Author Topic: Arianespace launch schedule  (Read 1674985 times)

Offline Rik ISS-fan

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2020 on: 11/16/2020 12:40 am »
From Arianespace Vega Flight VV17 link
There are seven additional ESA missions (for nine satellites) in the Arianespace backlog.

AFAIK the backlog. (7 launches; 9 payloads)
1) Ariane5 ECA, JWST, Okt.2021, Earth Sun L2 6500kg.
2&3) 2x Ariane 62 (/Soyuz), 2x Galileo Batch 3, MEO 22k km ? 2021? (& preorder for 4x A62, 2xGalileo)
4) Ariane5 ECA/A64 JUICE (Cosmic Vision L1), Mid. 2022, Jupiter (escape) 6000kg.
5) A62/Soyuz, EUCLID (Cosmic Vision M2), mid.2022, Earth-Sun L2 2160kg
6) Soyuz, Earthcare (Earth Explorer 6), May.2022, SSO 390km 2350kg
7) Vega, Biomass (Earth Explorer 7), Okt. 2022, SSO 666km 1200kg

Lot's of orders to finalize/ place; Sentinel 1C, 1D, 2C, 2D, 3C, 3D; >4x Galileo (2021-2027), Proba III, ...

Edit to add my try at the Vega (C) missions: (6x Vega, 4x VegaC to be launched)
VV17, Vega, Seosat Ingenio + Taranis, SSO 670km, 16 Nov. 2020
VV18, Vega,  ? Airbus Pleiades NEO 1 + SSMS HEX rideshare, SSO 550-610km, Q1 2021
VV19, Vega,  ? Airbus Pleiades NEO 2 + SSMS HEX rideshare, SSO 550-610km, Q2 2021

?,  Vega C maiden flight, Lares 2 + rideshare, LEO ~1450km 70deg. H2 2021
(maiden flight most likely isn't listed in the backlog, as are the Ariane 62 maiden flight)
?,  Vega C, SSMS, SSO 500-640km, Q4 2021
?, Vega, 3x CERES (120-450kg), LEO (Classified), 2021+
?, Vega, Biomass, SSO 666km 1200kg, Okt. 2022
?, Vega, ...

?, Vega C, CSG-2, <2230kg SSO, 2021+
?, Vega C, Airbus Pleiades NEO 3&4, SSO, 2021
?, Vega C, KOMPSAT-7, SSO 2000kg, Dec. 2021+

Other contracted payloads;
- THEOS-2 HR, SSO 620km 450kg, 2021
- NAOS, SSO 500km 600kg, 2022
Undisclosed Asia Pasific region

« Last Edit: 11/16/2020 01:43 am by Rik ISS-fan »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2021 on: 11/16/2020 03:46 pm »
The first #PléiadesNeo satellite will be launched from Kourou in French Guyana on 3rd February 2021.

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2022 on: 11/17/2020 01:12 am »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - January 16 - Eutelsat Konnect (Eutelsat BB4A, African Broadband Satellite), GSAT-30 - Ariane 5 ECA (VA251) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:05:07.3
02 - February 18 - JCSat-17, GEO-KOMPSAT-2B (GK2B, Cheollian 2B) - Ariane 5 ECA (VA252) - Kourou ELA-3 - 22:18:07.3
03 - August 15 - Galaxy 30, MEV-2, BSAT-4b - Ariane 5 ECA (VA253) [№L5112] - Kourou ELA-3 - 22:04:07.3
04 - September 3 - SSMS POC flight: 3Cat-5/A (FSSCat A, Phi-Sat-1 A, PhiSat1, BrainSat, Φ-sat-1), 3Cat-5/B (FSSCat B, Phi-Sat-1 B, PhiSat1, BrainSat, Φ-sat-1), AMICal Sat, Athena, DIDO-3, ESAIL, Flock 4v (x14), GHGSat-C1, ION-SVC 1 (ION-SVC Lucas) [Flock 4v (x12)], Lemur-2 (x8 ), NAPA-1 (RTAF-SAT 1 - Royal Thai Air Force cubesat), NEMO-HD, NewSat (ÑuSat-6, Aleph-1 6, Hypatia), OSM-1 Cicero, PICASSO-BE, SIMBA, SpaceBee (x12), TARS, TRISAT, TTÜ100, Tyvak-0171, UPMSat 2 - Vega (VV16) - Kourou ZLV - 01:51:10 (partial success)
05 - November 17 - SEOSAT-Ingenio, TARANIS - Vega (VV17) - Kourou ZLV - 01:52:20 (launch failure)

