Author Topic: STS-135 Atlantis: Viewing (Going to launch, tickets, events, landing, etc.)  (Read 553088 times)

Offline LoveMrEd

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Is there a beta angle cutout for this mission? I tried searching the forums, and also looked at SFN, Bill Harwood's site on CBS News, and NASA, but couldn't find that information anywhere. I'm mainly interested in finding out if there is a "drop-dead" date by which 135 needs to get off the ground in July.
That's in the processing thread---

Offline psloss

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Is there a beta angle cutout for this mission? I tried searching the forums, and also looked at SFN, Bill Harwood's site on CBS News, and NASA, but couldn't find that information anywhere. I'm mainly interested in finding out if there is a "drop-dead" date by which 135 needs to get off the ground in July.
Closest beta angle cutout is I think approximately the first two weeks of August.  (This question has been asked before in this thread, maybe more than once.  Edit: nope, not yet.  So correction: this question will eventually be asked in this thread more than once.)

WRT to a drop-dead date, SOMD AA Bill Gerstenmaier was asked about this and I believe he said something to the effect that there isn't one.  At least, not yet.
« Last Edit: 05/27/2011 06:56 pm by psloss »

Offline msc

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(This question has been asked before in this thread, maybe more than once.  Edit: nope, not yet.  So correction: this question will eventually be asked in this thread more than once.)


Offline msc

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I dont know if there is alot of interest in contributing to it, but I am thinking about starting a wiki for launch viewing info because so many people seem to come seeking the same information.
Things I would like to put in it would be different viewing options, photography tips, details about logistics for different viewing options, launch windows, and so on.

I would be glad to provide the hosting and whatnot.  Ill probably try to set something up tonight and post details if others want to contribute.

What about a comprehensive post in this thread with all that basic information?  Think there's too much info for a single post? 

As the info changes changes (some of it may - like launch date and windows; most of it will not) or becomes more detailed, then you can edit the post.  Then everyone else can just refer others to, or link to, that post. 

No cost to you, *probably* less work for you, and the info stays local to NSF.  Just a thought.

Offline LoveMrEd

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(This question has been asked before in this thread, maybe more than once.  Edit: nope, not yet.  So correction: this question will eventually be asked in this thread more than once.)


From processing thread:

Re: STS-135 Processing Latest (OPF)
« Reply #307 on: 05/18/2011 02:40 PM » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quote from: janmb on 05/18/2011 12:41 PM
"Given that the launch ends up targeting July 12 (or 10th as has also been mentioned), does anyone have any info at all yet about how many days would likely be available for launch?
I assume there are no beta cutoffs to worry about in that part of the calendar, but traffic is probably a topic - like always."

Launch window is June 28th to July 30th
Beta cutout is July 31st - Aug 15th. 
« Last Edit: 05/27/2011 07:57 pm by LoveMrEd »

Offline Keyman

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Did I miss the boat already?
Literally just got the KSC email - ticket registration online from May 30 at 9:00 a.m. ET through June 5, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. ET...
Forgive the newbie...and I've been traveling.

So if we haven't received an email by now, we have now missed that boat, or is 5/30-6/5 the time in which we sign up? 

Offline robertross

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Did I miss the boat already?
Literally just got the KSC email - ticket registration online from May 30 at 9:00 a.m. ET through June 5, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. ET...
Forgive the newbie...and I've been traveling.

So if we haven't received an email by now, we have now missed that boat, or is 5/30-6/5 the time in which we sign up? 

That is when you sign up for a chance at the lottery. If you THEN get an e-mail to participate in the lottery, you will be given another date & time for THAT process.

Offline Keyman

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Did I miss the boat already?
Literally just got the KSC email - ticket registration online from May 30 at 9:00 a.m. ET through June 5, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. ET...
Forgive the newbie...and I've been traveling.

So if we haven't received an email by now, we have now missed that boat, or is 5/30-6/5 the time in which we sign up? 

That is when you sign up for a chance at the lottery. If you THEN get an e-mail to participate in the lottery, you will be given another date & time for THAT process.
Thank you kind sir.  That is good news.  Or at least it is not bad news, yet. 

