Author Topic: STS-135 Atlantis: Viewing (Going to launch, tickets, events, landing, etc.)  (Read 553090 times)

Offline shuttlefanatic

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I have a quick question on view tickets from the KSC lottery.  Are the tickets transferable?  I may be getting a new job and I'm not sure if I will be able to get the time off.  If I win the lottery and get a ticket, can I give it to my Dad to use if I can't?
Unless they do something different this time, when the tickets show up in your mailbox it should be no problem.  The tickets don't have your name stamped on them or anything like that.

Prior to that, they claim they will only ship to the billing address of the card used to purchase, and the name/address must match the lottery winner.

Offline Furner

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I am going to launch a Q&A page on the wiki, I will be digging through launch viewing threads looking for all the questions I can to try and make that another resource for people to use.

Anyone, feel free to add in any of the pages.  If you are unsure of formatting, just find something in the page that is formatted the way you want and copy/paste and edit.  Or just write up what you want and let shuttlefanatic or myself know if you need it formatted.
« Last Edit: 06/01/2011 03:25 pm by Furner »

Offline shuttlefanatic

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I am going to launch a Q&A page on the wiki, I will be digging through launch viewing threads looking for all the questions I can to try and make that another resource for people to use.

Anyone, feel free to add in any of the pages.  If you are unsure of formatting, just find something in the page that is formatted the way you want and copy/paste and edit.  Or just write up what you want and let shuttlefanatic or myself know if you need it formatted.

Or, answer someone's question here in great gory detail, and we'll link to the post from the wiki - i.e. structure it like an index.  We certainly don't want to take anything away from NSF! 

There's already a link pointing to pumaknight's photo guidance thread in the 134 forum ( 

Offline Keyman

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I have a quick question on view tickets from the KSC lottery.  Are the tickets transferable?  I may be getting a new job and I'm not sure if I will be able to get the time off.  If I win the lottery and get a ticket, can I give it to my Dad to use if I can't?

Get three.  I'll take the other two, and insure Dad has all the beer he can drink, and gets home safe and sound.... ;^>

Offline Furner

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I am going to launch a Q&A page on the wiki, I will be digging through launch viewing threads looking for all the questions I can to try and make that another resource for people to use.

Anyone, feel free to add in any of the pages.  If you are unsure of formatting, just find something in the page that is formatted the way you want and copy/paste and edit.  Or just write up what you want and let shuttlefanatic or myself know if you need it formatted.

Or, answer someone's question here in great gory detail, and we'll link to the post from the wiki - i.e. structure it like an index.  We certainly don't want to take anything away from NSF! 

There's already a link pointing to pumaknight's photo guidance thread in the 134 forum ( 

That works for me.  I put a few general Q&As up, I have some meetings today so ill get to it later in the day.

Offline danduc

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If somebody registered with NASA for the ticket lottery gets an email from them, please post here. I'm sure lots of people would like to know when KSC starts the process.



Offline DrGuano

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If somebody registered with NASA for the ticket lottery gets an email from them, please post here. I'm sure lots of people would like to know when KSC starts the process.



Excellent idea! I did not hear that I had not been selected until a week after the purchasing period was over.

Offline LostInSpace

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STS-135 Space Shuttle Launch Ticket Opportunity

Registration is now closed.


Offline LoveMrEd

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OK, so if the launch scrubs after you've boarded the bus to the causeway, you have to  buy new tickets for the next attempt and they might not be for the causeway???  Is getting in line at the VC the only way to get new tickets, or could you call or go online to get them and pick them up on a will call basis? So your original ticket is good to watch from VC, but if you want another bus ride out to the causeway, it will be another $50, and those are limited, right?
So in theory, if your original tickets are to watch from VC, you could be first in line to buy Causeway tickets for the next attempt (before the busses get back from the Causeway)??