Starsem's launches:
01 - February 6 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat-M  (ST27) - Baikonur, 31/6 - 21:42:41.095
02 - March 21 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat-M  (ST28) - Baikonur, 31/6 -17:06:58.196

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

November 29 - Falcon Eye 2 - Soyuz-ST-A/Fregat-M (VS24a) - Kourou ELS - 01:33:28
December 28 - CSO 2 - Soyuz-ST-A/Fregat-M (VS25) - Kourou ELS

Starsem's launches:
December 17 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST29) - Vostocnniy 1S

Early - Galileo-FOC FM23, Galileo-FOC FM24 - Soyuz ST-B/Fregat-MT - Kourou ELS
  Early   February 3  (TBD) - Pleiades Neo 1, EIRSAT1, ELO, Lemur-2y (xTBD), Myriota 1, Myriota 2, Myriota 3, NORSAT 3, NanoAvionics sat + multiple sats - Vega (VV18) - Kourou ZLV
February - Star One D2, Eutelsat Quantum - Ariane 5 ECA (VA254) - Kourou ELA-3
Q2 (TBD) - Pleiades Neo 2 + multiple sats - Vega (VV19) - Kourou ZLV
May - CSG-2 - Soyuz-ST-A /Fregat-M - Kourou ELS
June - LARES 2, CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D) - Vega C (inaugural flight) - Kourou ZLV
Q3 - SES-17 - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
Q4 - Ovzon-3 - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
Q4 - Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3 (or 2022)
Q4 - SSMS flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
October 31 - JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
Late - Comsat NG 1 (Syracuse 4A) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
TBD - CERES 1, CERES 2 - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - MEASAT-3d - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
TBD - SatKomHan 1 - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3 (or Falcon 9)
TBD - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT (VS26) - Kourou ELS
TBD - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT (VS27) - Kourou ELS

Early - Sunstorm - Vega / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
December - MicroCarb - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
TBD - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ZLV

Starsem's launches:
H1 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST30) - Vostocnniy 1S
H1 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST31) - Vostocnniy 1S
H1 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST32) - Vostocnniy 1S
H1 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST33) - Vostocnniy 1S
H1 - OneWeb (x36) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST34) - Vostocnniy 1S
H2 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST35) - Baikonur 31/6
H2 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST36) - Baikonur 31/6

Q1 - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega/Vega C - Kourou ZLV
Q2 - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
Q2 - Galileo-FOC FM25, Galileo-FOC FM26 - Ariane 62 (FM1) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
NET Q2 - Eutelsat Hotbird 13F, Eutelsat Hotbird 13G - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
May 22 - JUICE - Ariane 5 ECA / 64 - Kourou ELA-3/4 (or NLT June 10)
NET June - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6] - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT - Kourou ELS (or September)
Midyear - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - Vega (TBD) - Kourou ZLV
Midyear - Comsat NG 2 (Syracuse 4B) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
July-August - TBD (Dual SSO Launch) - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
September    Late   - MTG-I1 - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
NET Q3 - Galaxy 35, Galaxy 36 - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
H2 - Euclid - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELS/ELA-4
NET H2 - ViaSat 3 Asia - Ariane 64 (FM5) - Kourou ELA-4
October - BIOMASS (Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment) [Earth Explorer 7] - Vega - Kourou ZLV (or Midyear 2023)
  Q4   December  Q3 2023 - Sentinel-1C (ROSE-C) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELS/ELA-4
TBD - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM27, Galileo-FOC FM28 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2023)
TBD - Eutelsat Konnect VHTS - Ariane 64 (FM6) - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SSMS flight 3: PLATiNO-1 - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - SHALOM - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - CERES 3 - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - THEOS-2 HR - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - NAOS (National Advanced Optical System) - Vega/Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD  - KOMPSAT-7 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - Pleiades Neo 3, Pleiades Neo 4 - Vega-С - Kourou ZLV
TBD - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ZLV
TBD - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - CryoSat FO - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ZLV
TBD - TBD - Vega C light (inaugural flight) - Kourou ZLV
TBD - Moon’s south pole samples return mission - TBD - Kourou

