Author Topic: LIVE: STS-134 Flight Day 16 - FCS C/Os, RCS Hot Fire, Media, Endeavour Tribute  (Read 69760 times)

Offline Chris Bergin

Good comm checkout complete.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Tribute video coming down, but we won't get to see it as the crew requested an edit before it's played.
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Offline Chris Bergin

RAMBO-2 burn now officially on the schedule after successful checkouts.

Will be in 1hr 9mins.
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Offline STS Tony

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Love the NSF tweet hast tag "orbiters have feelings too" on the postponed tribute :D

How do you remain humorous after 16 days of a mission is beyond me Chris.

Offline Chris Bergin

RAMBO-2 TIG going up.

14/18:36:42 - 14/18:44:12 - 7 mins 30 second duration.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Love the NSF tweet hast tag "orbiters have feelings too" on the postponed tribute :D

How do you remain humorous after 16 days of a mission is beyond me Chris.

Heh. You've been here long enough to know it's fun times all the way when riding the Bergin train to Shuttle Central. Toot toot! ;)

(Unless you catch me trying to desperately control the armwaving in the Space Policy threads, where I come across as a Chinese censor on a moderation commission bonus plan ;D)
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Offline Chris Bergin

Ground controlling Endeavour's PLB cameras to check out the surfaces, such as radiator panels (you don't want MMOD smacking into the freon loops).
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Offline Chris Bergin

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Offline Chris Bergin

Taking aim on the radiator retract hoses, which haven't been a problem for a good number of missions since the kinking incidents.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Few flight plan notes going up for the RAMBO-2 burn, ensuring the get into FES Dump on time, etc.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Another camera taking aim on one of the four radiator retract hoses.
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Offline Chris Bergin

RAMBO-2 burn showing up on the screen now too....up along the US Eastern Seaboard.
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Offline Mapperuo

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Today and tomorrow are going to merge into one for me I think, As landing is early tomorrow morning. I'm more than willing to stay up till then.  ;D
- Aaron

Offline Chris Bergin

Today and tomorrow are going to merge into one for me I think, As landing is early tomorrow morning. I'm more than willing to stay up till then.  ;D

That's the spirit! ;D
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Offline Chris Bergin

Some chess shenanigans:
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Offline Chris Bergin

"Good luck trying to catch up on our moves though, cause we're going 17,500mph........"

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Offline Chris Bergin

And back to some firing fun, RAMBO-2 window about to open.

70 seconds to the window.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Not hearing any calls yet, but assuming she'll be in attitude already. PAO could do with changing the screen from just for what seems to be ages.
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Offline Chris Bergin

Hmmm, normally we'd get a bit of KU, some calls and what-have-you, but nadda with this one.

That's going to outrage the RAM Burn fans.
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Offline Chris Bergin

And off the map, so either complete, or something cancelled the burn.
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