Author Topic: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)  (Read 150416 times)

Offline gordon22

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #120 on: 02/04/2010 04:26 pm »
Through good graces we have been able to get 3 vip tickets for the banana creek viewing area. The letter we have says get there at 1:15 so we can get on the bus at 3:00 am promptly.

One question is  - will there be traffic trying to get there at 1:15 am? If I understand correctly, we drive to KSC visitors complex, park and then get on the VIP bus at 3am?

Also - is it hopeless trying to take pictures with my 12x zoom digital camera? I know they won't be great, but if i had just one picture i took myself where you can see the shuttle itself I'd be happy - then go back to watching with the naked eye....

keeping fingers very crossed - only have one chance to see launch on Sunday am!


Offline Walter S

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #121 on: 02/04/2010 04:31 pm »
Through good graces we have been able to get 3 vip tickets for the banana creek viewing area. The letter we have says get there at 1:15 so we can get on the bus at 3:00 am promptly.

One question is  - will there be traffic trying to get there at 1:15 am? If I understand correctly, we drive to KSC visitors complex, park and then get on the VIP bus at 3am?

Also - is it hopeless trying to take pictures with my 12x zoom digital camera? I know they won't be great, but if i had just one picture i took myself where you can see the shuttle itself I'd be happy - then go back to watching with the naked eye....

keeping fingers very crossed - only have one chance to see launch on Sunday am!


Congrats on the tickets, a 12x zoom will be more than enough to get good pictures from Banana Creek. I would recommend using manual setting and disable the auto focus if you can. Your camera will go crazy as soon as it lifts off if you arent.

Offline gordon22

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #122 on: 02/04/2010 08:17 pm »
Thanks Walter. I will make some manual changes to the camera - take one or two quick shots just to have and then sit back and enjoy the rest.

Offline sts126

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #123 on: 02/05/2010 06:12 am »
for the vip tickets does letter have you meeting at the visitor center?  they often have a meeting point off site at merrit square mall which is south of KSC.  But that can change, and on one of the summer attempts with an early launch time they had made a change with about 24 hours notice from the mall to the visitor center. That required us to pick up the same kind of vehicle pass used to access the  KSCVC on launch day. but that then scrubbed.
For cameras night kind of tricky as it goes from night to day to night in the span of  about 15 seconds. has good tips on photos
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Offline cimrk01

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #124 on: 02/05/2010 02:46 pm »
Will be heading up to Titusville to catch our first shuttle launch. We're excited! :) After doing some research on google map the top two locations to view the Shuttle free are between

Space View Park (where the Wachovia bank is located?)
Sand Point Park (along the Max Brewer Memorial Pkwy)

Going based on the map, I would say Sand Point Park is slightly closer no? For those who have been to both, which would be a better location? How are the restrooms, if any? The crowds? And how early would I need to get there to get a good spot?

Offline gordon22

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #125 on: 02/05/2010 03:25 pm »
for the vip tickets does letter have you meeting at the visitor center?


Is KSC open all night? IE - could we show up at 10pm and walk around / look at things until we board the bus at 3am?

just trying to figure out how to kill so much time.

Offline sts126

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #126 on: 02/05/2010 03:29 pm »
Space View Park is great Burger King near by (probably closed for this one) the one caveat Ive found with svp is be as far front to water as you can get because the trees you will otherwise be standing under will block comlete view of ascent and to some extent the condo building to your left.  This is more for 60+ seconds into flight. I may try walking towards max brewer causeway.  From SVP you will also have some public address with commentary. For a May Saturday 2pm launch I was able to park easily about 90 minutes prior to launch at SVP but by then the best unobstructed views were long gone. But I was under the shade of trees for that one.
« Last Edit: 02/05/2010 03:40 pm by sts126 »
Don't worry ... it IS Rocket Science. Dark matter somewhere in the house, just can't find it now.

Offline tminus9

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #127 on: 02/05/2010 04:06 pm »
I'll be at the VC with my 3-year old for the Sunday attempt. Any recommendations on a good breakfast place in the Titusville area to hit after leaving KSC?

Offline theandrew

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #128 on: 02/05/2010 05:14 pm »
I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the detailed info on this and previous posts.

I am flying to Florida tomorrow morning, and staying in Melbourne. I will be driving towards space view park to view the launch.

I was wondering if anyone was interested in carpooling from the Melbourne area.

Also, I have heard that some people with beach houses in the Titusville area will sell parking in their driveway and let you view the launch from their beach access. Is this true? And is there anyone on here interested? I would definitely be willing to pay......

Offline smith5se

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #129 on: 02/05/2010 09:00 pm »
Just arrived in Titusville today for the launch, either its just me or this area is oozing of excitement (could also be some others I've bummed into in town for launch as well). Currently raining and very cloudy... but it'll pass.

As for KSC being open all night; I believe it MAY close after the launch and once everyone leaves (at least that's what they did for 128) But as for wandering around the park before hand, you should be fine. For 128 we arrived at 5pm and wandered around the park until we had to board a buss at 11pm.
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Offline sts126

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #130 on: 02/06/2010 12:53 am »
anyone know where  congressional guest vip passholders will be picked up for STS 130?  usually it is at the Sears at Merritt Island Mall previous posts seem to indicate KSCVC . anyone know for sure?
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Offline Aobrien

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #131 on: 02/06/2010 01:00 am »
It was at the Sears for STS-129.
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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #132 on: 02/06/2010 01:07 am »
If anyone ends up with a spare single Banana Creek pass, I'd really appreciate the opportunity to make sure it doesn't go unused.

Arriving at MCO tomorrow, 4:30 PM, returning to MCO Sun AM after launch for 1:30 PM return flight to El Paso/Fort Bliss.  This is a one-shot for me, hoping my two-time launch mojo is intact.

Last launch I will have a chance to see before Iraq deployment.  Then 18 months of ISS passes to keep my space fever in check.


For those of you having dinner at Dixie, look forward to meeting you there.

Offline sts126

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #133 on: 02/06/2010 02:03 am »
Ditto above post for 1 extra pass either causeway or B Creek. On Wait list for 130, but congressional contact very discouraging even standing by next to bus hoping for no shows (wx in Washington DC may cause a few no shows was my thinking/hoping. For the summer scrub launches many times there were plenty of empty seats on buses. kind of bummer hope that doesn't happen for 130.
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Offline spacedog71

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #134 on: 02/06/2010 05:38 am »
at the risk of pushing the thread off the rails entirely, i'd also like to throw my hat in the ring re: extra banana creek tickets. :)

Offline Davidgojr

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #135 on: 02/06/2010 08:16 pm »
Sadly, Banana Creek VIP passes cannot simply be passed along.  There is a long waiting list.

Online wjbarnett

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #136 on: 02/06/2010 08:22 pm »
Anybody who's at the Clarion in Titusville and would like to carpool to Dixie Crossroads for the NSF dinner at 6:15? If so PM me before 6.

Offline foltster

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #137 on: 02/06/2010 11:59 pm »
If any NSF fans are at spaceview park I'll be there in a dark blue Michigan sweatshirt and black hat - say hello my name is Scott.  Seeya there!

Offline smith5se

Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #138 on: 02/07/2010 04:34 am »
Well before I head out to KSC just wanted to say NSF dinner was an absolute blast!!! Suprise guest was so nice, as was the whole bunch! Great meeting some of you and putting a face to a name!

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Offline harper1249

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #139 on: 02/07/2010 04:26 pm »
Yawnnnn.  Stretchhhhh.  Wow, haven't pulled an all-nighter like that since my college days.  Doing it all over again tonight.  Back on the bus at 11:30 PM.


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