NET Q2 - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H2 - Kinéis (x 5) - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
H2 - Kinéis (x5) - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
H2 - Kinéis (x5) - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
H2 - Kinéis (x5) - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
TBD - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
TBD - RACE (x2) - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou
TBD - Alina lander (Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module), Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4

Starsem's launches:
H1 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST37) - Baikonur 31/6
H1 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST38) - Baikonur 31/6
H1 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST39) - Baikonur 31/6
H2 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST40) - Baikonur 31/6
H2 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST41) - Baikonur 31/6
H2 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M (ST42) - Baikonur 31/6

March - Galaxy 37 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 2022  March  Q2 2024 - Sentinel-2C - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
  Midyear   September  Q3 2025 - Sentinel-3C - Vega C/E - Kourou ZLV
October    Late   - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
October - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-M - Kourou ELS
Late - ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - SSMS flight 4: PLATiNO-2 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - SSMS flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - SSMS flight 6 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV ~10:30
TBD - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - TBD -  Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ZLV
TBD - HRWS SAR (High Resolution Wide Swath SAR) - Vega C (TBD)  - Kourou ZLV (TBD)
TBD - SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C / Soyuz (TBD) - Kourou

January  Q3 2025 - Sentinel-1D (ROSE-C) - TBD - Kourou (or 2024-2027)
April - FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer satellite) [Earth Explorer 8] - Vega C (TBD)  - Kourou ZLV
October 14 - Hera, Juventas, APEX (Asteroid Prospection Explorer)  - Vega/Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ZLV (TBD)
October - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-M (VS31) - Kourou ELS
TBD - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ZLV (TBD)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM31, Galileo-FOC FM32 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - TANGO-Carbon and TANGO-Nitro (Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers) - TBD - Kourou

January - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
January  Late 2026 - Sentinel-2D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
April - MTG-I2 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or June)
Midyear - Sentinel-10A (CHIME) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - Sentinel-8A (LSTM) - TBD - Kourou
Late - Sentinel-7A (CO2M 1) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - TBD - Vega E  (inaugural flight) - Kourou ZLV
TBD - ClearSpace-1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Skynet 6A - Ariane 6 (TBD) - Kourou ELA-4 (TBD)

March - MERLIN (MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN) - Vega C - Kourou ZLV (or Q4 2026)

January  Q1 2027   - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
Q1 - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ZLV (or Falcon 9)
Q4 - PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - SKIM (Sea-surface Kinematics Multiscale monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou

TBD - Heracles (HLEPP - Human Lunar Exploration Precursor Program) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Sentinel-9A (CRISTAL) - Vega C - Kourou ZLV

Early - Sentinel-7B (CO2M 2) - TBD - Kourou

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey), Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

November - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Late - Sentinel-7C (CO2M 3) - TBD - Kourou

January - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032)
November - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

January - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2033)

Q2 - LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

November - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

November - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site

NET 2021 - GO-3S (Geostationary Observation Space Surveillance System) - Ariane 5 ECA - Kourou ELA-3
NET 2022 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
NET 2022 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
NET 2022 - FORMOSAT 7R (TRITON) - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ZLV
NET 2022 - THR NG - TBD - Kourou
2022-2027 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
2022-2027 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
2023 - SPAINSAT NG I - Ariane 5/6 - Kourou ELA-3/4
NET 2023 - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - SPAINSAT NG II - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
2026 (TBD) - Jason-CS Follow-on A - Vega-E (TBD) - Kourou ZLV
2027-2028 - Stereoid [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2027-2028 - Daedalus [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2027-2028 - G-Class [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-1A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-2A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
2029-2030 - Theseus (M5 mission candidate) - TBD - Kourou (or Early 2030s)
2029-2030 - EnVision (M5 mission candidate) - TBD - Kourou (or Early 2030s)
2020's - G2G (Galileo Second Generation) - Ariane - Kourou
2020's - Sentinel-11A (CIMR) - TBD - Kourou
2020's - Sentinel-12A (ROSE-L) - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Earth Explorer 11 candidate - TBD - Kourou
2032 - EnVision (M6 mission candidate) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
2042 - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Sentinel-1B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1C 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-2B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-3B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Miura 5 - Kourou
2020 TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou

2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - M-ARGO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - LUMIO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - VMMO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - PRETTY - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ZLV (TBD)


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 302 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 109, Soyuz ST - 23, Vega - 17)

Satellites from Hammaguir - 4
Satellites from CSG - 622

CERES - Capacité de Renseignement Electromagnétique Spatiale
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
MLS - Multi Launch System
POC - Proof of Concept
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage

Changes on November 17th
Changes on November 19th
Changes on November 22th
« Last Edit: 03/24/2021 05:44 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2024 on: 11/17/2020 02:34 am »
Cross-post from the VV17 live launch coverage:
The mission is lost. Did not have AOS. Degradation of the trajectory was observed after ignition of the AVUM stage. Apologies to customers. Need to analysis and understand the cause. Press conference tomorrow at 2 pm Paris time.
« Last Edit: 11/17/2020 02:35 am by zubenelgenubi »
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2025 on: 11/17/2020 08:04 pm »
For our European spaceflight insiders and senexes...

I perceive no commonality between Vega/AVUM and Soyuz.

Will there be any delays of the next two launches from Kourou: both Soyuz?
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

Offline Rik ISS-fan

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2026 on: 11/17/2020 08:20 pm »
For our European spaceflight insiders and senexes...

I perceive no commonality between Vega/AVUM and Soyuz.

Will there be any delays of the next two launches from Kourou: both Soyuz?
I don't expect delays for Ariane and Soyuz as result of VV17.
But there will be delays for Vega and Vega C. 

I think the 2021 - 2021 part is duplicate in the launch schedule, could that be removed?
Another suggestion; could a header Predicted launches be added?
« Last Edit: 11/17/2020 08:23 pm by Rik ISS-fan »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2027 on: 11/17/2020 08:51 pm »
Is it likely that as a result of the VV17 launch failure we will see some Vega payloads moved over to Soyuz? Do you think that Arianespace will retire the standard version of Vega right now and future launches will be on Vega C?
Launches Seen: Atlas V OA-7, Falcon 9 Starlink 6-4, Falcon 9 CRS-28,

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2028 on: 11/17/2020 09:00 pm »
Do you think that Arianespace will retire the standard version of Vega right now and future launches will be on Vega C?

Why ? Vega-C is also based on AVUM for the 4th stage. And the first 3 stages of Vega, which worked well today, are all replaced on Vega-C.
« Last Edit: 11/17/2020 09:01 pm by Bean Kenobi »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2029 on: 11/17/2020 10:01 pm »
Do you think that Arianespace will retire the standard version of Vega right now and future launches will be on Vega C?
Why? Vega-C is also based on AVUM for the 4th stage. And the first 3 stages of Vega, which worked well today, are all replaced on Vega-C.

Here are the Vega, Vega C, and Kourou Soyuz launches through the end of 2021:
Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

November 29 - Falcon Eye 2 - Soyuz-ST-A/Fregat-M (VS24a) - Kourou ELS - 01:33:28
December 28 - CSO 2 - Soyuz-ST-A/Fregat-M (VS25) - Kourou ELS

Early - Galileo-FOC FM23, Galileo-FOC FM24 - Soyuz ST-B/Fregat-MT - Kourou ELS
  Early   February 3 - Pleiades Neo 1, EIRSAT1, ELO, Lemur-2y (xTBD), Myriota 1, Myriota 2, Myriota 3, NORSAT 3, NanoAvionics sat + multiple sats - Vega (VV18) - Kourou ZLV
May - CSG-2 - Soyuz-ST-A /Fregat-M - Kourou ELS
June - LARES 2, CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D) - Vega C (inaugural flight) - Kourou ZLV
Q2? - Pleiades Neo 2 + multiple sats - Vega (VV19) - Kourou ZLV (after 1st Vega C launch)
Q4 - SSMS flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ZLV
TBD - CERES 1, CERES 2, CERES 3? - Vega - Kourou ZLV
TBD - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT (VS26) - Kourou ELS
TBD - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-MT (VS27) - Kourou ELS

Changes on November 17th

There may be customers, like the UAE re: Falcon Eye 2, that request a launch vehicle change from Vega (or Vega C) to Soyuz.

[CSG-2 >apparently< also changed from Vega C to Soyuz.  See up-thread here for the deduction.]

