Author Topic: Arianespace launch schedule  (Read 1726037 times)

Offline Salo

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Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2601 on: 12/16/2022 07:23 pm »

2 November 2022

ARRAKIHS has been selected as the new fast mission in ESA's Science Programme. By imaging faint galaxies in the nearby Universe, ARRAKIHS will provide important measurements to test open questions in cosmology.

Following a call for missions in December 2021, 19 summary proposals were submitted by the space science community, with four teams subsequently invited to provide more comprehensive proposals. At the Science Programme Committee (SPC) meeting on 2 November, ARRAKIHS was selected to move into a study phase. ARRAKIHS is scheduled for launch in the early 2030’s.

The ARRAKIHS (Analysis of Resolved Remnants of Accreted galaxies as a Key Instrument for Halo Surveys) proposal team comprises an international group of experts led by Rafael Guzmán (Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Spain).
According to the attached document, launch is scheduled for the third quarter of 2029 on a dedicated Vega C or rideshare.
« Last Edit: 12/16/2022 07:40 pm by Salo »

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2602 on: 12/16/2022 07:39 pm »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - February 10 - OneWeb L13 (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-M (VS27) - Kourou ELS - 18:09:37
02 - June 22 - MEASAT-3d, GSAT-24 - Ariane 5ECA+ (VA257) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:50:07.300
03 - July 13 - LARES 2, SSMS #4: ALPHA, ABCS (AstroBio CubeSat), CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D), GreenCube, MTCube 2 (ROBUSTA-1E), Trisat-R - Vega C (VV21/VC01) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELV - 13:13:17
04 - September 7 - Eutelsat Konnect VHTS - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA258) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:45:07.3
05 - December 13 - Galaxy 35 (Galaxy 3CR), Galaxy 36 (Galaxy 28R), Meteosat-12 (MTG-I1) - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA259) - Kourou ELA-3 - 20:30:07.3
06 - December 21 - Pleiades Neo 5, Pleiades Neo 6 (Dual SSO Launch) - Vega C (VV22/VC02) - Kourou ELV - 01:47 - launch failure - second stage accident

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

NET February 17 - Syracuse 4B (Comsat-NG 2), Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat), Ovzon-3 - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA260) - Kourou ELA-3 - 00:15:00
February-March - THEOS 2 mainSat (THEOS 2 HR), THEOS 2 smallSat (THEOS 2a, THEOS 2 LR), SSMS #5: ICEYE (x2), EIRSAT-1, MACSAT, satellites - Vega C (VV23/VC03) - Kourou ELV (or Q1)
April 14-30 - JUICE - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA261) - Kourou ELA-3
May-June - Sentinel-1C (ROSE-C) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
September - KOMPSAT-7 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - dummy payload, CuriumOne, OOV-Cube, 3Cat 4, ISTSAT 1, GRBBeta, SpaceCase SC-X01, Bikini Demo, hosted payload: PariSat, Peregrinus, SIDLOC, ESA YPSat–Eye2Sky - Ariane 62 (VA262 / FM1) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
NET December - Galileo-FOC FM25 (Patrick), Galileo-FOC FM26 (Julina) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Early 2024)
TBD - PLATiNO-1 - Vega - Kourou ELV
TBD - LUXEOSys (NAOS) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q3 - SSMS #16: SSO - Vega - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #6: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #8: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #9: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - ESP-MACCS (Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats) - TBD - Kourou
Late - MicroCarb - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A) - Vega / Vega C  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Hemeria GEO sat (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Alina lander (Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module), Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
2022  TBD - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - NESS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - FORMOSAT 7R (TRITON) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PRETTY - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - µHETsat - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV25) - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV26) - Kourou ELV

Early - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Early - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
March - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H1 - TBD - Ariane 64 [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - Eutelsat 36D comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - TBD - Spectrum (Isar) - Kourou (former Diamond launchpad)
June - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q2)
Midyear - Sentinel-2C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H2 - Sentinel-1D (ROSE-C) - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or January 2025)
Q4 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
NET October - Sentinel-3C - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or 2025)
November - SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou (or early 2025)
Late - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Late - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - BIOMASS (Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment) [Earth Explorer 7] - Vega  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Uhura-1 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Optus-11 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ViaSat 3 Asia - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM27, Galileo-FOC FM28 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - PLATiNO-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CSG-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) -  Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM31, Galileo-FOC FM32 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - first flight - Miura 5 - Kourou

