That's great, thanks for the reply, I'll have a watch of the video later.My question was based on a video from SpaceXvision of their artificial gravity Starship concept, they show two sides extending out of each side of the Starship, which in principle is a fine idea, however they extend theirs out massively which then got me thinking if it would be that necessary or if just expanding it closer to the body would give the same result.
Quote from: Rossco on 05/22/2021 01:46 pmThat's great, thanks for the reply, I'll have a watch of the video later.My question was based on a video from SpaceXvision of their artificial gravity Starship concept, they show two sides extending out of each side of the Starship, which in principle is a fine idea, however they extend theirs out massively which then got me thinking if it would be that necessary or if just expanding it closer to the body would give the same result.There is no need to rotate the spacecraft around its longitudinal axis thereby requiring large diameter. It can be tumbled end over end . As the spacecraft is probably already quite long there is no need for extra hardware.
they depict rotating spaceships with each 'end' of the rotating ring being huge.Is there a reason for this? (Other than it looks cool?) is it something to do with speed? i.e the smaller the ring the faster it has to turn to achieve the same G levels?
However, more recent research suggests people can adapt to extremely high RPMs
Quote from: Paul451 on 05/28/2021 10:14 amHowever, more recent research suggests people can adapt to extremely high RPMsThat's really cool/promising! Do you have any links or names of papers?
AbstractA series of pioneering experiments on adaptation to rotating artificial gravity environments was conducted in the 1960s. The results of these experiments led to the general belief that humans with normal vestibular function would not be able to adapt to rotating environments with angular velocities above 3 or 4 rpm. By contrast, our recent work has shown that sensory-motor adaptation to 10 rpm can be achieved relatively easily and quickly if subjects make the same movement repeatedly. This repetition allows the nervous system to gauge how the Coriolis forces generated by movements in a rotating reference frame are deflecting movement paths and endpoints and to institute corrective adaptations. Independent mechanisms appear to underlie restoration of straight movement paths and of accurate movement endpoints. Control of head movements involves adaptation of vestibulo-collic and vestibulo-spinal mechanisms as well as adaptation to motor control of the head as an inertial mass. The vestibular adaptation has a long time constant and the motor adaptation a short one. Surprisingly, Coriolis forces generated by natural turning and reaching movements in our normal environment are typically larger than those elicited in rotating artificial gravity environments. They are not recognized as such because self-generated Coriolis forces during voluntary trunk rotation are perceptually transparent. After adaptation to a rotating environment is complete, the Coriolis forces generated by movements within it also become transparent and are not felt although they are still present.
If you go to Spincalc, Ted discusses old vs new research in his sources section. You want Lackner and DiZio as your starting point. However, most of their work is on trying to "break" the vestibular system in order to figure out how it works, pure research. But some of their early stuff was directly related to spin-gravity. For example: (semi-paywalled.)
Ignore the tangential velocity. Useful for catapults, but not relevant here.
Quote from: Paul451 on 05/28/2021 10:14 amIgnore the tangential velocity. Useful for catapults, but not relevant here.The tangential velocity tells you how much delta-v the spacecraft needs to reserve for spin-up or spin-down. This is helpful for calculating the total mass penalty of the AG system, including fuel.
Quick question for our space guys;In lots of fiction/close to reality films including Stowaway, they depict rotating spaceships with each 'end' of the rotating ring being huge.Is there a reason for this? (Other than it looks cool?) is it something to do with speed? i.e the smaller the ring the faster it has to turn to achieve the same G levels?
Choosing the spin radius and rpm is a big part of the design concept. For me, I settled on R=100 m and 3.0 RPM a long time ago.
Quote from: spacester on 09/09/2021 06:13 pmChoosing the spin radius and rpm is a big part of the design concept. For me, I settled on R=100 m and 3.0 RPM a long time ago.If you go to 4 RPM, you cut the radius to 56m. Nearly half. Go to 6 RPM, radius drops to 25m, just a quarter. Why "settle" on 3?[Edit: Also, your design might suffer from the intermediate axis problem, depending on how heavy that extended core thing is.]
The simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage. Especially if you use a tether, you cannot control the dynamics. Pretty much a nightmare in that category.
Quote from: spacester on 09/09/2021 06:13 pmThe simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage. Especially if you use a tether, you cannot control the dynamics. Pretty much a nightmare in that category.I see this asserted pretty often, but without analysis to back it up. For example, see the attached papers on modelling the tether dynamics of the OEDIPUS-A experiment (where unexpected nutation was observed), and the subsequent OEDIPUS-C experiment that validated the model and confirmed stable spinning tether dynamics, using only design parameters to allow passive stability without active control.
Quote from: spacester on 09/10/2021 04:51 amAlso, I admit I like the slick math at 3 rpm - radius in m/100 equals gee force. Smaller radius designs are perfectly valid, but this design is firm on that choice.And that's what I suspected. You latched onto a size, you made the RPM match, then you retrospectively justified that RPM.It's what everyone does. Want giant station, "we must limit it to 1 RPM, see O'Neill". Feels too unrealistic? "2 RPM can be tolerated without adaptation, that's the obvious limit." Don't want a tether, "3 RPM can be tolerated by most people. Or was it 4? But definitely no more than that." I don't object to you wanting to pick an arbitrary size, just don't pretend it's "necessary", that it's based on science.And, IMO, if you stop pretending that the spin rate (and hence the size) is "necessary", you can also look at how to build up towards your final preferred size. Can you start smaller, but using the same modular components in lower quantities, and deliver a useful design earlier in the construction process? Can it be upgraded over time without significant disruption and dismantling? Even if it has to stop spinning to deploy new sections, can other maintenance and assembly work be done (safely) while spinning?
Also, I admit I like the slick math at 3 rpm - radius in m/100 equals gee force. Smaller radius designs are perfectly valid, but this design is firm on that choice.
We need to define what the artificial gravity is trying to achieve before designing spacestation.Here few ideas.1) long term living ie years with children. Need 1g at low RPM.2)keep astronaut health on extended trips of months may years. Probably 1/6g at higher RPMs.3) make daily activities like, eating, drinking going to bathroom more pleasant where gravity helps keep everything in its place. This could be for short stays where we aren't using it reduce bone and muscle loss. Need 1/10 or less at moderate RPM. Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
You know the spin-rate came from your design, not the other way around.
The first geometry that pops out is a dumbbell, two cylinders separated from each other by a relatively low mass connector. So two spent rocket stages connected by a tether.The simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage. Especially if you use a tether, you cannot control the dynamics. Pretty much a nightmare in that category.So you go to a rigid truss, that improves the spin control. But where are you mounting the thrusters to force that control? And what about a central hub, good idea or bad idea?So the dumbbell is replaced by...
Quote from: spacester on 09/09/2021 06:13 pmThe first geometry that pops out is a dumbbell, two cylinders separated from each other by a relatively low mass connector. So two spent rocket stages connected by a tether.The simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage. Especially if you use a tether, you cannot control the dynamics. Pretty much a nightmare in that category.So you go to a rigid truss, that improves the spin control. But where are you mounting the thrusters to force that control? And what about a central hub, good idea or bad idea?So the dumbbell is replaced by...So "nightmare" dynamics seems to be out.I don't see how "thrusters" and "central hub" are problems for a dumbbell configuration. Can you elaborate?
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/11/2021 02:22 amQuote from: spacester on 09/09/2021 06:13 pmThe first geometry that pops out is a dumbbell, two cylinders separated from each other by a relatively low mass connector. So two spent rocket stages connected by a tether.The simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage. Especially if you use a tether, you cannot control the dynamics. Pretty much a nightmare in that category.So you go to a rigid truss, that improves the spin control. But where are you mounting the thrusters to force that control? And what about a central hub, good idea or bad idea?So the dumbbell is replaced by...So "nightmare" dynamics seems to be out.I don't see how "thrusters" and "central hub" are problems for a dumbbell configuration. Can you elaborate?Basically all I am saying - besides trying to do a crash course on the concept of mass distribution for the OP - is that as a designer I see problems I cannot solve. They also are problems I have not seen anyone else solve. Maybe there are solutions, but I am going to move on and work on stuff I understand. If someone here knows how to guarantee that a dumbbell design's dynamics challenges can be met, I am all ears.So I have two cylinders and a tether. I need thrusters somewhere, yes? No? How no? So where exactly do I put these thrusters? What orientation are my cylinders at? How does that get the job done? How do I make the whole thing rotate and not lose control over the parts? If the tether goes slack, how exactly do we react? How we make sure we do not overcompensate when bringing the tether back into tension and thus snap the tether? Can we live with so much active control that life will always be on the edge? Inherent stability is to be desired, yes?
Hub or no hub? I dunno, is there an obvious answer I am missing? Maybe so, this is the first time I have thought about this configuration in years. I simply am saying I have little basis to know whether the hub makes the dynamics better or worse.
If everything I am worried about is no big deal, great. (But what about nutation and precession and what not.)
Citation? Failed flight tests with tethers, and the end of experiments with tethers, does that not count?
Replace the tether with a truss and it gets more manageable. The mass of the two will be very close to the same. I am sure some of you guys are working on that, can we get an update?
Do you mean why is the radius large? There is evidence that a small radius would make people feel nauseous because the force would be different between head and toes, and there would be weird effects to you balance sense when you turn your head.Here is a nice youtube clip that talks about the issues and makes a guess at how small a radius we could get away with:(but generally speaking, the bigger, the more comfortably earthlike the sensation of gravity would be.. we don't know for certain what radius humans would readily adapt to)
Hey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline.
So I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions. Guys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling. I make zero statements about how anything has to be done "my way", I simply have decided on "a" way. I do not know if and when that becomes acceptable to y'all. I would rather sooner than later.
Every wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.