I don't know what the Soyuz and Fregat inventory at Kourou is like, or will be, to allow a customer to change LVs within the next year or two.

As of this posting, I doubt [many] European institutional launches would move payloads off of Vega/Vega C, [for political and/or economic reasons].

The next Vega launch is in February 2021.  The investigation and execution of findings MAY not delay the Vega and Vega C launches?

Not an expert; seeking clarification or correction.

EDITed content in []
« Last Edit: 11/18/2020 12:06 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2030 on: 11/17/2020 10:51 pm »

Offline Rik ISS-fan

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2031 on: 11/17/2020 11:22 pm »
Some thinks in this list are different than what's stated in Arianespace press releases.
CSG2 (Cosmo-skymed Second Generation) was initially planned to launch on a Vega C (EOportal), it's a 2,1mT payload to SSO. Somehow this has changed into a Soyuz launch, it would have considerable additional launch capability.
So if this change is true, there is the possibility to replace two Vega launches.

The Falcon Eye 2 launch also has a lot of additional capacity, but I think it's to late to change this manifest.
Possibly Airbus could move the four Pleiades NEO satellites to a single Ariane 62 launch. But that would mean another two year launch delay.

I want to add to Salo's post; that only EUMETSAT has ordered launches for MTG-S1 (Sentinel 4) [Ariane 5]
and EPS-SG (EUMETSAT Polar System - 2th Gen.) MetOP-A1 (Sentinel 5) [Soyuz]
ESA (for the EU) couldn't order the launches for Sentinel 1C, 2C and 3C; because the EU budget hasn't been finalized. (Brexit ...)

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2032 on: 11/18/2020 12:26 am »
Some thinks in this list are different than what's stated in Arianespace press releases.
CSG2 (Cosmo-skymed Second Generation) was initially planned to launch on a Vega C (EOportal), it's a 2,1mT payload to SSO. Somehow this has changed into a Soyuz launch, it would have considerable additional launch capability.
So if this change is true, there is the possibility to replace two Vega launches.

The Falcon Eye 2 launch also has a lot of additional capacity, but I think it's to late to change this manifest.
Possibly Airbus could move the four Pleiades NEO satellites to a single Ariane 62 launch. But that would mean another two year launch delay.

I want to add to Salo's post; that only EUMETSAT has ordered launches for MTG-S1 (Sentinel 4) [Ariane 5]
and EPS-SG (EUMETSAT Polar System - 2th Gen.) MetOP-A1 (Sentinel 5) [Soyuz]
ESA (for the EU) couldn't order the launches for Sentinel 1C, 2C and 3C; because the EU budget hasn't been finalized. (Brexit ...)

I edited/clarified my post above; some of which addresses the deduction up-thread of CSG-2 apparently switching LVs from Vega C to Ariane Soyuz.

Regarding CSG-2 ride-sharing on Soyuz in May 2021 with other payloads: CSG-1 rode with secondary payloads.  I imagine that there are multiple parameters to consider.  We, on the outside, will see.

Re: full Pleiades NEO quartet launching on Ariane 6.  My opinion: I doubt Airbus and France would choose to risk the entire 4 satellite constellation on one launch vehicle, new or not.
« Last Edit: 11/18/2020 12:28 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2033 on: 11/19/2020 09:34 am »
02 - March 21 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat-M  (ST28) - Baikonur, 31/6 -17:06:58.196[/color]

It is strange, since a Progress launch is scheduled for March 19 form the same pad.
Nicolas PILLET
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2034 on: 11/19/2020 12:25 pm »
02 - March 21 - OneWeb (x34) - Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat-M  (ST28) - Baikonur, 31/6 -17:06:58.196[/color]

It is strange, since a Progress launch is scheduled for March 19 form the same pad.

This one is a 2020 launch, already occured ;)

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2035 on: 11/19/2020 01:55 pm »
Demand for residential broadband and government connectivity grew during the quarter, and should continue to climb once the first ViaSat-3 satellite, designed to beam a terabit or more of capacity over North and South America, is in orbit, he said.
That satellite should still launch by the end of 2021, he said, but lacks a more specific launch date until the payload shipment.
The second ViaSat-3 class satellite in that constellation will cover Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and is targeted for launch in 2022.
« Last Edit: 11/19/2020 02:01 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2036 on: 11/19/2020 02:30 pm »
Viasat designs bus-sized, high-orbit Internet satellites. It is building a constellation of three new ones — each with a one terabyte of capacity — that will give the company a global Internet footprint. The first is slated to launch late next year and provide coverage across North and South America, delivering faster speeds than the current satellites and hefty data usage allowances.

