Author Topic: STS-135 Atlantis: Viewing (Going to launch, tickets, events, landing, etc.)  (Read 552848 times)

Offline danduc

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Blame it on Florida Laws.?

this is from Kennedy Visitor Centre web site:

"Please Note: Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is aware that some launch viewing tickets are sold via online auction sites. As we are disappointed that this happens, we have been advised by our legal department that there is nothing to prevent the ticket seller or auction company from doing so. This type of service is not illegal in Florida. If we were to react by denying a ticket to a guest that has used these services for the purpose of selling tickets, we could face legal action. For this reason, the random selection and Captcha verification process help to reduce the number of scalpers using automated systems to purchase tickets. "

Offline DrGuano

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I am wondering if the people selected by the lottery have already been notified and tickets sold out or if these ebay 'retailers' are assuming that they will have tickets to sell. The hopeful news for those of us waiting is that the KSC site states that registration is closed but does not say that tickets are Sold Out.

Offline danduc

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You can check the Facebook page of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Centre. Somebody might have an answer (I don't have access to Facebook from work). Please post here if you have any news.



Offline DrGuano

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I am in the same boat as far as Facebook access at work. Anyone else have access?

Offline solaria

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I am in the same boat as far as Facebook access at work. Anyone else have access?

First round sale is 9am EDT Friday 10th. No emails have been sent yet, and no sales made yet. Would expect emails today or tomorrow.

Offline Endeavour Forever

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Per KSCVC Facebook page 5 minutes ago:

"Thank you for participating in the registration for STS-135 launch viewing ticket opportunity. Over the course of the next two weeks, you should receive an e-mail notifying you if you have been selected or not for the opportunity to purchase tickets."

Offline janmb

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It is disturbing to see that the scalpers already have tickets for sale on ebay.

Well, technically they don't, since no tickets have been released to anyone yet what so ever. That fact does of course not prevent someone from announcing the sale of tickets they technically don't have - yet.

As for resale in general, as others have pointed out already, including KSC, Florida law does not prohibit this, hence nor can KSC or anyone else.

I am wondering if the people selected by the lottery have already been notified and tickets sold out or if these ebay 'retailers' are assuming that they will have tickets to sell.

The latter.
« Last Edit: 06/07/2011 04:06 pm by janmb »
Jan M Berg
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Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace

Offline Endeavour Forever

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Per NASA Tweetup on Twitter:  "More than 5,500 people registered for 150 spots - email notifications June 10."

...not bad odds, 1:37

Offline DrGuano

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Thanks for all the input. I will stand by for possible good news.

By the way, I have a couple of unused Grayline Tickets for STS-134 if anyone has access to a time machine...

Offline Furner

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Just wanted to plug again, it will especially be useful I think for those who have not bought launch tickets before, as well as those who are looking for a free place to view the launch.  Shuttlefanatic and I have put lots of good info in there, including launch photography info and tips.

And if you have anything to add, feel free to contribute! 

Offline shuttlefanatic

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Per NASA Tweetup on Twitter:  "More than 5,500 people registered for 150 spots - email notifications June 10."

...not bad odds, 1:37
Wow, that's all?  I was expecting overwhelming responses to this (and previous) launch tweetups.  Here's hoping I hit the green slot on the (European style) roulette wheel!

Offline Journeyman

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How did you calculate the odds to 1:37?

I got a much lover probability but then it's late and i'm tired :)

Offline cocoa cat

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We have registered for the lottery to get tickets - if we are successful can anyone tell us how long the tickets will take to get to us? and if we can opt to collect them from Kennedy?

This is beacuse the targeted launch date is now at the end of our holiday so we will be leaving our home country in approx 2 weeks time. 

Offline John M

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I know this has been discussed before, but if someone has either Causeway or VC tickets, what is the genral time to arrive before the gates are closed, say for 135 going off at 11:40, hopefully, what time would someone have to be there?