Q1 - SSMS #7: SSO  - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #10: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #17: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #11: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #12: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #18: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Q4 - EAGLE-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - HydroGNSS - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TANGO-Carbon, TANGO-Nitro (Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers) - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - RACE 1, RACE 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - M-ARGO (Miniaturised – Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - VMMO (Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - LUMIO (LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - YODA demonstrator (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - AWS prototype - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - ELSA-m - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpeQtral-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV

January - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
January - Sentinel-2D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
Q1 - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or April)
Midyear - FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer satellite) [Earth Explorer 8], ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere) - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or December)
NET Midyear - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - CO2M-A (Sentinel-7A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (or Q4  Q1 2026) (or Falcon 9)
NET Late - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Intelsat-41 (IS-41), Intelsat-44 (IS-44) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SHALOM - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - ClearSpace-1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - MLS #1: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - SSMS #14: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #13: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #15: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q1 - MTG-I2 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q1 - CO2M-B (Sentinel-7B) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Midyear - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - CO2M-C (Sentinel-7C) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Late - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SKIM (Sea-surface Kinematics Multiscale monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Vega E  (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV

Q2 - MLS #2: GTO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Fall - ERO (Earth Return Orbiter) [Mars Sample Return] - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EL3 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CLTV - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - HRWS-X - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)

Q2 - MLS #3: GTO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - MERLIN (MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - CRISTAL (Sentinel-9A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Midyear - ROSE-L (Sentinel-12A) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - CIMR-A (Sentinel-11A) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou (or November)

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - ARRAKIHS - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or early 2030’s)
NET Q4 - Aeolus FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey), Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Sentinel-1A 2nd Gen, Harmony (x2) (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10] - TBD - Kourou
TBD - LSTM (Sentinel-8A) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - CHIME (Sentinel-10A) - TBD - Kourou

Q4 - Sentinel-6 NG A (Jason-CS Follow-on A) - Vega-E (TBD) - Kourou ELV
December - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)

TBD - YODA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Q1 - CIMR-B (Sentinel-11B) - TBD - Kourou
Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG TOPO A - TBD - TBD
December - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)
TBD - EnVision [M5 mission] - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032-2033)

June - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q2)
Q4 - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Q1 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT A - TBD - TBD
Q2 - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - Sentinel-6 NG B - TBD - TBD

Q1 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT B - TBD - TBD
TBD - ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

December - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)
December - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

Q4 - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
Late 2023 - SPAINSAT NG I - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2024) (or Falcon 9)
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C light (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2024 - SPAINSAT NG II - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Iride constellation - Vega C (multiple launches) - Kourou ELV
2024-2027 - IRIS² constellation - multiple launches - Kourou
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+  - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2025 - CSG-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - AWS constellation (x16) - TBD - Kourou
NET 2025 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (multiple launches)
NET 2028 - Sentinel-2A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Iris (military optical observing capabilities) - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Celeste (military electromagnetic listening) - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Cairt [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Nitrosat [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Seastar [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Wivern [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
NLT 2040 - Gaia-2 (Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1C 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-2B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-3B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou

2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega - Kourou ELV


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 317 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 115, Soyuz ST - 27, Vega/Vega С - 22/2)

Satellites from Hammaguir - 4
Satellites from CSG - 695

ARRAKIHS - Analysis of Resolved Remnants of Accreted galaxies as a Key Instrument for Halo Surveys
ASAP-S - Arianespace System for Auxiliary Payloads for Soyuz rocket
AWS - Arctic Weather Satellite
CERES - Capacité de Renseignement Electromagnétique Spatiale
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CLTV - Cis-Lunar Transfer Vehicle
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Comsat-NG - Communication par Satellite de Nouvelle Génération
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
EL3 - European Large Logistic Lander
G2G - Galileo Second Generation
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
HRWS-X - High Resolution Wide Swath SAR system for earth observation in X-Band
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
MLS - Multi Launch System
NAOS - National Advanced Optical System
NESS – Nanosat 3U for Surveillance of the civilian Spectrum
PoC - Proof of Concept
RACE - Rendezvous Autonomous Cubesats Experiment
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage
YODA - Yeux en Orbite pour un Démonstrateur Agile

Changes on December 16th
Changes on December 21st
Changes on December 24th
Changes on December 25th
« Last Edit: 06/29/2024 07:53 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2603 on: 12/21/2022 02:12 am »
Cross-post; VV22 launch failure:

Flight VV22: Failure of the mission

Approximately [3] minutes and 27 seconds after liftoff an anomaly occurred on the Zefiro 40 thus ending the Vega C mission.

Data analyses are in progress to determine the reasons of this failure.

