Author Topic: Arianespace launch schedule  (Read 1721310 times)

Offline GWR64

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2540 on: 09/18/2022 02:57 pm »
Arianespace has updated their rideshare mission opportunities page once again:


SSMS #5:  Q4 2022 -> Q1 2023
SSMS #6:  Q1 2023 -> Q3 2023

MLS #2: Q2 2025, LEO (88°) -> Q2 2026, GTO
MLS #3 and #4 have been removed.

In the meantime, a Vega SSMS#16 has been pushed in between. 500 km SSO LTDN 11:00 PM  Q3 2023
One of the last two Vegas.

Vega-C SSMS #6 Q4 2023
« Last Edit: 09/18/2022 03:01 pm by GWR64 »

Offline SpaceThomas

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2541 on: 09/20/2022 03:16 am »
According to NEXT SPACEFLIGHT, the Vega-C missions SSMS #3 and SSMS #4 are planned for NET January 2023. I have tried several times to point out this error to the administrator, who also works for nasaspaceflight, but he refuses to be advised and unfriendly does not react. So who is wrong Arianespace or NEXT SPACEFLIGHT?
« Last Edit: 09/20/2022 04:03 am by SpaceThomas »

Offline Galactic Penguin SST

Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2542 on: 09/20/2022 06:22 am »
According to NEXT SPACEFLIGHT, the Vega-C missions SSMS #3 and SSMS #4 are planned for NET January 2023. I have tried several times to point out this error to the administrator, who also works for nasaspaceflight, but he refuses to be advised and unfriendly does not react. So who is wrong Arianespace or NEXT SPACEFLIGHT?

I am on Next Spaceflight’s database editing team and the information I got was that:

“SSMS 1 was on 03/09/2020, then SSMS 2 was on 29/04/2021 with Pléiades 3, but Pléiades 4 was launched with a VAMPIRE structure, not an SSMS one”

Both are at “NET (January) 2023” as I don’t know which month they are planned right now.

So what’s the correct schedule that you think should be?

EDIT: I have just checked and I think I now know what you mean, the next one is SSMS #5, which means SSMS #3 must be = flight VV19 with Pléiades 4 on 17 August 2021 and SSMS #4 = VV21 = Vega-C 1st flight on 13 July 2022, is that correct?
« Last Edit: 09/20/2022 06:37 am by Galactic Penguin SST »
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Offline SpaceThomas

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2543 on: 09/20/2022 03:42 pm »
According to NEXT SPACEFLIGHT, the Vega-C missions SSMS #3 and SSMS #4 are planned for NET January 2023. I have tried several times to point out this error to the administrator, who also works for nasaspaceflight, but he refuses to be advised and unfriendly does not react. So who is wrong Arianespace or NEXT SPACEFLIGHT?

I am on Next Spaceflight’s database editing team and the information I got was that:

“SSMS 1 was on 03/09/2020, then SSMS 2 was on 29/04/2021 with Pléiades 3, but Pléiades 4 was launched with a VAMPIRE structure, not an SSMS one”

Both are at “NET (January) 2023” as I don’t know which month they are planned right now.

So what’s the correct schedule that you think should be?

EDIT: I have just checked and I think I now know what you mean, the next one is SSMS #5, which means SSMS #3 must be = flight VV19 with Pléiades 4 on 17 August 2021 and SSMS #4 = VV21 = Vega-C 1st flight on 13 July 2022, is that correct?

yes, SSMS #3 and #4 just needs to be removed from Next Spaceflight

Offline Galactic Penguin SST

Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2544 on: 09/20/2022 04:31 pm »
According to NEXT SPACEFLIGHT, the Vega-C missions SSMS #3 and SSMS #4 are planned for NET January 2023. I have tried several times to point out this error to the administrator, who also works for nasaspaceflight, but he refuses to be advised and unfriendly does not react. So who is wrong Arianespace or NEXT SPACEFLIGHT?

