I don't see a helicopter with that much blade area and apparent mass going anywhere in that atmosphere. And if it were to be significantly more lightly built with a significantly lower wing loading I'd think it would be unable to weather windstorms unless maybe it were to be secured to the rover and even then I'd think it would need to be in an enclosed hanger. It seems to me that you could make the helicopter lighter by powering it from the rover (which also allows more frequent flights) rather than putting the weight of solar power collection on the helicopter but they do show a small solar collector at the top.
Quote from: OxCartMark on 02/23/2016 03:20 pmI don't see a helicopter with that much blade area and apparent mass going anywhere in that atmosphere. And if it were to be significantly more lightly built with a significantly lower wing loading I'd think it would be unable to weather windstorms unless maybe it were to be secured to the rover and even then I'd think it would need to be in an enclosed hanger. It seems to me that you could make the helicopter lighter by powering it from the rover (which also allows more frequent flights) rather than putting the weight of solar power collection on the helicopter but they do show a small solar collector at the top. I trust that JPL's engineers are able to model and test whether the vehicle can fly.
Dr. John Grant presented a talk, "New Discoveries by Rovers on Mars" today in the Exploring the Planets gallery at the National Air and Space Museum. (It's part of a series of talks called "Ask An Expert.")(John Grant was/is involved with Sprit and Opportunity, MRO/HiRise, and Curiosity.)
Potential biosignatures identified?
Quote from: Star One on 05/10/2016 11:41 pmPotential biosignatures identified?Spirit observed some mineral fomations that looked like some seen here on Earth. Still not sure if the ones here on Earth were made by life though.'Cauliflower' Silica Formations on Mars: Evidence of Ancient Life?http://www.americaspace.com/?p=91183
They've pretty much decided on three caches of about 10 samples each.