Do I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started. [snip]
The Tubes are fabricated from flat-packed walls that are 9 m long and the half meter of water and PE thick. These monsters are wrangled together and assembled. They will be delivered with partial water loads, nominally the outer tanks only will be full (sealed) and the other two empty, pending completed construction followed by filling the radiation shield tanks with perhaps extra-terrestrial water. Maybe just the outer tank being full is enough for LEO but as soon as we boost it to cis-lunar space we want to fill those other two tanks up.
It is an enormous amount of water, and the design is not based on minimizing the water. It's called Aquarius because it is a water bearer. The comparison you ask for is not really relevant to my design process. (a waste of time from my point of view). There are programmatic benefits from the choice I made.If maximizing the effect of water shielding is chosen as a primary design driver, that is a different design project. Whip out your alternative and let's compare. You will find me quite receptive to alternate ideas. Just please understand that certain changes constitute a not-Aquarius project. Which is great, just not Aquarius.
The central, founding, over-arching design imperative of Aquarius is comfort and safety. This led me to produce a design with absolutely every interior space being nearly equally well shielded with the half meter of hydrogen rich material. So all the habs and tubes and nodes and chutes and octo-walls all have that jacket.And there are not only no windows, but no penetrations of the stainless steel skin anywhere on the habs, nodes, chutes and tubes. Two continuous skins of stainless, not even one bulkhead fitting anywhere below the central hub. All of it is "safe haven storm shelter". The flat walls of the central hub ("octowalls") will have plenty of bulkhead fittings, because you gotta have them.No windows? Not sorry. The view would kinda suck anyway. Think about it.
edit: i just read your tag line at the end of your posts. Yeah, that.
Hey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline....Every wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.
Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amHey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline.Agreed, the shortage of good publications on the subject is appalling.If you're comfortable with about twice the levels of Ramsar, Iran (260 mSv/yr), you can achieve 470 mSv/year with about 20 g/cm^2 of polyethylene or water (Table 6a, p25). For a 40 year old male on a 6+6 month Mars round-trip, that's an extra 2% risk of death from cancer. This is probably acceptable IMO, despite the inevitable media hand-wringing over the "10x the allowable dose for radiation workers" sound bite.For a spherical station with an interior volume of say 23,423 m3 (r = 17.75 m3), that's 800 tonnes of shielding, or 1,000 tonnes for double spheres (r = 14.1 m). For a torus (R = 100 m, r = 3.4 m), it jumps to 2,800 tonnes of shielding.This extra 1800-2000 tones of mass also requires additional structural mass to support it, more resupply propellant to push it (including precess its axis of rotation), etc. And upmass ain't free, even with Starship.This (for me) is one of the major appeals of barbell-type AG.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amSo I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions. Guys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling. I make zero statements about how anything has to be done "my way", I simply have decided on "a" way. I do not know if and when that becomes acceptable to y'all. I would rather sooner than later.That's fair, and I have no problem with it. But what you said was "the simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage," and then went on to cite a bunch of (apparently non-existent) issues.Glad we have cleared up the miscommunication!Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amEvery wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.A half-meter (~40 g/cm2) doesn't do much beyond a quarter meter (~20 g/cm2) according to Table 6a linked above.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amDo I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started. [snip]You don't have to prove anything to anyone (of course), but you were the one saying that other types of designs were unworkable. That was the bit I took exception to.All water under the bridge now. Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe Tubes are fabricated from flat-packed walls that are 9 m long and the half meter of water and PE thick. These monsters are wrangled together and assembled. They will be delivered with partial water loads, nominally the outer tanks only will be full (sealed) and the other two empty, pending completed construction followed by filling the radiation shield tanks with perhaps extra-terrestrial water. Maybe just the outer tank being full is enough for LEO but as soon as we boost it to cis-lunar space we want to fill those other two tanks up.Water tanks are nice (vs PE) because they can be filled up and emptied without much human intervention. Water tanks are bad because they can leak water all over your ship without much human intervention. Water is slightly less mass efficient than PE, but only slightly.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amIt is an enormous amount of water, and the design is not based on minimizing the water. It's called Aquarius because it is a water bearer. The comparison you ask for is not really relevant to my design process. (a waste of time from my point of view). There are programmatic benefits from the choice I made.If maximizing the effect of water shielding is chosen as a primary design driver, that is a different design project. Whip out your alternative and let's compare. You will find me quite receptive to alternate ideas. Just please understand that certain changes constitute a not-Aquarius project. Which is great, just not Aquarius.Point of clarification: is Aquarius supposed to be a space station, or a water delivery tanker ("water bearer" + no intent to minimize water mass)?Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe central, founding, over-arching design imperative of Aquarius is comfort and safety. This led me to produce a design with absolutely every interior space being nearly equally well shielded with the half meter of hydrogen rich material. So all the habs and tubes and nodes and chutes and octo-walls all have that jacket.And there are not only no windows, but no penetrations of the stainless steel skin anywhere on the habs, nodes, chutes and tubes. Two continuous skins of stainless, not even one bulkhead fitting anywhere below the central hub. All of it is "safe haven storm shelter". The flat walls of the central hub ("octowalls") will have plenty of bulkhead fittings, because you gotta have them.No windows? Not sorry. The view would kinda suck anyway. Think about it.Comfort's an "over-arching design imperative" and nice transparent water for shielding. Why no windows?Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/12/2021 08:49 pmQuote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amHey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline.Agreed, the shortage of good publications on the subject is appalling.If you're comfortable with about twice the levels of Ramsar, Iran (260 mSv/yr), you can achieve 470 mSv/year with about 20 g/cm^2 of polyethylene or water (Table 6a, p25). For a 40 year old male on a 6+6 month Mars round-trip, that's an extra 2% risk of death from cancer. This is probably acceptable IMO, despite the inevitable media hand-wringing over the "10x the allowable dose for radiation workers" sound bite.For a spherical station with an interior volume of say 23,423 m3 (r = 17.75 m3), that's 800 tonnes of shielding, or 1,000 tonnes for double spheres (r = 14.1 m). For a torus (R = 100 m, r = 3.4 m), it jumps to 2,800 tonnes of shielding.This extra 1800-2000 tones of mass also requires additional structural mass to support it, more resupply propellant to push it (including precess its axis of rotation), etc. And upmass ain't free, even with Starship.This (for me) is one of the major appeals of barbell-type AG.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amSo I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions. Guys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling. I make zero statements about how anything has to be done "my way", I simply have decided on "a" way. I do not know if and when that becomes acceptable to y'all. I would rather sooner than later.That's fair, and I have no problem with it. But what you said was "the simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage," and then went on to cite a bunch of (apparently non-existent) issues.Glad we have cleared up the miscommunication!Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amEvery wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.A half-meter (~40 g/cm2) doesn't do much beyond a quarter meter (~20 g/cm2) according to Table 6a linked above.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amDo I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started. [snip]You don't have to prove anything to anyone (of course), but you were the one saying that other types of designs were unworkable. That was the bit I took exception to.All water under the bridge now. Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe Tubes are fabricated from flat-packed walls that are 9 m long and the half meter of water and PE thick. These monsters are wrangled together and assembled. They will be delivered with partial water loads, nominally the outer tanks only will be full (sealed) and the other two empty, pending completed construction followed by filling the radiation shield tanks with perhaps extra-terrestrial water. Maybe just the outer tank being full is enough for LEO but as soon as we boost it to cis-lunar space we want to fill those other two tanks up.Water tanks are nice (vs PE) because they can be filled up and emptied without much human intervention. Water tanks are bad because they can leak water all over your ship without much human intervention. Water is slightly less mass efficient than PE, but only slightly.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amIt is an enormous amount of water, and the design is not based on minimizing the water. It's called Aquarius because it is a water bearer. The comparison you ask for is not really relevant to my design process. (a waste of time from my point of view). There are programmatic benefits from the choice I made.If maximizing the effect of water shielding is chosen as a primary design driver, that is a different design project. Whip out your alternative and let's compare. You will find me quite receptive to alternate ideas. Just please understand that certain changes constitute a not-Aquarius project. Which is great, just not Aquarius.Point of clarification: is Aquarius supposed to be a space station, or a water delivery tanker ("water bearer" + no intent to minimize water mass)?Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe central, founding, over-arching design imperative of Aquarius is comfort and safety. This led me to produce a design with absolutely every interior space being nearly equally well shielded with the half meter of hydrogen rich material. So all the habs and tubes and nodes and chutes and octo-walls all have that jacket.And there are not only no windows, but no penetrations of the stainless steel skin anywhere on the habs, nodes, chutes and tubes. Two continuous skins of stainless, not even one bulkhead fitting anywhere below the central hub. All of it is "safe haven storm shelter". The flat walls of the central hub ("octowalls") will have plenty of bulkhead fittings, because you gotta have them.No windows? Not sorry. The view would kinda suck anyway. Think about it.Comfort's an "over-arching design imperative" and nice transparent water for shielding. Why no windows?Moving shadows right? That's one of the big reasons I favor aligning/precessing the spin axis toward the Sun. If desired, you could even have lightweight film mirrors to reflect sunlight in the windows from a higher elevation angle.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amedit: i just read your tag line at the end of your posts. Yeah, that.Not a flashy design quote, but a good one. Guess who? No Google that's cheating. Hint: the root word "design" (but not in that grammatical form) appears his most famous work (one that he didn't actually write)...
Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amHey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline.Agreed, the shortage of good publications on the subject is appalling.If you're comfortable with about twice the levels of Ramsar, Iran (260 mSv/yr), you can achieve 470 mSv/year with about 20 g/cm^2 of polyethylene or water (Table 6a, p25). For a 40 year old male on a 6+6 month Mars round-trip, that's an extra 2% risk of death from cancer. This is probably acceptable IMO, despite the inevitable media hand-wringing over the "10x the allowable dose for radiation workers" sound bite.For a spherical station with an interior volume of say 23,423 m3 (r = 17.75 m3), that's 800 tonnes of shielding, or 1,000 tonnes for double spheres (r = 14.1 m). For a torus (R = 100 m, r = 3.4 m), it jumps to 2,800 tonnes of shielding.This extra 1800-2000 tones of mass also requires additional structural mass to support it, more resupply propellant to push it (including precess its axis of rotation), etc. And upmass ain't free, even with Starship.This (for me) is one of the major appeals of barbell-type AG.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amSo I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions. Guys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling. I make zero statements about how anything has to be done "my way", I simply have decided on "a" way. I do not know if and when that becomes acceptable to y'all. I would rather sooner than later.That's fair, and I have no problem with it. But what you said was "the simple dumbbell does not even make it to back of napkin design stage," and then went on to cite a bunch of (apparently non-existent) issues.Glad we have cleared up the miscommunication!Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amEvery wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.A half-meter (~40 g/cm2) doesn't do much beyond a quarter meter (~20 g/cm2) according to Table 6a linked above.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amDo I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started. [snip]You don't have to prove anything to anyone (of course), but you were the one saying that other types of designs were unworkable. That was the bit I took exception to.All water under the bridge now. Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe Tubes are fabricated from flat-packed walls that are 9 m long and the half meter of water and PE thick. These monsters are wrangled together and assembled. They will be delivered with partial water loads, nominally the outer tanks only will be full (sealed) and the other two empty, pending completed construction followed by filling the radiation shield tanks with perhaps extra-terrestrial water. Maybe just the outer tank being full is enough for LEO but as soon as we boost it to cis-lunar space we want to fill those other two tanks up.Water tanks are nice (vs PE) because they can be filled up and emptied without much human intervention. Water tanks are bad because they can leak water all over your ship without much human intervention. Water is slightly less mass efficient than PE, but only slightly.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amIt is an enormous amount of water, and the design is not based on minimizing the water. It's called Aquarius because it is a water bearer. The comparison you ask for is not really relevant to my design process. (a waste of time from my point of view). There are programmatic benefits from the choice I made.If maximizing the effect of water shielding is chosen as a primary design driver, that is a different design project. Whip out your alternative and let's compare. You will find me quite receptive to alternate ideas. Just please understand that certain changes constitute a not-Aquarius project. Which is great, just not Aquarius.Point of clarification: is Aquarius supposed to be a space station, or a water delivery tanker ("water bearer" + no intent to minimize water mass)?Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amThe central, founding, over-arching design imperative of Aquarius is comfort and safety. This led me to produce a design with absolutely every interior space being nearly equally well shielded with the half meter of hydrogen rich material. So all the habs and tubes and nodes and chutes and octo-walls all have that jacket.And there are not only no windows, but no penetrations of the stainless steel skin anywhere on the habs, nodes, chutes and tubes. Two continuous skins of stainless, not even one bulkhead fitting anywhere below the central hub. All of it is "safe haven storm shelter". The flat walls of the central hub ("octowalls") will have plenty of bulkhead fittings, because you gotta have them.No windows? Not sorry. The view would kinda suck anyway. Think about it.Comfort's an "over-arching design imperative" and nice transparent water for shielding. Why no windows?Moving shadows right? That's one of the big reasons I favor aligning/precessing the spin axis toward the Sun. If desired, you could even have lightweight film mirrors to reflect sunlight in the windows from a higher elevation angle.Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amedit: i just read your tag line at the end of your posts. Yeah, that.Not a flashy design quote, but a good one. Guess who? No Google that's cheating. Hint: the root word "design" (but not in that grammatical form) appears his most famous work (one that he didn't actually write)...
Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amHey you asked a question, thank you. You seem interested in the efficacy of the shielding, and see that the surface area to volume ratio can be improved by certain other design decisions. No doubt.Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer. IOW I have never found a reference that says: well we don't know for sure, but it looks like we need this much plastic and this much water and here's how you would add lead foil to the mix and if you did that, you would have this level of safety and so let's use that as a baseline....Every wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.This looks very promising. I thought it would require much more thickness, but also I was thinking of a simple single material PE. I was under the impression that it was better at blocking radiation than water. What made you think of the multi-layer approach? Also I read that the aluminum on the ISS actually made the radiation problem slightly worse because of secondary radiation from aluminum molecules being hit. Does this not apply to stainless steel? What is the purpose of the stainless steel?
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/12/2021 08:49 pm[snip]Cool. I apologize for the lack of respect for the simplest designs. I see that I should not have used the word dumbbell.
Just like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer.
So I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions.
Guys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling.
Do I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started.
Dumbbell configuration seems to be the AG implementation with "nothing left to take away."
Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 am[...] I just don't understand what your structure looks like? Wheel? Star? Tube? What?
Quote from: spacester on 09/12/2021 04:00 amJust like with AG itself, when I search for wisdom on the subject, I find very little hard guidance for a designer.Since there are no artificial gravity space stations yet, there is zero professional designers for such structures. All there is is concepts, which may or may not be grounded in reality.QuoteSo I did my research and made a design choice. I admit I did not ask the permission of my fellow posters here to make this design decision, even though I knew well that you do not accept my authority to make such decisions.What? I hope this was an attempt at humor, because NO ONE on NSF can claim to be an "authority" for rotating space stations that generate artificial gravity. And there are plenty of us that have spent a LOT of time not just working on plans, but discussing and debating many approaches.You have visited the various NSF threads for rotating space stations and spaceships? Because until someone actually builds a 1st generation rotating space station that generates some degree of artificial gravity, we're all just proffering our opinions. Just as you are.QuoteGuys, if no one else has done this before maybe you should let me get the ball rolling.You're kinda late to be volunteering to "get the ball rolling". The ball has been rolling for MANY years on NSF on this topic. Welcome to the club! QuoteEvery wall between the people and space consists of half a meter of polyethylene and water. The PE forms three nested tanks each of about 150mm thick walls of water, with a stainless steel skin inside and out, and metal foil between the PE tanks. This presents a path with more than 10 interfaces between materials and a pretty good gauntlet of hydrogen rich material for the particles to penetrate if they want to damage the ugly bags of mostly water inside.You're not the first to suggest using polyethylene - ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE, UHMW) is a popular proposed construction material. I have designs that based on using Dyneema, but my stations are not planned for use in Earth orbit, where atmospheric oxygen attacks varieties of polyethylene.I just don't understand what your structure looks like? Wheel? Star? Tube? What?Water bags. Sure. But adding weight is one thing, building a structure that can handle that weight is something else.QuoteDo I stand ready to *PROVE* that is the absolute best and only possible choice? Of course not, silly people. But I did my research and I crunched some numbers and got a result and am going with it to get things started.Enough chest beating. Remember that until someone actually builds a rotating space station, and it works, then EVERYONE is just spitballing. You, me, and everyone else. Which means we ALL have opinions about what works and what doesn't - get used to it.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/11/2021 02:22 amDumbbell configuration seems to be the AG implementation with "nothing left to take away."Or variations like the simple baton.For example, taking Spacester's proposal: Using the rectangular panels in his eight, square-cross-section, "apartment tubes" you can build a hexadecagonal-cross-section baton with the same overall length. Same surface area (for radiation/MMOD shielding) but you now get 180 square metres of space on each floor, instead of 72 sq_metres (in 9 sq_metre sections). Same 2.5x increase in volume. And IMO, vastly more usable volume. (Or reduce the mass/surface area by 40% if you only want the same volume. Although still in a much more usable, open form.) The "chutes" are eliminated entirely. As are most of the tensile cables and support structure. As are the weird telescoping rings. That mass can either be skipped entirely, or substituted for more construction material to make the main baton larger/wider. [Also, the hub can now be in the plane of rotation, as can the "process" modules, improving the mass distribution.]Cover the sun-facing side with thin-film solar panels, offset from the baton to serve as a sun-shade, cover the back-side with radiators. (Given that it's an AG structure, might be able to get away with spiral droplet-radiators for greater mass-efficiency.)The baton also makes your infrastructure easier. Running ECLSS and utilities through Spacester's design would be a nightmare.I've included an artist's render of the station, below. Along with an earlier, hexagonal octagonal pathfinder station.
So the design basis for Aquarius is a ring station.
Notably, no where on Aquarius have I used expandable structures. Except that these hab modules are designed to squeeze into the Starship payload envelope, and launch as three nested circular cylinders with half-meter walls of PE and water. After delivery they are expanded axially...
...but this is a bridgework structure designed to last 200 years, not a Hollywood concept.
I drew up plans for a rotating space station or it could easily be a space ship, just add appropriate thrusters to the non-rotating hub. Download complete description SpaceStation.pdf attached.
Quote from: spacester on 09/13/2021 05:34 pmSo the design basis for Aquarius is a ring station.Ring designs are very popular, though until we actually build such stations we have no idea if they are practical.One of the things that catches my attention with them is how much mass they require per volume of usable space. In contrast, O'Neill cylinders are much more mass efficient - though I personally don't think O'Neill cylinders are buildable.But hey, as long as we are debating theoretical designs here, we might as well have some way to measure them, and volume of usable space per mass of structure is one way. Other measurements to consider is the ability to survive collisions with space debris, or how many unique components need to be designed, since the more complexity you have the more costly the design likely is, and the more costly to maintain it once operational.QuoteNotably, no where on Aquarius have I used expandable structures. Except that these hab modules are designed to squeeze into the Starship payload envelope, and launch as three nested circular cylinders with half-meter walls of PE and water. After delivery they are expanded axially...Yeah, I think you contradicted yourself there. And when I saw your design the first thing I thought was that you were using nested cylinders that expand out. Which is a novel idea, but has the same limitations as other expandable structures, in that now you have to have outfit the insides, and outfitting in space is harder and more costly than outfitting on Earth. An alternative would be to build all the modules on Earth and then ship them to orbit - it would likely use less launches than having to launch the parts and workers to outfit them in space. Something to consider...Quote...but this is a bridgework structure designed to last 200 years, not a Hollywood concept.You keep trying to distinguish your concepts from the concepts of "Hollywood". Until your design goes through an engineering review it is just a concept, no more or no less probable than "Hollywood" concepts. Same with my designs too.As to service life, what we are all proposing are 1st generation rotating space stations, and none of them are truly big enough for colonies, so it would be unlikely that any 1st generation rotating space station would need to stay operational very long before it was superseded by a 2nd generation design that is a major improvement. Just a thought...