The second is expected to be in orbit six months later with coverage across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The exact timing for the third ViaSat-3 over Asia is to be determined.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2037 on: 11/19/2020 07:36 pm »
Approved Missions timeline    
Mission                                                            Launch            EOL

Sentinel-6 A Michael Freilich [Lead Agency]     Nov 2020    Jun 2026
MTG-I1 (imaging) [Lead Agency]                     Sep 2022    Mar 2031
Sentinel-3 C [Cooperating Agency]             Sep 2023    Aug 2033
Sentinel-4 A [Cooperating Agency]             Oct 2023    Apr 2032
MTG-S1 (sounding) [Lead Agency]                     Oct 2023    Apr 2032
METOP-SG A1 [Lead Agency]                             Oct 2023    Apr 2031
Sentinel-5 A [Cooperating Agency]             Oct 2023    Apr 2031
METOP-SG B1 [Lead Agency]                             Oct 2024    Apr 2032
Sentinel-5 B [Cooperating Agency]             Oct 2024    Apr 2032
MTG-I2 (imaging) [Lead Agency]                     Apr 2025    Oct 2033
Sentinel-3 D [Cooperating Agency]             Jan 2026    Dec 2035
METOP-SG A2 [Lead Agency]                             Nov 2030    May 2038
MTG-I3 (imaging) [Lead Agency]                     Jan 2031    Jul 2039
METOP-SG B2 [Lead Agency]                             Nov 2031    May 2039
MTG-S2 (sounding) [Lead Agency]                     Jan 2032    Jul 2040
Sentinel-4 B [Cooperating Agency]             Jan 2032    Jul 2040
MTG-I4 (imaging) [Lead Agency]                     Apr 2033    Oct 2041
METOP-SG A3 [Lead Agency]                             Nov 2037    May 2045
METOP-SG B3 [Lead Agency]                             Nov 2038    May 2046
« Last Edit: 11/19/2020 07:38 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2038 on: 11/19/2020 08:08 pm »
Approved Missions timeline    
Mission                                                                    Launch            EOL

Sentinel-6 A Michael Freilich [Cooperating Agency]  Nov 2020    Jun 2026
Sentinel-1 C [Cooperating Agency]                     Dec 2022    Nov 2032
Sentinel-2 C [Cooperating Agency]                     Mar 2023    Feb 2033
Sentinel-3 C [Cooperating Agency]                     Sep 2023    Aug 2033
MTG-S1 (sounding) [Cooperating Agency]             Oct 2023    Apr 2032
Sentinel-4 A [Cooperating Agency]                     Oct 2023    Apr 2032
METOP-SG A1 [Cooperating Agency]                     Oct 2023    Apr 2031
Sentinel-5 A [Cooperating Agency]                     Oct 2023    Apr 2031
Sentinel-1 D [Cooperating Agency]                     Jan 2024    Feb 2034
Sentinel-5 B [Cooperating Agency]                     Oct 2024    Apr 2032
Sentinel-2 D [Cooperating Agency]                     Jan 2025    Jan 2035
Sentinel-3 D [Cooperating Agency]                     Jan 2026    Dec 2035
METOP-SG A2 [Cooperating Agency]                     Nov 2030    May 2038
Sentinel-4 B [Cooperating Agency]                     Jan 2032    Jul 2040
MTG-S2 (sounding) [Cooperating Agency]             Jan 2032    Jul 2040
METOP-SG A3 [Cooperating Agency]                     Nov 2037    May 2045   
Sentinel-5 C [Cooperating Agency]                     Dec 2038    Dec 2046

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2039 on: 11/19/2020 08:40 pm »
MicroCarb [Lead Agency]         Dec 2021    Dec 2024
SWOT [Cooperating Agency]     Feb 2022    Feb 2025
MERLIN [Lead Agency]             Mar 2025    Nov 2028
EarthCARE [Lead Agency]     Sep 2022    Sep 2025
Biomass [Lead Agency]        Oct 2022    Apr 2028   
« Last Edit: 11/19/2020 08:54 pm by Salo »


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