Author Topic: New book about advance aerospace proyects  (Read 3383 times)

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New book about advance aerospace proyects
« on: 02/13/2006 12:50 am »
It is a book that start with a fictional hiking adventure to uncharted territories, followed by factual chapters that constitutes most of the book.
The book have 512 pages, from which more than 200 are blueprints of medical, mecanical enginering, aerospace advanced concepts and also preliminary designs.
List of blueprints: Artificial heart for permanent implantation, Articial eye, Miniature executive twinjet, Commuter twinjet transport, Halcon Laredo fighter aircraft made from advanced composites, Scramjet aircraft uses LH2 fuel, Hypersonic carrier aircraft as first stage for the space shuttle, Mechanical flying horse(very expensive), Aerocar (flying car), Super giant off-road robot (two legged giant mechanical worker).
Complete preliminary design of the Interplanetary Mars spaceship, includes partial design of its fusion engine, Cargo seaplane with nuclear propulsion system, blended wing-body airliner.
Space launching complexes at the Andes and at the Himalayas mountains.
A super high speed hanging train.
A new Space Shuttle for passengers only.

Next are the Greetings from Structural Engineer James E. Houmard, he is retired from Good Year Arospace and designed the parachute that 35 years ago descended the Viking spacecraft on Mars.


Congratulations on completion and publishing of your most impressive book, Atlantis. It is a tome that requires study by the reader to absorb its content.  Your work of a lifetime has provided hours of interesting and inspirational reading.  And, the text is supported by an abundance of beautiful detailed art work.  Few artists could devote with the tremendous amount of time required to create such meticulous, finely penned drawings.  Nearly the last part of the book is a profusion of engineering design drawings and specifications describing concepts that intrigue engineers and of the technical mind.  I specially recall the empenage of your home built aircraft that you showed me so many years ago when I and Beatriz visited you in Downey, California.  Your "Ultra Modern (800) had a lot of features such as wing slats and flaps.  It is too bad you were unable to complete it; I didn't knew the reason was that you injured you left arm.

I found the book in the internet.  Your publisher is Atlas and gives a good presentation.  I'm sure you know the site, but here is it anyway.

Jim Houmard

Name of the book: ATLANTIS INSPIRATION FOR THE FUTURE by Walter F. Laredo
512 pages,    8.5" x 11"
also available at,  Bernes&Noble,  Wal-Mart

Walter  F.  Laredo

Offline James Lowe1

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RE: New book about advance aerospace proyects
« Reply #1 on: 02/13/2006 12:55 am »
Welcome to the site, Walter. Maybe you would like to talk about the book in better detail, share some of the relevant concepts that are relevant to this forum, etc. Looks a bit like a blatant advert as it stands ;)

Seen as this is "advanced" although the book's on line store page doesn't explain it well - I'm moving it into Advanced concepts.

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RE: New book about advance aerospace proyects
« Reply #2 on: 02/13/2006 02:03 am »
Hello James, it is a book of two parts, the first part is part fiction and part facts, includes general education, phylosophy, history, clasical art, and exploration adventures.
The story starts with a hiking adventure.  At night, the main character would dream of conversatoons he had with famous personalities from the past (phylosophers, scientists and prophets).  One day, tired of hiking, he sits down on a mysterious rock of dreams.  Its special powers transport him back to ancient times where as a young lad he adventured to travel on a sailboat from a Greek island to Atlantis, where he will live with his uncle's family.  There he grew up in comfort and became and ENGINEER. When awaking from that stone into present-day reality, he brings in his subconcious mind the construccion plans of the wonders of Atlantis. Years pass by before he begins remembering them.  The socond part of the book is exclusively for de display of those Advanced Engineering Projects.

The second part of the book have more pages than the first part, there is no dreams and no science fiction at all, it is completely realistic and sceintific, everything there was designed under de laws of physics, nothing go beyond the laws of nature, the engineering level of those projects are probably the same as NASA level.  Althought in the last decades NASA haven't show interesting or too advance projects.

I was a preliminary design engineer at Boeing for futuristic aircraft, structural engineer at Rockwell, I designed some structural components for the first Space Shuttle, At Douglas as estructural and mechanical engineer,  Contract engineer at General Dynamics, reinforcing the structure of the Atlas booster.
(This message is as a continuation of my first message)
Walter F.  Laredo

Online Chris Bergin

RE: New book about advance aerospace proyects
« Reply #3 on: 02/13/2006 09:42 am »
Interesting, Walter. Welcome to the site.
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RE: New book about advance aerospace proyects
« Reply #4 on: 02/17/2006 10:05 pm »
We don't have enough futurists.


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