Author Topic: Sensor Test for Orion RelNav Risk Mitigation Development Test Objective  (Read 2951 times)

Offline rdale

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The Sensor Test for Orion Relative-Navigation Risk Mitigation (STORRM) Development Test Objective (DTO) ew aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-134, and was designed to characterize the performance of the ash LIDAR being developed for the Orion. This ash LIDAR, called the Vision Navigation Sensor (VNS), will be the primary navigation instrument used by the Orion vehicle during rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking. This paper provides an overview of the STORRM test objectives and the concept of operations. It continues with a description of the STORRM's major hardware compo nents, which include the VNS and the docking camera. Next, an overview of crew and analyst training activities will describe how the STORRM team prepared for flight. Then an overview of how insight data collection and analysis actually went is presented. Key ndings and results from this project are summarized, including a description of "truth" data. Finally, the paper concludes with lessons learned from the STORRM DTO.

Offline Comga

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You probably meant "flash" lidar, a term for an imaging lidar system, where the detector is two dimensional.  This is as opposed to a single element detector whose line of sight is scanned across the field.
« Last Edit: 02/26/2011 11:04 pm by Comga »
What kind of wastrels would dump a perfectly good booster in the ocean after just one use?


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