No expandability EXCEPT the stretching out of the hab payloads.
On complexity of parts, Aquarius will score very well indeed. This is not a science lab like ISS and EVAs are going to be very rare. KISS applies.
Structural design is not rocket surgery.
I have experience in heavy steel fab and I have run some numbers and what I have is almost certainly over-designed. Certainly a professional analysis would be great but in the meantime we can proceed from conceptual design with no numbers to preliminary design with numbers. Structural revisions should be only favorable.
The distinction with Hollywood is about looking at their hardware and seeing a need for unobtanium while I am an engineer working with good old stainless steel and used to "when in doubt, build it stout." It is not about probability of actually getting built. Too soon for that discussion.
Of course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station?
Quote from: spacester on 09/13/2021 06:43 pmNo expandability EXCEPT the stretching out of the hab payloads.I was just pointing out that expanding by stretching is still expanding. No need to split hairs... QuoteOn complexity of parts, Aquarius will score very well indeed. This is not a science lab like ISS and EVAs are going to be very rare. KISS applies.Of course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station? The space equivalent of mountain climbing, but with far more equipment. Which is why I foresee the need for robotic systems for doing "outside" maintenance on rotating space stations - which requires some technological improvements, but not a lot.QuoteStructural design is not rocket surgery.Right. Structural design is not truck driving either. Luckily we don't need to find imperfect analogies when the original thing works fine. Structural design is like structural design. Next!QuoteI have experience in heavy steel fab and I have run some numbers and what I have is almost certainly over-designed. Certainly a professional analysis would be great but in the meantime we can proceed from conceptual design with no numbers to preliminary design with numbers. Structural revisions should be only favorable.Since we're all working on concepts, there is no need to sweat design optimization, because that does come later.QuoteThe distinction with Hollywood is about looking at their hardware and seeing a need for unobtanium while I am an engineer working with good old stainless steel and used to "when in doubt, build it stout." It is not about probability of actually getting built. Too soon for that discussion.The reason I mention it is that I think you are focused on something that doesn't matter, which makes it seem like you are trying to shift focus from your own design. Everyone should know that science FICTION is FICTION, and that entertainment shows are NOT sources of information about potential space hardware, but just sources of entertainment.Rotating space stations will require engineering that has never been done before, but luckily a lot of the physics are known. I think the hardest part will be in keeping the rotating structure in a stable rotation, because I have yet to find a way for free-floating rotating structures to stop wobbling on their own.And rotating structures will wobble, for many reasons, so I've been spending time working on what I hope are simple active control systems that don't use a lot of consumables.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 03:03 amOf course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station?Same as you do on any tall industrial structure, walkways. Or do you leave it off and just hope that you never need it?
My point on structural design was in response to you seeming to say that until a professional design review is done we don't know anything. Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 03:03 amUntil your design goes through an engineering review it is just a concept, no more or no less probable than "Hollywood" concepts"I reject that. We know what we know, I know what I know, you know what you know, math is math and steel is steel. Do the math, apply a factor of safety, use that result until the design is more mature.
Until your design goes through an engineering review it is just a concept, no more or no less probable than "Hollywood" concepts"
I did the math so I am working with an engineering model. You want to restrict me to conceptual models only. Homie don't play that.
Hollywood does not...
We are on the same page with the wobbling question. I have taken great care in the construction design to allow for a very precisely balanced structure, and am going to get the moments of inertia fixed, but yeah, from what I understand there will be wobble no matter what. How hard it is to correct is very much guesswork for me at this time.
I do not see it as a showstopper by any means, whatever wobble we get will simply be included in the package of things people are going to need to get used to, along with the Coriolis. It's not like anyone is going to forget they are on a spinning ship.
As you say, how much active control is needed and the propellant cost is a big unknown. I can tell you that when I went to calculate the spin-up propellant needed for a fully equipped Aquarius, I did not like or believe the result. It's a lot. It will likely be desired to spin it up once and never stop spinning after that.
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.
I will doff my cap to anyone who tackles the math of wobble correction control theory. I could possibly do it myself but it would take way too much time.
Quote from: spacester on 09/14/2021 04:52 amAs you say, how much active control is needed and the propellant cost is a big unknown. I can tell you that when I went to calculate the spin-up propellant needed for a fully equipped Aquarius, I did not like or believe the result. It's a lot. It will likely be desired to spin it up once and never stop spinning after that.Not surprised at your result. I suggest a quote from Archimedes that I think is valuable for solving this particular problem?Quote from: ArchimedesGive me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.In other words, mount your engines out beyond the diameter of the station. For instance, instead of chemical engines you can use Solar electric propulsion (SEP) on cables mounted around the perimeter of your station (hung off the "bottom" of the station). You'll only need 10% of the propellant, and time-wise it may not take that much longer considering the supply chain for refilling your chemical rocket engines.Quote from: spacesterI will doff my cap to anyone who tackles the math of wobble correction control theory. I could possibly do it myself but it would take way too much time.I think the control system will be easy. The hard part is generating the physical inputs to counteract the wobble.
[...] and it should be clear that current generation spacesuits [...]
Quote from: spacester on 09/14/2021 04:52 amMy point on structural design was in response to you seeming to say that until a professional design review is done we don't know anything. Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 03:03 amUntil your design goes through an engineering review it is just a concept, no more or no less probable than "Hollywood" concepts"I reject that. We know what we know, I know what I know, you know what you know, math is math and steel is steel. Do the math, apply a factor of safety, use that result until the design is more mature.First of all please learn to use HTML quotes, that way you don't have such a long post. Notice how most other people are able to cut out sections of text that aren't needed?As to what you quoted from me, as far as interactions here on NSF my comment stands. You might be an engineering genius in real life, but here on NSF you are just poster "spacester", and no one knows if you know what you are talking about. Sorry.QuoteI did the math so I am working with an engineering model. You want to restrict me to conceptual models only. Homie don't play that.Well Homie, you can do whatever you want on NSF, but that doesn't mean anyone has to believe you. That is my point. And I don't expect everyone to believe me - just ask Paul451, who is someone I have come to know over many years, and although I don't always agree with him, I've come to value his input and ideas. But he certainly doesn't agree with everything I write (see above).QuoteHollywood does not...You have a thing about comparing yourself to Hollywood. Just an observation, since I don't recall anyone else on NSF so concerned about how they are perceived against the entertainment industry in Southern California.My assumption is that the first successful 1st generation rotating space stations won't look like anything we see in movies. Which shouldn't bother anyone building rotating space stations, since they were never competing with the graphic artists trying to make entertainment.QuoteWe are on the same page with the wobbling question. I have taken great care in the construction design to allow for a very precisely balanced structure, and am going to get the moments of inertia fixed, but yeah, from what I understand there will be wobble no matter what. How hard it is to correct is very much guesswork for me at this time.You can design to the nth degree for balance, but once you put in humans and supplies, and people are walking around, and liquids are moving around the station, and hundreds of various inputs, the station won't be perfectly balanced. Some (not all) of that can probably be counteracted with moveable masses on the station itself, and propellant could be used too, but I'm hoping to find solutions that can take into account worst case scenarios. Too early to know if I've found them, so not talking about them yet.QuoteI do not see it as a showstopper by any means, whatever wobble we get will simply be included in the package of things people are going to need to get used to, along with the Coriolis. It's not like anyone is going to forget they are on a spinning ship.The studies I've seen (probably from Paul451) suggest that Coriolis force should not be a factor for humans, in that they should adapt fairly quickly, even on short diameter stations. Not sure I've seen any studies on wobble, so I can only guess that it would be kind of like being on a ship in heavy swells.QuoteAs you say, how much active control is needed and the propellant cost is a big unknown. I can tell you that when I went to calculate the spin-up propellant needed for a fully equipped Aquarius, I did not like or believe the result. It's a lot. It will likely be desired to spin it up once and never stop spinning after that.Not surprised at your result. I suggest a quote from Archimedes that I think is valuable for solving this particular problem?QuoteGive me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.In other words, mount your engines out beyond the diameter of the station. For instance, instead of chemical engines you can use Solar electric propulsion (SEP) on cables mounted around the perimeter of your station (hung off the "bottom" of the station). You'll only need 10% of the propellant, and time-wise it may not take that much longer considering the supply chain for refilling your chemical rocket engines.QuoteI will doff my cap to anyone who tackles the math of wobble correction control theory. I could possibly do it myself but it would take way too much time.I think the control system will be easy. The hard part is generating the physical inputs to counteract the wobble.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 05:17 am[...] and it should be clear that current generation spacesuits [...]"Doctor, it hurts when I do this..."We are either building better suits, or we aren't building much anywhere in space beyond a few pre-built modules berthed together.
If you show me you are capable of reading my entire sentence before knee-jerking and cherry picking and firing off your rebuttal and refutation, I will do you the honor of breaking out the quotes.
When you ignore the answers, you are being intellectually dishonest.
When you pretend that math is only opinion, I just have to laugh.
As to the moment arm thing, are you telling me that we can produce more angular momentum from the same amount of propellant by increasing the distance of the thruster from the spin axis? Are you sure about that?
I have designed the assembly and welding of Aquarius to be done with robotic arms operated by humans with direct line of sight supervision, in shirtsleeves. Payload zero provides that capability.
