Author Topic: Source of Silhouette picture of dish antenna  (Read 7403 times)

Offline mycall2758

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Source of Silhouette picture of dish antenna
« on: 09/23/2023 09:53 am »

I'll try to keep it short
In 1962 artist Robert Rauschenberg produced a silk screen printed picture called "Sundog" which included what looks like a  silhouette picture of the construction of the dish antenna at Goldstone California in the late 1950's
The only real reason I say this is because the dates are round about the right time and the dish antenna tower looks conical in shape like the picture below (Obviously I may be completely wrong). So i am trying to track down where the original image came from. I've reverse image searched, flip through publications at (as Rauschenberg used a lot of magazine pictures ) and looked through NASA picture library all to no avail.
I'm hoping someone with a better memory than me might remember seeing the photograph from which this image was derived.

Thanks for reading

Offline LittleBird

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Re: Source of Silhouette picture of dish antenna
« Reply #1 on: 09/26/2023 08:40 am »

I'll try to keep it short
In 1962 artist Robert Rauschenberg produced a silk screen printed picture called "Sundog" which included what looks like a  silhouette picture of the construction of the dish antenna at Goldstone California in the late 1950's
The only real reason I say this is because the dates are round about the right time and the dish antenna tower looks conical in shape like the picture below (Obviously I may be completely wrong). So i am trying to track down where the original image came from. I've reverse image searched, flip through publications at (as Rauschenberg used a lot of magazine pictures ) and looked through NASA picture library all to no avail.
I'm hoping someone with a better memory than me might remember seeing the photograph from which this image was derived.

Thanks for reading

Fascinating post, thanks.

Just a query, do you know for sure he didn't do it from life (as opposed to from LIFE ;-) )

Only reason I ask is that by late 60s of course he was famous enough that NASA did take him to do paintings that way, and, more plausibly, it turns out that he had a contact and collaborator in Bell Labs, Billy Klüver and etc from 1960 or so. 

Might be a lead, anyway ?

Tags: Goldstone history 

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