Author Topic: STS-125: Hubble’s Servicing Mission 4 Anniversaries  (Read 26600 times)

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Hubble’s Servicing Mission 4 Celebrates its 10-Year Anniversary

NASA Goddard
Published on May 11, 2019

On May 11, 2009, the brave crew of Space Shuttle Atlantis lifted off to make NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope more powerful than ever before.
Hubble's Servicing Mission 4 (SM4) was the most ambitious and complicated to date. Changing out two major science instruments and repairing two others while in space helped to make this mission truly memorable. Thanks to the astronauts of SM4, the Hubble Space Telescope is at the apex of its power and capabilities.
To celebrate SM4’s 10 year anniversary, this video gives a quick and in-depth review on the accomplishments of this historic mission. The tools and the knowledge gleaned from SM4 are used today by astronauts on the International Space Station and will be critical to NASA's future crewed missions to the Moon and Mars.

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Re: STS-125: Hubble’s Servicing Mission 4 Anniversaries
« Reply #1 on: 02/15/2024 11:05 pm »
....bump for a remastered video.


Feb 15, 2024
NASA documentary about STS-125 (final Hubble mission) with the astronauts presenting their mission and commenting on the footage shown. Wide-angle lens were corrected on internal and astronaut camera views. Because most scene transitions used blending, angle correction needed to be gradual. While a bit odd, this allows for a smoother experience than a sudden jump between fields of view.

Original footage from NASA. Sound and image cleanup, geometry, and color restoration by RetroSpace HD.

STS-125, or HST-SM4 (Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4), was the fifth and final Space Shuttle mission to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis occurred on May 11, 2009.  Landing occurred on May 24, with the mission lasting a total of just under 13 days.
Crew members: Scott Altman, Gregory C. Johnson, Michael T. Good, Megan McArthur, John M. Grunsfeld, Mike Massimino, Andrew J. Feustel
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Re: STS-125: Hubble’s Servicing Mission 4 Anniversaries
« Reply #2 on: 05/19/2024 05:16 am »

An in-depth review of Atlantis' STS-125 Hubble Servicing mission (and Endeavour's role as STS-400 backup) on the [15th] anniversary of this historic mission.

By Sawyer Rosenstein (@thenasaman).…


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Re: STS-125: Hubble’s Servicing Mission 4 Anniversaries
« Reply #3 on: 09/19/2024 02:36 pm »

There are so many iconic photos around this time.

Atlantis (STS-125 - HSM) and Endeavour (STS-400 Launch On Need Rescue). A one-off requirement due to the lack of safe haven during the one post-RTF mission (Atlantis not going to the ISS).

Thankfully, it was not required as STS-125 was a full success.

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It's Tony De La Rosa, ...I don't create this stuff, I just report it.


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