Quote from: spacester on 09/13/2021 06:43 pmOn complexity of parts, Aquarius will score very well indeed. This is not a science lab like ISS and EVAs are going to be very rare. KISS applies.Of course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station? The space equivalent of mountain climbing, but with far more equipment. Which is why I foresee the need for robotic systems...
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 03:03 amQuote from: spacester on 09/13/2021 06:43 pmOn complexity of parts, Aquarius will score very well indeed. This is not a science lab like ISS and EVAs are going to be very rare. KISS applies.Of course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station? The space equivalent of mountain climbing, but with far more equipment. Which is why I foresee the need for robotic systems......or a window-washing platform.
Quote from: spacester on 09/14/2021 07:01 amIf you show me you are capable of reading my entire sentence before knee-jerking and cherry picking and firing off your rebuttal and refutation, I will do you the honor of breaking out the quotes.Great, start now. I read your whole post on a 27" monitor, but many NSF members read posts on their mobile devices, so you are disrespecting THEM, not me, by loading your posts up with non-value added text. Because they know where to read the original post, which is why you don't have to completely copy it. Time to stop being a newbie Homie...
We all have OPINIONS, and we can also have facts. But "answers" are not necessarily facts. And your opinions about your designs are just that, opinions. Same as my opinions about my designs are just opinions. You may think they are facts, but since we can't judge your work we have to treat them like opinions. That is just how the internet works.
"until your design goes through an engineering review it is just a concept, no more or no less probable than "Hollywood" concepts"
One fact is that I presented a comprehensive design with specifications resulting from doing basic math. There is a CAD model and text descriptions of the design concept and execution.
Another fact is that after all those years of arguing with each other here you have produced no comparable work product, even on a solo basis. If that is not a fact, just show me where to find it.
And maybe explain why you are incapable of judging my work. Unwilling, I get, but incapable?
(snip)There are LOTS of proposed designs for LOTS of things. At the end of the day though, if they can't get built then it doesn't matter. Hence my shift in focus to things that have a chance in getting built.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/15/2021 02:30 am(snip)There are LOTS of proposed designs for LOTS of things. At the end of the day though, if they can't get built then it doesn't matter. Hence my shift in focus to things that have a chance in getting built.Newbie? I registered here in 2005.
I stayed away for years, lurking and waiting. Even with the rise of SpaceX my ideas were too big and too speculative.
I kept my eye open for AG threads, I may have missed one.
And maybe there was one where people got along and worked together but I missed it.
...but most people on the forums are not interested in the future like I am.
I am here to get stuff done. This threatens you. It shouldn't.
But that thing you just did there with the quotes? I call that cherry picking.
I applaud your wanting to work on things that get built. We do too, I have to suppose. But I want to collaborate.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/14/2021 10:34 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 03:03 amQuote from: spacester on 09/13/2021 06:43 pmOn complexity of parts, Aquarius will score very well indeed. This is not a science lab like ISS and EVAs are going to be very rare. KISS applies.Of course EVA's are going to rare, since how do you do an EVA on the exterior of a rotating space station? The space equivalent of mountain climbing, but with far more equipment. Which is why I foresee the need for robotic systems......or a window-washing platform.Sure, you can dangle someone down the outside of the station. But there is still the challenge of them being in a spacesuit that is likely as heavy as they are, or heavier, and the inflatable nature of those suits makes work difficult.Not sure why there is so much resistance to the idea that we'll use robotic systems. In fact they would use teleoperation since humans can be nearby.
Ron, you have blundered with this moment arm thing. You are making it look like you never took a physics class. It's called conservation of angular momentum. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Rocket impulse transfers energy and momentum to the station. A given thrust will apply more torque at a greater moment arm, but work equals force times distance and since the work being done on the station by the rocket has to travel a longer distance over the same elapsed time the net effect is no change. The amount of impulse coming out the back of that rocket, ignoring losses, is the amount of impulse added to the rotational inertia (angular momentum) of the station, no matter where you mount it.You go ahead and stick with Archimedes, I will go with Newton.
Placing thrusters as far from the satellite’s center of mass as possible gives them a larger moment arm and allows them to exert a greater torque for a given force. This is evident from the important concept we saw earlier. The greater the distance over which a force is applied, the more torque is delivered from the same force.
Not sure why there is so much resistance to the idea that we'll use robotic systems. In fact they would use teleoperation since humans can be nearby.
Quote from: spacester on 09/15/2021 12:48 amRon, you have blundered with this moment arm thing. You are making it look like you never took a physics class. It's called conservation of angular momentum. [...] Rocket impulse transfers energy and momentum to the station. A given thrust will apply more torque at a greater moment arm, but work equals [...] So I can mount a thruster in-line with the center-of-mass (producing zero torque) and it will add the same amount of angular momentum? Because you said "no matter where you mount it." [...]Coastal Ron is right. Mount your thrusters twice as far from the CoM and you need half as much fuel to spin up, spin down, or precess your rotation axis in inertial space.
Ron, you have blundered with this moment arm thing. You are making it look like you never took a physics class. It's called conservation of angular momentum. [...] Rocket impulse transfers energy and momentum to the station. A given thrust will apply more torque at a greater moment arm, but work equals [...]
Don't mean to throw fuel on the fire, but I think spacester is correct[snip]In the simplest design, with the two thrusters dominating the total mass
If, on the other hand, the thrusters make up a negligible fraction of the total mass, then the moment of inertia remains unchanged regardless of where the thrusters are. It's true that moving the thrusters out further will yield a greater torque for a given thruster force
but it will have to apply that torque for longer (longer time and distance) to spin up to nominal speed.
QuotePlacing thrusters as far from the satellite’s center of mass as possible gives them a larger moment arm and allows them to exert a greater torque for a given force. This is evident from the important concept we saw earlier. The greater the distance over which a force is applied, the more torque is delivered from the same force.
If you are discussing energy, then really the rotational kinetic energy equation that I posted above is all that matters.
QuoteIf you are discussing energy, then really the rotational kinetic energy equation that I posted above is all that matters.Ooops! My bad! I overlooked the very pertinent point that rockets are not simply magical machines that convert stored energy perfectly into kinetic energy of a payload.[...snip...]
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/14/2021 11:19 pmNot sure why there is so much resistance to the idea that we'll use robotic systems. In fact they would use teleoperation since humans can be nearby.Same reason I'm not counting on fusion to save the day. People have been promising me this since I first took an interest in space development as a child.
I've been watching all the demonstrations on lab-robots, and seen advances in actual useful robots, but the reality is the closest thing we have to "robot assembly and maintenance in space" is the Canadarm.
Sure, we might get there, one day. Musk might sprinkle his magic dust over that woman in a lycra suit and turn her into a useful product. And fusion might happen. Or nanobots and self-assembling smart-dust. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it existing.
Perhaps i misunderstood. I was under the impression that y'all were discussing minimizing energy, not thruster fire time.
If you are discussing energy, then really the rotational kinetic energy equation that I posted above is all that matters. You can choose to build up that energy over a short firing time with a strong thruster or a long period of time with weak thrusters, but the total energy expense is the same.
I presented the two limiting cases, one where the thrusters have no mass, in which case it doesn't matter how far away you place them
and secondarily one in which the thrusters dominate the mass in which it absolutely matters how far away you place the thrusters and you're much better off by placing them close in.
Any realistic scenario will lie somewhere between those two limiting cases., Meaning that you're definitely not better off from an energy standpoint by moving the thrusters further out. There is no way getting around this. If, you are instead trying to minimize thruster firing time, then of course your analysis is correct.
Your ship is already spinning, right? So if you want to make it spin faster why would you put thrusters at the COG? You have turned a real world problem into a nonsense problem. You have made it a different physics problem. Forgive me for not covering all the nonsense scenarios.
That portion of the thrust which produces linear momentum will cancel out over a full revolution. So any (non-calculus) analysis needs to be done over a time period of a multiple of the rotational period so that this cancelling applies. If you go for an extra half revolution, you will get that much translation. But that is irrelevant to how the rpms are effected, which was the point, right?
So, wherever you put them except in the places where you know they won't work. Do I need to explain why you need multiple thrusters in radial symmetry?
So assuming you are not being intentionally idiotic
Ah but that is not the distance you use to calculate the work. It is a distance that would have been traversed anyway by a non burning rocket. The work imparted is related to the *extra* distance traveled as a result of the force's (F) application, expressed in the general work equation W = F * dWe need to solve the calculus problem to do this right, I am not up for that atm.
The work equation for this is W = F * deltadistance where we calculate the distance traveled minus the distance it would have traveled anyway, which we find from the starting rpm and ending rpm. (I think you are going to end up with a deltad / d term which is where your increased circumference cancels out the increased torque. Not sure.)
The energy of the rocket motor's exhaust does work on the space station's momentum. That is freshman engineering. People talk about energy a lot, but they do not get the concept of work. Work is force times distance. Try to get around that at your peril. Momentum is conserved. Physics 101.
This post was not as easy to write as I would want you to think, lol. I totally see why a person would think you get a better result from putting the thrust further out. I wrote a couple of paragraphs that ended up seemingly proving myself wrong. It was fun and a little scary, lol. But natural laws are my friends, the conservation laws are the best natural laws and I know that there is only so much energy in that rocket motor. You cannot just move your thruster and get more or less momentum from the universe.
The thrust is the same, the burn time is the same and the revolutions during that burn is the same. The torque - not the thrust force - has increased linearly with the moment arm. The distance traveled by the rocket has increased linearly as well. That sounds great, right? But you have to look at the extra distance traveled in the work equation.The reason you need the work equation is that you have conservation of both energy and momentum. The rocket has energy but the result we are looking for is in terms of momentum - and angular momentum at that (trying to steer clear of the complications there). You could do the full on physics problem solving both those equalities with the calculus, or you can thank James Watt and take the shortcut.This is why physics has the concept of work. The work equation is physics' way of connecting the concept of energy with the physical world we experience. It is not an optional approach, it is the way you solve problems just like this where you are converting energies with motion involved. I feel like I still have not written the paragraph needed to put this to bed, so debate away, that's my best shot for now.
