide the freedom to move hand-over-hand around the Russian parts of the Station from its home base, the Multipurpose Laboratory Module.

A story of perseverance

The launch of the Multipurpose Laboratory Module was initially planned for 2007, but it has been repeatedly delayed since then.

The story of the European Robotic Arm is one of perseverance. Having spent 13 years waiting for its launch, the team had to keep the hardware and software up to date and in good shape.

“Every piece of ERA has undergone a rigorous analysis to confirm that it is fit for space after its prolonged shelf-life on Earth,” explains Philippe Schoonejans, ERA project manager.

After two decades of technical and programmatic challenges, European industry and know-how will be strengthened. “During ERA’s operational life the robot will help demonstrate equipment and technologies key to future space adventures, such as the robotic transfer of samples on Mars,” says ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration David Parker.

ERA is 100% made-in-Europe. A consortium of European companies led by Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands designed and assembled it for ESA.

Follow the launch
The launch can be followed live from 15:30 CEST (14:30 BST) on 21 July with ESA Web TV broadcasting on its two channels Roscosmos and NASA coverage from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan.

Follow the action live on ESA Web TV and @esaspaceflight on Twitter for regular updates throughout.
Jacques :-)

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The #EuropeanRoboticArm sits on top of this powerful Proton-M booster, attached to Russia's latest science module #Nauka. Launch date: 21 July.

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Meanwhile, Navigational Warnings for the deorbit of the discarded PIRS module have appeared

190923Z JUL 21
HYDROPAC 2078/21(83).
DNC 06.
   A. 231630Z TO 231830Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      49-15.0S 144-37.0W, 50-27.0S 135-03.0W,
      50-00.0S 123-37.0W, 52-45.0S 123-38.0W,
      52-38.0S 134-45.0W, 51-40.0S 144-29.0W.
   B. 241400Z TO 241600Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      35-46.0S 149-04.0W, 39-34.0S 143-08.0W,
      43-29.0S 134-23.0W, 46-00.0S 134-41.0W,
      42-26.0S 142-40.0W, 38-42.0S 149-46.0W.
   C. 241530Z TO 241730Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      46-53.0S 149-10.0W, 49-00.0S 140-21.0W,
      50-00.0S 128-57.0W, 52-26.0S 129-05.0W,
      51-26.0S 139-53.0W, 49-31.0S 149-11.0W.
   D. 251300Z TO 251500Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      33-38.0S 146-10.0W, 37-34.0S 140-37.0W,
      41-42.0S 132-21.0W, 44-00.0S 132-46.0W,
      40-27.0S 140-11.0W, 36-34.0S 146-58.0W.
   E. 251430Z TO 251630Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      43-36.0S 152-36.0W, 46-29.0S 144-48.0W,
      49-00.0S 134-08.0W, 50-55.0S 134-13.0W,
      49-07.0S 144-17.0W, 46-25.0S 152-51.0W.
   F. 261400Z TO 261600Z JUL IN AREA BOUND BY
      40-19.0S 153-35.0W, 43-40.0S 146-40.0W,
      47-00.0S 136-57.0W, 48-47.0S 136-54.0W,
      46-27.0S 146-10.0W, 43-12.0S 154-03.0W.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 261700Z JUL 21.
Marco Langbroek - SatTrackCam

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Simulation and Station Maintenance Preface a Busy Week for the Crew

Catherine Williams Posted on July 19, 2021

Cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Oleg Novitskiy, meanwhile, worked to transfer equipment for disposal to the Progress 77 cargo craft, which is set to undock — along with the Pirs Docking Compartment — from the International Space Station on Friday, July 23. A few hours later, Progress’ engines will fire in a deorbit maneuver to send the cargo craft and Pirs into a destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean.

Replacing Pirs, a module that has been part of the orbital outpost for the past 20 years, is the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) named Nauka, the Russian word for “science.” The MLM is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, July 21, on a three-stage Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

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Preparation of "Science" - the fourth starting day is underway

07/20/2021 09:20

At the Baikonur cosmodrome, preparations are continuing for the launch of the Proton-M space rocket with the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module, which is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 17:58:25 Moscow time. Behind - three starting days at site No. 200.

Within the framework of the fourth launch day, specialists from enterprises of the Russian rocket and space industry perform connection of filling and drainage connections to the necks of the launch vehicle and check the tightness of the main lines. In the second half of the day - bringing the units and systems of the launch complex to their original position at the end of all planned operations.

On the morning of July 21, the joint calculation of the subsidiaries of the State Corporation Roscosmos will begin work on the launch day program. At 10:00 Moscow time on Wednesday, a meeting of the State Commission will take place, which will consider the results of tests carried out with the launch vehicle and the Nauka module during the four starting days. The members of the commission will assess the readiness of the product for filling with fuel components and start-up at the scheduled time.

