Long March 5 Y6weibo.com/6884222611/497…
Liftoff of Long March 5 Y6 is confirmed at ~13:43UTCweibo.com/1916231684/497…
央视新闻 CCTV News【祝贺!#我国成功发射遥感四十一号卫星#[威武]】今天,我国在文昌航天发射场使用长征五号遥六运载火箭,成功将遥感四十一号卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。该星是高轨光学遥感卫星,主要用于国土普查、农作物估产、环境治理、气象预警预报和综合防灾减灾等领域,可为国民经济建设提供信息服务。【congratulate! #China successfully launched the Remote Sensing 41 satellite# [powerful]] Today, my country used the Long March 5 Y6 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site to successfully launch the Remote Sensing 41 satellite into space. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit. The launch mission was a complete success. The satellite is a high-orbit optical remote sensing satellite. It is mainly used in the fields of land census, crop yield estimation, environmental management, meteorological warning and forecasting, and comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction. It can provide information services for the construction of the national economy.
Official announcement: 🚀 Long March 5 Y6 launched Yaogan-41 at ~13:41UTC
Launch successful of CZ-5Y6 sending Yaogan - 41 to space.
Pics via weibo / spacelens云上天镜
The patches
What amazing photos!Taken by a few Chinese astrophotography enthusiasts, these images vividly captured some breathtaking moments during today's launch of #LongMarch5 Y6 carrier rocket.(Photo Credit:#SpaceLens/ @宝猫叫/@暮光之南-ACICFG)