Mmm they're struggling to get the Mars sample return mission done by then. So what are the chances?
...It seems that the hypergolic propulsion modules have to be attached to the vehicle stacks by docking in orbit. So it is strange that the SLS Block 2 is needed for the 100+ tonne unitary TEI (Trans-Earth Injection) stages and the integrated Mars Transit stack (IMTS). ...
...The Orion is over qualified as crew taxi. Probably could use something like a Crew Dragon instead.
Don't understand why this mission proposal need that many types of hypergolic stages of different sizes.
....But I suspect that the 100+ ton stack (the hab, MOI, and getting-back-home stages) is considered more reliable if launched in once piece, rather than stacked on orbit.....
A crewed Mars orbital-only mission is a bit silly. Long stay or nothing.