Author Topic: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, landing etc.)  (Read 588236 times)

Offline Rifleman

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Well, with the end of the shuttle program sadly in sight, I have realized that if I ever want to see a launch in person, I must do it soon. It's kind of funny, I have watched almost every shuttle launch on TV or the internet, and have considered myself a space nerd since I was about 6 years old (I'm 27 now), but I have never made it to see one in person.

The good news is that I was able to get the time off work (and the wife's blessing) to drive the 18 hours down the the cape to witness this launch. My question to all those who have perfected the art of viewing shuttle launches is, what tips can you give me? Where is the best place to view a launch in late July, early August? What is the best way to get tickets (if they are needed) How far in advance do I need to try to get a hotel room? Any recommendations of places to stay?

Also, I know that this one is harder to know for sure, but it the general feeling that STS-134 will be ready to go come launch day? Historically, does the weather normally cooperate this time of year. I only have enough vacation time to make one real attempt at seeing a launch this year (and with it being the last year of the program, ever), should I try for a different one? Any tips or input that can be given would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: 05/24/2011 07:55 pm by Chris Bergin »

Offline Orbiter

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #1 on: 03/07/2010 09:31 pm »
Well, with the end of the shuttle program sadly in sight, I have realized that if I ever want to see a launch in person, I must do it soon. It's kind of funny, I have watched almost every shuttle launch on TV or the internet, and have considered myself a space nerd since I was about 6 years old (I'm 27 now), but I have never made it to see one in person.

The good news is that I was able to get the time off work (and the wife's blessing) to drive the 18 hours down the the cape to witness this launch. My question to all those who have perfected the art of viewing shuttle launches is, what tips can you give me? Where is the best place to view a launch in late July, early August? What is the best way to get tickets (if they are needed) How far in advance do I need to try to get a hotel room? Any recommendations of places to stay?

Also, I know that this one is harder to know for sure, but it the general feeling that STS-134 will be ready to go come launch day? Historically, does the weather normally cooperate this time of year. I only have enough vacation time to make one real attempt at seeing a launch this year (and with it being the last year of the program, ever), should I try for a different one? Any tips or input that can be given would be greatly appreciated.

First of all I'd like to say, you'll have one of the most amazing sites in your life if it goes July 29th. But to answer all your questions:

1) There might be a major delay with STS-134 because of testing on the payload.. causing a mission swap. All this might mean is that STS-133 moves up to July with Endeavour and STS-134 moves down to September with Discovery, we just don't know. It might be a major move in the manifest as well.

2) July launches in terms of weather? The worst weather of the year. Last year STS-127 had 6 scrubs before it got off the ground in July, 4 of which were weather related due to daytime thunderstorms. However, STS-134/133 will go off in the early morning.. an hour or so after sunrise. Thunderstorms shouldn't be a problem unless it gets delayed to a launch after 2 p.m

3) I'd say stick with what you got and keep up with updates. If there is a delay in the manifest then change if necessary.

Hope this helps! :)

KSC Engineer, astronomer, rocket photographer.

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #2 on: 03/07/2010 09:32 pm »
STS-134 is still about 4 months out.  Don't make firm plans yet until STS-132 starts looking like she's coming down on time, and things go well with her flow.

How much time do you have to be flexible around the launch date?  I'd hope at least 3 or 4 days.  If you have a full week to be there, that would be even better.  Plan to arrive on L-2, take the up close tour and the regular tour if you can.  You want to take them, the up close gets you about 1.5 miles from the back of the stack, and it's a great view.  The regular tour, that'll get you to the viewing gantry, not sure how far from the pad.  It's a great view to sit out there for a few hours and just awe.

July is usually rainy and thunderstorms every day, but with the current launch date putting it at 7 in the morning, it should be cool enough so it doesn't build up too much weather at the time of launch, the only critical point would be ET loading, I would think.  I'll let rdale comment on the trends for July, as I'm not a meteorologist.

If you can get Causeway tickets, go for it.  Email your congress representative saying you'd like to see it.  Maybe they'll be able to get you tickets.  If not, get the LTT tickets from KSC if you can grab them fast enough.  If not, there's Gator tours that goes to the causeway too.  If not, see if you can get a parking permit for the Clarion in Titusville.  It's about 6 or 7 miles from the pads, and it's nothing but river between you and there.  It's a spectacular view according to Larry Sullivan, Max-Q's Florida representative.  There's pictures on our website  that show enough detail that you can see Tyvek covers coming off in some of his images - sort of hard to see, but you can see it.  The Clarion does skyrocket in price because of that, going from $79.99 a night to $189.99 a night for any room right around launch time.

