Author Topic: L2 Overview and Q&A (2010 to 2015)  (Read 333755 times)

Online Lee Jay

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #40 on: 02/11/2011 10:07 pm »
No way will I get through all this cool stuff this year nevermind in two months.

It would take a heck of a lot of effort to get through it all *ever*.  Information seems to come into L2 faster than I'm able to read it, much less going back to all that exists there already.  It's better organized now than it used to be so it's much easier to pick and choose that which interests you the most.  But, man, there is a lot to choose from!

Offline RobbieCape

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #41 on: 05/23/2011 08:59 pm »
I love L2. It really does get better and better all the time, and is already providing great info on the new vehicles.

Offline Seattle Dave

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #42 on: 05/24/2011 05:04 am »
I love this site and I think I should write a post which express my feelings about L2 in a way I think is warranted.

This is an amazing website even without L2, as much as I know L2 drives the excellent news articles, but I know Chris has said it before that without L2 there's no way they'd be able to run a site this size, and the new servers have shown how well that has worked out. 30,000 people counted on the Soyuz flyaround thread alone today? There's a big audience here.

However I didn't join L2 as a tip jar towards the running of the site, I'll hold my hands up, I was after the goodies and I didn't expect to see what was on there apart from a few promos for full length vids, which was what I was after. Bottom line is it really is much MUCH more than you can ever expect, especially on the depth. I was a subscriber on another site for a few months and they had a lot of videos, as much as most of their videos are now youtubed by NASA or recorded by people like John 44 because they are NASA TV features mostly, so what they are adding is probably being made available now anyway, and I kind of expected the same thing with L2.

But no, the videos are exclusives, like where you are sat in a MOD class learning about being a controller and Gene Kranz walks in to give a pep talk. Like the historic images, 2-4 meg full res photos, for nearly every mission there's been and sometimes 50 plus of them for each one. Sometimes it's a heads up, like the RPM images turning up within an hour. publish a handful a day later, but by then there 300 of them in L2, in sequence, getting stitched by Ron and turned into gifs because the full set is there and people already spotting the couple of dings. All of it downloadable to your own computer for keeps.

Best of all there's more professional space flight guys in there talking and really getting involved, even Jim and OV-106 are friendly there. Now there's really good info on the commercial vehicles too, and we're really getting front seats to the SLS content.

In short it's amazing, and while I've been on this site long enough I'd be more than happy to throw some bucks into the tip jar, those who do get rewarded like you won't believe.

Get on L2, support the site and get cool stuff. Best way of saying what needs to be said.
« Last Edit: 05/24/2011 05:06 am by Seattle Dave »

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #43 on: 05/24/2011 10:14 am »
But no, the videos are exclusives, like where you are sat in a MOD class learning about being a controller and Gene Kranz walks in to give a pep talk. Like the historic images, 2-4 meg full res photos, for nearly every mission there's been and sometimes 50 plus of them for each one. Sometimes it's a heads up, like the RPM images turning up within an hour. publish a handful a day later, but by then there 300 of them in L2, in sequence, getting stitched by Ron and turned into gifs because the full set is there and people already spotting the couple of dings. All of it downloadable to your own computer for keeps.

Best of all there's more professional space flight guys in there talking and really getting involved, even Jim and OV-106 are friendly there. Now there's really good info on the commercial vehicles too, and we're really getting front seats to the SLS content.

Snipped the quote, but I'd just like to expand on this - and great words, Dave.  Really well said.

The RPM photos from this mission were on L2 within an hour of them being sent to the ground.  And not just one or two, there were probably 10 to 20 from each camera, if not more, so imagine 100 RPM images on L2 within an hour of shooting them in space.  That's just amazing work from our sources, and we do thank them - L2 is an amazing place like no other.

The engineers who are on L2, who frequent the site, are very knowledgeable and if you have a question, they'll answer it if they can.  You really get "hands on" with the engineers, sometimes you feel like you're really about to go out on the MLP and fix a GSE issue (not really, but you get that much knowledge out of it).  L2 can't be explained well enough, as much as we try.  It's another level, filled with sources within who pass along memos from the consoles during a mission, memos or knowledge about an issue during a flow, and even learn about the next step in space flight.

Offline MP99

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #44 on: 05/24/2011 06:56 pm »
You really get "hands on" with the engineers, sometimes you feel like you're really about to go out on the MLP and fix a GSE issue (not really, but you get that much knowledge out of it).  L2 can't be explained well enough, as much as we try.  It's another level, filled with sources within who pass along memos from the consoles during a mission, memos or knowledge about an issue during a flow, and even learn about the next step in space flight.

For a recent very impressive example of content, just take a look at the "STS-134: APU Troubleshooting Updates" thread on L2.

18 pages of great detail, background info and superb updates.

cheers, Martin
« Last Edit: 05/24/2011 07:00 pm by MP99 »

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #45 on: 07/10/2011 06:49 pm »
Just waiting for STS-135 ticket sale money  :-\, and completion of a PayPal account setup to become a member (unless there's another method of paying?)

Also - is L2 named after the Lagrange point?

Online DaveS

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #46 on: 07/10/2011 06:53 pm »
Also - is L2 named after the Lagrange point?
No. L2 is simply short for "Level 2".
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Offline Rob in KC

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #47 on: 07/10/2011 06:58 pm »
Just waiting for STS-135 ticket sale money  :-\, and completion of a PayPal account setup to become a member (unless there's another method of paying?)

