Author Topic: Pantasy 11023 - Licensed Zhuque 2 Lego-like set  (Read 680 times)

Offline AmuzedHexapod

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Pantasy 11023 - Licensed Zhuque 2 Lego-like set
« on: 09/22/2024 10:55 am »
Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else, but apparently there's a licensed set of Zhuque 2, made by Pantasy. The rocket itself seems to be a stack of cylinders with a sticker and the structures around it are probably not based on anything, but it still looks fun. We need more official or officially endorsed sets.
They also have an Amazon shop linked on their site

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Re: Pantasy 11023 - Licensed Zhuque 2 Lego-like set
« Reply #1 on: 09/23/2024 07:57 pm »
If it is China, is there even such a thing as licensing? China seems to be pretty loose on the whole idea of copyright.

In the past there were several Lego-like sets of different Chinese spacecraft. Some of them were quite impressive. I have not seen ads for them in awhile, however.

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Re: Pantasy 11023 - Licensed Zhuque 2 Lego-like set
« Reply #2 on: 09/24/2024 11:08 am »
Not clue on how strictly applicable "licensing" as a term is here, but from their other sets in aerospace category I assume it's somewhat of cooperation rather than just blatantly slapping the other company logo all over the set.

As for the other sets, I remember some cool launch complexes for LM-5 and LM-2F, even with motorized sections. But that was a few years ago, now when looking for realistic sets from China it's much easier to find stolen designs from sites from Rebrickable.


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