Author Topic: Atlas, Titan, and Minuteman rockets necktie clips  (Read 22974 times)

Offline whitelancer64

By any chance: Does anyone here on NSF happen to know anything more about these tie clips?

I found and purchased these at a vintage market in Palm Springs yesterday (Sunday). The only information I got from the person I bought it from is that the owner had been an aerospace engineer, but she didn't know anything else about them.

The tie clip on top shows the first Atlas, Titan, and Minuteman ICBM rockets on a globe outline, with a surprising amount of detail for a small object. The other shows a Titan rocket on a plain blue globe.

I'm guessing whoever owned these was some kind of project manager for the early ICBM program, but all googling I have done has not turned up anything similar to these.
« Last Edit: 04/06/2022 09:03 pm by whitelancer64 »
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"There are lies, damned lies, and launch schedules." - Larry J


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