Paypal is just the secure mechant. You don't need to be a paypal member. You'll see on the payment screen that on the right you get to sign in, or on the left you just enter your card details.

So it's "Pay with Credit/Debit Card *or* Log In". Actually the design's changed a bit since I last used it. See graphic below for what to look for, on the left hand side.

Took me five mins. Chris upgraded me within five minutes of that and I've not left since as it's amazing, far more amazing than you think it is before accessing ;D
« Last Edit: 07/10/2011 07:02 pm by Rob in KC »

Online Lee Jay

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #48 on: 07/10/2011 07:10 pm »
Our renewal rate stands at 94 percent.

That alone should tell you something about the value of L2.

Chris upgraded me within five minutes of that and I've not left since as it's amazing, far more amazing than you think it is before accessing ;D

Isn't that odd?  Everyone heaps praise on it, someone joins and then says stuff like, "wow...I had no idea!".  There's just so much there, it's hard to believe until you join.

By the way, I think there's a good chance that L2 is going to improve going forward because of all this commercial and SLS stuff.  Could be a very interesting few years!
« Last Edit: 07/10/2011 07:12 pm by Lee Jay »

Offline Clint88

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #49 on: 07/11/2011 09:28 pm »
For what it's worth I've been on L2 for a few days now and I've found it STAGGERING. You guys need to advertise it better, especially as it's about helping to fund the whole site, it's absolutely remarkable the level of content and the people on there and the adverts don't touch how amazing it is.

I wish I had joined for longer than two months as I think it'll take more two years to get through this, but at least I can resub. Spent most of the time seeing amazingly cool stuff and then randomly hitting the tag page and there's more cools stuff. So impressive.

Online Lee Jay

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #50 on: 07/11/2011 09:33 pm »
Nice first post, and welcome to the site!

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #51 on: 07/11/2011 09:48 pm »
Thanks Clint, I'm glad you're enjoying! :)

You're probably right about the promotion of L2, but if we ran adverts noting you get free airline tickets and hotel accommodation to a NASA center of your choice, then people would just start joining regardless of being a fan of space flight or not! And we can't have that ;)

(Legal note: You don't get free airline tickets or hotels rooms via joining L2 :D)
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Offline Melroy Fan

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #52 on: 07/21/2011 06:58 pm »
Good afternoon to everyone on this very historic and emotional day.

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of our L-2 sources for everything they have done for the site.

Without all of their help and incredible information, things just wouldn't be the same. Every day I learn something new about the space program, be it the shuttle, ISS, historical, etc. It's been an incredible and magical ride since I came here in 2006 and I have no doubt it will continue, thanks to our sources.

The quality and amount of information we are lucky enough to receive has just been staggering. The speed at which we get information is simply amazing. I think we had to have set a record on this 135 mission with the speed at which we received the RPM photos. Never seen anything like it.

So, thank you to our sources. We so greatly appreciate everything you have done for our space program as well as this site. :)

Offline Steven Richardson

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #53 on: 09/12/2011 04:50 am »
Spent two days on L2 so far and I'm overwhelmed. Wish I had joined for more than two months, as I won't get close to getting through about 10 percent of this mass of content. And to know I'm helping the running of the entire site is great.

Offline Matthew Haywood

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #54 on: 09/21/2011 07:38 pm »
Yep! L2 is ultra awesome!

Offline CharlieT

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #55 on: 10/12/2011 09:10 pm »
How does the new photo section work? Can I download photos to my harddrive and keep them, even after my term ends?

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #56 on: 10/12/2011 09:21 pm »
How does the new photo section work? Can I download photos to my harddrive and keep them, even after my term ends?

Yes to all.

Most of the photos are "attached" into specific threads as sets, allowing for a thread view preview.

So if I randomly pick one thread from a Shuttle mission, there's sets of photos like these, attached to posts (note: On this example you may have seen this one go public, but L2 has full sets of them - as opposed to one or two which NASA select to go public, most of L2's photos are entirely unreleased).

You have the preview size showing. Click on it for full size - or what I do is open it into a new window for a better view. Save as, or whatever you normally do for your browser to save it.

Some massive sequences also have an optional zip download. All L2 content is downloadable, and you get to keep it forever. Only rule is not to republish.
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Offline MP99

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #57 on: 10/12/2011 09:56 pm »
You have the preview size showing. Click on it for full size - or what I do is open it into a new window for a better view. Save as, or whatever you normally do for your browser to save it.

Easier to just click the filename and select the "save" option. If using a half-decent browser it will queue it up via a download manager. This really helps if downloading a large number of files.

cheers, Martin

Offline RichardoLewis

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #58 on: 10/29/2011 10:45 am »
So this works on upgrading the member to access L2. Does this mean I can purchase a L2 subscription for my son for Christmas? He sets up a username and that account can be upgraded?

Offline Carl G

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #59 on: 10/29/2011 10:58 am »
So this works on upgrading the member to access L2. Does this mean I can purchase a L2 subscription for my son for Christmas? He sets up a username and that account can be upgraded?

Yes. You can choose the member to be upgraded, usually yourself, but you can choose your son's account/username.

Any problems, just e-mail Chris beforehand ([email protected] or [email protected]) as it's all manually looked after. No "here's a payment form, you'll never speak to a human" like most other subscriptions.


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