Offline shuttlefanatic

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I know this has been discussed before, but if someone has either Causeway or VC tickets, what is the genral time to arrive before the gates are closed, say for 135 going off at 11:40, hopefully, what time would someone have to be there?
The recent pattern seems to be a recommended arrival ~10h before launch.  The hard cutoff I believe is something like 5 hours before launch, but you probably don't want to experiment with that...

Offline John M

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I know this has been discussed before, but if someone has either Causeway or VC tickets, what is the genral time to arrive before the gates are closed, say for 135 going off at 11:40, hopefully, what time would someone have to be there?
The recent pattern seems to be a recommended arrival ~10h before launch.  The hard cutoff I believe is something like 5 hours before launch, but you probably don't want to experiment with that...

Thats about what I was fiquring. Now if I can just get those tickets!  ;D Thanks!

Offline stuart_wildcat

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We have registered for the lottery to get tickets - if we are successful can anyone tell us how long the tickets will take to get to us? and if we can opt to collect them from Kennedy?

This is beacuse the targeted launch date is now at the end of our holiday so we will be leaving our home country in approx 2 weeks time. 

I'm not sure about the exact time to get the tickets.  I know they will give you that if you get picked.  You might also have options to pay for faster shipping than the "default" shipping since paying for shipping is part of the cost you will have buying them.

I do know that they must be delivered to the billing address of the credit card of the person who was picked to buy the tickets.  This is the best way they have of trying to prevent people reselling the ticket purchase opportunity.  If they didn't do this you could resell the "chance" to buy tickets after being picked even before you had any tickets in hand.

I would say that if you are picked in the first group you should have a good chance of being able to get the tickets before you leave.  Once they let the first group buy tickets they will send out emails for another round.  If you are in one of those later groups you might not be able to get it shipped to you before you leave.  Of course at that point the tickets available will be pretty picked over anyway.

Offline solaria

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We have registered for the lottery to get tickets - if we are successful can anyone tell us how long the tickets will take to get to us? and if we can opt to collect them from Kennedy?

This is beacuse the targeted launch date is now at the end of our holiday so we will be leaving our home country in approx 2 weeks time. 

Last time the first round lottery was on March 14th and I received the tickets via international Fedex (London, UK) on March 28th.  I think they ship all tickets at a similar time, ie, no difference if you bought in first round or second round. The only two shipping options in the ticket buying process are Fedex (USA - 15.00 USD) or Fedex (International - 35.00 USD).

They had said on their email, that International tickets will ship by April 1 2011, so obviously had allowed themselves more room.

This time the info says "Tickets for STS-135 will ship by June 24, 2011" (useful the classified information you can find out from the link in a previous winning lottery email....along with the 9am EDT Friday sale time for this one.)


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Both my wife and I have registered seperately to theoretically double our chances of getting tickets - it's a long way to come; from New Zealand to Titusville & Cocoa Beach etc Florida!! I really hope we can be there. I've seen a launch before - STS-77, from right next to the Countdown clock alongside Robert Thirsk. This time though, I'm not sure I can swing professional accreditation but I'm going to give it a go: the Causeway etc tickets are sort of a backup for that. My wife, Maree has always wanted to see a launch, very much!
« Last Edit: 06/08/2011 12:07 pm by MATTBLAK »
"Those who can't, Blog".   'Space Cadets' of the World - Let us UNITE!! (crickets chirping)

Offline K8B

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Both my wife and I have registered seperately to theoretically double our chances of getting tickets - it's a long way to come; from New Zealand to Titusville & Cocoa Beach etc Florida!! I really hope we can be there. I've seen a launch before - STS-77, from right next to the Countdown clock alongside Robert Thirsk. This time though, I'm not sure I can swing professional accreditation but I'm going to give it a go. My wife, Maree has always wanted to see a launch, very much!

I hope you registered from separate addresses & have credit cards that match those addresses & are able to ship to those addresses. The rules state only 1 entry per household, multiple entries per household address will be disqualified as the entry directions, at least last time, stated. Hope you sorted that out before entering for the ticket lottery. Otherwise it's a bummer. Best of luck.


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