A media briefing is organized Wednesday, December 21 at noon local time (3:00 pm UTC) with the videoconference platform Zoom via the link below:
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2604 on: 12/21/2022 09:48 am »
I see no reference on the press-kit to OQ Technology nanosat being on board.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2605 on: 12/21/2022 11:02 am »
I see no reference on the press-kit to OQ Technology nanosat being on board.

At the beginning of this month, OQ Technology's MACSAT was scheduled for next Vega C flight, not this one.

Ibadan, 2 December 2022. – OQ Technology, a pioneer of 5G IoT satellite services, has announced March 2023 as the planned launch date for the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) & European Space Agency ( ESA) -supported MACSAT mission, following its recent 13 million euros Series A funding round.

The on-orbit pathfinder mission, to launch on a Vega-C rocket rideshare mission (VV23), is to demonstrate advanced 5G IoT services.

Source :
« Last Edit: 12/21/2022 11:08 am by Bean Kenobi »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2606 on: 12/22/2022 01:30 pm »
Posts split/merged to Vega Evolution Discussion Thread.
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2607 on: 12/24/2022 06:05 am »
Meanwhile, Europe’s Vega-C rocket is now slated to launch ESA’s EarthCARE Earth science mission in early 2024.
[Dec 23]
« Last Edit: 12/26/2022 11:43 pm by zubenelgenubi »

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2608 on: 01/03/2023 11:05 am »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 -

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

February-March  NET H1 - THEOS 2 mainSat (THEOS 2 HR), THEOS 2 smallSat (THEOS 2a, THEOS 2 LR), SSMS #5: ICEYE (x2), EIRSAT-1, MACSAT, satellites - Vega C (VV23/VC03) - Kourou ELV (or Q1)
April 13 - JUICE - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA260) - Kourou ELA-3 - 12:15 (or April 14-30)
May-June - Sentinel-1C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET February 17  Mid-June - Syracuse 4B (Comsat-NG 2), Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat),    Ovzon-3   - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA261) - Kourou ELA-3 - 00:15:00
September - KOMPSAT-7 (Arirang-7) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - dummy payload, CuriumOne, OOV-Cube, 3Cat 4, ISTSAT 1, GRBBeta, SpaceCase SC-X01, Bikini Demo, hosted payload: PariSat, Peregrinus, SIDLOC, ESA YPSat–Eye2Sky - Ariane 62 (VA262 / FM1) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - KOMPSAT-6 (Arirang-6) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET December - Galileo-FOC FM25 (Patrick), Galileo-FOC FM26 (Julina) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Early 2024)
TBD - PLATiNO-1 - Vega - Kourou ELV
TBD - LUXEOSys (NAOS) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q3 - SSMS #16: SSO - Vega - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #6: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #8: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #9: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - ESP-MACCS - TBD - Kourou
Late - MicroCarb - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A) - Vega / Vega C  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Hemeria GEO sat (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ALINA lander, Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
2022  TBD - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - NESS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - FORMOSAT 7R (TRITON) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PRETTY - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - µHETsat - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV25) - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV26) - Kourou ELV

Early - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Early - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
March - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H1 - TBD - Ariane 64 [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - Eutelsat 36D comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H1 - TBD - Spectrum (Isar) - Kourou (former Diamond launchpad)
June - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q2)
Midyear - Sentinel-2C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H2 - Sentinel-1D - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or January 2025)
Q4 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Q4 - EAGLE-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET October - Sentinel-3C - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or 2025)
Late - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Late - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - BIOMASS [Earth Explorer 7] - Vega  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Uhura-1 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Optus-11 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ViaSat 3 Asia - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM27, Galileo-FOC FM28 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Early 2024)
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - PLATiNO-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CSG-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) -  Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM31, Galileo-FOC FM32 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - first flight - Miura 5 - Kourou

Q1 - SSMS #7: SSO  - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #10: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #17: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #11: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #12: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #18: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - HydroGNSS - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TANGO-Carbon, TANGO-Nitro - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - RACE 1, RACE 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - M-ARGO (Miniaturised – Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - VMMO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - LUMIO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - YODA demonstrator (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - AWS prototype - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - ELSA-m - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Eagle-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpeQtral-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV

January - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
January - Sentinel-2D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
Q1 - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or April)
  Early   April - SMILE - Vega C /Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV (or November 2024)
Midyear - FLEX [Earth Explorer 8], ALTIUS - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or December)
NET Midyear - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - CO2M-A (Sentinel-7A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (or Q4  Q1 2026) (or Falcon 9)
NET Late - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Intelsat-41 (IS-41), Intelsat-44 (IS-44) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SHALOM - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - ClearSpace-1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Skynet 6A - Ariane 6 (TBD) - Kourou ELA-4 (TBD)
TBD - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - MLS #1: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - SSMS #14: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #13: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #15: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q1 - MTG-I2 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q1 - CO2M-B (Sentinel-7B) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Midyear - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - CO2M-C (Sentinel-7C) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - PLATO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Late - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SKIM [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Vega E+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C/E / IOS-OSPM (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Ariane 6 Evo - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Susie (re-usable upper stage) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4

Q2 - MLS #2: GTO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Fall - ERO [Mars Sample Return] - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EL3 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CLTV - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - FORUM [Earth Explorer 9] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - HRWS-X - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)

Q2 - MLS #3: GTO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - MERLIN - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - CRISTAL (Sentinel-9A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Midyear - ROSE-L (Sentinel-12A) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - CIMR-A (Sentinel-11A) - TBD - Kourou
Q4 - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou (or November)

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - ARRAKIHS - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or early 2030’s)
NET Q4 - Aeolus FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - ARIEL, Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Sentinel-1A 2nd Gen, Harmony (x2) (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10] - TBD - Kourou
TBD - LSTM (Sentinel-8A) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - CHIME (Sentinel-10A) - TBD - Kourou

Q4 - Sentinel-6 NG A (Jason-CS Follow-on A) - Vega-E (TBD) - Kourou ELV
December - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)
TBD - NEOMIR - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - YODA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Q1 - CIMR-B (Sentinel-11B) - TBD - Kourou
Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG TOPO A - TBD - TBD
December - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)
TBD - EnVision [M5 mission] - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032-2033)

June - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q2)
Q4 - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Q1 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT A - TBD - TBD
Q2 - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - Sentinel-6 NG B - TBD - TBD

Q1 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT B - TBD - TBD
TBD - ATHENA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - LISA (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

December - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Q4)
December - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

Q4 - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
Late 2023 - SPAINSAT NG I - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2024) (or Falcon 9)
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C light (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - TBD - Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2023 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2024 - SPAINSAT NG II - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Iride constellation - Vega C (multiple launches) - Kourou ELV
2024-2027 - IRIS² constellation - multiple launches - Kourou
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+  - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2025 - CSG-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - AWS constellation (x16) - TBD - Kourou
NET 2025 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (multiple launches)
NET 2028 - Sentinel-2A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Iris (military optical observing capabilities) - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Celeste (military electromagnetic listening) - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Cairt [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Nitrosat [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Seastar [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Wivern [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
NLT 2040 - GAIA-2 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1C 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-2B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-3B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou

2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - NaSPUoN-0GPM2030 - Vega C - Kourou ELV


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 317 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 115, Soyuz ST - 27, Vega/Vega С - 22/2)

Satellites from Hammaguir - 4
Satellites from CSG - 695

ALINA - Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module
ALTIUS - Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere
ARIEL - Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey

ARRAKIHS - Analysis of Resolved Remnants of Accreted galaxies as a Key Instrument for Halo Surveys
ASAP-S - Arianespace System for Auxiliary Payloads for Soyuz rocket
ATHENA - Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics
AWS - Arctic Weather Satellite
BIOMASS - Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment
CERES - Capacité de Renseignement Electromagnétique Spatiale
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CLTV - Cis-Lunar Transfer Vehicle
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Comsat-NG - Communication par Satellite de Nouvelle Génération
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
EL3 - European Large Logistic Lander
ERO - Earth Return Orbiter
ESP-MACCS - Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats

FLEX - Fluorescence Explorer satellite
FORUM - Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring

G2G - Galileo Second Generation
GAIA-2 - Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics-2
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
HRWS-X - High Resolution Wide Swath SAR system for earth observation in X-Band
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
IOS-OSPM - In Orbit Servicing Operating Support & Propulsion Module
LISA - Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
LUMIO - LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer
MERLIN - MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN
MLS - Multi Launch System

NAOS - National Advanced Optical System
NEOMIR - Near Earth Object Mission in the Infra-Red
NESS – Nanosat 3U for Surveillance of the civilian Spectrum
PLATO - PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars
PoC - Proof of Concept
RACE - Rendezvous Autonomous Cubesats Experiment
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
SKIM - Sea-surface Kinematics Multiscale monitoring
SMILE - Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer

SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
TANGO - Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage
VMMO - Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter
YODA - Yeux en Orbite pour un Démonstrateur Agile

Changes on January 23rd
Changes on February 1st
Changes on February 3rd
Changes on February 13th
Changes on February 14th
Changes on February 17th
Changes on February 20th
« Last Edit: 02/20/2023 06:26 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2609 on: 01/22/2023 03:59 am »
Next Ariane 5 launch is delayed to June:

NET June - Syracuse 4B (Comsat-NG 2), Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat), Ovzon-3 - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA260) - Kourou ELA-3 - 00:15:00

So the JUICE Mission in April will be the penultimate Ariane 5 launch!

