How much fuel (of every kind) would be needed to get to Mars or Jupiter in a decent short time? And so, how big would be the spaceships with this engine? Considering the possibilities talked about in this thread, that is, high ISP and decent thrust, it would still be feasible to launch from a few Falcon Heavies. Never land it again. Every time it comes back to Earth, keep it in orbit and refuel it.
I think Tritium is just going to be a showstopper for Earth surface launch unless the rockets production of tritium is really really tiny and the amount released would not significantly raise background levels that exist naturally and are released from conventional nuclear industry activities. Can we try to estimate the quantity that might be released per unit of rocket impulse.I'm thinking that the main challenge of the engine is going to be keeping a high enough neutron flux in the combustion chamber to get an acceptable burn-up percentage of the lithium while the lithium is removing neutrons from the chain-reaction that is producing these neutrons. If you take too many neutrons and the chain reaction is quenched and the propellant will stop burning and likely can't be lit again until the lithium flow is halted so the neutron flux can recover. If the reactor is over producing neutrons then you have a potential super-critical state and explosion particularly when their is no propellant flow in the reactor. You want to have a way of shutting down the reactor and dropping the neutron flux, perhaps you really do want to propellant flow to contain most of the neutron moderators as their absence will naturally quench the reactor as fast neutrons don't absorb well and don't sustain a chain reaction as easily. Also the proposed coolant loop could contain Helium which is an efficient moderator, losing the coolant either in a breach or by intentionally changing it to a different gas such as one with boron would rapidly quench any chain-reaction.
This isn't quite torchship level
I doubt it could manage a 1g brachistochrone to Mars
Quote from: sevenperforce on 03/25/2016 07:01 pmThis isn't quite torchship levelis torchship only a sci-fi term or is there a more serious design that could be called a "torchship"?
To summarize the engine I see under discussion:- A mass of nuclear fission fuel, subcritical absent the propellant.- Introduce the propellant through coolant passages and down the reactor core, neutrons are moderated sufficiently to shift the reactor critical.- Some of the neutrons produced react to fission lithium in the propellant, producing more heat.Observations / questions:- heating the propellant will reduce density, reducing neutron moderation effect. Get the design right and the reactor will be largely self regulating.- How much heat would be produced by the fission fuel producing the neutrons relative to heat from lithium fission? The original post implicitly assumed a majority of heat being from the lithium fission, not the neutron source.
You guys must be missing something about Lithium being such a nice fission fuel, since none of the existing fission reactors or bombs use lithium in any way. If it would be usable, surely it would be used by military instead of, or as an additive to the heavy and more expensive Uranium.
Quote from: gospacex on 03/26/2016 04:33 pmYou guys must be missing something about Lithium being such a nice fission fuel, since none of the existing fission reactors or bombs use lithium in any way. If it would be usable, surely it would be used by military instead of, or as an additive to the heavy and more expensive Uranium.Hey, good questions!...Plus, it's not good to use a neutron poison as part of your reaction fuel; as it is used up, it will slowly increase criticality and could lead to a runaway chain reaction and meltdown. Adding lithium to try and increase the yield would require MORE fissile uranium or plutonium.
Quote from: sevenperforce on 03/26/2016 09:15's not good to use a neutron poison as part of your reaction fuel; as it is used up, it will slowly increase criticality and could lead to a runaway chain reaction and meltdown. Adding lithium to try and increase the yield would require MORE fissile uranium or plutonium.Actually, this is not true that adding nuclear poisons to the fuel is a bad idea. For years, nuclear power industry is working towards making fuel campaigns longer, since each reload is a 20-30 day long reactor shutdown. 12 month power campaigns are generally replaced by 18-month ones now, and 24-month ones are in works.To that end, more enriched fuels were necessary, and by now the 5% enriched fuel is standard. But reactors were not designed to use such reactive fuel, and nuclear poisons are deliberately added (I heard about Europium), to make fuel reactivity-versus-time curve flatter, and lower.If Lithium is a nuclear poison which also exotermically fissions (unlike Europium), why is it not added to the fuel? Such fuel would be more energetic.'s not good to use a neutron poison as part of your reaction fuel; as it is used up, it will slowly increase criticality and could lead to a runaway chain reaction and meltdown. Adding lithium to try and increase the yield would require MORE fissile uranium or plutonium.
I think I see the flaw with the proposal. To fission Lithium, you need a neutron source to generate *one neutron for every Lithium atom*:Li-6 + n -> T + He-4 + 4.7829 MeVThen you need to avoid thermalization of fission fragments and you need to collimate them into a directional beam. How far away form 100% efficient that will be?You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you just use your neutron source as a rocket engine. Must be about the same ballpark wrt trust....Which hints that the showstopper here is that it's hard to generate that many neutrons. What do you propose to be your neutron source? What's its luminosity?
This seems to be the kind of core you would want we speculated earlier a large jacket of neutron reflector (beryllium) surrounds the core which has a 5 inch across hollow center to allow samples to be exposed to the high thermal neutron flux which is 2.5 x 10^15 neutrons per cm^2/sec, given this value it should be possible to calculate the fission rate of lithium within the reactor based on the known cross section of lithium-6.
Zubrin throws out a tank mass fraction of just 4% with no supporting evidence at all and which I find laughably small
The math looks to be a lot more complex then that sevenperforce, these links look like they provide the means to calculate it. See if they help, I'll dive into them myself tomorrow and see if I can produce an independent calculation to see if we agree.