Author Topic: Road to Mars - Interactive virtual 3D world of the Starship launch facility  (Read 11910 times)

Offline axroth

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Hello everyone!

I would like to introduce you to the Road to Mars project.

Road to Mars is an Interactive virtual 3D world of the Starship launch site at Boca Chica.

This playable world can be fully explored, and allows you to do some simulations in order to illustrate, and document, everything that is happening at the launch site.

This content will serve as a reference for future generations. The idea is that this project can evolve as a simulated virtual world, allowing the users to follow this entire journey of humanity to the planet Mars, in a rich and detailed 3D environment.

You'll be able to follow the evolution through an interactive and dynamic timeline, just use the time line slider button back and forth and watch the vehicles and buildings come and go.

You'll also be able to roam freely around the environment, pilot a drone, handle cranes, drive vehicles, test tanks, launch rockets and much more! All this in a smooth and seamless 3D environment. You can also have this experience in VR and be impressed with the size of the rockets and buildings in a way that only virtual reality allows you to feel. (Oculus, SteamVR, Windows Mixed Reality).

Our journey will not end until the arrival of man on mars, including the first settlements on the red planet, and eventual intermediate missions to the moon... everything will be created and simulated within our environment.

We also will provide seamless updates! You don't need to leave the environment to install new software versions for content updates, all content will be automatically downloaded from our servers and will appear in front of you as new assets as the environment evolves. The time line will start in March/2021 and with your help I will run to catch the present day. You will be able to follow and engage the journey.

It is available now for PC in beta stage. It will also be available for Mac, Linux and planned for Xbox and PlayStation in that order.

The project will be funded by donations.

Hope you all enjoy!

Check out the presentation video below:

You can also apply to become a Beta Tester:

More information soon!
Follow us on Twitter: @RoadToMarsX

Subscrite to our YouTube Channel:


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