I am on Next Spaceflight’s database editing team and the information I got was that:

“SSMS 1 was on 03/09/2020, then SSMS 2 was on 29/04/2021 with Pléiades 3, but Pléiades 4 was launched with a VAMPIRE structure, not an SSMS one”

Both are at “NET (January) 2023” as I don’t know which month they are planned right now.

So what’s the correct schedule that you think should be?

EDIT: I have just checked and I think I now know what you mean, the next one is SSMS #5, which means SSMS #3 must be = flight VV19 with Pléiades 4 on 17 August 2021 and SSMS #4 = VV21 = Vega-C 1st flight on 13 July 2022, is that correct?

yes, SSMS #3 and #4 just needs to be removed from Next Spaceflight

Changes have been made.
Astronomy & spaceflight geek penguin. In a relationship w/ Space Shuttle Discovery.

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2545 on: 09/21/2022 06:13 pm »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - February 10 - OneWeb L13 (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-M (VS27) - Kourou ELS - 18:09:37
02 - June 22 - MEASAT-3d, GSAT-24 - Ariane 5ECA+ (VA257) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:50:07.300
03 - July 13 - LARES 2, SSMS #4: ALPHA, ABCS (AstroBio CubeSat), CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D), GreenCube, MTCube 2 (ROBUSTA-1E), Trisat-R - Vega C (VV21) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELV - 13:13:17
04 - September 7 - Eutelsat Konnect VHTS - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA258) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:45:07.3

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

November    21   23 - Pleiades Neo 5, Pleiades Neo 6 (Dual SSO Launch), OQ Technology nanosat - Vega C (VV22) - Kourou ELV
December - MTG-I1, Galaxy 35, Galaxy 36 - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA259) - Kourou ELA-3

  Q1   NET February 17 - Syracuse 4B (Comsat-NG 2), Ovzon-3 - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA260) - Kourou ELA-3 - 00:15:00
January  Febraury-March - THEOS 2 mainSat (THEOS 2 HR), THEOS 2 smallSat (THEOS 2a, THEOS 2 LR), SSMS #5: ICEYE (x2), satellites - Vega C (VV23) - Kourou ELV (or Q1)
April 5-25 - JUICE - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA261) - Kourou ELA-3
Second half of April 15-30 - Sentinel-1C (ROSE-C) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
August - BIOMASS (Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment) [Earth Explorer 7] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
September - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6], ASAP-S #1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or 2024)
Q3 - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET April  Q4 - dummy payload, CuriumOne, OOV-Cube, 3Cat 4, ISTSAT 1, GRBBeta, SpaceCase SC-X01, Bikini Demo, hosted payload: PariSat, Peregrinus, SIDLOC, ESA YPSat–Eye2Sky - Ariane 62 (VA262 / FM1) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
NET    Q2   Q4 - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Late - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - PLATiNO-1 - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - THEOS-2 HR - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - KOMPSAT-7 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - LUXEOSys (NAOS) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C light (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV

Q3 - SSMS #16: SSO - Vega - Kourou ELV
  Q1   Q4 - SSMS #6: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #8: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #9: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - ESP-MACCS (Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats) - TBD - Kourou
Late - MicroCarb - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A) - Vega / Vega C  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Hemeria GEO sat (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Alina lander (Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module), Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
2022  TBD - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - NESS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - FORMOSAT 7R (TRITON) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PRETTY - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - µHETsat - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - THEOS-2 LR - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV25) - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV26) - Kourou ELV

Early - Sentinel-2C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
March - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Q2 2023  H1 - TBD - Ariane 64 [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - Eutelsat 36D comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - TBD - Spectrum (Isar) - Kourou (former Diamond launchpad)
Q2 - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
October 14 - Hera, Juventas, APEX (Asteroid Prospection Explorer) - Ariane 64/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4
October - Sentinel-3C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
November - SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou (or early 2025)
NET December - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Late - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Euclid - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9 - Q4 2023)
Q3 2023  TBD - Uhura-1 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H2 2023  TBD - Optus-11 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
  2023   TBD - ViaSat 3 Asia - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
  2023   TBD - Galileo-FOC FM25 (Patrick), Galileo-FOC FM26 (Julina) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
  2023   TBD - Galileo-FOC FM27, Galileo-FOC FM28 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2023)
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2023)
TBD - PLATiNO-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CSG-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - Sentinel-1D (ROSE-C) - TBD - Kourou (or January 2025)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) -  Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM31, Galileo-FOC FM32 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - first flight - Miura 5 - Kourou