Ooops! My bad! ... I messed this one up and didn't fully appreciate Twark_main's point. ... I now agree with Twark_main that placing the thrusters far out is best.
Nope. Wrong, wrong, and more wrong. Somehow you got more things wrong in this post than in your last post.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/15/2021 07:33 amQuotePlacing thrusters as far from the satellite’s center of mass as possible gives them a larger moment arm and allows them to exert a greater torque for a given force. This is evident from the important concept we saw earlier. The greater the distance over which a force is applied, the more torque is delivered from the same force. I studied that a bit, nice reference, bookmarked. The section quoted is the best choice here, well done. But it does not talk about propellant usage.
The relationship between the torque delivered and the change in rotation rate is not fully developed there. One must be careful with angular velocity and angular acceleration.
I do not dispute that the applied torque is increased by increased distance from the spin axis.
The stored chemical energy of a given amount of propellant is converted into kinetic energy out the back and a momentum vector to the front.
That momentum vector is expressed as a force vector, and that force vector gives us the torque we are applying to the spaceship. Yeah, we got a units problem here. And we need to fully understand the differences between linear and angular motion. The equations are similar but the differences are tricky.
So that's a full on college level bunch of work there. Or we can turn to the concept of work.I am confident that you cannot use the equations of motion to provide for free momentum just by changing your ship's geometry. In the extreme case you would use almost zero propellant to add all the momentum you want, which means you got free energy from somewhere. (momemtum ~ m * v and energy ~ m * v^2). TANSTAAFL
I already acknowledged my error and even attempted to explain my mistake
No "edu-ma-cators" 'round here, just a curmudgeonly old man...
So I'm not sure why you don't think robotics is such a barrier, especially when industrial robots have been commonplace for decades.
Aside: If Relativity Space's 3d printed metal fabrication process ends up being as revolutionary as it seems, then the only thing shipped up might be weld-wire and replacement weld-heads. And the whole design concept (not just spacester's, I mean everyone's) will need to be completely re-thought.
I'm not hostile to the idea of robotic innovation. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it already existing.
I'm not hostile to the idea of reusable rockets. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it already existing.
The key to using robotic systems to repair a spacecraft is to design the spacecraft to be repaired by robots. If you're using parts or connectors that require humans in spacesuits then you're doing it wrong.
Quote from: RonM on 09/16/2021 08:33 pmThe key to using robotic systems to repair a spacecraft is to design the spacecraft to be repaired by robots. If you're using parts or connectors that require humans in spacesuits then you're doing it wrong.The interesting question here though is do you want to be doing this only at the FRU level (such that you are basically only going to do module swaps or really easy cables, and return the modules to a workshop where humans will do the module repair), or get down to the boards and cables themselves. Elon Musk, in retrospect over the "alien juggernaut" debacle at Tesla, mentioned that using robotics for cables faced two problems. First was cable floppiness (which Tesla is now addressing with reduced and stiffened cables/cable harnesses), and the actual connectors which are designed for human installation/operation (and thus the flexibility/maneuverability of the human hand).
Composite material provides more radiation protection, and can be just as strong, so bonus!
I'm not sure why 3d printed metal fabrication is better for pressurized habitable space vs composite vessels - which are also additive manufacturing.
QuoteI'm not hostile to the idea of robotic innovation. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it already existing.
Let me see how this sounds in a different context from 10 years ago:QuoteI'm not hostile to the idea of reusable rockets. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it already existing.
No need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amNo need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing.Provided there's nothing in the plumbing that you can't tolerate in your air supply. For example, it precludes many of the best cooling loop liquids, like ammonia.
The Russian side uses silicone oil on the outside and water+antifreeze on the inside.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/16/2021 06:45 pmComposite material provides more radiation protection, and can be just as strong, so bonus!"Composites" are usually composed of strong fibers (carbon fiber, kevlar, etc) mixed with weak plastic / epoxy.Seems like there's an opportunity here to delete the plastic ("The best part is no part") and make it an inflatable.
This also greatly reduces the assembly of large components in-vacuo. Simply inflate the large exterior "envelope," then plug together LEGO interior components in a convenient shirt-sleeve environment.
No need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing. This is one of the major "lessons learned" from the ISS program.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/16/2021 06:45 pmI'm not sure why 3d printed metal fabrication is better for pressurized habitable space vs composite vessels - which are also additive manufacturing.In practice, composites are much harder to automate, requiring significantly more tooling and prep than Relativity's 3d full metal printing.
Indeed, I would expect their kind of manufacturing to see increasing use in making tooling/dies, vastly reducing the cost of setting up new production lines.
Actually yes. Before reusability was proven, I wasn't taking seriously anything that relied on reusability, or relied on massive price drops below SpaceX's expendables.
Look how anticipating development of other people's technology too early worked out for Robert Bigelow.
By contrast: The Space Shuttle orbiter was reusable.
Except, perhaps, that: A) your first rotating space station isn't going to last 200 years.
And B) if you count on technology that doesn't exist, you've just doubled the number of currently non-existent technologies you have to develop for your first rotating station.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 12:47 pmThe Russian side uses silicone oil on the outside and water+antifreeze on the inside.In both cases, you don't get the enormous benefit of phase change. Which means your radiators/heat-exchangers are going to be lower efficiency and thus large and heavy. (On ISS, the US/international side deals with the majority of the station's excess heat.)After all, they didn't pick ammonia because they like working with it. Some of the standard n-fluorocarbons might be a useful substitute, but pressure needs to be higher, compressors larger, etc, everything's heavier, noisier, higher maintenance, and with long lines it can be unfun to work with. And you still got to get the heat inside, outside to the radiators. Doesn't solve the "no external maintenance" requirement.
The EATCS provides heat rejection capabilities for all U.S. pressurized modules and the main power distribution electronics on S0, S1 and P1. The system uses a single-phase anhydrous ammonia as its working fluid for its high thermal capacity and wide range of operating temperatures. Ammonia has an extremely low freezing point of -107 degrees ° F (-77 °C) at standard atmospheric pressure.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/16/2021 06:45 pmComposite material provides more radiation protection, and can be just as strong, so bonus!"Composites" are usually composed of strong fibers (carbon fiber, kevlar, etc) mixed with weak plastic / epoxy.Seems like there's an opportunity here to delete the plastic ("The best part is no part") and make it an inflatable.1. Elon Musk did not invent the phrase "The best part is no part". It has been a philosophy used by engineers of all types since likely forever. Elon Musk uses the phrase to highlight points about what they are doing. But otherwise engineers are normally motivated to simplify things.
2. The epoxy in composites is not there for kicks and giggles, it is there to hold the flexible fibers in place and provide rigidity. So no, they are not "weak". Composite fibers are strong in tension, but not strong in compression. Hence the need for epoxy.
3. Making something inflatable does not magically make it lighter than a rigid structure, especially when you have to add layers of air barriers between the non-rigid fiber weave. And inflatables require mass needed for supporting the inflatables when they are deflated, which may not be needed when inflated - extra parts...)
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amThis also greatly reduces the assembly of large components in-vacuo. Simply inflate the large exterior "envelope," then plug together LEGO interior components in a convenient shirt-sleeve environment.Inflatables have some advantages, but with a rigid structure all of the interior can be assembled and tested before launch, and all of the outfitting material can be launched within the structure. You can't do that with inflatables, because they are launched compressed, so it requires a second launch for the rest of the interior outfitting "stuff" for an inflatable.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amNo need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing. This is one of the major "lessons learned" from the ISS program.What? If anything we learned that pre-built rigid modules are easy to assemble as soon as they reach the station. Attach them, plug in the connections, and they are live. I'm not sure where you think we learned inflatables are better,
because there are no permanently habitable inflatable structures on the ISS that have been used to compare to rigid structures - no such experiment was ever done.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pm2. The epoxy in composites is not there for kicks and giggles, it is there to hold the flexible fibers in place and provide rigidity. So no, they are not "weak". Composite fibers are strong in tension, but not strong in compression. Hence the need for epoxy.Clearly it's not needed, since inflatables do without it. The atmosphere (which is needed anyway) is the "structure" in compression, which is a lot more better than ~doubling the mass by impregnating with epoxy.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pm3. Making something inflatable does not magically make it lighter than a rigid structure, especially when you have to add layers of air barriers between the non-rigid fiber weave. And inflatables require mass needed for supporting the inflatables when they are deflated, which may not be needed when inflated - extra parts...)Not "magic" of course, just the deletion of unnecessary parts.
Straps holding it together for launch and the thin membrane air bladders (which have come a long way from the TransHab days) are still a lot lighter than a huge mass of epoxy.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pmQuote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amNo need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing. This is one of the major "lessons learned" from the ISS program.What? If anything we learned that pre-built rigid modules are easy to assemble as soon as they reach the station. Attach them, plug in the connections, and they are live. I'm not sure where you think we learned inflatables are better,The lesson wasn't that. The lesson was that fluid and electrical connections should be run inside the pressure envelope, to avoid an EVA every time they need maintenance or reconfiguration.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pmbecause there are no permanently habitable inflatable structures on the ISS that have been used to compare to rigid structures - no such experiment was ever done.BEAM is permanently habitable. There's always air inside. It's not permanently inhabited because they normally keep the door closed, but that's because.... it's an experiment to verify the suitability of inflatable structures.