Once STS-132 goes on time, I'd almost be tempted to start reserving a hotel room and start planning for real.... however, STS-134 and STS-133 may be swapping according to L2, which means STS-133 will go first.  Stay on top of that, if AMS has trouble during its testing, then NASA may delay STS-134.

Hopefully this wall of texts helps at least a little.  :)

Offline wjbarnett

Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #3 on: 03/07/2010 11:12 pm »
Be sure to review the other mission Viewing threads! There's lots of info and experience in there to help you (plus most all have the 'standard' links on the first couple of pages)

Online Chris Bergin

Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #4 on: 03/08/2010 12:41 am »
Don't make any plans yet, obviously! (Or maybe not, as I don't think the OP read the news).
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Offline daniela

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #5 on: 03/08/2010 02:45 am »
Besides the issues of a possible major delay and the summer weather, consider that AMS-02 payload has stringent launch commit criteria. Hard to advise: if you can take a few days away from work any time, likely sts-131 and sts-132, once they get far enough in the mission readiness process to rule out most causes of large delays, will be less affected by last minute payloads or weather issues (still, as we all know, they may). Assuming STS-133 launches in september, weather is volatile - to say it all, it is that way year-round - however at least the payload is no problem. Then again AMS-02 liftoff is something special, so if you want to be there, I can't surely blame you :)

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #6 on: 03/08/2010 03:27 am »

1) There might be a major delay with STS-134 because of testing on the payload.. causing a mission swap. All this might mean is that STS-133 moves up to July with Endeavour and STS-134 moves down to September with Discovery, we just don't know. It might be a major move in the manifest as well.

From everything we have on site here, STS-133's advancement would only be a matter of days, certainly not months. No way MPLM Leonardo would be ready for a July 29th launch given she's about to go up on Discovery's 131 flight and she has to be converted into a PMM once she's back in the SSPF after 131.  And Flight Crew loading certainly would not permit a seven week advancement to the STS-133 launch date.

Also, this delay talk is in such an early stage that no documentation has been seen (yet) as to whether or not the missions would swap orbiters. Discovery has already undergone some modifications -- such as propellant tank removal -- to get her ready for STS-133.
« Last Edit: 03/08/2010 03:29 am by ChrisGebhardt »

Offline John M

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #7 on: 03/11/2010 10:49 am »
Im still waitng on my Congressman to respond to my request, but I have an insider who works for NASA who says he may can help with that if I dont hear from him by the end of March. (He just a relative of a friend of a friend of mine type thing. I know he was working @ MC at one time and was prontoed higher up, as Im told.) Anyways, Ive made plans to go to Orlando with the family that week into the next, so it wont be a total waste. I want to see it go up on time myself, and for myt kids to have a once in a lifetime chance to see a shuttle go up, but if I miss it, Ive had quailty time with my family.....

Offline ysuindy

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #8 on: 03/11/2010 07:31 pm »
With regards to the Clarion Inn, stay on top of the changes in the launch schedule and make your reservations quickly when they change - you can usually be ahead of them jacking up the rates.  I did this for both sets of launch times for STS-127 last year.  I made the reservations for the June attempt when the launch slipped from May.  Then once the delays started in June, I made reservations for July even before the date was set.   I think I had three sets of reservations at one time.

At least as of last year, the reservations were cancellable with 24 or 48 hour notice.

Offline Furner

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #9 on: 03/15/2010 04:53 pm »
With regards to the Clarion Inn, stay on top of the changes in the launch schedule and make your reservations quickly when they change - you can usually be ahead of them jacking up the rates.  I did this for both sets of launch times for STS-127 last year.  I made the reservations for the June attempt when the launch slipped from May.  Then once the delays started in June, I made reservations for July even before the date was set.   I think I had three sets of reservations at one time.

