Author Topic: Australian Launch services  (Read 10155 times)

Offline Malcolm Jarmyn

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Australian Launch services
« on: 11/06/2021 05:18 am »
updates and conversation on Australian Launch Services, Jarmyn Enterprise Space is devoloping a SSTO launch rocket for LEO,

Offline Steven Pietrobon

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Re: Australian Launch services
« Reply #1 on: 11/07/2021 01:27 am »
Thanks for the update Jarmyn. Here's their website

Unfortunately, I can't view it as it gives up on browsers it doesn't like. So much for worldwide web compatibility!
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Offline CameronD

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Re: Australian Launch services
« Reply #2 on: 11/07/2021 10:04 pm »
Thanks for the update Jarmyn. Here's their website

Unfortunately, I can't view it as it gives up on browsers it doesn't like. So much for worldwide web compatibility!

Interesting.. It loads for me - but if their domain guy can't spell "enterprise" that doesn't bode well for their rockets!!
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going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead.

Offline PM3

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Re: Australian Launch services
« Reply #3 on: 11/13/2021 05:01 pm »
Interesting.. It loads for me - but if their domain guy can't spell "enterprise" that doesn't bode well for their rockets!!

And this:


A$ *** for * to * orbits.
A$ *** for * to * orbits.
A$ *** for * to * orbits.

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Offline Stan-1967

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Re: Australian Launch services
« Reply #4 on: 11/13/2021 05:50 pm »
zooming in on the posterboard of their presentation ( website home page) says launch cost is $1M-2M USD.  So for 50 kg, that is $20k to $40k per kg. 

It's hard to read the text, but it looks like the serviceable orbits is 60 to 100 degrees.  Surprised that they are targeting high inclination & even slightly retrograde with a SSTO. 

They have some interesting ambitions for future projects, but I am thinking their plate is full with a 400kN FFSC Methalox engine.  For the 343s SL-ISP & 360s Vac-ISP they will be pushing chamber pressures close to Raptor. 

Anyone have any idea how you would best deploy an extendable nozzle on an SSTO?

1.  Exit the atmosphere as quickly as possible, shut down main engine, extend nozzle, restart main engine? 

2.  Extend nozzle while the engine is producing thrust?  How will this work in real life?  Seems like a delicate issue to get the nozzle extension to smoothly insert itself and make contact with the under expanded plume without possibly tearing apart the engine.

If they can push state of the art in lightweight composites, have a great T/W Methalox engine that can operate primarily at Vac conditions & high ISP, SSTO seem doable if customers will make payloads that can take 10-20 G's at MECO.

Offline Malcolm Jarmyn

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Re: Australian Launch services
« Reply #5 on: 07/15/2022 07:35 am »
The Hawk Junior SSTO is on hold at the moment as Jarmyn Enterprise Space devolop and refine their technology in the devolopment of the Hawk series of launch vehicles, as technology is refined to a point that will almost guarantee the success of the Hawk Junior will it be finialised and launched. stay tuned for more details in the future.


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