Q3 2023  Q1 - SSMS #7: SSO  - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #10: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #17: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #11: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  Q3   Q4 - SSMS #12: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #18: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - HydroGNSS - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TANGO-Carbon, TANGO-Nitro (Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers) - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - RACE 1, RACE 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - M-ARGO (Miniaturised – Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - VMMO (Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - LUMIO (LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - YODA demonstrator (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - AWS prototype - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - ELSA-m - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Eagle-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpeQtral-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV

January - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
January - Sentinel-2D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
Q1 - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Midyear - FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer satellite) [Earth Explorer 8], ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere) - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or December)
September - MTG-I2 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
December - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (or Q1 2026) (or Falcon 9)
TBD - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SHALOM - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - ClearSpace-1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - MLS #1: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - SSMS #14: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  Q1   Q3 - SSMS #13: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #15: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q4 - PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SKIM (Sea-surface Kinematics Multiscale monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-7A (CO2M 1) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Vega E  (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV

Q2 2025  Q2 - MLS #2: GTO (550km, Inclination 88°)  - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - MLS #4: GTO - Ariane 6/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - MLS #5: SSO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - MLS #6 (Highway to the Moon) - Ariane 6/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4

Fall - ERO (Earth Return Orbiter) [Mars Sample Return] - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EL3 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CLTV - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C /Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV
TBD - Sentinel-9A (CRISTAL) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - HRWS-X - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - Harmony (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou (or 2028)

Q32 2025  Q2 - MLS #3: GTO (550km, Inclination 88°)  - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - MERLIN (MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Early - Sentinel-7B (CO2M 2) - TBD - Kourou
November - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou
Midyear - Sentinel-12A (ROSE-L) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-11A (CIMR 1) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-11B (CIMR 2) - TBD - Kourou

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Q4 - Aeolus FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey), Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2028  TBD - Sentinel-1A 2nd Gen, Harmony (x2) (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10] - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-8A (LSTM) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-10A (CHIME) - TBD - Kourou

December - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032 )
Late - Sentinel-7C (CO2M 3) - TBD - Kourou

TBD - YODA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

March - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EnVision [M5 mission] - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032-2033)

March - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032)
TBD - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or March 2033)

TBD - ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

March - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

June - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
2022-2027 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Late 2023 - SPAINSAT NG I - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2024) (or Falcon 9)
NET    2022   2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET    2022   2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2024 - SPAINSAT NG II - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Iride constellation - Vega C (multiple launches) - Kourou ELV
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+  - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2025 - CSG-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - AWS constellation (x16) - TBD - Kourou
NET 2025 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (multiple launches)
2026 - ExoMars RSP (CM+DM) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2028) (or US LV)
2026 (TBD) - Jason-CS Follow-on A - Vega-E (TBD) - Kourou ELV
NET 2028 - Sentinel-2A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Iris (military optical observing capabilities) - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Celeste (military electromagnetic listening) - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Cairt [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Nitrosat [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Seastar [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Wivern [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
NLT 2040 - Gaia-2 (Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1C 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-2B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-3B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou

2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega - Kourou ELV


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 315 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 114, Soyuz ST - 27, Vega/Vega С - 21)

Satellites from Hammaguir - 4
Satellites from CSG - 689

ASAP-S - Arianespace System for Auxiliary Payloads for Soyuz rocket
AWS - Arctic Weather Satellite
CERES - Capacité de Renseignement Electromagnétique Spatiale
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CLTV - Cis-Lunar Transfer Vehicle
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Comsat-NG - Communication par Satellite de Nouvelle Génération
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
EL3 - European Large Logistic Lander
G2G - Galileo Second Generation
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
HRWS-X - High Resolution Wide Swath SAR system for earth observation in X-Band
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
MLS - Multi Launch System
NAOS - National Advanced Optical System
NESS – Nanosat 3U for Surveillance of the civilian Spectrum
PoC - Proof of Concept
RACE - Rendezvous Autonomous Cubesats Experiment
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage
YODA - Yeux en Orbite pour un Démonstrateur Agile