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2610 on: 01/23/2023 10:26 am »

ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher says he expects the investigation into last month's Vega C launch failure to wrap up on the second half of February. Return to flight as soon as possible but acknowledges need for deep analysis of quality issues with vehicle.

Daniel Neuenschwander, ESA director of space transportation, says that because the Vega C failure involves it second stage, it may be possible to return to flight first with Vega (which uses a different second stage) before Vega C.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2611 on: 02/01/2023 11:19 am »
SEOUL, Feb. 1 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will launch a multipurpose satellite in the fourth quarter of this year using a European space rocket, the science ministry said Wednesday.
The Korea Multipurpose Satellite 6, known as the Arirang 6, was originally planned to be launched on Russia's Angara 1.2 vehicle last year from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northwestern Russia.
But the plan was scrapped due to the international community's sanctions on Moscow over the Ukrainian invasion.
The Ministry of Science and ICT said it has canceled a contract with Russia last month and picked the Vega-C rocket co-developed by the European Space Agency for the new space launch provider through an international auction.
But the actual launch is expected to take place in the fourth quarter, as Vega-C is now under investigation for its launch failure in December, said the ministry.
On top of that, the ministry said it is working on rescheduling the launch of a next-generation midsized observational satellite, which was scheduled to be aboard Russia's Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2612 on: 02/03/2023 08:45 pm »
Jeff Foust @jeff_foust
Satellite operator Ovzon, which lost its slot on one of the last Ariane 5 launches because of satellite production delays, says its Ovzon 3 GEO satellite will now launch on a Falcon 9 in the 3rd quarter of the year.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2614 on: 02/14/2023 06:35 pm »
China 'N Asia Spaceflight  @CNSpaceflight
CAS, ESA, Arianespace & Airbus recently completed the integration test of SMILE with Vega-C rocket adapter. More tests with European payloads planned in the year & the Mission-Critical Design Review in June. If everything goes well, the launch will happen in April of 2025

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2615 on: 02/14/2023 09:17 pm »
Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)
  Early   April - SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou (or November 2024)

Vega C confirmed by tweet from previous message.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2616 on: 02/16/2023 11:30 am »
UNOOSA and Avio select team from University in Nairobi for CubeSat launch opportunity using the Vega C launcher

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and Avio S.p.A. (Avio) have selected a consortium led by the University of Nairobi in Kenya, joined by the University of Arizona from the United States of America and the non-profit organization Space Trust as the first awardee of the 'Accessing space with Vega C' programme. The selected team will launch a CubeSat at no cost on board the Vega C rocket.

The "NaSPUoN-0GPM2030" satellite is a 3U class CubeSat aiming at building capacity in Kenya by bringing together international partners with existing technical capabilities. The satellite will be developed at the University of Nairobi supported by the University of Arizona and Space Trust.

The CubeSat will be used to demonstrate technologies, such as an inflatable antenna. It will build on NaSPUoN (Nanosatellite Platform for the University of Nairobi), a test bed to integrate satellite technologies, designed and developed by students from the University of Nairobi under a grant provided by Kenya Space Agency.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2617 on: 02/17/2023 06:31 pm »
April 13 • Ariane 5 • JUICE
Launch time: Approx. 1215 GMT (8:15 a.m. EDT)
Launch site: ELA-3, Kourou, French Guiana
Mid-June • Ariane 5 • Syracuse 4B & Heinrich Hertz
Launch window: TBD
Launch site: ELA-3, Kourou, French Guiana
« Last Edit: 02/17/2023 06:33 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2618 on: 02/18/2023 07:24 pm »
NEOMIR: finding risky asteroids outshone by Sun

Details of the Space Safety Programme's NEOMIR mission are currently being fleshed out and it is planned to be launched around 2030 with an Ariane 6-2 rocket.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2619 on: 02/20/2023 12:27 pm »
Avio investors presentation Feb. 15 2023
On page 10 a "V2K" engine is mentioned.
Is that the planned in-house replacement for the Ukrainian engine for Vega-C AVUM+ ?

The failure at VV21 is not mentioned anywhere. I'm afraid that nothing has changed with Avio.
« Last Edit: 02/20/2023 04:51 pm by Salo »


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