From the KSC site:
A. NASA Causeway Launch Transportation Tickets - Launch Postponement –
Your Launch Transportation Ticket is labeled “VC LTT STS-134 ADULT (or CHILD).” This ticket provides transportation to the NASA Causeway launch viewing site. This ticket will be collected from you when you board the bus to the launch viewing site. If launch is postponed two scenarios are possible: 1) If you board a bus to the NASA Causeway and launch is postponed, all elements of this ticket are considered used in full. While you will no longer be able to access the NASA Causeway, you will be invited to return for the next launch attempt with your Visitor Complex admission ticket. Return viewing will be from the main Visitor Complex grounds. Please keep your vehicle placard to return for the next attempt. 2) If launch is postponed before you board a bus, your Launch Transportation Ticket will be valid for the next launch attempt to view the launch from the NASA Causeway.

« Last Edit: 06/06/2011 06:01 pm by LoveMrEd »

Offline Endeavour Forever

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OK, so if the launch scrubs after you've boarded the bus to the causeway, you have to  buy new tickets for the next attempt and they might not be for the causeway???  Is getting in line at the VC the only way to get new tickets, or could you call or go online to get them and pick them up on a will call basis? So your original ticket is good to watch from VC, but if you want another bus ride out to the causeway, it will be another $50, and those are limited, right?
So in theory, if your original tickets are to watch from VC, you could be first in line to buy Causeway tickets for the next attempt (before the busses get back from the Causeway)??

From the KSC site:
A. NASA Causeway Launch Transportation Tickets - Launch Postponement –
Your Launch Transportation Ticket is labeled “VC LTT STS-134 ADULT (or CHILD).” This ticket provides transportation to the NASA Causeway launch viewing site. This ticket will be collected from you when you board the bus to the launch viewing site. If launch is postponed two scenarios are possible: 1) If you board a bus to the NASA Causeway and launch is postponed, all elements of this ticket are considered used in full. While you will no longer be able to access the NASA Causeway, you will be invited to return for the next launch attempt with your Visitor Complex admission ticket. Return viewing will be from the main Visitor Complex grounds. Please keep your vehicle placard to return for the next attempt. 2) If launch is postponed before you board a bus, your Launch Transportation Ticket will be valid for the next launch attempt to view the launch from the NASA Causeway.

We attended STS-134 launch on 5/16 with Causeway tickets (orange).  When we boarded the bus, KSC staff took those Causeway tickets and gave us in exchange little papers which read:

Launch Transportation Ticket Voucher
In the event of a delay of STS-134 Endeavour, the bearer of this voucher may redeem it at Ticket Plaza windows 13 through 16 for the priority purchase of 1 (one) Launch Transportation Ticket for the next launch attempt of STS-134 Endeavour.  The cost for the ticket is $21.20 and there are only a limited number available on a first come, first serve basis.  This voucher is not a bus boarding pass and is not a guarantee that tickets will be available.  Tickets must be purchased by May 16, 2011 at 12:00 P.M.

I understood this to mean we could essentially re-purchase the Causeway portion of our tickets after being bussed out, if the launch was later scrubbed.

Offline ysuindy

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[So in theory, if your original tickets are to watch from VC, you could be first in line to buy Causeway tickets for the next attempt (before the busses get back from the Causeway)??

The short answer is no.  Not knowing how the process may have changed since STS-127, but we had lots of experience with Causeway scrubs.  If you were on the causeway you were provided with a "voucher" for each LTT ticket you had.  To be able to buy another LTT ticket at the KSC windows, you needed to have voucher.

Offline Endeavour Forever

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Wanted to mention we attended STS-134 on both the 4/29 attempt and 5/16 launch.  5/16 was less crowded at the KSCVC, and I visited the Guest Services desk (where you go for Commander's Club tickets) pre-launch since they weren't busy.  I noticed orange Causeway tickets on a roll on the desk and asked if those were for STS-135.  I was told they were for STS-134, if there was availability due to low Causeway attendance that day, they would upgrade your KSCVC/LTT blue ticket to a Causeway ticket at cost, if space were available.

Turns out this is exactly what happened.  When we boarded our bus with our orange tickets, other guests with blue KSCVC/LTT tickets were in line to pay the small upgrade fee to the Causeway (I think it may have been a cash-only purchase).  There was no announcement posted (or on the P.A.) about this, that I observed.  Those sure were some lucky visitors!