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At Baikonur continues preparations for the launch of the carrier rocket "Proton-M" with a multi-purpose laboratory module # Science , which is scheduled for July 21 at 17:58:25 MSK: https: //

Behind - three days starting on site number 200. Today is the fourth starting day.

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The State Commission confirmed the launch readiness of the Proton-M launch vehicle

07/21/2021 10:23

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at the Baikonur cosmodrome, the State Commission for Flight Testing of Manned Space Complexes considered the results of experimental ground testing and the conclusions of the technical management on the readiness of the Proton-M launch vehicle with the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module at site No. 200 ...

Based on the results of the meeting of the State Commission, a decision was made to admit the Proton-M / Nauka space rocket to operations for refueling and launching. In accordance with the prelaunch schedule, at 12:00 Moscow time, the carrier rocket will start refueling with an oxidizer, then at 13:35 Moscow time - with fuel. At 15:20 Moscow time, the final operations on the rocket and the service unit will begin.

The launch of the Proton-M space rocket with the Nauka multipurpose module is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 17:58:25 Moscow time from the launch complex of site No. 200 of the Baikonur cosmodrome. The duration of the active phase of the launch vehicle flight (until the module is separated) will be 580 seconds (9.67 minutes).

Live broadcast of prelaunch operations with comments from specialists of the Russian rocket and space industry will begin at 16:30 Moscow time in the " Online Broadcast " section of the State Corporation's website and on the  pages of Roscosmos social networks.

The new Russian module is designed to increase the technical and operational capabilities of the Russian segment of the International Space Station. It will ensure the possibility of implementing a scientific research program in the interests of fundamental science and the social sphere, including the development and augmentation of the resources of the Russian segment of the ISS.

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The State Commission approved the launch of the Russian module "Science" to the ISS.

The State Commission at the Baikonur Cosmodrome approved the launch of the Russian module "Science" to the ISS

10:44 21.07.2021 (updated: 10:50 21.07.2021)

MOSCOW, July 21 - RIA Novosti. The state commission at a meeting at the Baikonur cosmodrome made a decision to admit the Proton-M carrier rocket with the Nauka multifunctional laboratory module for refueling and subsequent launch, Roscosmos reported.

The previous Russian module to the ISS was launched in 2010, it was the Rassvet small research module. "Science" will become the heaviest Russian module of the station, it follows from the data on the site of "Roskosmos". On the ISS, only the Japanese Kibo module is heavier, and even then due to the fact that it is assembled from two parts.

"Based on the results of the meeting of the State Commission, a decision was made to admit the Proton-M / Nauka space rocket to fueling and launch operations," the Roscosmos website says.

The launch is scheduled for today at 17.58 Moscow time. The pre-launch works and the launch of the module will be broadcasted on the website of the state corporation.


Currently, the Russian segment of the ISS includes five modules: the Zarya functional cargo block (created for and owned by NASA, launched in 1998, became the first ISS module), the Zvezda service module (2000), the Pirs docking bay "(2001) and small research modules" Search "(2009) and" Dawn "(2010).

Nauka is an almost complete copy of the first ISS module - Zarya. It began to be built in 1995 as a ground backup for this module. In 2004, it was decided to expand the Russian segment, and in order to save money, they decided to convert it into a full-fledged flight module. Its launch was scheduled for 2007, but the production was not completed on time and for many years the start was postponed.

In 2013, when the module was almost ready to be sent to the cosmodrome, foreign particles were found when checking the fuel system. This threatened with big problems, since after launching into orbit, the module had to reach the ISS on its own engines. In the event of a blockage, the engines could stall, and an uncontrollable 20-ton object would remain in low-earth orbit. However, if the module had reached the station on its own, foreign particles could disable the ISS, since Nauka had to be connected to the fuel system of the Russian segment.

The module was returned for revision. Since then, "Science" has been finalized at the manufacturing plant in the Khrunichev Center. To get rid of the blockage in the pipeline, it was washed many times, and it was proposed to replace the tanks of the module with new ones. As part of the finalization of the module, its pipelines were replaced with new ones, the tanks were cleaned as much as possible, and an external platform was added for placing scientific equipment outside. After modernization, the Multifunctional laboratory module "Science" received a new name - MLM-U, where "U" is an improved one. In 2020, the module was sent to Baikonur, where it passed all pre-launch tests.


According to the launch plan at the disposal of RIA Novosti, the flight of the Proton-M rocket after separation from the launch pad and before the module is put into orbit will continue for 9.5 minutes. 123 seconds after the start, the first stage will separate, the debris of which will fall in the Karaganda region of  Kazakhstan . At the 331st second, the second stage will separate, and then the head fairing, under which the "Science" module is hidden during the flight phase in the atmosphere. The fall of the second stage and fairing flaps is expected in Altai, Khakassia and Tuva. At the 580th second, the third stage will put Nauka into an elliptical orbit, after which the module's systems will turn on and its solar batteries will open.

