Author Topic: Pyramid rocket launcher for the Enviornment  (Read 9410 times)

Offline Superluminal

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RE: Pyramid rocket launcher for the Environment
« Reply #20 on: 09/27/2005 07:13 pm »


realtime - 25/9/2005 11:03 PM Also... The precision ability to raise the ground level for the first 3000 feet or so behind the rocked would obtain more thrust momentum at launch. How? How would rockets work in vacuum otherwise? That's what I was thinking. It's the old concept of what is pushed out is what pushes you forward, not what you're pushing against.


Okay lets discuss that fact.

First off about

(Thrust is provided by propellant mass exiting the rear of the rocket, not by anything it "pushes" against. )  


  For the first 800 feet or so of the rockets ascent, the rocket flumes are pushing against the earth also and the earth is pushing back.

That is... until it rises to the point (approx. a thousand feet ) that it gains enough speed and altitude that it is then only gaining speed and altitude because of equal and opposite reaction of it's engine flumes and the fact that it is quickly getting less massive from fuel consumption and farther away from the center of Earths mass.

I'm simply stating,

 That before a rocket is ever ignited it's gravity is due to it's mass and speed. That is, the total mass and speed at rest on the surface due to rotation and revolve speed of Earth.

  For the first few hundred feet after ignition, a rockets engine flume is pushing against the Earth also and the Earth is pushing back.

 Besides the fact that it rises to the point where the rocket flumes no longer touch and scorch the Earth and it achieves greater momentum because of less fuel mass at the point of throttle up of rockets engines. 

I'm not saying that a rocket engine propels because it absolutely has to have something to push against in order to achieve propulsion.

 It works due to egual and opposite reaction plus the fact that in the beginning of ascent, an engine flume has the earth pushing back.

Are you saying, that ( at the beginning of ignition ), in the first few hundred feet of ascent, that the flumes aren't pushing against the earth also, and the earth is not pushing back?

  That was my point about the precision raising of the ground level behind a rocket as it rises.

To give its flumes more ground level earth mass to push against on different levels, besides the fact that it is quickly gaining velocity, due to less fuel mass and equal and opposite reaction of it's engine flumes...

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RE: Pyramid rocket launcher for the Environment
« Reply #21 on: 09/28/2005 01:54 am »
Are you saying, that ( at the beginning of ignition ), in the first few hundred feet of ascent, that the flumes aren't pushing against the earth also, and the earth is not pushing back?

The propellant mass impacts the earth, yes, but the earth does not push back.

Offline Superluminal

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RE: Pyramid rocket launcher for the Environment
« Reply #22 on: 09/29/2005 08:13 pm »

I ask your forgivness of my primitive art work in paint.

It's not easy to draw fan blades.   

Elaborating further.

  At the very top or level 7 (the top rim)  3100 feet

A bottlecap hinged high rps ( 100 revolutions per. second) purge fan closes after the rocket rises past level seven.

Then at level eight, after the rocket passes ( one mile altitude), Number one,  helium rim filled doughnut dirigible fan is flown into position to increase downdraft toward level 7 fan.

Also at level nine at two miles altitude, the second number two hrfddf (helium rim filled doughnut durgible fan) is flown into downdraft position.

and etc.

 up to 10 miles altitude (level 17) with eight more hrfddf fans are flown into position, (One per mile) after the rocket rises past each levels altitude.

There is also the possibility that ordinary helicopters could serve the same purpose providing downdraft of the rockets exhaust toward the level 7 purge fan.

There's one more drawing I will submit tomorrow having to do with sound surpression near the base of the pyramid.

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RE: Pyramid rocket launcher for the Enviornment
« Reply #23 on: 02/10/2006 09:11 pm »
R-7 is as close to a flying pyramid as you need.


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