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/17/2021 07:02 amLook how anticipating development of other people's technology too early worked out for Robert Bigelow.I don't think Bigelow lacked the technology to succeed, he lacked the customer demand to succeed. Big difference.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 10:58 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pm2. The epoxy in composites is not there for kicks and giggles, it is there to hold the flexible fibers in place and provide rigidity. So no, they are not "weak". Composite fibers are strong in tension, but not strong in compression. Hence the need for epoxy.Clearly it's not needed, since inflatables do without it. The atmosphere (which is needed anyway) is the "structure" in compression, which is a lot more better than ~doubling the mass by impregnating with epoxy.I'm not sure you understand how tension works
with composite construction the fibers are holding the structure together when in space and inflated, but the epoxy is holding the structure together when there is gravity.
And what facts do you have to support your assertion that epoxy doubles the mass?
Carbon/epoxy prepregs for resin bleed processing are usually specified at resin contents ranging from 37% to 42% by weight resin, while the desired or nominal resin contents for these materials are 31% resin content for unidirectional prepregs and 35% resin content for woven cloth prepregs. A 57–60% final fiber volume is typically desired to balance both mechanical performance and part quality.
For inflatables, you need LOTS of layers to hold the structure together when in space
and other structure, not needed for in space, to keep the un-inflated structure together in gravity.
Inflatables have their uses, but I think it is a narrow use case.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 10:58 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pm3. Making something inflatable does not magically make it lighter than a rigid structure, especially when you have to add layers of air barriers between the non-rigid fiber weave. And inflatables require mass needed for supporting the inflatables when they are deflated, which may not be needed when inflated - extra parts...)Not "magic" of course, just the deletion of unnecessary parts.You keep saying "unnecessary parts". I do not think it means what you think it means...
For instance, for composites the epoxy is necessary to provide rigidity, and composite construction results in wall thickness far less than inflatables.
The Bigelow BEAM has multiple layers of soft fabric with spacing between layers, protecting an internal restraint and bladder system, and one of the layers is a closed-cell vinyl polymer foam. To me that is a LOT of layers, and a LOT of complexity.
Plus inflatables would likely not be rigid enough to use as a structural member, like the ISS modules can used for. Meaning you have to add MORE complexity to provide the same function.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 10:58 pmStraps holding it together for launch and the thin membrane air bladders (which have come a long way from the TransHab days) are still a lot lighter than a huge mass of epoxy.It's not just the straps that are needed to hold everything together for launch, but also the structure required to keep the the whole inflatable payload from collapsing on launch, crushing whatever few items are packed inside.
As to what you call "a huge mass of epoxy", where are you getting your data from? And have you investigated to see how much an inflatable module will mass compared to a comparable composite one?
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 10:58 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pmQuote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 01:25 amNo need for an EVA just to connect some plumbing. This is one of the major "lessons learned" from the ISS program.What? If anything we learned that pre-built rigid modules are easy to assemble as soon as they reach the station. Attach them, plug in the connections, and they are live. I'm not sure where you think we learned inflatables are better,The lesson wasn't that. The lesson was that fluid and electrical connections should be run inside the pressure envelope, to avoid an EVA every time they need maintenance or reconfiguration.You can't run ammonia lines inside a habitable space, unless you are OK with everyone dying if there is a leak. So NO, the ISS did not teach us that running coolant lines INSIDE was a good idea, not if you are using ammonia for coolant.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/17/2021 10:58 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 04:44 pmbecause there are no permanently habitable inflatable structures on the ISS that have been used to compare to rigid structures - no such experiment was ever done.BEAM is permanently habitable. There's always air inside. It's not permanently inhabited because they normally keep the door closed, but that's because.... it's an experiment to verify the suitability of inflatable structures.I chose my words carefully. The BEAM is not being inhabited, because it is just an experiment. They keep the door closed as part of the experiment - to measure leakage just in that module.
We have yet to see any long-term experiments of inflatable habits with humans inside. Why is that?
Twark/Ron,Before going too far in comparing rigid vs inflatable using BEAM walls and mass as a comparison, it's worth remembering its layers are also radiation and MMOD shielding. It's not just the containment layer. So comparing it with a rigid composite shell is misleading, since the latter will need all the other layers added between the pressure shell and the outside.[edit: removed extra also more words]
Twark,The density of epoxy is a touch over that of water. The density of any flexible gas-tight layer in an inflatable is going to be in the same range. Rigid vs inflatable won't make much difference to the final mass if the primary fibres are the same.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/17/2021 05:06 pmQuote from: Paul451 on 09/17/2021 07:02 amLook how anticipating development of other people's technology too early worked out for Robert Bigelow.I don't think Bigelow lacked the technology to succeed, he lacked the customer demand to succeed. Big difference.No, he lacked affordable crew access to space. Without that, his modules & space-stations were worthless. My point being that he wasn't just dependent on the technology needed for the modules themselves, but also on an entirely separate technology that he didn't control.
Re: Composites being hard to automate.Yeah, you're right, there's no complex custom tooling here at all.
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/18/2021 05:58 amRe: Composites being hard to automate.Yeah, you're right, there's no complex custom tooling here at all.[picture of complex custom machinery for a single part]To be fair, just because it's not 100% manual doesn't mean that it's 100% automated either.
Re: Composites being hard to automate.Yeah, you're right, there's no complex custom tooling here at all.[picture of complex custom machinery for a single part]
Aside: If Relativity Space's 3d printed metal fabrication process ends up being as revolutionary as it seems, then the only thing shipped up might be weld-wire and replacement weld-heads. And the whole design concept (not just spacester's, I mean everyone's) will need to be completely re-thought.I'm not hostile to the idea of robotic innovation. I'm just not taking seriously any proposal that relies on it already existing.
Everything in the image was set up for that single job, and for that specific part. Every other section of the fuselage, wings, etc needed its own, similar-but-unique manufacturing process.
Composites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.
The comparison was with Relativity Space's 3d metal printing. By comparison with that, composites are very difficult to automate production.
Automation is great when you can lock down the process. Human are good when you can't.
QuoteComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/18/2021 09:16 amComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.Ooh, using new buzzwords now - "adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage,
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/16/2021 09:05 amAside: If Relativity Space's 3d printed metal fabrication their method (just like of everybody else) requires gravity and uses convection cooling.
Aside: If Relativity Space's 3d printed metal fabrication
"adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, so if anything it is something necessary for Relativity Space but not for others.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pm"adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, so if anything it is something necessary for Relativity Space but not for others.I don't know why you think material warpage would be an issue unique to Relativity Space.
[Also off-topic. But curiosity got the better of me.]Quote from: dondar on 09/18/2021 09:57 amQuote from: Paul451 on 09/16/2021 09:05 amAside: If Relativity Space's 3d printed metal fabrication their method (just like of everybody else) requires gravity and uses convection cooling.I could debate how much cooling they need, but I'm much more curious about why you think the process needs gravity? It seems ideally suited to being used in low or zero gravity.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pmQuoteComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.As I've asked before: Please quote properly. It's painful to have to fix it when replying to you.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pmQuote from: Paul451 on 09/18/2021 09:16 amComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.Ooh, using new buzzwords now - "adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, You're reading what you want into what I said.By "adaptive", all I meant was that the same tool can produce more than one part. Any 3d printer, any CNC-machine, and any human-wielded tool, is adaptive.
Most of the time, basic automated systems use robots. These are repeatable, but not really accurate. To overcome this lack of accuracy, an adaptive process needs to be implemented. Adaptive means that the system is able to measure and adapt its process in real-time.
Every injection mould, every die-based stamp-press, is not. Composites, by their nature, are in the latter category. (There are some minor successes at "composite" 3d printing, but nothing yet that could replace conventional lay-up. It's one of the holy-grails of 3d printing.)
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/19/2021 05:24 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pm"adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, so if anything it is something necessary for Relativity Space but not for others.I don't know why you think material warpage would be an issue unique to Relativity Space. Because they said it was. Did you watch their video about how their process works?
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/19/2021 03:43 amQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pmQuoteComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.As I've asked before: Please quote properly. It's painful to have to fix it when replying to you.I have no idea what you are talking about.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/20/2021 05:30 amQuote from: Twark_Main on 09/19/2021 05:24 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pm"adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, so if anything it is something necessary for Relativity Space but not for others.I don't know why you think material warpage would be an issue unique to Relativity Space. Because they said it was. Did you watch their video about how their process works?Assume I haven't and please point me to the specific video / statement.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/20/2021 05:48 amQuote from: Paul451 on 09/19/2021 03:43 amQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pmQuoteComposites are not "additive manufacturing", except in the meaningless sense that all manufacturing is additive, it is certainly not adaptive manufacturing.As I've asked before: Please quote properly. It's painful to have to fix it when replying to you.I have no idea what you are talking about.He means incorrectly using [quote] instead of [quote author=Paul451 link=topic=53918.msg2291632#msg2291632 date=1632022998].
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/20/2021 10:49 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/20/2021 05:30 amQuote from: Twark_Main on 09/19/2021 05:24 pmQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/18/2021 08:43 pm"adaptive manufacturing". Of course Relativity Space has to use that because of warpage, so if anything it is something necessary for Relativity Space but not for others.I don't know why you think material warpage would be an issue unique to Relativity Space. Because they said it was. Did you watch their video about how their process works?Assume I haven't and please point me to the specific video / statement.This video, and they talk about mitigating warpage around 5:30:[snip]
It is not "incorrect", since I have years of conversations with Paul where he never mentioned this supposed issue, and since I was only responding to one single post he made, the norm on NSF is to only reference the header HTML code at the beginning.If Paul wants to change that standard on NSF, fine. But he is the first person I can remember to complain about it, so I don't feel a need to change.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/21/2021 01:53 amThis video, and they talk about mitigating warpage around 5:30:Weird. I just got done watching that video before reading your post.Nothing in that video suggests that this warpage problem is unique to Relativity Space, however.
This video, and they talk about mitigating warpage around 5:30:
Add me as the second person to complain; it's really annoying to fix those broken quotes!