Anyone attending STS-135 at KSCVC without a Causeway ticket may want to keep this in mind - particularly if there are a few schedule delays/scrubs, or if the launch date/time changes to one that's "less convenient" for guests.
« Last Edit: 06/06/2011 06:44 pm by Endeavour Forever »

Offline LoveMrEd

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We attended STS-134 launch on 5/16 with Causeway tickets (orange).  When we boarded the bus, KSC staff took those Causeway tickets and gave us in exchange little papers which read:

Launch Transportation Ticket Voucher
In the event of a delay of STS-134 Endeavour, the bearer of this voucher may redeem it at Ticket Plaza windows 13 through 16 for the priority purchase of 1 (one) Launch Transportation Ticket for the next launch attempt of STS-134 Endeavour.  The cost for the ticket is $21.20 and there are only a limited number available on a first come, first serve basis.  This voucher is not a bus boarding pass and is not a guarantee that tickets will be available.  Tickets must be purchased by May 16, 2011 at 12:00 P.M.

Thanks for the info, that makes sense to me.  So the Causeway ticket holders would be the only ones that would be holding a voucher that would entitle them to get a chance to buy a bus ticket for the next go-round.  So those whose orignal tickets to watch from the VC, would not get such voucher and could not buy LTTs before the busses get back from the scrubbed attempt---

Offline Ommanipadmehum

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Hi everybody.  First of all, I just want to say what an amazing resource this forum is and all of the contributions I've been reading have been really helpful.  I'm a big Space Shuttle fan - gutted that the program is ending and determined to see the final launch :)

I'm afraid I have some newbie questions as I've never been to KSC before, in fact this will be my first trip to the US!  I've entered the lottery for tickets and excited to hear the (hopefully) good news!  Obviously the main thing is to see the launch, but I'm bringing my family and want to experience visiting KSC and get the most out of it.  I understand that if you get launch tickets this includes 2 days access, 1 being the day of the launch.  So if we're lucky enough to get launch tickets could we do the visit the day before the launch or does it have to be after the launch?  If we can visit the day before the launch will we be able to do the guided tours (I think it's called today and tomorrow) where you get close to the launch pads and see Atlantis on the launch pad?  Do you get an opportunity to buy these add-ons when you book the main tickets through the lottery system or can you buy them afterwards?  Is it any different if you buy the tickets direct from KSC versus by through a tour company?



Offline msc

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So if we're lucky enough to get launch tickets could we do the visit the day before the launch or does it have to be after the launch? 

Yes, it can be before launch

If we can visit the day before the launch will we be able to do the guided tours (I think it's called today and tomorrow) where you get close to the launch pads and see Atlantis on the launch pad? 

Yes - usually.  Should call KSC to confirm.

Do you get an opportunity to buy these add-ons when you book the main tickets through the lottery system or can you buy them afterwards? 

Never been successful in the lottery, so don't know.  If not, call asap to book your tix for the extra charge tours.  They will sell out.  The regular tour is free and gets you as close as the observation gantry. 

Is it any different if you buy the tickets direct from KSC versus by through a tour company?

You definitely can't buy add-on tour tix through the tour companies at the time of your launch tix purchase (at least though FDT.  Never used Grey Line).

Offline nathan.moeller

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If we can visit the day before the launch will we be able to do the guided tours (I think it's called today and tomorrow) where you get close to the launch pads and see Atlantis on the launch pad?

Welcome to the site, Marcus!  I need to clarify something here - tours stop running before the RSS is retracted and Atlantis is revealed on the pad.  This occurs about 21 hours before liftoff.  With launch set for 11:40 am EDT on July 8, count on the tours stopping early in the afternoon of July 7.

Last I checked, the tour is called "KSC: Then & Now" (you were close).  It takes you to a small observation post between the two launch pads along the shoreline.  From there, you'll be able to see the external tank and solid rocket boosters in all their glory, but you won't see the orbiter at all.  She's not visible until after liftoff unless you're on the causeway, at which point she's visible all through the count. - Lead Video & Graphics

Offline ShuttleShel

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If we can visit the day before the launch will we be able to do the guided tours (I think it's called today and tomorrow) where you get close to the launch pads and see Atlantis on the launch pad?