Changes on September 21st
Changes on September 23rd
Changes on October 1st
Changes on October 17th
Changes on October 18th
Changes on October 19th
« Last Edit: 06/29/2024 07:54 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2546 on: 09/22/2022 09:27 pm »

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)


TBD - Harmony (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou (or 2028)

ESA selects Harmony as tenth Earth Explorer mission

This exciting new mission will comprise two identical satellites orbiting Earth in convoy with a Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite

Then the next step will involve fine-tuning of the mission design and the subsequent build with a view to launching the satellites in 2029.

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2547 on: 09/23/2022 11:00 pm »
“Eagle-1 is a major building block of a major new European quantum key system. It’s the first satellite quantum scamgraphy system for European cybersecurity,” said ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher at the signing event. “It’s also a major step towards a secure and scalable European quantum communications infrastructure.”

The spacecraft, weighing about 300 kilograms, will be built by Italian company Sitael, with Tesat providing the optical communications terminals. The spacecraft will operate in a 500-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit, making a few passes a day over European ground stations that will be sufficient for testing, said Alberto Rubio, ESA project manager. The launch will be on a European vehicle, he said, as part of a contract that will be announced in the near future.
Eagle-1 was not the only quantum communications project announced during the conference. On Sept. 19, Thales Alenia Space announced a memorandum of understanding with Singapore-based SpeQtral to conduct tests involving the SpeQtral-1 satellite and ground equipment developed by Thales Alenia. The satellite is slated for launch in 2024 with the tests taking place by 2025.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2549 on: 09/24/2022 08:53 am »
With the update by arianespace of their website, company profile page. We have a new official datapoint for the Arianespace backlog.
33x Ariane 5 / Ariane 6
  9x Vega / Vega C

Old data points are:
2x Vega remaining to be launched
3x Ariane 5 remaining to be launched.
18x Ariane 64[+] for Amazon Kuiper.

This leads to:
2x Vega
7x Vega C
3x Ariane 5
30x Ariane 6;  <10x Ariane 62 | >20x Ariane 64[+].

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2550 on: 10/01/2022 10:21 pm »

SAB Launch Services S.r.l., a company part of the SAB group specialized in Small Satellite launch service provision on Arianespace missions, and ICEYE, the global leader in persistent monitoring with radar satellite imaging, have signed an agreement to fly two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites on the first VEGA-C SSMS mission in Q1 2023.
The two ICEYE spacecraft will be flown on VEGA-C mission VV23, the first flight of the SSMS on the new rocket, which had a successful maiden flight in July.

The two spacecraft will be accommodated in VV23 on the upper part of the SSMS dispenser together with the two main passengers of this mission. The final aggregate counts a total of 5 microsatellites and a large number of deployers including institutional as well commercial cubesats customers from all over the world. Thanks to the AVUM performance, the aggregate will be released in 3 different orbits, whereas one of them has been specifically selected by ICEYE. ...

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2551 on: 10/17/2022 04:23 am »
Der nächste Flug einer Vega ist zum folgenden Termin geplant:
Nr.    Version    Flug        Startdatum    Nutzlast(en)    Bemerkung

22    Vega-C      VV22      23.11.2022     Pleiades Neo 5 · Pleiades Neo 6

Angaben ohne Gewähr, Änderungen jederzeit möglich. Aktualisiert: 14. Oktober 2022

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2552 on: 10/17/2022 04:07 pm »
Jeff Foust @jeff_foust · Oct 17, 2022 · Follow
At the Astrophysics Advisory Committee meeting this morning, NASA says that ESA is exploring options to launch the Euclid mission on a Falcon 9 in mid or late 2023. It was to launch on a Soyuz, which is no longer an option; not many other alternatives for a 2023 launch.