I just rescheduled my flights (thank you Southwest).  I'm planning to be down on 7/7 and staying for a week, just in case. ~crossing fingers AND knocking wood~   

Offline robertross

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Thank you kind sir.  That is good news.  Or at least it is not bad news, yet. 

I just rescheduled my flights (thank you Southwest).  I'm planning to be down on 7/7 and staying for a week, just in case. ~crossing fingers AND knocking wood~   

Ummm...maybe bad?? Read Chris' article, first part:

Offline shuttlefanatic

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What about a comprehensive post in this thread with all that basic information?  Think there's too much info for a single post? 

That was my suggestion as well; however, to be useful, I think it would have to be a sticky thread pinned to the front of forum, or the post will get lost just as quickly in the pages of stuff.  Basically the moderators would have to get on board with it.

As for searches, 1) folks have to try to use it, and 2) I find it's well... not Google... There's stuff I *know* I've seen posted here, but when I go back to try to reference it, I have a hard time finding it if at all.

As for whether it's worth it, IMHO, it won't hurt - there's going to be a lot more interest in this one month leading up to STS-135 than the entire next year or two, probably.  I don't figure any unmanned launch is going to get half a million spectators...

Offline shuttlefanatic

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Ummm...maybe bad?? Read Chris' article, first part:
How so?  The July 10-12 date was preliminary and is OBE.  Note the article date is May 17 before the official launch date announcement.

Offline robertross

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Ummm...maybe bad?? Read Chris' article, first part:
How so?  The July 10-12 date was preliminary and is OBE.  Note the article date is May 17 before the official launch date announcement.

Sorry, forgot they moved it - my bad.
Blame it on lack of sleep from EVA 4 coverage  ;)

Offline Hodapp

I had the great blessing and privilege of seeing STS-133 launch at the causeway in Feb.  Then my younger son wanted to see a hey! why not!  so we went down for another causeway launch for the apr 29th STS-134 launch, but alas it was not to be...but we did the Cape tour on the 30th and saw her up close.  Now our families going to be down in the Orlando area July 23rd to here's a prayer for Atlantis to be delayed to that week!  :)
« Last Edit: 05/27/2011 10:32 pm by Hodapp »
Launches: 133, 134, 135, EFT-1  Space X Falcon Heavy Test  Scrubs: 134
Future: EM-1 & EM-2

Offline Furner

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Launch viewing wiki is up.
Might carry it though past the shuttle program for rocket launches and whatnot.
Feel free to hop on and add info.  I have been adding stuff and trying to organize things.  If someone wants to get right on potential launch windows for the days after July 8, I think that is something that could be useful right away.
I am working on getting some info up on what we know now for launch tickets.  Hopefully the tour companies will have some updates soon.

EDIT: If you contribute, please register on the wiki so I can keep track of who does what.
« Last Edit: 05/28/2011 03:03 pm by Furner »

Offline LoveMrEd

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Nice work, thanks for putting that together.

Offline shuttlefanatic

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KSC launch viewing ticket registration is now open thru 5P EDT June 5:

If you are leery of the anonymous sounding domain, you can get there via, but the KSC site was sluggish/unresponsive just now presumably due to load.
« Last Edit: 05/30/2011 05:31 pm by shuttlefanatic »

Offline Hodapp

Have any of you seen the great video posted to the NASA website on the STS-134 Assent Highlights?
It's by far the best NASA video I've ever seen!
It needs to be played in every science class in America! :)

Launches: 133, 134, 135, EFT-1  Space X Falcon Heavy Test  Scrubs: 134
Future: EM-1 & EM-2

Offline ShuttleShel

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Have any of you seen the great video posted to the NASA website on the STS-134 Assent Highlights?
It's by far the best NASA video I've ever seen!
It needs to be played in every science class in America! :)

Super cool!! Thanks for sharing. Makes so sad all over that I missed it!  :'(

Offline rdale

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Have any of you seen the great video posted to the NASA website on the STS-134 Assent Highlights?

Yep. Strangely enough it's posted in the STS-134 forum since it has nothing to do with 135 ;)

Offline Xenophon223

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I have a quick question on view tickets from the KSC lottery.  Are the tickets transferable?  I may be getting a new job and I'm not sure if I will be able to get the time off.  If I win the lottery and get a ticket, can I give it to my Dad to use if I can't?



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