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/21/2021 02:31 amQuote from: Coastal Ron on 09/21/2021 01:53 amThis video, and they talk about mitigating warpage around 5:30:Weird. I just got done watching that video before reading your post.Nothing in that video suggests that this warpage problem is unique to Relativity Space, however.I never said it was unique to Relativity Space. It is something that needs to be monitored on large 3D printed parts, especially since the walls are so thin and the length so long. And warpage is a concern in many manufacturing processes, so it isn't unique to 3D printing.
Quote from: Twark_Main on 09/21/2021 02:31 amAdd me as the second person to complain; it's really annoying to fix those broken quotes!They aren't "broken". The link at the top is still there. This "debate" is about convention - not unlike the "debate" about how many spaces after a period. But it is a debate about a convention, not about a law being broken.
And yes, rotating spaceships...
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/21/2021 03:04 amThey aren't "broken". The link at the top is still there. This "debate" is about convention...It harms readability, navigability, and usability.
They aren't "broken". The link at the top is still there. This "debate" is about convention...
Unless anyone has a fantastic electromagnetic GCR radiation thingy, we're stuck with geometric constraints.Do we have a fantastic (near-term) electromagnetic GCR radiation thingy, by any chance? Bueller? Bueller?
Slightly Longer-term idea here, but what if you followed a sort-of real-estate approach? Instead of one company building the whole station (expensive), the company builds a "shell" station. This would have little more than the basics - a Heavy-duty balancing system, a spin-up/down system, and minimal life support. The company can then sell "land" on the station and make a profit without as much capital expenditure as required to build the entire station.
Slightly Longer-term idea here, but what if you followed a sort-of real-estate approach? Instead of one company building the whole station (expensive), the company builds a "shell" station.
This would have little more than the basics - a Heavy-duty balancing system, a spin-up/down system, and minimal life support.
The company can then sell "land" on the station and make a profit without as much capital expenditure as required to build the entire station.
Quote from: jdon759 on 09/25/2021 09:49 amSlightly Longer-term idea here, but what if you followed a sort-of real-estate approach? Instead of one company building the whole station (expensive), the company builds a "shell" station. This would have little more than the basics - a Heavy-duty balancing system, a spin-up/down system, and minimal life support. The company can then sell "land" on the station and make a profit without as much capital expenditure as required to build the entire station.Effectively, that is a whole station. The minimum build before you can sell "land" is exactly what any commercial space station would involve.Power, thermal, life-support, pressure shell, MMOD/rad shielding, attitude control, attitude thrusters/OMS, and in the case of a spin station, spin-up/down system and mass distribution control.
I have a rotating space station design that could be progressively built like that, but I think most of the cost of a rotating space station would be for the station itself - outfitting living spaces would likely be the minority of the total cost.
Those are good points about it being most of the station already, and it is a problem I am aware of - the most expensive part has to be done anyway.
But I think you may be overestimating how "complete" my suggested station is.
I do not expect the initial "shell station" to have much more habitable volume than a reentry capsule. Modules with their own life support, pressure shell and MMOD/rad shielding would be the "buildings" that are built on the "land" of the shell-station's structure.
But I think you may be overestimating how "complete" my suggested station is. I do not expect the initial "shell station" to have much more habitable volume than a reentry capsule. Modules with their own life support, pressure shell and MMOD/rad shielding would be the "buildings" that are built on the "land" of the shell-station's structure. Power and stationkeeping would be all that is provided to these buildings by the shell-station. This requires a heavy-duty balancing system because the station is assured to be imbalanced due to decentralised design and non-simultaneous construction. It's analogous to a Stanford torus where the dwellings within the torus are not built at the time the torus is "complete", but are added later by the people living there.
The problem I have with the real-estate model is that with an "empty" site on Earth, there's common "infrastructure" that we take for granted that doesn't exist in space. Air. (Duh.) But also everything that it allows, such easier thermal control (just circulate air through your building, or through your heat-exchanger,) and easier access to neighbouring sites and access to other infrastructure like roads. Seemingly little things like pressure automatically equalising in any system that isn't gas-tight. For example, in sewerage systems. Makes construction and use vastly easier.
That said, I agree that the "mass balancing" requirement is probably overblown. This isn't a wheel-on-an-axle, where even slight imbalances cause vibration, free-rotating objects find their own centre-of-rotation. Beyond the intermediate-axis issue discussed {waves hand} over a bunch of threads, the system will be innately stable. The only requirement for a fixed centre-of-rotation is for docking. And IMO it's better to design a docking system that can cope with off-axis approach, rather than require the station (and approaching spacecraft) to be perfectly balanced around a (shared) fixed physical axis. It's yet-another-system-to-develop (yay!) but once solved, it eliminates so much hassle.
It's not just that "it's harder". It's "different" to the point that not only does the analogy break down, but that such a method of construction would end up costing everyone more than simply not doing it. It wouldn't even save money in the development stage of the core station (pushing costs forward to the clients, reducing buy-in for early investors.)
and Paul you assumed I was arguing a point that I wasn't arguing.
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/28/2021 04:33 pmsuch a method of construction would end up costing everyone more than simply not doing it. It wouldn't even save money in the development stage of the core stationI [....] still argue that a division of function/outsourcing of components can make the whole process more cost-effective for everyone involved - and that this is a better way to approach the problem. The entities that want space on a rotating spacecraft don't necessarily want to build the spacecraft itself, but they will find value in being able to build the module/habitat that is to be placed on such a spacecraft.
such a method of construction would end up costing everyone more than simply not doing it. It wouldn't even save money in the development stage of the core station
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/28/2021 04:33 pmThe problem I have with the real-estate model is that with an "empty" site on Earth, there's common "infrastructure" that we take for granted that doesn't exist in space. Air. (Duh.) But also everything that it allows, such easier thermal control (just circulate air through your building, or through your heat-exchanger,) and easier access to neighbouring sites and access to other infrastructure like roads. Seemingly little things like pressure automatically equalising in any system that isn't gas-tight. For example, in sewerage systems. Makes construction and use vastly easier.I've worked on a design for a Earth-level gravity rotating space station that would have provided open space for future tenants, but the infrastructure issue, as you point out, becomes a big challenge. Bottom line is that there were too many challenges to solve with that design, and it was highly unlikely that anyone would need a 1G station anytime soon. Instead I'm focused on a Mars-level gravity rotating space station that will be fully built out, though some internal spaces could be customized, and I'm using the same approach for my rotating spaceship designs.QuoteThat said, I agree that the "mass balancing" requirement is probably overblown. This isn't a wheel-on-an-axle, where even slight imbalances cause vibration, free-rotating objects find their own centre-of-rotation. Beyond the intermediate-axis issue discussed {waves hand} over a bunch of threads, the system will be innately stable. The only requirement for a fixed centre-of-rotation is for docking. And IMO it's better to design a docking system that can cope with off-axis approach, rather than require the station (and approaching spacecraft) to be perfectly balanced around a (shared) fixed physical axis. It's yet-another-system-to-develop (yay!) but once solved, it eliminates so much hassle.Agreed.
Quote from: Coastal Ron on 09/29/2021 02:12 amQuote from: Paul451 on 09/28/2021 04:33 pmThat said, I agree that the "mass balancing" requirement is probably overblown. This isn't a wheel-on-an-axle, where even slight imbalances cause vibration, free-rotating objects find their own centre-of-rotation. Beyond the intermediate-axis issue discussed {waves hand} over a bunch of threads, the system will be innately stable. The only requirement for a fixed centre-of-rotation is for docking. And IMO it's better to design a docking system that can cope with off-axis approach, rather than require the station (and approaching spacecraft) to be perfectly balanced around a (shared) fixed physical axis. It's yet-another-system-to-develop (yay!) but once solved, it eliminates so much hassle.Agreed.I'm sure that issues with rotational stability are solvable, but I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss these problems. Rotating structures often behave in very counter intuitive ways:
Quote from: Paul451 on 09/28/2021 04:33 pmThat said, I agree that the "mass balancing" requirement is probably overblown. This isn't a wheel-on-an-axle, where even slight imbalances cause vibration, free-rotating objects find their own centre-of-rotation. Beyond the intermediate-axis issue discussed {waves hand} over a bunch of threads, the system will be innately stable. The only requirement for a fixed centre-of-rotation is for docking. And IMO it's better to design a docking system that can cope with off-axis approach, rather than require the station (and approaching spacecraft) to be perfectly balanced around a (shared) fixed physical axis. It's yet-another-system-to-develop (yay!) but once solved, it eliminates so much hassle.Agreed.
As for the cubesat analogy....Modularity helps, but cubesats are cheap mainly because they're small. Space station modules are not small.Space station modules also kill people when they fail, so all the additional QA and testing adds a fair bit of cost. If a cubesat fails, nobody dies.I think we'll see nano-racks inside a rotating space station, allowing universities to fly cheap payloads. But I doubt we'll see university-level budgets (or even single company-level budgets) launching entire habitation modules any time soon.I think the station-to-module connection is the wrong place to put the customer interface. To borrow a phrase, "rotating space stations are not LEGO." Just like rockets, the whole thing really needs to be designed all together (structurally, infrastructurally, crew circulation and emergency egress, rotational balance, etc). This is less true for purely microgravity stations like the ISS, of course.
I should clarify that my thinking on this is mainly framed by my aim to implement a small ISS-deployed spin-G free-flyer, carrying payload modules around the size of 6U (long) cubesats. Treading a bit of a fine line here because of IP concerns, but basically we're designing something where the (deployable) framework can be taken up in a Dragon2 trunk, while the pressurised modules go up (and come back) in the pressurised section of Dragon. Agreed you have to design the whole thing at the beginning, but making the modules interchangeable like cartridges would be highly desirable if it can be done, because you can then run iterative 3-6 month partial g experiments, reusing the framework component multiple times. Being able to bring those modules down from orbit after completion would be invaluable for a number of fields, so I'm pretty sure there's a saleable service there - if we can get it to be interchangeable.