Jeff Foust @jeff_foust
A feasibility study for launching Euclid on a Falcon 9 is ongoing and should be done by the end of the month.
« Last Edit: 10/17/2022 04:09 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2553 on: 10/17/2022 08:24 pm »
By this application, SSC Space US, Inc. dba Universal Space Network
(collectively, "USN"),1 a Delaware Corporation, seeks FCC approval to support
the Launch and Early Orbit (LEOP) support of the Syracuse4B spacecraft on its
way to geosynchronous parking position at 46 degrees east. The spacecraft will
be launched no earlier than February 17, 2023, at 00:15:00 UTC. USN has been
contracted to support the Syracuse4B spacecraft LEOP for a period of up to 180
Spacecraft injection
1 999U 22099A 23048.94923610 .00000000 00000-0 +00000-0 0 14
2 999 3.0301 310.0095 7280542 178.0728 3.1613 2.26979166 18

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2554 on: 10/17/2022 11:27 pm »

RTL|Update: 11.10.2022 07:50

On Monday afternoon, the Minister of Defence informed the respective Chamber commissions that the military satellite LUXEOSys will be launched in 2023 as expected.

Minister Bausch informed the defence and budget commissions that the operation is "on track" and that the launch is expected to take place between July and November 2023.

probably Vega ? VV25
« Last Edit: 10/17/2022 11:37 pm by GWR64 »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2555 on: 10/18/2022 11:44 am »
[Oct 18]
EarthCARE, an Earth science mission also originally manifested on a Soyuz, will likely go on Vega C, Aschbacher said in August. Sentinel-1C, a radar mapping mission, will also launch on Vega C, while two pairs of Galileo satellites previously set to launch on Soyuz are expected to go on Ariane 6 instead.

He emphasized them any use of non-European launch options like SpaceX would be a temporary measure. “If we go to backup solutions that are not European, this is an interim solution, and Ariane 6 and Vega C will remain our baseline launchers,” he said.

ESA is scheduled to give an update Oct. 19 on the status of Ariane 6 testing that may include a new schedule for that vehicle’s first launch, which has slipped to some time in 2023.
« Last Edit: 07/01/2023 10:29 pm by zubenelgenubi »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2556 on: 10/18/2022 12:48 pm »
EarthCARE, an Earth science mission also originally manifested on a Soyuz, will likely go on Vega C, Aschbacher said in August.

EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6], ASAP-S #1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV

EarthCARE roughly corresponds to the maximum payload mass for the Vega-C.
So it will probably launch solo and not before 2024.

« Last Edit: 10/18/2022 08:05 pm by GWR64 »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2557 on: 10/18/2022 01:24 pm »
Google translate
Both THEOS-2 satellites are scheduled to be put into orbit in early 2023. Wait to follow.

Both THEOS 2 satellites on Vega-C VV23 ?
THEOS 2 smallSat (also called THEOS 2a or THEOS 2 LR) built by SSTL, 100 kg,
THEOS 2 mainSat (THEOS 2 HR) built by Airbus, 450 kg
Difficult, to find current information about THEOS 2 mainSat.

« Last Edit: 10/18/2022 01:40 pm by GWR64 »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2559 on: 10/19/2022 08:02 pm »
Google translate
Both THEOS-2 satellites are scheduled to be put into orbit in early 2023. Wait to follow.

Both THEOS 2 satellites on Vega-C VV23 ?
THEOS 2 smallSat (also called THEOS 2a or THEOS 2 LR) built by SSTL, 100 kg,
THEOS 2 mainSat (THEOS 2 HR) built by Airbus, 450 kg
Difficult, to find current information about THEOS 2 mainSat.
Launch    Feb 2023    EOL    ≥2026
Last update:    2022-08-30
Launch    Mar 2023    EOL    ≥2033
Last update:    2022-08-30
« Last Edit: 10/19/2022 08:05 pm by Salo »


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