On the way to the ISS, the station will give out four pulses with the help of its engines, follows from the schedule published on the Roskosmos website . The ability to fly under its own power originates from the past - structurally, the "ancestors" of "Science" were transport supply ships, developed in the 1970s for cargo support of Soviet orbital stations. The flight will last eight days.

By this time, the ISS will be prepared for the arrival of the new module. Now the required docking station is occupied by Pirs. Since its arrival on the ISS 20 years ago, this compartment has been used as an additional berth for manned and cargo spacecraft of the Soyuz and Progress series, as well as a gateway for space walks.

On Friday, July 23, at 4:17 pm Moscow time, Pirs will undock with the help of the Progress MS-16 cargo vehicle and on the same day it will be flooded in the Pacific Ocean at the so-called "spaceship graveyard", where, due to the low intensity of shipping de-orbiting ships and stations. "Progress MS-16" received the unspoken name "Gerasim" in honor of the hero of the work of Ivan Turgenev "Mumu".

Pirs will be the first ISS module to be undocked and flooded in the ocean.

The Nauka will dock at the vacated port on July 29 at 4:26 pm. Docking is planned in automatic mode, but it can be carried out by Russian cosmonauts from the ISS using a joystick.


The integration of the module into the station will be carried out, as indicated on the website of the state corporation, during the year. As the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, Hero of Russia, Pavel Vlasov , told RIA Novosti , for this the cosmonauts will need to make ten spacewalks.

During the exits and with the help of manipulators, the cosmonauts will have to stretch various cable networks and pipelines, install an airlock, a radiation heat exchanger, and fasteners for large-sized objects on top of the MLM-U.

With the arrival of Nauka, the comfort of cosmonauts will increase on the Russian segment. The module includes a cabin that will become the third in the Russian segment. In the meantime, if there are three Russian cosmonauts in orbit, one of them has to spend the night with American colleagues.

The module also has a second bathroom in addition to the one available in the "Zvezda".

As Vlasov said in 2019, the scientific output from the Russian segment of the ISS will dramatically increase after the Nauka module is docked to it. The low scientific return of the Russian segment of the ISS was discussed back in 2015. Then the expert council of the military-industrial commission explained this by the fact that the bulk of the research had already been carried out at the Salyut and Mir stations, and the commissioning of new modules of the ISS Russian segment was delayed.

The state corporation's website contains a list of 13 possible experiments planned to be carried out inside MLM-U. The module is equipped with 16 workstations for conducting experiments outside and 14 inside.

In addition, the model will be equipped with the European ERA manipulator arm, which should help astronauts while working on the outer surface of the station.

On November 24, it is planned to launch the Prichal nodal module, which will become the last compartment of the Russian segment of the ISS. Previously, the latter was supposed to be the Science and Energy Module. In the spring, it was decided to use it as a basis for the creation of a new Russian orbital station. However, the other day, the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, announced that at the end of July plans will be determined to create a new station, and hence where the Scientific and Power Module will fly - to the ISS or to a new highly elliptical orbit.

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Nauka module passed over 700 tests at Baikonur launch center.

The module’s launch is scheduled for July 21, and its docking with the International Space Station - on July 29

20 JUL, 22:47

MOSCOW, July 21. /TASS/. Russia’s Nauka multifunctional laboratory module underwent more than 700 tests at the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation (part of Roscosmos) told TASS.

"Production monitoring tests, including electrical tests and vacuum chamber tests have been completed," the company said.

According to the corporation, tests on fuel tanks, earlier found to contain metal shavings, were completed successfully.

The Nauka multi-functional laboratory module can generate oxygen for six people and regenerate water from the urine. The Nauka will provide a second toilet for Russian cosmonauts (the first is located in the Zvezda module) and a room for the third crewmember. It will also use the European Robotic Arm (ERA) that will help perform some operations without spacewalks.

The module’s launch is scheduled for July 21, and its docking with the International Space Station - on July 29. The undocking and sinking of the Pirs module is due on July 23.

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The State Commission at the Baikonur Cosmodrome has confirmed the Proton-M rocket launch readiness.

The Proton-M/#Nauka space rocket is cleared for fueling and launch at 14:58:25 UTC   The launch broadcast will start at 13:30 UTC.

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Before the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle with a multipurpose laboratory module # Science , 6 hours remain!

Our specialists have started filling the rocket with an oxidizer. The operation will last until 13:35 Moscow time.

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A busy day in space today: @Thom_astro and #Crew2 are moving their @SpaceX #CrewDragon to another docking port, and
@roscosmos is launching a new @Space_Station module #Nauka with #EuropeanRoboticArm!


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