At least as of last year, the reservations were cancellable with 24 or 48 hour notice.
This is true still.  I just hit them up with several reservations for possible dates.  FYI prices have already doubled for STS-132 so pick your dates and make reservations now while you still can.
EDIT: Looks like 134 has been jacked up too.  But watch the reschedules, they will probably take a day or two to catch up.
« Last Edit: 03/15/2010 06:02 pm by Furner »

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #10 on: 03/15/2010 08:52 pm »
I booked hotel reservations in Feb the day I got back from seeing STS 130 go up for the STS 134 in JUly. Had to watch from Titusville, but had tickets to KSC that I could not do the second day. For tickets, keep on this forum. It has the greatest people and you will get so much great info. To get tickets, you get online at the KSC site 15 minutes before they go on sale and it is the luck of the draw.
Now with all that being said, could someone explain in simple terms what has just happened? I know 134 was going up in July before 133 in Sept or whatever. The news story I saw said final mission may be delayed and talked about Endeavour. But Endeavour is not the final mission? I know to keep looking on here for latest info, but just curious.I know its way too early, but still not quite sure what is going on that effects the july one.Thanks...NDW
And to the first poster, we were there Last July and it scrubbed all the days we were there, but it was an evening launch, with weather doing all the damage to our schedule.And I drove 19 hours from Texas to see it. If it goes up, you will be blown away with excitement!

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #11 on: 03/15/2010 08:59 pm »
OK, sorry. I just read the post from Chris  about what is going on . That was what I was wondering about. Great post.

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #12 on: 03/16/2010 09:25 pm »
Anyone know what time are guests holding Hall of Fame launch tickets required to arrive?

Offline John M

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #13 on: 04/02/2010 09:45 pm »
Im still waitng on my Congressman to respond to my request, but I have an insider who works for NASA who says he may can help with that if I dont hear from him by the end of March. (He just a relative of a friend of a friend of mine type thing. I know he was working @ MC at one time and was prontoed higher up, as Im told.) Anyways, Ive made plans to go to Orlando with the family that week into the next, so it wont be a total waste. I want to see it go up on time myself, and for myt kids to have a once in a lifetime chance to see a shuttle go up, but if I miss it, Ive had quailty time with my family.....

Well, called another Congressman today. Got tired of waiting on the other bozo to respond to my email from Jan. This one accually went to bat for me and has put in the request, BUT the email I got from him today doesnt sound to promising. Im on the waiting list, and the lady from Nasa told him, that VIP passes are all but gone for the last launches. Knowing this, Im going to try for Causeway tickets, and if that fails, then Ill probably just watch from titusville, as I dont want to spend the large sum for Gator, etc. One way or another Im watching this launch from somewhere other than he couch!!!!!!

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #14 on: 04/08/2010 09:27 pm »
If not, see if you can get a parking permit for the Clarion in Titusville.  It's about 6 or 7 miles from the pads, and it's nothing but river between you and there.

It's hard to believe, but the closest point in Titusville is 12 miles away from Pad A. It doesn't look that far because the VAB is so big and there's nothing near by to compare it to. But I agree that the view is spectacular.

Offline wjbarnett

Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #15 on: 04/08/2010 11:59 pm »
BTW, there were empty spaces in the Clarion parking lot for the STS131 launch. Not sure if that was just because some of the guests had Causeway or VC LTTs as well as parking passes (this was my situation during 129), or if they didn't sell out.

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #16 on: 04/09/2010 01:10 am »
If not, see if you can get a parking permit for the Clarion in Titusville.  It's about 6 or 7 miles from the pads, and it's nothing but river between you and there.

It's hard to believe, but the closest point in Titusville is 12 miles away from Pad A. It doesn't look that far because the VAB is so big and there's nothing near by to compare it to. But I agree that the view is spectacular.

Well, to be fair, you're 8.5 miles from the VAB and 12-miles from Pad-A at the closet when in Titusville. Believe me, those 3.5 miles make a difference when you're talking about the VAB.
« Last Edit: 04/11/2010 03:13 am by Chris Bergin »

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #17 on: 04/14/2010 08:51 pm »
Has there been any official memo yet that addresses the rumor of "the AMS will fly according to schedule even if it needs to round-trip"?

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #18 on: 04/19/2010 06:04 pm »
Has there been any official memo yet that addresses the rumor of "the AMS will fly according to schedule even if it needs to round-trip"?

Information seems to be incipient.  See here for example.

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Re: STS-134 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #19 on: 04/26/2010 05:01 pm »
I know that before, they had said that STS-133 would not have any public ticket sales for launch viewing.  I wonder if now since STS-134 is officially pushed past STS-133 if they will be planning to sell STS-133 tickets and not STS-134


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