Quote from: rdale on 09/14/2009 09:35 pmHow many RS-68A's are in the HTV?None
How many RS-68A's are in the HTV?
Quote from: Skyrocket on 09/14/2009 10:04 pmQuote from: rdale on 09/14/2009 09:35 pmHow many RS-68A's are in the HTV?NoneThe H-IIB uses two LE-7A's.
Ed Kyle's site says that H-IIB used LE-5A on the second stage, but JAXA's booklet says LE-5B. Who is right? I e-mailed Ed a couple of days ago but haven't heard anything back.
Congrats to our Japanese partners on a successful launch. I agree with the other folks that I can't wait to see the HTV do it's on-orbit ops.I'll also throw in my $0.02 to agree with Ed on comments regarding the SRB design ideas. Everybody has good ideas, and the serious scale of the SRBs is one that our engineers should be paying attention to a little closer. Sure gave that H-IIB a swift kick in the rear off the pad!