Author Topic: What does Russia plan to do in outer space?  (Read 11652 times)

Offline AndyMc

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What does Russia plan to do in outer space?
« on: 04/20/2006 08:50 am »

"In mid-April, the Energia management, which has completely different plans, unveiled a concept of the national manned space-flight program for the next 25 years.

This document states expressly that the initial stage of the manned lunar program will involve Soyuz spacecraft, Soyuz-FG and Proton launch vehicles and DM-type boosters. Energia officials said that the ISS' Russian segment should be used to assemble an inter-orbital space complex bound for the Moon, and that this approach would make it possible to launch the first lunar expeditions in the near future.

There are plans to develop a reusable lunar transport system comprising manned spacecraft on the basis of the advanced Kliper shuttle and inter-orbital space tugs with liquid-propellant rocket engines during the lunar program's second stage. The new transport system will link the ISS and a projected lunar orbital station. It is intended to use tugs with electric-rocket engines and large-size solar batteries for transporting bulky consignments. Plans are also in place to assemble a permanent lunar orbital station with a reusable lunar ascent and descent module during the second stage.

The program's third stage stipulates the creation of a permanent lunar industrial base for developing the Earth's satellite. "

Sounds something like OASIS -


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