Welcome to the site, Marcus!  I need to clarify something here - tours stop running before the RSS is retracted and Atlantis is revealed on the pad.  This occurs about 21 hours before liftoff.  With launch set for 11:40 am EDT on July 8, count on the tours stopping early in the afternoon of July 7.

Last I checked, the tour is called "KSC: Then & Now" (you were close).  It takes you to a small observation post between the two launch pads along the shoreline.  From there, you'll be able to see the external tank and solid rocket boosters in all their glory, but you won't see the orbiter at all.  She's not visible until after liftoff unless you're on the causeway, at which point she's visible all through the count.

KSC has both the "Today & Tomorrow" Tours and the "Then & Now" tour. By what I read at the KSC site the T&T tour is the one that gets you closest to the launch pad isn't it?

I just checked the booking calendar and for entry of one it looks like the first morning tour on 7/7 is sold out. The later ones may be too for larger groups?

Offline Ommanipadmehum

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Thanks ShuttleShel,

I didn't realise that you could book specific sessions in advance.  I see that the morning session is full.  This poses a dilemma, I guess wait for news on the lottery and see if it is possible to book ad-ons at the same time and risk the KSC Tour being full or pay for entrance twice (one to book the KSC tour and again if successful in the lottery) to guarantee a spot on the tour.


If we can visit the day before the launch will we be able to do the guided tours (I think it's called today and tomorrow) where you get close to the launch pads and see Atlantis on the launch pad?

Welcome to the site, Marcus!  I need to clarify something here - tours stop running before the RSS is retracted and Atlantis is revealed on the pad.  This occurs about 21 hours before liftoff.  With launch set for 11:40 am EDT on July 8, count on the tours stopping early in the afternoon of July 7.

Last I checked, the tour is called "KSC: Then & Now" (you were close).  It takes you to a small observation post between the two launch pads along the shoreline.  From there, you'll be able to see the external tank and solid rocket boosters in all their glory, but you won't see the orbiter at all.  She's not visible until after liftoff unless you're on the causeway, at which point she's visible all through the count.

KSC has both the "Today & Tomorrow" Tours and the "Then & Now" tour. By what I read at the KSC site the T&T tour is the one that gets you closest to the launch pad isn't it?

I just checked the booking calendar and for entry of one it looks like the first morning tour on 7/7 is sold out. The later ones may be too for larger groups?

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We attended STS-134 launch on 5/16 with Causeway tickets (orange).  When we boarded the bus, KSC staff took those Causeway tickets and gave us in exchange little papers which read:

Launch Transportation Ticket Voucher
In the event of a delay of STS-134 Endeavour, the bearer of this voucher may redeem it at Ticket Plaza windows 13 through 16 for the priority purchase of 1 (one) Launch Transportation Ticket for the next launch attempt of STS-134 Endeavour.  The cost for the ticket is $21.20 and there are only a limited number available on a first come, first serve basis.  This voucher is not a bus boarding pass and is not a guarantee that tickets will be available.  Tickets must be purchased by May 16, 2011 at 12:00 P.M.

Thanks for the info, that makes sense to me.  So the Causeway ticket holders would be the only ones that would be holding a voucher that would entitle them to get a chance to buy a bus ticket for the next go-round.  So those whose orignal tickets to watch from the VC, would not get such voucher and could not buy LTTs before the busses get back from the scrubbed attempt---

Yep, to make a long story short, original causeway ticket holders have priority on purchase of new causeway tickets in the case of a post-bus-boarding scrub.

Note that this is IF there is any service to the causeway on the following launch attempts at all. That is in no way a given, although I can not recall any launch in the later years where this has not been the case.

And regarding the ticket lottery, please keep expectations very low there - there are very few "winners" compared to the total number of entrants unfortunately. The vast majority are turned down even for VC tickets, even worse for Causeway. The far better option (and only realistic way to get causeway tickets) is ebay or the tour companies (Gator Tours and Florida Dolphin Tours). Please note that they don't have tickets yet either - they only get those at the same time as the lottery winners get their tickets.
« Last Edit: 06/07/2011 08:37 am by janmb »
Jan M Berg
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It is disturbing to see that the scalpers already have tickets for sale on ebay.


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